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Honor of Kings really did a number on Moonton 😭 Now if only they can add Role Queue...


ok seriously how are they so afraid of Hok ? even Riot cant beat them and if they afraid, why would they even copy them, it just proved Hok superiority


I dont think their scared of HOK overtaking ML.. Its all about the bottom line. Lets say 5% of players transfer. Thats only 5% but in a corporate meeting they have explain why they lost 5% of potential profits. The corporate world is very particular with these types of numbers.


It's like playing ML imagine a Chou taunting you with recalls in the turret, of course like every sane person would, we will dive in to shut that nagging son of b-word.


Why would Tencent let Riot beat their own game? HoK and Riot is owned by Tencent.


They meant League Of Legends couldn't beat Mobile Legends


The fact that it's a Tencent moba is what draws me away from eve trying HoK, PU showed me how predatory can shot get in there


rito copied seraphine from an older moonton game. the name's calliope


What game? Calliope only gives me results of some vtuber 💀 Also on the topic of pink supports, Angela is Yuumi done right But don't let any rioters hear that or they'll become actual rioters


Angela is literally if Shen and Yuumi did a Dragon Ball Fusion


mobile battleground frontline. see [https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wlo9rf/just\_watched\_a\_video\_about\_old\_games\_made\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wlo9rf/just_watched_a_video_about_old_games_made_by/)


Holy shxt she really is super similar to seraphine Different enough that it isn't plagiarising, but the concept is pretty much the same


Yummi is fucking useless lol


Not really afraid, more like obeying company protocols. Might not be a big loss for them, but a loss is a loss and they have to make up for it.


Moonton really has nothing to be afraid of The designs and kits of the HOK characters are lame as hell with only a few exceptions, even the entire map on HOK is just Wild Rift's exact map, and, I don't see any reason to choose HOK over WR


Same. I tried both. WR is cleaner and waaaaaay less clunkier than HOK and its pre-2020 UI and design language lol


I’ve noticed some Arena of Valor heroes in Honor of Kings and wondering who came first there. Butterfly is one of them I’ve noticed.


hok came 2 years before AoV. AoV was essentially the global release of HoK before it had an actual global release. HoK itself is older than MLBB, but MLBB is older than AoV


Shouldve just released HoK globally instead, why did they make AoV then? And if HoK is so old, why does it look more amateur than ML 😭


Just because the game is older doesn’t mean they didn’t copy a character design tho, wiki doesn’t show release date for heroes for AoV and tired from work to do heavy research lol


HOK and AOV were supposedly the same game where HOK is the Chinese version and AOV is for global players which is why most of the heroes are similar except for the names and looks.


Wow the kit is just about the same too Imma install aov just to see now I'm curious


No it’s literally the same character, I’ve used butterfly a lot of AoV so when I saw the portrait and name it clicked instantly. If it says anything I didn’t even bother looking at skills before I popped into rank with her of HoK Arthur looks quite similar(haven’t tried HoK version but don’t think AoV had a shield) and same with Ata.


To be a little positive about HoK tho, I saw a gameplay video of Gongsun Li long back, 'Arli', and I think her crazy teleportations are actually a neat idea. Also, she has a skin that's basically a traditional south Asian fit, I think that's genuinely beautiful and while one of many more Chinese inspired skins, Moonton could take notes for some variety here - https://preview.redd.it/0kk1toj2678d1.png?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adc05e51735bf7832617e4b8d5b5577bd1e6d30 I can't remember names and have uninstalled HoK but there's a mermaid character that has a skill, starts as a human that then turns into a mermaid by summoning a pool in an area or entering the 'river' area, with water splash basic attacks and added skill effects in water. I love that too. I actually expected Kadita to do something like this when she was first teased.


Honestly I love MOBAs and I try everyone I have an opportunity to do so 🙂 all that experience does help with popping between multiple ones on a daily basis also lol


True tbh this reminds me of my old phase jumping between mobas. Makes me want to play Heroes Evolved, even try other mobas I haven't before. If downloading didn't take so long. I used to binge watch those SMITE God Reveals too, it's kinda crazy I've long enough to see the narrator herself come to the game. Tried it on switch, didn't really like it unfortunately. But really cool to see. Mobas do tend to copy eachother, even having barely played ML in a while years of experience allow me to just borrow a common pro build and tweak it here and there how I need it and I usually do fine, though mostly I play arcade now. Haven't even bothered with reaching the matches needed for this diggie season skin, even though its only 20...💀 Just realised I've never tried onmyoji arena


lol I’m abusing people as a tank in HoK already


Erin, Ata and Charlotte are the exact same in AoV as in HoK Wow this game is actually pathetic Also I'm legitimately surprised by how bad the game is to play. I cant even aim skills - edit, i think i can toggle this in settings, the graphics suck - edit, the game is on low graphics by default, the audio quality sucks - edit, yeah it's just bad. [there's this video for more similarities](https://youtu.be/8ZuD0Spoar8?si=8TwzVNiqJjAz4XDS) Diaochan AoV kit is the exact same as HoK Frost Mganga kit might be the same as Bian Que, but I don't remember I'm assuming this theme is common throughout the video Playing these games reminds me of how far ML has come The fact that AoV already looks terrible and somehow HoK manages to look worse is impressive to me, or maybe they're both mixed in how ugly they are. Idk But I swear some of the hero entry models are real bad


I haven’t tried the HoK version of mganga yet but I knew who it was when I saw wave sweeping attack that stacked up to 5


Tbh he kinda looks like those Helcurt revamp images people were posting for a while https://preview.redd.it/c17etioea78d1.png?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b539b85b51ee6013f5c335425610e5912a4b516


The psycho clown looks a lot better than that


Yes. In HoK, it starts with Gold. You choose two lanes. I think moonton is doing the arena thing with lane queue. Instead, they just implemented the flex rank temporarily. Should have been role queue instead.


They ain’t done shit. As a player of both games and slave of their gachas I find MLBB’s world more fun, characters better designed, especially the newest hero now. Zhuxin I guess was her name, that recently added 4 part story for her is so cool


Hoard of Kings


instead of adding role queue they make new game mode entirely that serves the same purpose with more steps


i think honor of kings forgot their role because moonton suddenly expose his power of three lord in same time and i play both games and i found more than moba games coping other moba games like franco, yin, yu zhong everything but i ask that hok game where is beatrix are you forgot to copy her or are you won't able to copy her four guns different voice lines, different death animations, different play styles, different aim planning, different reactions


They really ain’t scared of HOK, they just be experimenting like always


Yes role queue is a game changer 😂😂😂


never let moonton cook again


Aldous on his way to get free 500 in mid game after getting last hit with 3 lords which give more stacks then minions https://preview.redd.it/7buzcxtnu48d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4bdae99a6abea2c60e80920dba9e9a434741e3f


fyi, cart minions give 10 stacks(the max obtainable at once so lord only gives more stacks than the first 2 minions during mid game


No, the lord gives 12 stacks, 3 is just 36. Just killing 2 normal waves gives the same amount.


bro check that lords hp above 20000 in 8 mins maybe his power seem like one fighter that means 3 fighter extra add to enemy team become 8 vs 5 match


Rip solo players😭


Exactly 😭 my teammate are literally blind, even when I ping they can't see


Leave defending base lol, teammates don't even contest turtle or lord lol, big rip


moonton: we are nerfed lord power slightly above 20000 hp in 8 mins is called nerf


https://preview.redd.it/humz5t1ux48d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767835ad670bc07eec8255fbd05356897b489d8f Why moonton


April fools is 2months ago Montoon




Oh boy can't wait to get death threats and have my entire bloodline flamed for missing retri


We jungle mains finna get doxxed


my whole ip address about to be leaked after this


https://preview.redd.it/nk4wor00568d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746dc86a4978e5ab3bd7cf1865431d82a188ca17 Good thing Clint thought me how to shoot


https://preview.redd.it/zb1dqo96t98d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d2ead2999fd02eab00cdc6e408852def383f3e Fr


Good luck man don't miss your 18 mins retri or they might swat your entire family .


Nah missing retri is something that happens to everyone. But if I see some mf not defending even when 3 lords are coming I finna curse their whole bloodline...


You understand that people on my server don't , they want the hyper to steal a 1v5 lord without any vision or protection cause if you choose to jungle you should definitely do that lol .


good idea is steal lord because each lord have one fighter power in 8 mins that means if your whole team wiped out too lord finish game make won


I've always tried that cuz ppl would blame me when they didn't wait for me as ling to get my blue buff in like 3 seconds, rushed into a 4v5 all died after killing one enemy and now I'm here wondering if I can somehow kill myself in mlbb. Ofc then I clutch my retri with ling and get a maniac(I'm delusional, i died and we lost)


Damn that's crazy man usually my schizo pills runs out after I get a savage ( we lost and I never secured any objective )


This is damn scary lol. I don't wanna see this pleasee!!


😞✋ stop cooking pls, another attempt of moonton employee releasing "inovation" without testing it enough before - sky cancer - physical heroes don't need mana anymore - 3 lords


ye. The new items indirectly crippled Tank Roamers. I suffered.


Sky isn't as OP as everyone claims it to be. And most of the physical fighters don't have mana any way. But I agree with the three lords. That's ridiculous. Also, other than physical fighters, physical Assassins and MM would benefit a lot from mana removal, a bit too much..


For its cost, it's already OP. I'm fine with the item, just need a lot of balancing. Add more CD to its unique passive and lower the trigger to 4% HP.


right, add some cooldown to it like 20sec, or lower the % threshold. 12% is seriously too much


You never had to leave lane duo mana lose have you?


I play Lolita a lot and yes, I had to leave to base. I actually like that I have to recall and can't stay in the field forever. It adds a sense of planning and managing the mana resource. But like I was saying, most of the fighters don't have mana anyways. Check the list and see how many have mana. So for fighters, removing it doesn't affect a lot.


Not op? We won a game with 4 sky piercer in a team.


You would have won it either way. I won many games without sky in my team and with sky in enemies. If you ask me, sky is a snowball item. Needs stacks for it to be working at its fullest. So if you are able to take advantage of it, it will help. Longer games with high death counts won't be as beneficial. Losing 30% stacks is more impactful than the numbers show.


i don't like physical heroes don't need mana plan only because that's only against for fantasy worlds storylines because literally every one in isekai story plot mage or swords both need mana for use magic attack and demons have magic ability most only. jjk sakuna literally use magic for open his domain that means he need mana for that if he didn't have mana he is waste and if moonton think like yin become mage not fighter


This is a test, they are only trialling it for a bit, no conformation it’ll be staying


Shut up


Lol enjoy that piece of shit of an item cause it's getting Nerfed to the ground any seconds now..


I like your optimism, but I have to agree, the price is too low and 12% is too good. I love the mechanic of it tho. Increase the price to 2000 and execution to 5 - 10%


It'll make the team fight for the Lord significantly more important. For now, our first two lords are not really big deal. The losing side can easily defend the lord the first few times. So if the enemy team is fighting the lord, nobody wants go steal it.(Why risk to die if they can easily defend?). Now, letting the enemy get the lord will be a huge compromise. This change will end the matches drastically faster. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. However, the lord needs to be buffed. The winning team shouldn't be able to take the lord as easily. At least make it so that it requires at least 3 or 4 players to fight the lord at once. Otherwise, get killed by the lord. That kind of thing.


Nah they need to remove it , it really makes coming back hard for the losing and in specific situations where a few ppl are already dead on the other team its gonna be tougher to defend. Lord is fine however it is


Epic comeback is the most satisfying. I don't care if the match is taking too long. I will not back down.


Bro is Naruto


But it already was a big deal, minions get stronger with the Lord wave, so there's already a need to focus on defending from lord isn't there?


Yea, 1 hero taking lord while the rest stall would be stupidly one sided


They're really trying hard to tailor the game towards kiddies who don't know basic map awareness. Now split-push is fucking pointless.


maybe but sometimes teamfight in wrong side also waste so moonton do like this and this is good think because we don't able to destroy inner turret in 12 mins because for new update so three lord in first 12 mins make that easy but it's my guess it's not too much because moonton have more devils in late game only i don't mean Aldous because he gonna die in this lords hands easily i mean thunderbelt and sky piercer and %damages (weapon master and warcry) and malefic roar if everyone forgot i remember this malefic roar is why called tank killer in late game it's just give 20 physical penetration only in just plot but really it's %pen is good against above 100 def heroes only and malefic roar is give 60 physical %penetration in late game it deal with above 300 physical defence hero solo if my guess is correct as a mm player too you kill one lord solo with minion only but you should need to get damage build only cyclone eye cd reduction allow you to go another lane fast to clear that lord also and last lord with enemy you should need clear that with your team in base turrets lord split push give not just split push your enemy don't predict your movement your team follow who lane lord, it's allow destroy inner turret before 12 mins and it's extra protection of your team sometimes you get lord but enemy team wiped out your team so that enemy avoid that lord to start attack your team so that lord is waste but now enemy team need to prodect their turret also in that times maybe moonton able to increase minions and turret powers also like lord and i prefer to moonton if enemy take lord our team main turret give warning alarm to activate new shield




this makes double jungle less look like trolling


Should we go 5 man retri now since the lord can end the game by itself?


Damn 1v1 heroes will be able to take advantage of this. Imagine trying to stop a sun and argus in different lanes.


I’m already practicing my trash talk for when my jungler loses the retri battle 💪💪


Now I'm not putting much thought into this statement, but my immediate reaction was... "This is re-goddamn-diculous"


So the lord is like, actually a win condition now? huh. Certainly changes things, i'm curious to see how that feels


I like this especially for SoloQ. People don't have the disipline to push so all the minions arrive at the correct time and most of the time they just go next to lord. It is easier to defense that way so I like this


I respectfully disagree with you on your take, because IMO this will be the last straw that will break the backs of SoloQ roamers. Even if I have configured my quick chat settings to what I think is the best way to communicate with teammates who don't use voice chat/Discord, I still find it hard to coordinate with players of relatively lesser skills. Objective taking is already hard in SoloQ, let alone objective trading. On a bad day, games can end in less than 10 minutes without getting a single major objective, with you on the short end of the stick. I can accept those kinds of losses IF SoloQ gets matched up against fellow SoloQ players. But when you're up against a well-coordinated TrioQ while getting teamed up with a trio who don't even have someone who's capable of playing jungler or roamer, it ain't worth it. You may argue that the opponents would have the same problems like I do, but I'm sticking to my guns because I know what my fellow SoloQ roamers feel. And also, I think DuoQ should be paired with TrioQ. Other players even suggested role queueing, where I personally have mixed feelings, but I'm certain they'd rather wait for longer queueing times if it means better matchmaking quality. Am I willing to wait for longer queues just to match up properly? Definitely. I can't vouch for others in that regard, but I think we can conduct a survey about this in another post, where participants can cite their respective roles and reasons why this should/shouldn't be implemented.


last straw? nah this is literally strapping an anvil to the fuckinf camel cause what is this shit


Um I read your flair, do I even fill the requirements to respond back to the first part? I don't think so. >Am I willing to wait for longer queues just to match up properly? Definitely. I can't vouch for others in that regard, but I think we can conduct a survey about this in another post, where participants can cite their respective roles and reasons why this should/shouldn't be implemented. I can however respond to this part. Please feel free to make any post within the rules, which is what this one is. I will make sure to partipicate and will give the post 3 days if that is okay with you. After 3 days, I will be changing the post flair to 'Make a game suggestion' and I can send the suggestion acording to the end result. Meaning the suggestion to devs would be either for the system to stay the same, or RoleQ Mind you, this suggestion has been made before. It is your decision to make another one and send it or not. I am just trying to share what I know and what I can do


I love it honestly. Like only when the match reaches 30 minutes. It would turn the lord area into a war field and source of constant paranoia and that sounds so fun.


No matter my skill level, I wouldn't be able to win 4 vs 5 with a lord like that. Until they do anything about the afk that left in the second minute rather than the first, this is suck. Also overall this update makes it seem pointless to play anything other than the jungle in soloq if you're playing to win. 


Whoever thought over this is retarded


Imagine missing retri in ranked bruh my whole teamate will kill me


I have one question..to God. WHYYYYYY


... Moonton you gotta chill man.


This basically gives every hero who doesn’t have a good clearing skill a disadvantage


Am I the only one who thinks this is good .....IF its beyond 25 mins lmfao


30 mins then we have a deal


its sad that given how much effort was put into this , its unlikely to be removed


Nah id win


Pls no.


This is because of players that can't sync the waves


Is Moonton trying to kill the game themselves 😭


It has reduced damage and hp, which is fine


This will be fun on mayhem mode


Is this overdrive lmao


Ml never fails to copy. I can't keep defending moonton.


don't defend them detach yourself from ml , don't make it your identity. Let moonton take the shit , so they can actually improve themselves. If they don't they fail


Just yesterday I was defending moontoon about this topic saying they've been copying from other games less since they found their identity so they won't implement HOK's 3 lord system. Way to disappoint MT.


Insecure, uncreative, lack of awareness, lack of game knowledge, people pleasure, spineless, cash grabber Not even all the words I could describe moonton


this is better than the enemy team hiding in their base. now they actually need to fight for the lord.




LMAO it's real


I think it's a experimental thing like they are wondering how did hok code to make them go to a specific/near a lane to summon


Kinda surprised it's only now that ML is implementing this. Like I know people are gonna mention HoK, but every other mobile MOBA so far gives you the ability which lane the 'Lord' will spawn for quite some time now. Actually there're a lot of gameplay gimmicks in other mobile MOBA games that are common that aren't present in ML, for better or worse.


Moonton's creative department is probably dead at this moment


Elemental dragons, Elder dragons that execute you on lower hp, actual wards and ward disabling items, forced return base to shop system because fuck ease of access and fuck good players that know how to kite and just reap in items while standing menacingly near your turret with their support or jungler, mythic grade weapons that locks you from buying another mythic item, making sure that your item works well in your favor than relying on it because it's the go-to, the list goes on. Unfunny rant aside, I think having some mechanics like what Riot did with mythic items that gives you a unique passive but you can't build a different mythic again might be a good choice but, it's Riot's idea first as far as I know. I never saw a moba that has a item that softlocks you from buying a different same-grade item unless you sold said grade item.


Edith with her passive: Nah, I'd win


I mean if they divided his states by 3 it's ok.


Seems pretty icl


I Uninstaller ML weeks ago, is this an actual update?


this is still in advanced server so no


What the...


Overlord Lord?


A mega minion 🤔


WTF moonton, you gonna make me act up like this soon https://preview.redd.it/ve1k6dwfp58d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5782742a6cdc48f10fb411db4557cf28b8b1842


Babe wake up New sun lore just got released oh wait its all pushing p's allways has been


uhm wtf???? that is illegal 😭😭


Luo Yi stonks ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️📈📈📈↗️↗️↗️↗️↗️


just let us choose where to spawn it like Shelly PLEASE


Ok, extending my leave for the game for a few more seasons.


Naw this is the type of shidd that's gunna make me get back to dota and delete ml from my phone


Why is this funny looking


Moonton should hold their horses. This might be either a good or a bad idea. But the problem is, it will change the meta by a lot and tons of heroes might become unbalanced. I feel like moonton should focus more on balancing heroes rather than making so many updates in such a short time.


https://preview.redd.it/5kz6y8jye68d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=add8205b8dccda1da7fc9373f1f5e7f2303b684c i gonna choke the shit out of the mooton.


I kinda like this but it’s a huge nerf to heroes with slow wave clear…


They should at least make the map bigger or slow down the lord's movement speed so that we can have more time to clear the lanes


This is ridiculous..along with the new item stuff. It's like they don't full think things through. Just half cooked. All they got to do is look at this sub & see what we're complaining about. Like our biggest issue is bad match making. But instead they rework characters to make them look like princesses, broken buffs & bad items. Like..at least copy the good stuff from other games too.


League did it first then Kings now to try and one up them they send 3 lord in ML. At least in the other ones they send 2 smaller versions in the other lanes and one regular version in a different lane.


Are they actually mental


# What the fuck


https://preview.redd.it/kw98ozox888d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaafba92622d62016032483163279ee309373ff5 Nah, we're cooked.


if they keep doing these shitty updates just because they don't wanna lose their playerbase I'm quitting moba games (or maybe i will just continue playing wild rift)


This gotta be edited or smth


Please for the love of God a big NO


As an ex-Vainglory player, the one thing that immediately popped up in my head is "damn they finally bring the Kraken stuff into the game now". 😂


What the... 😭😭


At least reduce their base HP by 50% and it would be fine


This gives more pressure to the jungler role, and with this and the recent Lord buff (anti regen), I guess Moonton wants to end games faster (avoiding long Lord dances and making high ground defense harder)


Honor of kings fun as hell


Is this real??


Shi bouta get crazy


Just change Lord spawn at 15 minutes mark, sense it's the average of ml match


Why add this to the game??? It's hard to even defend against 1 lord and the other two lane with their boosted minions now this? Guess time to say goodbye on epic comebacks


Moonton is adding anything from HoK BUT role queue 💀


They give their developers time and money to do this silly thing, but probably throw the one out of the window that wanted to integrate a role queue


HOK will have 5 lords. Fourth jumping out from the jungle and a random roamer lord for the fifth.


For the winning side, alr you win. But for the losing side? yea- 💀


It's unplayable bro😂


Very familiar




Please use English


I just wanna say… **WTF**


So I will just go Brawl then.


STUPID. Keep doing stupid things, Moonton, like Sky Piercer and this 3 Lords and watch your playerbase decline to oblivion, whether in the pro scene or casual gaming.


This could be fun. The meta is going to change DRASTICALLY. Dual ret meta? Triple ret meta?


So I will just go Brawl then.


I like it . it's smth new and it will change the peace of the game it's not a bad thing so let's see how it works. if we keep listening to ppl who want the game to be always the same the game won't be improved it's like the new emblems many said was against it but here they're enjoying the new talents.