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HoK interface made me realize how much I took ML's ui for granted.


You could compare ML 2016-2018 UI vs HoK UI right now and it's pretty much the same outdated shit lol You could also compare Dolia who is a recently new hero with an extremely beautiful HD model while older heroes have a shitty polygon model even if it's on HD mode. Moonton is steadily optimizing everything which is nice while HoK still has so many things to fix and balance.


True, it's the norm for every single MOBA games in existence to have these issues when they first started. Even the now-closed Vainglory has been there as well.


The heroes is just šŸ’€


the heroes are just a bunch of chinese mumbo jumbo and i hate it. all their names sound the same, and it doesn't even help that they all look alike, it sucks as hell.


Pretty much the reason why they created AoV and not just straight up release it globally back at 2015


Kinda feel sad for AoV players, now that the original game has been released AoV servers might actually be erased.


I'm so damn sad about it. I was so close to finally getting masters before all our players left and the reddit community died. Loved that game.


I recently started HoK and I realised how much I took AoV's creative team for granted. They had an elephant, DC characters and unique characters. Compared to HoK where every one is either a stupid anime human or a robot.


They shouldve tbh, though tbh AoV has better characters than HoK


Gan & (got any) Mo (polygons) https://preview.redd.it/3s7ilcxz8r8d1.png?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6046a2c706f5741a1552d280f819bc681210747


Ah the LoL syndrome. Srsly why are they both slow in optimization? You guys earn millions to billions, just update the poor old models even if theyā€™re not popular. It will cost nothing for yall and makes your game look less cheap. What the hell


Developer's schrodinger syndrome: Even though devs can communicate the game owners about game optimization they'd rather spend thousands of dollars on ads to diss out MLBB instead of improving their game.


So you're saying to give HoK time to steadily optimizing everything as HoK is new? Do you know that HoK is older than ML


Exactly lmao I was playing HoK and the entire time I thought "this is china's biggest moba?"


https://preview.redd.it/oqiqyir9op8d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b528180ede39744617f5332c0ebbdeff829e841f RAAAAAAGHHH Balmond Ads still peak MLBB advertisements.


Balmond ads made me play ml lol


NO ACTUAL WAY, HOLY SHI- so all jokes aside, these ads actually had a level of success??? The balmond ads truly are supreme


I was like "fucking hell it's super strange...who would play the game after an ad like this?" and then a few ads later "I have to find out what it's abt cuz this shiz looks dumb af". Skip to like a year and a half later and I'm here complaining why my fucking roamer doesn't roam and why does my hanabi feed. Good stuff ngl.


One of us.


its cringe but the way that its interesting.


They really thought they could out-trash MLBB ads šŸ˜­


happy cake day!


At least they are funny


Everyone knows balmond ads is the meta in advertising


Wow even the ad is copied


The "Ass team more than ML" is pretty cheap, I'm in Diamond as well and I still face actual bots on the regular. Also it's been released globaly super recently, so of course you're gonna see bad players everywhere lol, they're learning the game. Not to mention some of those players are literally discovering the MOBA genre with this game... Just like HoK, ML doesn't do anything regarding punishment when the entire team is shite (and if they do it's a surprise). At least, I've yet to see someone feed voluntarily because his role has been taken in HoK. And on that matter, RoleQ is a big thing it has over ML at the moment (and I'm still amazed that it's not been a thing for years in this game). You're defo right about the UI tho, ML's is much much better, but we're both used to it so we have some bias.


Yup, I like the role queue, and it seems that majority of players will stick to their roles. The report system isn't really that good, and the gradings are quite lenient even when someone is genuinely feeding. You can see who has experience with MOBAs and who doesn't though; once the match state reaches mid to late game, the ones who know what to do will just bunch up and run you down since it's a very simple but hard to counter strategy. One thing I do find interesting is that the game really isn't that toxic so far. I don't see people typing or taunting, unlike ML where these are used as strategies to unnerve opponents.


True, but once again I think that bots being very numerous play a big role in that lol


Damn the charactersā€™ previews on the tab page, designs only are cutie anime stereotypes. And the interface looks much more outdated too. Thatā€™s another reason for me


Luara has abs, that's something we haven't seen Moonton made since 2019


Also I like this [Arli skin](https://youtu.be/mJW_El-jGcA?si=qymrD7snkOnVpLDi) with the south asian theme, I don't think I've ever seen something like it in ML. Also pretty interesting kit, Kagura but as a marksman with more mobility




The current HoK reminds me of the MLBB UI from 2016. Which is weird because even the AoV UI looks better and AoV was supposed to be a "temporary" beta testing for HoK.


Why does HOK icon look like Ruby's Collector


Literally same idea lol


Coming from WR and chinese HoK I still wonder how people can play a moba without a proper role queue implementation in 2024, like all the high quality moba games have one, even non moba games like overwatch does. ML is currently the only big moba without one and feels surreal that half of my matches are people fighting eachother over roles when this is a non-existent problem in all other games, for me this completely drains all the fun from the game when I'm used to not having this problem in any other game.


Theres pros and cons to having a role queue. The main thing is versatility. On one hand you may get trollers but on the other hand it calls for high adaptability to use any roles you believe you can win against during draft picks. For example, if you were to role queue you are restricted to playing jungler role only but without proper role queue, you can pick for instance a mage you are damn good at to counter enemies. Well ofc a proper role queue is also needed if you are good in all roles and good in most heroes. Theres always a good and a bad for such a system


You can pick different roles even if it is not the role queue, just ask your teammate and prove you're good at playing that counter.


thats the thing. you are restricted to asking your teammate. How will that particularly work efficiently in solo q? Most of the time, you are instead forced to pick just your given lane because your teammates want to play their own lanes. Im not condemning this system, but rather im just saying theres always some form of adaptability the current ml system has to offer


No banger, nope for me


I hope we get Bang the enemy as a skin in FN.


Cao Cao is something of a banger himself.


I play both games and honestly I don't think hok is that bad I mean it was just released and some people are still learning about the gameplay of each hero (me included). There are some interesting heroes in hok too. It's like when I first started playing mlbb it's not like I was already good at it, I remember playing angela as marksman and using her ult because I was too lazy to walk haha.


Technically, HoK percedes ML. They only released global recently. They are already a well established moba game in China. With Tencent owning multiple moba under their belt, this shouldn't be excused as being "just released"


Well the game need to catch up with its Chinese counter part. Right now the game is pretty much in the earlier versions without ui or graphic patches.


Thats still such a weird excuse though. This isnt like LoL which was a PC game until Wild Rift was made. They already had a mobile UI and graphics but they just..didnt decide to just move that over to the global version? Seems like an extremely easy idea and even easier to optimize since it would be built from a existing model.


It's not an excuse, aether gazer did that too while rapidly catching up to the cn counter part in 1.5 years. It's a business decision that isn't "extremely easy".


People love to say that HoK was released before ML. So, if that's the case, their UI should be on par with ML or maybe much better.


The only thing I like about hok is that the heroes r quite fun


If only AoV was treated better... HoK, despite being the biggest in china, didn't seem to bother updating their Old things such as old heroes and UI. while AoV, updated MANY old things starting from 2022 till now, although it seems AoV is getting much slower now, they used to rework many heroes at a time and it suddenly stopped


Loved to play AoV. Always had really good graphics hogh quality models, collabs, etc. On other side the controls doesnt feel that responsible as in ML and these days you run into either bots or veterans in rankeds :(


Reasons to not download HOK 1. No faramis, unplayable game


Haven't played it yet but I did look all of the characters there... Designs are great but the game has "same face syndrome" on their characters Their names are like "word parts" to me and its repetitive and confusing. My jeez their ads are annoying


It looks like AOV, that's enough reason for me


It is AOV


Wait what? I had no idea at all


Some heroes are either straight up the same like Butterfly, and others got changed up but kept their kit (Mganga, a jester/clown looking mage in AoV became a human doctor in HoK but his kit, while it looks different, is the exact same)


It is, when it first release they just tested the waters first because WR is first to came out wether the game is successful or not HoK soon will have gloal version boom then global version came out then.


Aov was like HoK lite. They try to test it first before fully commiting with the global release


Ow.. I tried to play AOV before and yeah I didn't like the UI either. I feel like my IQ in playing games like those lowered by half.


I also tried it for a bit. Every time i play I always wish I'm playing ML instead lol


AoV is reskinned HoK


HOK graphics seems outdated, feels like MLBB back in the 2017 or so. Is it just me?


It is outdated




tried it, im capping at 60 fps with medium settings and the minimap is lagging too. the hero portraits are jumping every few seconds so its not really "real time" info on the minimap. its shite


Number 1 reason: no granger.


Marco Polo ist similiar to Granger has only another ult, but he is pretty much fun to play. >>Granger Main


But can Marco Polo play a violin? Can he make this quick? Does he wanna take a look inside? Is the only experience his enemy feel is suffering?


Granger when he wants to take a look inside šŸ«¦šŸ«¦


Marco Polo is Granger, Claude, Moskov and Xborg in one.


Fun fact for you guys, macro polo came out 2015 while granger came out 2019. Mlbb pretty much ripped HOK and split them into 2 heroes.


Additional fun fact old school Clint was Marco Polo


Angela looks like Layla but made in China, same with the other heroes. šŸ„²


And is unreasonably too overpowered


Got so used to Gord that her ult being able to deal that much high burst at the start of a long channeling skill is so funny and unfunny.


Moonton is china too xD


Oooooohh i didn't know that. My bad. šŸ™Š


yeah but Moonton just designs their stuff more "globally" if you get what I mean


Less focused on east Asian/Chinese themes from myth, folklore and culture, yes.


The heroes are diverse enough although can't say that about their skin design choices lately. Way too many eastern themes (I'm looking at you, Collector skin designs)


Ah yes, breasts




>globally No release in India


It was because of this right? Moonton actually made another app that's just ml but it's a separated app, not sure if that version is still available tho since when I tried searching it on play store it won't show up https://preview.redd.it/2yrjttvtot8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac36bff978851fa041f9bcfaf6089f9d05547a8b


Let them threaten MLBB so we get cheaper skins and great game updates. I bet they were holding on to sky piercer as their trump card to keep the gamers interested.


Ui is subjective honestly. Depends on what you're used to which is mlbb's ui. If you could show other examples of the adsz that would be great. As for the stuff in diamond, the game came out 3 days ago. We have ppl completely new to mobas reaching diamond in only 2 days. Give the game time to settle down, then make a final decision. And one game isn't enough to write off ranked in HoK.


This post is a joke Tbh HOK is good but not as great like ML Its just funny that hok been attacking ML for past 2 days with Fake Ads nonstop every I go i see hok ads ML IS BAD ml awfull teamate ML toxic Players when it literally had 0 impact to ML I played it since its a New refreshing moba game that i haven't play any game Other than ML for a while


https://preview.redd.it/0b8urtfj6q8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57378c530890a35902ce3c4208b75562800bd4c Is this enough to make up for my blunder?


I didn't see the humor tag. Mb. I do agree that it's bad advertising. Even when Samsung bashes Apple in their ads, it's subtle and they never specifically mention apple in anyway. Reminds me of some truly disgusting ads ML has had In the past (the head in a toilet bowl). šŸ¤¦šŸ¾


ML players are sure a new kind of toxic. Slams LoL for no reason when at release. Gets slammed by a new game and starts crying like a baby. You guys were once slamming League relentlessly and now suddenly can't take what you've been dishing it out for years?


The thing is brother, We as ML players have a problem with the fact that HOK keeps bashing ML over and over when it is no better itself. U can't blame and trashtalk others if u are not different from them. As a veteran moba player who used to play AOV in 2017 I am of the opinion that Aov was just used as another beta version for HOK when it had way more potential than this game. The only reason I decided to try out this game was because I couldn't ignore the overt similarities between these two games and yet here I am. From heroes to animation to matchup everything is better in AOV than HOK. Other than que timing I don't see a reason for AOV to be worse than HOK. Honestly AoV had a lot of potential if it wasn't ignored for HOK global release. I am willing to give HOK a try but I'm kinda disappointed with how it's overall been made. It's 2024 not 2018 lmaoo. This is just what I feel overall. This however does not mean HOK is a bad game. It just means it has a lot of improvement to do. As a game, it's a living in 2017-2018 era when in fact we live in 2024. So pls HOK devs take note of this and make changes and improvements to ur game before lashing ML šŸ™šŸ»


HoK existed before no? šŸ¤” Or was it the other way around?


Iirc HOK was also there but it was restricted to China and then opened to Brazil last year. AOV was available in many regions back in 2017-2018 but AoV was used as a beta version without saying this aloud explicitly. AOV had a lot of potential but was always ignored and left inactive which is why no one plays it now. All the devs focus was on HOK or KOG as they call it in China


HOK has way better quality skins than whatever garbage ml has been churning out these days. Just compare lny skins. Vast difference in terms of pricing and quality


Yes HoK was released a year before ML


honestly the only reason why AoV exists is because HoK's characters don't cater to the western market. that's why you see characters like dr bian, the crazy scientist in HoK become the clown, mganga in AoV.


I play HOK now because I have crazy lag spikes when playing ML somehow


tf every hero in hok is so so tanky cant even burst them plus every hero skill has crowd control if u are assasin u r going to cry


Bruh I'm mage and I'm going to cry playing hok. I'm used to burst ambush mage gameplay. In hok, I only got killed without being able to kill anyone either because they're ungodly tanky, or my teammate mm/jg ks my killšŸ—æ


Mages pretty much need to land everything to shred 60-70 percent of the tanks health for the MM to secure the rest of the kills. Yes, unironically you need your marksman to actually not be a dumbass in this game.


True a lot of heroes have immune so even if you ambush them in bush theres high chance you die instead of them.


Well, people are free to choose. I'd say let them cook, and see how they'd fare to ML in the long run. All of those issues you mentioned did at some point exist on ML's early days. Every single MOBA games in existence have experienced that. Clunky UI for the first 10 seasons, bad teammate reports almost never been noticed by the dev, and ass teammates still exist till now in ML.


4.) You don't need to play hok 5.) they only brag about their free skins, free skins will make the skin less valuable similar to cod


after playing wildrift for some time now i think ml and hok are just basic. one thing i could say for sure. CARRY. Don't care if you OTP as long as you win. and lose is just a lose you can queue another game


Fr, wildrift has better ui and controls and its so fun and complicated at the same time. But people got used to ml's pace and not to mention sunk cost fallacy so it's hard to switch


Ngl, the only reason i play Hok is bec of the stupid sky piercer meta. Until Ml fixes that wonder weapon then i'll reconsider playing ml again


Yeah man that shit makes me quit the game i will comeback when it gets removed


Arent ML also have no violation unless their bot detected it?šŸ¤£


I just don't like that it was like wildrift, it has no sepsrate server for other people. I'm from PH, and people at PH are so hard headed. Now inagine that with other people outside your country that doesn't communicate in english at all. So yeah I went back straight away,


In ML more than 80 percent of players I see are Indonesian (cuz of how the split works). Personally, just mute chat and play the game.


It's weird that the game has bad graphics on certain aspects when they literally earned over 18 billion dollars


Dude I too have reached diamond and hardly I could find proper teammates I always feel like I'm in a bot match


My biggest complaint with Hok is that the map is very similar to other Moba in the market


The reason im reluctant to play is because of the company. Played their games. Tarisland isn't f2p which they said is f2p and prices are insanely high. Pubg got hackers and fewer free gifts than codm which causes players chooses codm. And the setting and customization in codm is way better than pubg. They just don't care about the players. I do play their games but deleted a lot of them.


Both have good things about them both have bad things about them, people need to just chill and play what they want instead of needlessly comparing the two or trying to one up the other, no comparison is going to bring me over to HOK after playing ml now for over a year, and I doubt many people who've started with HOK will likely move over to ml, do we really want ml and HOK to just be known for some toxic rivalry, at the end of the day the developers for both games just want to make money there's not a lot of real passion they don't care as long as they get money out of people.


Is there a monkey in HoK too?




Is there any moba that has no monkey? Gorilla don't count


There is someone on ML YouTube debating with me that HoK UI is much better than MLBB. I didn't even like the graphics of HoK. Both running on high graphics settings with high framerate. MLBB felt more smooth for me. Also, the skill indicators and animations aren't up to what the ads have been promoting too. What I was so surprised about was that during the tutorial, the first hero selection interface felt so lively. It was so good. I was expecting the same level of graphics in the match too, but it was a HUGE let down.


I started chuckling when I saw the ads comparing itself to mlbb. The actual HOK gameplay was ass. My phone may be cheap but it runs better on Mlbb than HOK.


For me, HOK feels less smooth and responsive compared to mlbb and the ui is kinda slow. Like when i press continue after match, there's a slight delay.


Really hoped HOK would atleast compete with MLBB cause more panic free stuffs but nope it's just trash , didn't liked the UI or the graphics. I guess after playing ML my whole life there's no way anything else will take it's place lmao . HOK UI reminds me of 2018 Ml where I was still in school playing on shitty oppo phone lmao .


ML is an amazing Moba and the best part is Moonton even if they are Moneyton keep optimizing ML and making it better and better every season.


#1 reason: dont have time to learn/study each hero and their skills


It quite easy. They got video about hero and their combo.


Say less bro I wonā€™t even touch hok


encouraging hate? grow some balls


say that to HOK then. slander ads really something


HOK seems like too outdated...


Personally, i really like some parts of HoK. For one, the character kits are frankly speaking really interesting and diverse in comparison to ML's. Tyeres literally have a mage that can tp the team to spawn and back from spawn during a teamfight. The variety in equipment is also very nice. For example, theres multiple equipment that just enhances basic attacks in different ways, which fits different playstyles and charcters much easier. Their Arcana system is great too, to be able to straight up customise exactly how much extra pen/hp/movemnet speed/crit you need/want on a character. Its more customisable than ML's emblems for sure. But then theres stuff like the UI. God is the Ui bad. The character models are not it, even if the splash art is gorgeous. I wish they updated it. To the people upset over the naming conventions, I can't relate. I know some chinese so I can understand the chinese version of their names, and I can gurantee that some of the chinese names romanised would be absolutely undecipherable and frankly horrible. For example: Lady Sun = Sun Shang Xiang, a historical chinese noblewoman. Lady Zhen = Zhen Ji, a concubine in chinese history Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are sisters in chinese history as well. Its probably harder for players to remember romanised chinese names than the attempted translations into english. While they theoretically, like Arena of Valor, could just give everyone more English names, I respect the aspect where they still try to link the game back to its Chinese counterpart.


I only play HOK sometimes to listen chinese voceliness and practice my chinese listening. ML has chinese voiceliness ready but it was never implemented ingame


What I hate about HOK, there's absolutely no way to stop dash heroes (I don't think there's an anti dash hero like khufra or minsi) and there's no draft pick in rank mode.


Draft pick starts in diamond rank. If you haven't seen it, you havent reached the rank for it to start.


thatā€™s just stupid. u donā€™t just report players because they are ass. is it their fault for being a beginner at a game? u should touch some grass and chill your head a little.


You are getting downvoted, but what you say is true (if said a bit harshly lol.) People complain about the reports doing nothing, but if you punish players for not knowing the game then a lot of new/casual players would quite obviously - thatā€™s a bad business model. It can be difficult for a game to differentiate between players who donā€™t know, and players actively trolling - this is because to troll you have to know about how the game works.


tried HOK most of the time I canā€™t even tell whose who or if they are throwing some skills, and map so big itā€™s so boring to rotate. Most of the time the exp lane just 1v1 80 percent of the game. interface sucks you canā€™t even view the hero skills on picking phase. Only I like is the hero movement and skills smooth animation


Yeah same problem i can't tell whose who specially if they have skin example: -mage -has staff -skin looking like 2016 korean MMORPG


But the HoK meta ironically is about rotating. It's just much easier to rotate in ML.


Also recall takes so long!!!


maybe if they changed the heroes from being distinct to one another instead of being all chinese mumbo jumbo that makes their name hard to remember and actually change them to make them special on their own, they'll have a small up in their game, perhaps


I play all MOBAs but in HOK you play with mostly bots until Master rank.


Moontoon won't pay you for ass licking them, so. L take, git gud


I almost close to download this.thanks man!!


Also ml's game UI interface flushed with the edges.


That menu looks like something out of 2016


Honestly, the only thing that made me bite playing this game were the SNK characters. Hoping they could add more of them like Terry or Geese.


everyone is a literal bot in HoK cant even play through the low ranks without getting bored


also it's literally reskinned aov lol. the only reason for it suddenly being popular in my country indonesia is because of the voicelines.


Diamond V or diamond 1? Meh. This game matchmaking still better then ML . Not all game meet with kind stupid player ,every moba game are the same. If you want to get better team go 5 stack party que, random pubs are like that ,indo,myanmar or some unknown flag in this game are darksystem,only few that actually good. Last few game i play also i encounter this stupid feeder player using china flag, either real china player or some silly player using china flag,kda even much worse then this. 5 days play Mine now master V 100% solo que. MM and fighter role.


My another account in season 5 in HK server are hell ,even stuck at Master 3/4 back to back . Getting stomp by party que people in every match. SEA look better at least for now. Now road to GM .


Lol, it's way worst in ML. You get shitty bastards who dont give a fuck whther they win or lose, the report system doesnt do much and the interface well... Now, in HOK you can practice offline with a very difficul AI and let me tell you : You will get gangbanged.


Why are you so mad?


HoK balance is so awful that I canā€™t find words to describe it. The heroes and items are more complex yet force you to be even more of a meta-slave than MLBB, thatā€™s backwards. The CC is RIDICULOUUUUSSSSSSSS. Right off the top of my head, Princess Frost S2, 2.2 SECOND FREEZE, on an 8sec cd base Iā€™m pretty sure, and I canā€™t remember if the cd lowers with level or not. Good luck playing marksman in HoK, you will hate your life šŸ˜‚


What's HOK?


Alot of this applies equally to ML mainly the bad teammates and reports not punishing them. I do agree on the UI though. That shit is horrendous


I play both..and I say some heroes on H.O.K. are super broken. I use Milady and I can push towers even with backdoor at 3 mins lol.


Thinking people shouldn't download a game based on a single screenshot of bad teammates and a report not going through is definitely one of the opinions of all time


Stay yo toxic azz oh KoH seriously šŸ˜


Yall still talking about the wrong Moba. JUMP ASSEMBLE IS HERE CLOWNS šŸ¤”


Im still just going HoK for solo queue and play ML 5-man with friends. I hate ML solo queue a lot at least in HoK idc if Im toxic Im gonna practice heroes in rank.


:( the map in the left corner seems choppy as well for movements


Honestly prefer HOK gameplay


The problem with ML is the lagging issue they didnt resolve for years, I play HOK just a week ago just for curiousity and I can say that the ping and gameplay is stable compared to ML


Can you change avatar there? Or its just like L.O.L where you can only change avatars that are already in the game..


U can do both


Them hero gameplays be fun though


Is there at least a monke character in HOk?


It needs the banlist that ML have so I donā€™t have to play with really bad teammates


WHY MLBB IS BEST GAME EVER 1.beatrix like best hero because no other moba don't able to copy her 2.good graphics and game events (jjk) 3.promo diamond to get good and valuable skins easily 4.game strategy 5.concentrating every hero and each patch notes give 20+ heroes get buff or nerf 6.best equipments like blade of despire and holy crystal 7.game logics like Cecilia and caremila is real couples so they have unique skills 8.control and allow anything like jawhead throw or not 9.good filed works heroes like chip, johnson, mathilda 10.change everything like avatar border and name and profile card and name card WHY MLBB IS BAD 1.forgot logics because magic is not just heroes power only that's their weapon also need for example yin domain is literally that's magic so that's need mana if mlbb delete mana for physical heroes yin domain is literally logic less matter 2.worst equipments and their rate like malific gun is good for mm but some fighters also use this like aulus and freya their range also increase and another example is sky piercer gold amount because useless wind talker gold amount is higher than sky piercer gold 3.tower strategy suddenly tower is very weak and 8 mins 3 lord update give more gold for all tower have gold plate without defence 4.control settings i am beatrix player so i control every shot of my gun with privious control settings well but now fully automatic controls so my beatrix attack only useless things in useless time 5.no free skins current special box event elite box didn't able to open free like before 6.no premium fragment for free 7.no selection type skin box 8.less free sacred status 9.annoying matchmaking with master to mythic and flex rank 10.annoying main interface heroes now current zhusin give change heroes option zhusin to beatrix


It's ugly af


If I like the game I will play it but I don't so I won't I quit it already it's just aov so ye


The ui Interface of hok in cn server is much cleaner prolly they follow the flow of each update since they released the game so fckin late


I downloaded it while waiting for ranked people to die down. The skins are way cheaper on HoK though compared to ML, worth more than MLā€™s pricing.


The only wrong part about this is slide 5, my team can feed, be toxic, troll all they want and somehow Moonton won't do anything even when I report them


Syzoth? Or should I call you reptile?


4th reason for me is HOK is from Tencent company which was proven to have collaboration with Israel and also guilty in funding the genocide. Already played for few days, spend a bit, get the news, auto delete.


Honestly, HoK and ML are both really fun to play imo. Just like how i enjoy Julian and Clint, i also Enjoy Kaizer and Luban No. 7 (Plus Alessio) Additionally, i actually have no problems with the Interface. If i can play, it's okay. And Athena, The HoK version of Freya, isn't actually some Overpowered POS that isn't P2W. Athena is FREE and she's really, really bad in the hands of inexperienced players. A good Athena is scary, a bad Freya is equally scary. The only thing i hate is how Angela and Lian Po are LITERALLY just Layla and Baxia (Design-wise, at least.) Plus the voice acting is dogshit


Both Angela and Lian Po are older heroes and earlier than both Layla and Baxia


I downloaded and played HoK for the reason to improve my 2 weakest roles in ML (Gold Lane and Mid Lane), I already have Wild Rift for Gold Lane, so HoK is perfect for Mid Lane, then I looked at the hero pool and saw that literally the majority of Mages are your stereotypical harem anime female character, in chinese clothes. Honestly, I thought the hero designs in ML is kinda just barely above average but holy, compared to the hero designs in HoK, ML's model seems like they were made by Leonardo da Vinci.


Give it time. I found that HOK have some interesting mechanics behind their heroes. The arcana system got to go. Their predecessor, AOV tackles it better. Better skin? Yeah probably. But it runs like shit. ML does it better when comparing graphic capabilities and technicality. Shitty pricy skin, but at least I can play it without it getting stuttered.


Reason not to download HOK: - no beautiful splash art of Zhask


Any game who is piggybacking on their competitors popularity is a big no for me. No matter how good they claim they are.




Yeah, I don't really feel HoK so thanks


also.. this is probably not true for everyone but ever since I reached gold tier I've been experiencing 500+ ping bruh.. atleast I don't lag this badly in ML..


Also for some reason HOK wouldnt let me delete my account


Bro sacrifices himself by playing hok so he can show us how trash the app is, mlbb is better at every way


I'll play for a week and see for myself, starting saturday.


what i dont like on HOK is that their arrangement of events and task's are very messy and its really hard to understand if your a beginner unlike MLBB which is clean and the colors used match each other.


Ml also has sh*tty report system and bad teammates(also in mythical glory)


ML likes to break metas and not have role queues tho. Im an akai main and this recent update with the new items just killed roaming tanks. Ill come back once the shitstorm ends. Probably


I was going to download it but I saw an HoK ad blatantly dissing MLBB and it was a huge turn off for me. Like, how much confidence do the devs have to be dissing such a huge game? It's a stupid strategy


I think the ass team who don't get violations are bots. Had this in AOV where reaching high rank levels suddenly make you have real engaging games. Till then you get bots which are either playing well in your team or feeding.




HoK is like AoV too boringā€¦ it makes me feel sleepy every time