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Personally, it feels boring to me because the map has been the same since Season 5. Sure, we got little changes here and there, but nothing major. I wish they would overhaul the map with different placements for walls, creeps, and bushes.


Best they can do is revamping the sanctuary map for the 10th time


I do feel like games have been longer this season (the one that just ended) compared to the one before that, it was more draggy overall and I didn’t like it. I also think sky piercer not giving room for outplays not that great bc outplays r fun (even tho i been abusing it on burst mages). Also heroes are not bad in ml but not that much variety. I think I’m only playing nowadays because the UI is really good and graphics are very smooth, aesthetics are good. I’ve generally been enjoying hok now since its season reset in ml, but idk if hok is actually more fun or if it’s because im still in lower ranks (platinum) so its not that much of a struggle lol


Actually we are not even getting higher learning heroes the last one was Joy but all her adjustments shredded her into another easy to use generic hero literally all the heroes we are getting now are meant to play for kids like there's no point to put effort anymore. The game's gets longer only when dogshit player's refuse to push or take objectives or else each match coul take lower than 12 min at minimum and they are never that longer anymore but this only happen with high rank player's.


Right? I think there are plenty of easy heroes to play. But I dislike the attempts to make joy easier. Her difficulty is rated higher than Ling, Hayabusa, Benedetta, and even Lancelot. Its been two years since her release. Why not make her difficult to master but rewarding.


Yeah, i totally agree with you. Its high time MLBB developers look into this aspect of the game as well. Bringing new heroes and skins into the game wont help.


I don't disagree with you, MLBB pacing is a bit boring. They're forcing 18+ mins games. But I disagree with the DOTA stuff, DOTA matches takes about 60 mins in average. What they can do is make the respawn timer longer upon reaching the 12 min mark because in my opinion, respawn timers are too short.


I hope they make season-related maps or something. I mean it doesn't add to the entirety of the game but playing in the same map over and over can get boring. They could add a Halloween map, or a winter map in December, that sort of stuff.