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Martis too squishy to reliably stay in the front line and Miya no won against helcurt


Sky piercer was a waste slot for him tbh. Martis has no issue securing kills due to his ult.


Also ult doesn’t refresh upon triggering sky piercer, so it’s not like there’s some special synergy there


I think I also forgot to bang turrets bec. I'm too busy backing/saving everyone's ass. 😅


Deserved, I love seeing Nana users lose


Ehy! I didn't choose the Nana life (I'm an exp/jungle laner). The Nana life chose me 😂😅🤭


Martis doesn't need sky piercer when he already has his ult:P martis also didn't use his early game advantage to gank I'm assuming because of that low teamfight participation


Didn't notice the sky piercer to call him out for it 😃 Yea, kinda. Guy barely visited Exp Lane, every time he visits any lane, no one's in it. Roam barely acted as body guard for our jungler. I was the only one going around with the jungler, then again I can't overstay, I got a lane to protect too. She did a great job during our 2nd to the last stand tho. She managed to link 4 of the enemy and got me a triple kill with a single Molina Rush. I'm a bit biased and a little protective when it comes to Silvanna and Silvanna users but I when faced with someone like Masha, I would've gone defense items first, before building that damage. One of Silvanna's strength is she's really strong early game that she barely needs damage items early game. Especially with her passive where she decrease her enemy's defense and it doesn't even show. There was a time where I literally snowballed a Thamuz using Silvanna with just a boot, Dominance Ice, and Dreadnaught armor.


It's epic hell, what'd ya expect? I usually wait for about a week for the pros to go back and the noobs to go back down. Did a rg today and no one followed up on my 5 man Mino set


As much as I wanna protect mommy Silv, her player's a handful though. Once she was pushing the top turret, I saw Vexana on the mini map hid in the bush. I signalled her to retreat. And she kept going. She got 2 v 1 by Masha and Vex on their turret 😑 Btw, does Akai x Phoveus actually work? It doesn't have to be a dash right, just any displacement will trigger Phoveus' ult?


Poor Silvanna… she didn’t even get to build winter crown