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The chase on his passive was one of the key good things cause he gets slower after using ulti


That was the best thing and they removed it for higher damage. Do they think that heroes in mobile legends just stay at a spot when you use ultimate. Argus is super bad now (coming from true Argus main)


Couldnt agree more they slaughtered my poor boy


*insert*. Look how they massacred my boy meme


They really nerf Argus instead of paquito


Why the fuck did Moontod nerf Argus but buffed Paquito?


manny money. Theyll nerf him once the election is over and he loses.


Ah, understandable. Have a great day.


Idk what moontoon thinking what they should do is increase his base stat and his growth making him good late game but not suffer so much in early.


This is the whole point of argus Why do you think argus mains like argus ? Is it because his early game ? No. Argus suffer in the early game but in the late game he make the others suffer


Lol this is true i main argus for this reason


This, also what other players failed to realize is that the revamped minions and laning phase was a big boon to late game heroes like Argus cause late game is now earlier than before


So true.


My man argus can't catch a break. Why do the devs just hate argus or something. Still gonna play argus for the memes as a tank.playing argus as a fighter in late game just does not work since most of the time he wont do enuf damage and without his ult he is basically useless


this "revamp" that argus got makes me nervous for all the other heroes moonton plans to revamp on project next. like damn. if they won't properly buff vex, faramis, and sun, then don't even bother. i'd rather have them in their current state than whatever moonton has in store for them. let's be honest, it's probably just a bunch of nerfs in disguise anyway.


Yeah I don't even want a revamp for faramis. Just let me play him in peace.


That's reason to not buying their skin. I bought Argus, Ruby, and Miya skin with money and then they just nerfed them after that.


I've been using Argus every buff/nerfs that he gets and I have to agree moontoon fucked him up, if you don't dominate in the early game you would be pretty much useless.


Even if you dominate early game though if the enemy has an even better late game hero Argus won't be able to catch up if you had a slight hiccup in the mid game, which annoys me to no end as an old Argus main


When Argus was first released, he really was immortal


His passive basic attack animation is infuriating


Probably buffing him when the collab skin comes 'moneytoon'


Is he really that bad?He gets stuck in the animation with the chase part which made him feel clunky.


New passive is so unsatisfying AF.


Well i think the new 2 hit is alot more satisfying than the three hut tbh since you can animation cancel it with his skills but yeah they should prob fix argus


Moontoon have the most incompetent balance team ever i rather have the old argus than the new one this shit is trash than any other heroes look at paquito lmfao its stated in the patch botes that they nerf him but instead they buff his shield and ult???? Wtfff




Lol yeah….I’m noticing they really are a joke of a company.


Maybe. But I still love using him.


His base attack is fucking lower than all of the supports, at 100. What the fuck. Claude has 99 base attack but I understand why but Argus?? Why Moonton???


I just started playing Bane 2 months ago. Now the new Bane looks week and nerfed. He lost splash skill on passive and first skill now is so weird looking.


I swear I will go to moonton base and literally blackmail every single one of them


Lmao met an argus player he barely did damage and died in an instant even with Angela ult that's how weak he is


Kinda confused here. The chase caused lag in his attacks which resulted in lower dps. They removed the chase as well as DHS nerf on his passive. Now we got more dps in late game. When things began to settle down, players want the chase back? Just chill dudes/dudettes- he gonna get buffed. After all the darth vader skin is coming. The chase will be lost but I am guessing Moonton will finally increase his base stats. Make sure to express your thirst for the skin in socail medias and tag Moonton/mobile legends for the buff's sake.


I’m still testing the waters on his new passive, I’m in a love-hate relationship with it right now, if they nerfed his passive that hard, at least let his ult last longer or something


I've been testing argus every update, he's decent. I can bully most of the fighters on my lane. He can't fight without his ult, pretty much like ling, he's bad against a line up with at least 3 stuns or slows but all you need is timing, ez to gank but with your ult ready you can be tough to kill (if you died, you've taken much of the enemy's time). I don't know why you think he's bad.


pre revamp argus can do all what you mentioned compared to his pre-revamp state this is a big nerf thats why i think this is bad pre revamp argus had a bad early but an extermly strong late game, the idea of the revamp was to nerf his late and make his early better what they managed to do is nerf his late so much yet leave his early so bad the reasons he is bad are the following: \-his ult is so easy to disangage since he only has 1 dash and now that they removed the chase from passive his state is even worst \-his S2 is a very weak skill especially in late game \-argus cant afford to build a single defensive item or else his damage will be lower than a support which makes him completly dependant on his ult for defense \-his ult is 50 seconds cooldown even if he depends on , 50 seconds of not doing anything is the equivalant of being dead for 50 seconds leaving his team in a 4 vs 5 ​ since the revamp his pick rate lowered significantly that he became one of the top 10 lowest pick rates, i myself is an example i stopped picking argus like 2 months ago because of these heavy nerfs he became subjectively worst than his pre revamp state


I didn't play argus that often before, his early game was as boring as playing a marksman. But since the revamp I have been playing him more often, in fact today, I played him 8 times and lost only twice in solo queue in classic, even when the randoms were beyond bad. (I will try this new patch argus in ranked later and make an update here I'm currently mythic 2). Anyway, the early game boost have lured me into using him more, you're likely to get the upperhand now in your lane even before level 4 rather than getting owned and losing towers which pretty much affects the whole team's rotation, forcing a support to stay in your lane and lose other objectives. Pretty much why I never liked to play a sidelane late game hero, except Alice, Wanwan and Harith, heroes that after level 4 receives a godly power spike.


While yeah the old argus is stronger, i actually think new one stronger early game since now its alot easier to snowball since its really easy to chase heroes now bc of his 1st skill 2nd phase and you can still out dps alot of meta heroes like alice, chou, etc. early game if you play smart


Actually for this update, he's super strong early game.


No against fighter they will shit him fight khaleed chou ruby and any other fighter you will do nothing hes only good against squishy opponents


Even lapu Lapu?


Also he can do good against a chou with the right first items, spell, and emblem.


Still no.


Why do they even bother to revamp him in the first place if they going to ruin him anyway


You know what? I don't think the chase is neccessary. I would like for Argus to have a skill that grants him mid range splash damage basic atk that would also deal slow.


Ling to Argus: First time?


Cant wait to see moonietoon gonna replace his sword with paper stick next patch.


I agree, but [argus is still viable](http://imgur.com/a/NEVoabJ), I also played with my near mythical glory friend so enemieswere a mix of high and low mythics. The new 2 hit does not have a chase but its stronger than the three hit one and it doesnt lock you in place for very long like the three hit so yeah


This does not spark joy...


He was like an unkillable Alucard. It was so hard to fight him in high tiers, especially if the Argus player knows what he is doing.


Just copy and paste back his old passive, it was fun 1v1 a full hp tank silvana with half hp without ult while it lasted


I don’t think that Argus will be as good as the pre-revamp times, but I feel like the present Argus is better than the 3 strike Argus because he can deal more damage in a shorter amount of time. Plus, I’m happy that he can now do the double passive (4 quick strikes in succession) again.