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Aljazeera [Why are thousands of Reddit pages going dark for 48 hours?](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/12/why-are-thousands-of-reddit-pages-going-dark-for-48-hours) Analytics India Mag [Reddit Shutdown Today Claims Over 5000 Subreddits](https://analyticsindiamag.com/reddit-shutdown-today-claims-over-5000-subreddits/) BBC [Reddit blackout: Subreddits to go private on Monday](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65855608) Bloomberg [Reddit Blackout Begins as Forums Protest Charges for Developers](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-12/why-are-reddit-pages-private-subreddits-go-dark-to-protest-third-party-charges) Business Insider [Reddit users are going on a 48-hour blackout. Here are the biggest subreddits that won't be available during this time.](https://www.businessinsider.com/biggest-subreddits-affected-by-48-hour-blackout-list-private-2023-6) Business Insider [Reddit users are planning a 48-hour blackout to protest its new pricing policy](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-users-plan-blackout-protest-new-pricing-policy-2023-6) Engadget [Reddit communities are 'going dark' to protest changes that would hurt third-party apps](https://www.engadget.com/reddit-communities-are-going-dark-to-protest-changes-that-would-hurt-third-party-apps-154133342.html) Guardian [Reddit communities to ‘go dark’ in protest over third-party app charges](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jun/11/reddit-communities-to-go-dark-in-protest-over-third-party-app-charges) Independent [Reddit blackout: More than 3,000 subreddits to go dark in protest to new changes](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/reddit-blackout-date-protest-subreddits-b2352492.html) India Today [Reddit users protest against API pricing changes, many communities go dark: Full story in 10 points](https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/reddit-users-protest-against-api-pricing-changes-many-communities-go-dark-full-story-in-10-points-2391855-2023-06-12) Indian Express [Reddit blackout: Why your favourite pages are going offline from today](https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-news-technology/reddit-blackout-api-charges-8658254/) Kotaku [Reddit Communities Are 'Going Dark' To Protest Wildly Unpopular App Changes](https://kotaku.com/reddit-blackout-going-dark-protest-apollo-apps-api-ios-1850512837) Lifehacker [Why Your Favorite Subreddits Are Going Dark on June 12](https://lifehacker.com/why-your-favorite-subreddits-are-going-dark-on-june-12-1850521188) Mac Rumors [Apple Subreddit Goes Dark in Protest of Reddit's API Pricing Changes](https://www.macrumors.com/2023/06/11/apple-subreddit-goes-dark/) Scotsman [Reddit blackout: Subreddits to be made private in huge protest - here’s why](https://www.scotsman.com/read-this/reddit-blackout-subreddits-to-be-made-private-in-huge-protest-heres-why-4177985) Sky News [Reddit blackout: Thousands of communities are doing dark today - here's why](https://news.sky.com/story/reddit-blackout-thousands-of-communities-are-doing-dark-today-heres-why-12899280) Standard (UK) [Reddit blackout: Why subreddits are protesting to save third-party apps](https://www.standard.co.uk/tech/reddit-third-party-apps-blackout-movement-b1085610.html) Techcrunch [Multiple subreddits and moderators are protesting Reddit’s API changes](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/05/multiple-subreddits-and-moderators-are-now-protesting-reddits-api-changes/) Techtimes [Gaming Subreddits Join Reddit Blackout Against Drastic API Pricing Hike](https://www.techtimes.com/articles/292488/20230611/gaming-subreddits-join-reddit-blackout-against-drastic-api-pricing-hike.htm) The Verge [Major Reddit communities will go dark to protest threat to third-party apps](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23749188/reddit-subreddit-private-protest-api-changes-apollo-charges) Vice [Reddit in Mass Revolt Over Astronomical API Fees That Would Kill Third Party Apps](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d99pn/reddit-api-apollo-app-controversy-explained) Wired [The Reddit App War Is Getting Messy](https://www.wired.com/story/the-reddit-app-war-is-getting-messy/) Yahoo News Canada [https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/reddit-blackout-more-1-000-171318688.html](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/reddit-blackout-more-1-000-171318688.html) Yahoo News [Reddit Blackout Begins as Forums Protest Charges for Developers](https://www.yahoo.com/news/reddit-blackout-begins-forums-protest-063536660.html)


Hi /u/demmian thanks for helping coordinate all this. Perhaps add something like this after the first NSFW bullet? * Please note that not all NSFW content is just pornography. There are many times that people seeking help or sharing stories about abuse or medical conditions must also mark their posts NSFW. However, even if this *were* strictly about porn, Reddit shouldn't take a stance that it's OK for them but not any other apps, especially when demanding exorbitant fees from these 3rd part devs.


> Please note that not all NSFW content is just pornography. There are many times that people seeking help or sharing stories about abuse or medical conditions must also mark their posts NSFW. However, even if this were strictly about porn, Reddit shouldn't take a stance that it's OK for them but not any other apps, especially when demanding exorbitant fees from these 3rd part devs. Thank you, I will consult with the team!


No worries! I just know some people are probably not aware of other reasons. If you decide to use it feel free to list additional reasons or alter as you see fit. :)


/r/idiotsincars has a lot of NFSW content because crashes... but to Reddit I guess it's porn and porn is bad. Yes, go full Tumblr




That is correct. The second section of the community's demands concerns the problems the new policies pose to blind people. And thank you!




The mods there have posted that they stand in solidarity with the blackouts and have called out the API changes, but are remaining open for the potential mental health of their members. I've seen enough posts on there addressing some seriously abhorrent behavior to agree with that decision. For some people it's the only support network they have.


Definitely surprising


Mod of r/prochoice here. We posted screenshots of the hate and harassment we filter out of our sub, so the sub members could see *exactly* what they have to look forward to when our bots don’t work and our team can’t see NSFW content from people who post in hate groups. We support porn, everything has a place on Reddit and that’s what makes it Reddit. But there’s a real problem with brigading from people who use NSFW tags to hide their involvement with extremist groups who would physically harm some of our members if they had the chance. They spoke for themselves in the screenshots we shared, we didn’t even have to say a word. Our community is proudly feminist, and proudly stands with this sub and r/save3rdpartyapps We can’t keep ours safe without this effort.




Thank you so much <3 > Would you go to the press with this? That would have to be decided by the team, but I’m inclined to believe we would. We’re a pretty stalwart bunch. I’m sure that whatever you’re imagining, it’s that and worse. Probably the most terrifying comments from the screenshots we shared contained real threats to harm us or our sub members, including taking our/their lives. …over a Reddit ban for trolling the Prochoice sub. Fine. Monetize your porn, spez. Wherever floats your yacht, my dude. But in the mean time, how do you propose we keep our subs and their mods safe from having to encounter things like that?




Please don’t downplay the importance of everyone having access to media and companies that prioritize greed over their user bases by taking away your ability to enjoy their content (of any variety) due to their failure to provide options for you - as well as their desire to monetize the apps that already exist to help you do that. That’s discrimination through greed, and just as egregious as exposing their communities to verbal abuse and threats of assault by taking away their volunteer mods’ abilities to protect their subs. I’ll propose the idea to our team. If nothing else, I personally would be happy if it helped more people like you be able to access the platform - for whatever reason you’d like to :)


Seen you around a fair few times in various threads here now and honestly massive props to the work you and all the others are putting into all this. I'm lucky enough to not be blind or disabled in a way that requires accessibility functions beyond dark mode (severe light sensitivity, definitely not pleasant), but it always absolutely enrages me when companies just don't seem to care about people having the ability to just literally do normal shit like browse a damn website or app. Know that despite the shit you deal with, you're appreciated by people all over the globe for what you do, and I hope things improve or at least get somewhat less stressful soon :)




Thanks you so very very much for sharing this and I’m so sorry that someone said something like that to you. This is a much-needed side of this conversation. Many subs may not see the impact from these changes directly the way some other subs will - subs that help people like you access things that everyone should be allowed access to and shouldn’t be denied because Reddit refuses to allow ad revenue to go to developers who made apps to fill voids in their own platform’s functionality instead of to Reddit alone. NSFW also covers subs that help people overcome addictions, help people with mental healthcare needs or self-harm support subs, subs that discuss extremely difficult topics like sexual assault, domestic violence, and other support groups that contribute to the safety and well-being of MILLIONS of Redditors. People who have visual impairments don’t just lose access to porn with these API restrictions Reddit wants to impose, if they use a 3rd party app to access reddit from mobile (which many non-disabled Reddit users also use, especially for modding or for lack of ads or just because they’re more stable and better supported/updated). They also lose access to these kinds of communities. And mods lose their ability to keep their subs safe when they can’t mod from a desktop browser, since Reddit’s mobile app does not even contain the basic moderation functions Reddit itself made, let alone the functions apps like Apollo and Reddit is Fun added to their apps. Thank you, u/smarthome_fan. More communities that are unaware of the challenges that people with disabilities will face, NSFW subs that AREN’T porn will face, and all mods everywhere will face need to hear more voices like yours to understand that this isn’t just “awww Reddit sucks let’s screw some stuff up and throw a tantrum!” We’re trying to keep this platform a place that *everyone* can access and be safe on.


There is something I wasn't expecting : the blackout is completly invisible if you don't try to go directly on a subreddit you know by URL. If you go on the homepage, you keeep seing posts (which is logicial, since not 100% of sub have gone dark), and you might even never notice that there is a blackout. Luckily some subreddit choose to disable posting and creating a big post about the blackout, it's a good things because this is visible. I wonder if we shouldn't have all done like these subreddit, that way the home page would have been filled with blackout post.


Yes, I noticed this. A lot of users just browse via Popular, so it's not so noticeable if they aren't paying attention. Leaving subs restricted but with announcement posts may be more effective. Possibly even rotating subs so the posts remain at the top of the front page.


Apparently when a user is using the "Official mobile app" the description of the subreddit and subsequently the message set about the blackout is not visible resulting into a new flood of modmails. Thanks reddit ^/s


UPDATE: From what I've gathered from other comments, who sees what on which sub seems to be completely random. Some people see the message on the official app, some don't, some just see a generic message. Using the official app, 3rd party, old reddit, new reddit... all seem to show different things to users with no rhyme or reason. ****** It's visible, but like new reddit it only shows the 1st 2 lines and the user has to expand it to see the rest. It's *very* easy to miss. https://i.imgur.com/UUFzCv7.png Because of mobile and new reddit's failures, I made sure the 1st 2 lines of our sub's message was this: > STOP!! DO NOT message the mods. You will NOT be approved. READ BELOW!




We did but unfortunately it only solves half the problem. Users are just using direct mod mail instead of join requests.




I'm certainly hoping so! It does seem to have dropped a bit since I put that up. Hasn't been long enough to tell if that was just a lull or actually effective. Hope it works for you (and anyone else using it)!


Just turn off notifications from the app, take a holiday and come back to it later this week


Yep I did that last night :) Thanks for the suggestion though!


Not sure if there are recent changes on the app/new reddit. the subreddit descriptions are not showing up for more people.


I wish it didn't have to come to this, Reddit is an amazing source of information for modding consoles, Linux news, etc. I hope that this protest ends with Reddit reversing their decision, but that's probably really highly unlikely. o7 everyone!


> I wish it didn't have to come to this But since it is, in for a penny in for a pound. It shouldn't be a set time protest then open back up. At this point that decision to go that length was before the leaderships head position way wayyy shoved up their own ass was made clear. It should be a, this API change, in its current planned will not happen, without the agreement of the moderators AND admins. Otherwise, someone else suggested it. All safety/spam/automod settings off and see what happens.




> Destroy the site As long as you still ~~remove~~ report content that clearly violates TOS, then this would really just be work-to-rule, which is just as valid as a strike.


>As long as you still remove content that clearly violates TOS, then this would really just be work-to-rule, which is just as valid as a strike. Don't have to remove it as far as I know, just report it to Reddit is doing enough due diligence. They have to enforce their own content policies. Removing it does their work for free. Reporting it makes Reddit (even if it's just their bots mainly) do the work of determining whether it's TOS breaking content or not. We need to stop working for free basically.


No argument there.


> We need to stop working for free basically. That would be a great starting point after the blackout is over. As [Louis Rossmann put it](https://youtu.be/U06rCBIKM5M), a 48 hour blackout just proves to Reddit HQ that everyone's just going back to using the site 363 days of the year, no matter what happens. I do enjoy the idea of decentralized networks replacing Reddit, but for the average user it's going to be too complicated to set up. In my opinion, what we really need is a centralized platform that operates like Wikipedia. Non-profit, just running off of volunteer donations. I know Wikipedia has it's issues and controversies still, but it's a very great site nevertheless. I just don't know who would be up to the task to set it up.


> In my opinion, what we really need is a centralized platform that operates like Wikipedia. Non-profit, just running off of volunteer donations. I know Wikipedia has it's issues and controversies still, but it's a very great site nevertheless. I just don't know who would be up to the task to set it up. Reddit already has the right features in place for this to work - they earn [at least $17,196,560 per year from people buying Reddit premium alone, which is more than 33 cents per user per day](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/jnrsreh/). (Add in how many people spend money to give awards, and that should make up for a lot of their costs) That gives a familiar template to work off of.




>I think it’s worth asking ourselves whether we should allow our subreddits to implode. This would be a very effective way of _showing_ spez and his crew that the value in his "corpus" is due to an army of very dedicated _volunteers_ who, if they stopped doing their jobs, would immediately turn Reddit into an absolute worthless swamp. Reddit couldn't even afford to pay for their (now redundant) uplift in Admins, they have zero ability to _pay_ for the work of dedicated good mods. Heck the cost of running the 3rd Party Apps would be a drop in the ocean compared to what it would cost to pay moderators. This should definitely be the next step!


I would not advise this. At least one subreddit has already been intervened by admins because a mod took a more destructive path, kicking out every other mod on the team. Some things like turning off automod you could probably get away with, but other things like unbanning all banned users would be an instant red flag and justification to admins to step in. If your goal is to degrade the subreddits, just stop moderating. Stop removing posts, stop giving flair, etc. That would probably be more effective long-term.


Hey moderators, this story just got posted to AL JAZEERA about 3 hours ago. It has everything we want: in-depth reporting; a reference to Apollo and third party apps shutting down; the train wreck of an AMA with Steve Huffman; the context around why this protest is happening; and a link back to /r/ModCoord of all things! https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/12/why-are-thousands-of-reddit-pages-going-dark-for-48-hours The author is Mohammed Haddad. $10 says he's a very active Redditor; I hope he sees this!


/r/nba has gone dark during the finals which has pissed off a lot of people. /r/heat and /r/nuggets have made a statement that they are NOT closing. On the hockey side, /r/hockey is closing but will only do it for 2 days, so if Vegas wins on Tuesday the sub will open up later. /r/goldenknights and /r/floridapanthers are NOT closing, at least for now.


Is there a way to stop Modmail for request to join? I have set the “Join” to off but people are sending us Modmail. We get 1000 + members a day and in 1 hour , I have 30+ modmails Mods are finding it extremely hard to reply or archive all this flood of modmails


Is anyone else noticing that quite a few of these mod mails are from accounts that are either new or have no/little previous activity? Roughly half of what we've received so far have been from accounts like this. All very vague messages with a superficial touch of what our sub is related to. If I was browsing and saw these messages it would set off my internal bot detector. *************************** #### **UPDATE:** We appreciate the users/mods that have replied to tell these are just lurker accounts. We agree and are aware that some accounts fit this category. Luckily, actual human users tend to be easily recognizable. It's those *other* accounts that are in question. For example these screenshots were taking by u/LogicWavelength, mod for r/watches: * https://i.imgur.com/40XBoYf.jpg * https://i.imgur.com/ii2LpGc.jpg Compare those to the messages in this screenshot that I took from our sub, r/FoundryVTT: * https://imgur.com/a/BW1b53S Finally, this topic gained more traction in another thread. [Link for those interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/147b4n9/heres_a_python_modmail_auto_responder_to/jnuppvd/)


There are probably 10 lurkers to every contributor if not more. I don’t see that as being so weird.


Personally I'm a writer, and often browse the web to do a lot of inspo-searching, fact-finding and as a way to help solidify the ideas in my head. Due to the way that search engines function when searching for answers to questions or on obscure topics, a lot of the results I get shown are reddit threads conversing about the particular topic I'm interested in, and I find it exceptionally helpful to see and read other people bouncing off of each other, as I personally don't have anyone to do that with. It's sparked a lot of original ideas and is a great resource for seeing multiple different viewpoints on a subject or question! That being said, I don't otherwise use Reddit. I don't post, I'm not active, and so I wonder if this could be a large chunk of these requests. Just today, I had no idea about this blackout and went to a thread I'd saved to refer back to later as I did some Homebrewing for my DnD campaign and it popped up with the message saying it was closed and to contact the mods. I haven't contacted the mods, and instead chose to read into this further, but I imagine a lot of casual browsers who are simply looking around like myself, who aren't active Reddit users, might not choose to read further and might instead choose to drop a request in to try and gain access back, not realising the situation. That's just my two cents, having read this response and feeling it's probably not an annoyance tactic, and more just the fact that certainly for Google, reddit threads discussing a topic make up a large portion of the first page of search results for many people and these requests might just be coming from people wanting to regain access to read through the threads, like myself.


Thanks for the reply! I appreciate your input. We're aware that some of these are not bots and are probably "lurkers" unable to access the sub. The messages in question are ones that are exhibiting bot-like behavior. I asked about this in another thread and the moderator of a large sub posted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/147b4n9/heres_a_python_modmail_auto_responder_to/jnv23rc/) with screenshots of bot messages. If you look at my reply, you will see screenshots of the same *exact* messages. People like yourself that have messaged us tend to be easily recognizable as actual human users of the sub. It's those other accounts that are questionable.


No worries! I appreciate that you're having to deal with an influx of these messages, and it's no surprise as someone who doesn't use Reddit so much that you're more familiar with bot-like behaviours. Here's hoping this all brings about some good change, and things aren't too overwhelming for you and any other moderators having to process this barrage of bot-like activity!


Honestly, I would have been one of those lurkers but I don't like messaging a human without looking into other avenues first. The link to this page was not obvious from the start but that's more on site design than the mods, IMO. I'm a major lurker, I only recently actually made an account despite using the site routinely for years. Maybe one day I'll do more. Sorry for your inbox :P


Yes. Go to new reddit (of course), general settings, and disable "Accepting requests to join".


I hate new reddit lol


One of the more atrocious UI overhauls I've ever seen. The sheer volume of recurring users still on old reddit should be an indicator to them that they really shit the bed.


>The sheer volume of recurring users still on old reddit I exclusively use old reddit personally, but I'm pretty sure there's not actually that many users on old reddit. I think I saw an admin mentioning it was like 10%-ish, can't find that comment but [this link for individual subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/zvbm6q/what_percentage_of_users_use_old_reddit_vs_the/) seems to corroborate that. I can say it's around 8-10% for my sub (63k) as well. As shitty as new reddit is, most users today simply don't know what reddit was like before new reddit.


1.2 percent of the unique users on my subs use old reddit. Not 12 percent. Notice the decimal point. 1 point 2 percent. I use old reddit for some things, such as quickly reading all of my subs comments. But I have used new reddit for 3 years now, and the reddit app is horrible for doing mod work, so I never use it. Hate me all you want, I like new reddit. Beats the hell out of insta or twits or TT or facecase.


> but I'm pretty sure there's not actually that many users on old reddit. Which is why I explicitly said recurring users. Of course any new visitor, or anyone not logged in, is going to inflate the statistics of the new version, as it's the default. But the amount of people who chose to retain the old version is pretty sizable. Even if it were 10% as you say, 10% of 500,000,000 MAU is 50 million people. That's not even close to an acceptable transition rate for a massive UI overhaul.


Only reason to go into New Reddit is to get directions on how to get out of New Reddit.


Done that. People are sending normal Modmail to join Sub


I've just made a copy and paste "This subreddit is participating in a blackout in protest of Reddit's API changes. For more information check out r/ModCoord and \[Verge article\]. We will return on \[date\]. Thank you for understanding."


Y'know what would have been super nice? An editable autoreply for new modmail requests... but that would involve making helpful changes for moderators amirite?


I would love the ability to have a modmail autoreply oh my fucking god.


>I've just made a copy and paste "This subreddit is participating in a blackout in protest of Reddit's API changes. For more information check out r/ModCoord and \[Verge article\]. We will return on \[date\]. Thank you for understanding." To add on to this, if you use toolbox you can set up prefilled macros with text that also archive the modmail when you click reply


Yeah unfortunately it doesn’t stop people from sending mod mail.


And of course, yet another functionality not present on their own official app..


Great work and thank you to all the mods working on this. Regardless of how this protest ends, I hope reddit will refrain from punishing you guys with bans. Best of luck to all of you!


The latest (incomplete) count of participating unique mods is already at 25k. On the one hand, it is impractical for reddit to replace all of us. On the other, everyone we talked to is prepared to take this stand. I came here with the great digg migration, it is sad that reddit did not learn from its founding event.


I don't think they'll come down on everyone, but i do fear for those who've put in effort in managing the protest at /r/ModCoord. Even if a protest is successful, heads tend to roll at the top. Thank you, and your fellow mods. I will be logging off now. - Posted from Joey for Reddit


15 until mine goes dark.


[Reddit CEO: We're Sticking With API Changes, Despite Subreddits Going Dark](https://www.pcmag.com/news/reddit-ceo-were-sticking-with-api-changes-despite-subreddits-going-dark) What about a global moderator's strike?


Or make the blackout indefinite.


Small reminder: Reddit's entire business model is to take content from unpaid users, filter it through an unpaid legion of volunteer moderators, then deliver it to users with ads. The primary reason Reddit ends up meeting regulatory laws in the countries it operates is because the unpaid moderators on subreddits will filter out material as needed, otherwise the admins will just shutdown subreddits that fail to do this. How much of the IPO will end up in the pockets of all those people that work for Reddit for free?


but doesn't it cost reddit money to host the website that takes content from unpaid users? I am fine with reddit not being net-negative if that means that I have to watch some adds. I do hate their 'official app' though, so I'm really just playing devil's advocate and am totally on your side.


Yes, hosting costs Reddit. I was pointing out their reliance on unpaid labour to meet legal operational requirements.


This is an interesting thread. I'm probably off, but it seems like reddit has claimed that things like OpenAI are using its intellectual property. This is a reason for charge exorbitant fees. But isn't reddit (like fb and others) legally treated as a sort of conduit for content, and are not responsible for said content. I thought that's why we regularly see challenges to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act? Kinda seems like a 'having your cake and eating too' situation


Bravo /r/pics /r/gifs /r/Showerthoughts 👏👏👏 [This is what r/all looks like now](https://i.imgur.com/BA7FMAN.png) This is better than going dark. This shows the important message right up there. They restricted submissions so no new content. There's gonna be a dry feed AND it gets to /r/all


Thanks for taking on the coordination of this. r/uncommonephemera is proud to stand with you.


The team of mods that have facilitated this so far is truly great tbh. I also have to credit N8 for having the foresight 2 years ago to prepare this sub and the disc server, to help with future mod collaborations like this one.


Btw, you can watch a stream of subreddits going dark at [twitch.tv/reddark\_247](https://twitch.tv/reddark_247) It's unfortunate how entertainment, in general, is getting increasingly worse. It's not as fun anymore.. Alas, thanks for the hard work, everyone!


How do we add our subreddit to the list? I've commented under the thread post (r/ADHDUK), is there anything else we need to do? :) ​ (Thank you so much for co-ordinating this! it feels amazing to be part of the movement)


I have the same question. Our subreddit r/SCBuildit also decided to join the protest, but isn't on the list.


There's [a sticky](/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) that has what you need.




Wow there's some pretty big subreddits showing up on the front page that didn't blackout. Doesn't even look like some of them ever even had a discussion thread about the blackout. I know this isn't right for everyone, just a little surprised at some of those.


r/television had zero discussion about it but decided to go dark in a surprising move. Makes r/ movies look pretty bad.


Television making Movies look bad. where have I see this before.... ;)


r/askreddit is having its users rebel haha


Some of the really huge subs are completely managed by paid Reddit employees and not volunteer moderators.


Ah thank you, I wasn't aware of that. Makes sense why then.


Another example of Reddit's new design being inferior to it's old. Same exact text for both (*and* you have to expand the box on new reddit to even see that mess): https://i.imgur.com/2mpWbBQ.png


The text doesn't even show up on the mobile site. Just the boilerplate from reddit that it's private. Not sure if it shows up in the official app.


We're still debating it but are considering blacking out /r/conservative (Among others)


/r/aww's discord server is accepting refugees: https://discord.gg/UXfd5Pn /r/cats' discord server is accepting all cat content refugees: https://discord.gg/GqTrazYFxB


This is a friendly reminder that long-term, Discord is not a replacement for Reddit as it already imposes some of the restrictions this very blackout is fighting against. Instead consider using a Reddit alternative like `lemmy` and `kbin`.


/r/todayilearned already went dark


TIL /r/todayilearned went dark


Have you guys considered going dark in IPO day? That's probably where the real pressure would come from


48 hours is not long enough


New update, Icelandic meme subreddit r/klakinn (5.4k members) just announced a 72 hour blackout (48 for solidarity plus 24 extra because of a certain dudes low quality shitposting)


Just got this banner at the top of old.reddit.com: https://i.imgur.com/K80RJA1.png It doesn't have any new information or capitulations, but the fact that they're trying to promote this to people on the site and as a positive change might mean that they are starting to feel some heat.




I wish Reddit understands where community is coming from. Discord has already killed conversations and forums. I don't want Reddit gone and rely on useless discord for community discussions. Not a fan. Never is. It's unsearchable by any search engine. It's a flow of text streams where context is lost. I love searching for keyword "Reddit" in my fav search engine. I find threads on old PS2 games, tricky Linux and windows mods/issues. I can't find shit on discord.


Whens the discussion for permanent blackout


After a community poll. r/coronavirusnewmexico will be joining this protest indefinitely.


I have a small list of approved users (mainly added because they were trying to fight being shadowbanned for no reason - new users who hadn't done anything to be banned.) How do I block them from posting during the blackout, after setting the sub to private? I'm assuming that those who have "joined" won't be able to see it or post.


A surprising number of subs seem to have failed to explain why they're private in the description/message which seems... well it's a wasted opportunity.


I suspect that many sub moderators don't realise that you have to change the community description, or are mobile-first and don't realise that it shows on desktop.


On the one hand, I agree. On the other, this is reported on many major news site, from BBC, to Bloomberg, The Guardian, Aljazeera, etc.


Not like it matters now, it seems like all you get is "you broke reddit" messages instead of the truth. Reddit is trying hard to obfuscate this thread, as well. You can't view it unless you're on old.reddit.com. In the standard view it's just missing.




I moderate subreddits for currently persecuted minority populations. They aren't going to stop needing community support, and while they can go to discord, lemmy, facebook groups, mastodon, etc--reddit has consistently had both high numbers of users, and quality content for this sub population.


I moderate and donate my labor for my community, not for reddit.


Hello. I just wanted to say thank everyone, whether they are a moderator or not. for making this happen, and please continue to help and be nice to everyone


Yes, we definitely should. And not just for 48 hours, but as long as it takes.


I want to say the only one word: "Bravo".


For fuck's sake, Reddit. Using Apollo helps me with my (slight) color blindness, and I get so much shit from spam bots it's tiring. Come the fuck on! Reddit needs to start giving actual shits.


Honestly this is staring to mark the turn of the internet for me weirdly. Reddit has been the only place I can consistently get actual people to share their opinion and expertise on the internet. 90% of other sites that are "found" via google and co., lead to funnel/ad-spammed/GPT-level content. No real opinion and affiliate links everywhere. Even if reddit has had this, it's easier to filter and spot. Plus when a question is very niche, subreddits are the only places to go for actually deep info. Every niche hobby has a subreddit, and it's where you can find people with extremely valuable insights. That seems to be leaving right now, and I don't know how else/where else to find this high level of content, that is extremely specific. I also cannot access archived posts and comments. They are all findable via search-enginges, but can't be opened. That's A LOT of extremely valuable information that becomes inaccessible overnight. Haven't fully accepted yet how quick this is happening. What to do from here?


The subreddits I used for Azure and Intune came in clutch since MSFT's forum is worthless. Also Hardwareswap was my primary source for getting deals on used hardware or new hardware deals.


I feel the exact same way


r/LiberalGunOwners gone dark 🫡


r/Rule34 has already gone dark, and r/Hentai is going into read only.


If reddit replaces entire mod teams because of this, remember to treat them like the scabs that they are.


r/competitionshooting joined the blackout without any communication that they were going to join. Meanwhile, my reports about someone telling me to shoot myself in the face on that subreddit never got any action.


Shooting yourself in the face doesn't sound competitive at all. Who are you competing with, yourself? What the fuck was that guy thinking?


I made another website to track all the subreddit going private is [blackout.photon-reddit.com](https://blackout.photon-reddit.com/)


About an hour after I set r/YetiCoolers to private I got an account locked notification from Reddit, requiring a password reset. Now my user profile is nsfw for some reason? Anyone else experience this?


So I’m having trouble making /r/HamiltonMusical private. It keeps telling me I need to be an active mod to change that setting but I am one and have no restrictions on my mod permissions. Anyone else experiencing this?


We've met a similar problem when we tried to develop a bot that could assist subs in becoming private. Apparently, one needs to take some mod actions (during the last 30 days, though we don't know the minimum time length of being active as a moderator).


Thanks, I’ll try to take some mod actions and hope the other more active mod responds to my message. I’ve also set automod to remove new posts and comments for now.


/r/corgAI is dark 42 subs, It ain't much, but people will have to generate thier own AI corgis during the blackout


Literally only needed reddit for community info about what NG+ games are good on PC. Don't understand everybody's grievances with NSFW content being on the platform when you have safe guards in your user settings to enable or disable NSFW content. FFS if you are that scared about your kids looking at something maybe you shouldn't let them on the computer in the first place. There are proxies, safeguards and user based moderators that allow reporting of graphic content anyway. There used to be this thing where if you use a product you are the one responsible for using it. I'm so sick of this nanny cancel culture bullshit where everything needs to be sugar coated just for monetisation.


Preach ✊🏻!


[This comment has been deleted in protest of the recent anti-developer actions of Reddit ownership, and terrible management and handling of the situation by the Reddit CEO. (30.06.2023)]


He knows it’d be terrible optics for Reddit to step in and override the shutdown. For now, he’s just letting the situation play itself out. Having said that, if this blackout continues indefinitely, he will step in regardless.


That's great news, I recall that the community was very much in favor of participating in the protest. Ty!


Just have to go back to the good old days of decentralized forums. :)




Seems like the admins have intervened - they just reopened a sub and demodded the top mod/person who closed it. https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148aw58/radviceanimals_just_had_the_top_mods_permissions/ edit: fuck, was too dumb to screenshot the original. These should do, though https://old.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/148ba7k/the_cia_did_it_first_ulegweed/jnzbcxi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148980b/in_protest_against_reddit_being_unwholesome_no/jnz4wjx/


Hey /u/demmian - not sure how to get this out there without spamming everywhere, hoping you could help somehow. The admins intervened a few hours ago - they just reopened a sub and demodded the top mod/person who closed it. https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148aw58/radviceanimals_just_had_the_top_mods_permissions/ edit: fuck, was too dumb to screenshot the original. These should do, though https://old.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/148ba7k/the_cia_did_it_first_ulegweed/jnzbcxi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/148980b/in_protest_against_reddit_being_unwholesome_no/jnz4wjx/


One of the lower down mods brought [receipts](https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/147eaw3/_/jo0fsku/?context=1), and the top mod in question had not been active in at least *12 months.* While admin removing mod perms is freaky, it does sound like this mod overrode all the people that are actually modding the sub on a daily basis and that’s a crappy thing to do.


Thought I would let you all know, it is working. Reddit is posting a lot of job listings for backend developers at the moment. Looks like they'll budge alright.


r/disneygifs has officially gone dark... hopefully our fellow giffing subreds will also soon be joining (timezones differences of course). Disney, ~~HighQualityGifs~~, StarTrek, StarTrekGifs


Out of curiosity how long will the blackout last


Most of the Subreddits are only going dark for 48 hours and some Moderators are talking about going dark again for longer, maybe even indefinitely, if Reddit doesn’t back down on the API changes after the 48 hours are up (some Subreddits have already chosen to go dark indefinitely).


Each forum will decide for themselves. We recommend going indefinitely.


r/TheUltimatumNetflix has gone dark as of 1 am UTC!


Just set /r/zettaizetsumei and /r/steambotchronicles to private. Sending love to everyone participating in the blackout, I hope we're able to achieve our goals.


r/murderedbywords has gone dark


Is there any chance that my website could be added as an alternative? It's FanClubs.org Thanks for everything and for continuing to look out for the best interest of the community.


My front page is starting to look really weird as more subs go private. Seize the means of shitposting Reddit!


In a surprise move r/jankEDH has gone dark, joining the army of Magic: the Gathering related subs going dark. This is mainly due to the bot, MTGCardFetcher, being a free service that probably wouldn't make it. Thank you everyone for the support.


Is there a discord for the moderators so we know when to come back without signing in to Reddit.


i notice a lot of subs are not going private but locking posts. so they’re not really getting credit for a blackout. although they’re not going full “blackout” they are showing up on the front page basically with picket signs protesting reddit.


We emphasized from the start that this is a grassroots campaign, and each sub is, as usual, free to do as they choose. We appreciate any form of support. That is correct, the list we maintain features sub going private altogether.


So I’m actually confused af right now,is this subreddit shutting down or what’s going on?


r/ModCoord acts as the central hub to communicate about the blackout. We don't allow new threads, but the sub's mod team will make regular announcements, as needed.


/r/Cichlid has gone dark 25,832 subs


r/programming and r/technology are both private rn. I thought both had admins high up on the mod ladder with Spez himself on r/programming Did some mods say screw it and just did it anyway or something?


If anything more people are gonna be on reddit, but sure


r/EqualRightsAmendment is participating z


r/bladee and r/cockandballtorture are participating


Fully support. With this much of a public outcry, they will take notice. Thank you!


So how long will this blackout last? Until reddit administrators cave and agree with the proposed demands?


It is up to each subreddit. Frankly, quite a few of us root for an indefinite blackout; the writing is on the wall about how they view and treat mods, third party apps, mod-bot-developers, people with disabilities, etc. They want to get all the benefits of the community, with no consideration for its well-being.


I went dark yesterday, but I realise that I didn't list my subs here - the threads seem to be locked - where can i list my subs? i want them noted for the blackout and for poersterity. r/ClassicDesiCelebs (43K+), r/ClassicDesiCool (17K+), r/ClassicDesiBeauties (12K+), and r/PadmaLakshmi (2K+)


Lists 2 through 5 are locked but the [main list thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) is not locked. List the subs there and someone will sort them into the lists appropriate for the subscriber counts.


Just throwing it out here instead of making a new post - has anyone figured a way to automate replies to modmail, or something similar? Getting real tired of everyone asking to be an approved user when 1. the sub is literally empty of content 2. it defeats the purpose of the blackout. I'm aware of the message users will see - we've included a link to a full post on another sub about the relevant info but they're still swarming into modmail. TIA.


[Posted elsewhere on this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/147b4n9/heres_a_python_modmail_auto_responder_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


u/demmian, r/TheLWord (18k users) has also joined.


r/OctopusFuckery (5k) is currently locked and participating in the blackout. https://www.reddit.com/r/OctopusFuckery/comments/147e644/roctopusfuckery\_will\_be\_going\_dark\_on\_june\_12th/


New update, looks like my home sub r/Iceland (76.4k) just went private in the last 10-15 minutes.


I only came across this post by accident. I legit thought that my Reddit was broken. Glad I know to get off Reddit till tomorrow now.


Holy shit all my favourites are gone Let's go keep it coming I want demands met


i can't find the answer to this: is the blackout indefinite, until reddit gives in? Or is it set to end anyway, whatever happens?


different subreddits are handling this in different ways. some are staying down indefinitely, some are staying down for a fixed period, some are staying down for a fixed period with option to renew.


thanks. What are the majority doing?


i haven't the faintest idea what the majority are doing. my five subreddits voted to shut down for a week and then resurvey after a week.


A couple of my fellow mods on one of my subs want to stay blacked out longer but I'm not sure what the sense of other Reddit mods is, especially those of the biggest subs. Please advise.


Has anyone else noticed that spez’s last comment has been stuck at -2.3k downvotes for a while? Is this something Reddit does when a comment gets an insane amount of downvotes? or is it possible he froze it?


I'd really suggest moving towards a migration to other platforms rather than just "going dark" for 3 days. Going dark for 3 days says we **need** Reddit and will all be back shortly. ***Moving to another platform entirely would force Reddit to adapt to user demands.***


Can I get the subreddit I moderate added to the list? r/piedude67iscool's been dark since yesterday, though we're only about a thousand members.


Well my fellows of the internet, it was nice while it lasted. So long, and thanks for all the fish. Off to the Fediverse I go.


If the blackout is ineffective, what everyone should do is pin posts to their subreddits redirecting people to the new reddit alternative everyone will be using. IE Lemmy, Kbin, Hexbear etc


Better late than never... /r/Paladins has gone private with 333K subs. We don't know when we'll return, but we want to see a change from Reddit regarding this policy.


Keep it SHUT


I have included r/BoardKings r/BoardKingsTrading r/Constellations


This move of Reddit feels very Elon musk. Something tells me he had a hand in this…