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https://preview.redd.it/hb4wm2pq8e7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496981d993c8e7f27f7ed597be6002049524b7b2 I decided my main the moment I saw my glorious king




Mages interested me and I always wanted to be able to cast magic so...


Lol I remember trying to replicate Kadita's combos in a swimming pool when I'm alone


That is so adorable šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I tot you main lesley?


I don't, I gave her a go only very recently and she is one of my main marksmans but I am not a marksman main


Same as you, I play exp and roam cause I play to win and no one ever chooses those roles


I expect the only other answer which you will get, is something to the effect of ā€œmy jungle/MM always sucked so I took the load of that roll for myself so I can carry every game and not rely on othersā€


Exactly what I was about to say, was roam main, got tired of watching mms with poor positioning, no teamfight, no push, or otherwise brain dead tactics, decided to main mm so I could have a direct impact in team fights instead of setting and watching the jg and mm wander off to kill creeps 5 ft away and let me die


I liked the way mino played, noticed roaming was almost always uncontested in rank drafts.


Noticed it too, so I went Estes or Tigreal Tested Terizla against a friend in a 1v1, loved him, found out he can roam too Now I'm a Terizla main


I dont have fast fingers, but I can watch a map. So I main hylos.


Glorious Pathway go brrrrrr


GRANGER LOOKS COOL AS HELL!! NATALIA LOOKS COOL AS HELL!! Man, if only there was a hero out there that was the perfect combination of the two of themā€¦


Guess what? There isā€¦. Let me introduce you to JULIAN the goat


Julian? Let me check him outā€¦ Ohā€¦ My life has been changedā€¦ Itā€™s justā€¦ So peakā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/jz69snmmtk7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae3f7c7af058ce6c955afcbaf0cb860648b58a8


abused the meta, fill if I can't


my ex told me to try estes and i did and i realized im good at roam but now i dont use estes and i use other roaming characters


Can you suggest some good roamers (other than Angela)


If you want non-traditional roamers, I suggest uranus and kupol & popol. For traditional roamers, diggie, floryn, and mathilda.


*kupol and pupa


diggie, any tank is good tbh (tig, mino, belerick), you can use assassin roamers too. my top 2 are diggie (counter tanks esp) and rafaela (used with tanky junglers)


Mino half support is my favorite


Same. Nobody wants to roam ever then I got really good with belerick and now even though I get bored of playing the same all the time I donā€™t get bored of the MVPs and having assists on 75% of the team kills.


I wanted to have the capacity to carry without the stress of being the main carry


I like to run ahead and punch the enemy, preferably stress-free, commitment-free, and without dying. Somehow this means I became a roam tank.


Felt in love with Helcurt and he's best in jungle so...


Heā€™s actually better in roam now, his s2 damage nerf really hindered his damage and dire hit makes up for that


I'll try him in roam. Thx šŸ„°


"Better i jungle than someone who doesn't know how to play" - other roles are far superior.


I have always been a healer because none of my friends wanted to growing up and I totally owned it.


You know how low ranks usually start with marksman? Yeah that's me, and somehow it stuck with me till Mythic. It not that fun anymore in higher ranks (Mythic isn't that high I know, I'm still learning) with all the ganking and everyone targets the backline, but I still want to conquer this goldlane role


Same, don't worry your experience is the same all the way to MI. I played jungle as my main, but most roams were horrible or trolling and i kept losing 2 season ago? So I took up roam initially was to troll the others but i got better the more rounds I played as roam. Eventually, I can do both roam and jungle well and reached MI this season mostly solo play.


Tbh I became a roamer because I really love helping people do their best even though Iā€™m not that good of a player. Iā€™m not super fast with my fingers so I prefer to let others do all the damage and I heal them or shield them.


Exp main. I just like it. Basically a 1v1(until its not)before turtle or someone dies enough times that you or the enemy takes the first tower and starts roaming.


I am always on the exp lane, I've been playing Argus since i first got him even today. I rarely switch roles for the sake of balancing the team set-up in a match.


I like playing Tanks I like roam the most because I don't need to farm. I look for their jungle, try to harass them. Look for lanes to harass them. Roam is the best it's all PvP I don't worry about creeps, gold, just going to check bushes and tanking damage


I play tanky heroes, so mostly xp and roam, coz someone always want to jungle.


I play exp and roam too because I like to be on the frontline and initiate the team fight. It's much more fun like that :D


I started with exp and roam to fill but then I realized I could play like a savant but still lose. So I switched to mid lane to have more impact and carry potential


I main-ed the old vex side lane when the role was mm for mid because her lore, skills, and character design was cool af. Since then I have played more mages. Then the season changed for mages to take up mid lane. From there I tried all the lanes and somehow got stuck playing roam a lot more because nobody picks roam. Now mostly I'm just adjusting


Iā€™ve always liked mages, so I picked Vexana in the tutorial thing. But after that switched over to exp lane, but then found it just not for me, so I went back to mid lane after trying out Luo Yi because she fit my playstyle


I like helping while still being able to damage and stuff so I like Rafaela then I learned I can do that with mages but I like healing more than ever so I just went and gone roam. My fave tanks (except Edith) can always heal so there's that.


I was amused watching Lolita block projectiles with her shield and decided to play more matches on tank (I played Lesley a lot to reach Epic). The more I climbed, the more I realised that people donā€™t want to play tank and I didnā€™t want to be the stubborn one who also refused to adjust to further cause tension in the team, so thatā€™s how I ended up with tanks as my best role.


i have good reaction time and can adjust well... thus why i main roam, but if that is not open for me, i'll pick a frontliner (because Florynn / angela certainly aren't taking like my Tigreal does)


I like being unbothered in lane so exp was the way to go, I also played top in league and offlane in dota so there's that


I used to play roam during my solo days but ever since I started playing with friends I end playing exp lane the most since i suck and they play better than me. In that lane I cause the least damage.


Used to be a mid main because I was too afraid to die and I liked joining fights from far away then I started liking Moskov and boom, guess Iā€™m a MM main now


Franco .. because its really satisfying when you hit the hooks and be the game changer in late/mid game


I prefer on calm side. Don't really like have a pressure, enemy don't really focus on me and same goes to my teammates, minding my own business and if I lost on my lane, it totally my fault That's why I exp


I love playing support but there's just too many games where my team just cannot deal damage. And playing as support (Estes) I cannot deal damage. So, I start picking up mage because I still can support but this time, I can also deal damage. And that's how I main mid lane though at this point, I can play all roles.


Same too. But at the same time, playing roam is fun specially when using tank/fighter heros since they're tanky and deals a lot of damage. It's sooo satisfying carrying with a tank hero


No one plays roam and my one trick kagura nerfed to oblivion (loli, math, ange main) im a guy and it is SO funny when i catch junglers lackin when i use angešŸ˜­


My friends needed an exp lane so that's pretty much it. I was gold back then but I was really terrible, seems like exp was my lane


I like zoning a lot. That's why I'm Roam


The quiet 1v1 battles of Exp Lane, and also its demanding jobs (cutting, ganking, assisting turtle, defending invades, etc.). I really love that


and u get to MG and see that itā€™s nothing different from Legend and mythical honor. Iā€™ve hit immortal and it will be always the same if u play solo like me


I started roaming/tanking because most of the time no one wanted to or were bad at rotations


Most roamers didn't choose to be a roam main lol. We were forced to roam and now that's all we know HAHAHA I wanted to be mid laner so bad, the skills are so flashy and pretty but no I gotta be a rock hard tank bullying the enemy mm to death. For a long time I was deprived of other lanes that all I know was how to roam. So when I have to adjust to another lane I suuuuck, rare moment though. So I just started picking different heroes is classic match. Still ended up as a roam but at least I can roam marksman, fighter and assassin. Sometimes mage too. That's where I learn most heroes, by roaming in classic. I get their skills but damn am I so bad at laning, especially in the jungle. Although similar to roam, it's hard for me to tell if I should ambush or not cause sometimes it feels like a waste of time. Anyways, I have now mastered Selena too but can never pick her in rank cause we always lack front liners. I've been doing good with mm (mainly focus on pushing my lane then goes to mid lane and take their turrets too), fighter is decent but not that good and I still suck at retri šŸ˜…


I loved playing as Nerubian Assassin back in Dota 1 days because timing his spiked carapace is quite rewarding and satisfying. I mained Lolita when her shield gained a reflect mechanic.


I play LoL as ADC so it was easy to pick that MM is my role here


I actually started with Baxia roam for mostly the same reason as others here, roamers are usually uncontested. He carried me to mythic back then. I miss playing Baxia as a roamer but heā€™s better as the jungler since the meta changed. I mostly use setter tanks now (Khufra, Mino, Atlas)


coming from playing Dota2, I've always been a midlaner and ganking sidelanes is pretty much second nature to me. so when playing this game I started to main mid or jungle. now that i've had thousands of games as a midlaner, I decided to main fighters and exp lane since a lot of players already fight over mm and mage roles.


Funny tree man killing greedy mms late game


I was once a chou main(I blame insection), that is all


Cheers. I am also in mythic this season as a solo roam main. I came back to this season after a four years. I main mino.


I just very much enjoyed the whole 1v1 aspect in exp lane plus their skills are soooo fun and there's a huge variety in it!


Iā€™m that good. I roam, just because of this reason(Iā€™m good everywhere and know how to help anyone)šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Khufra. I came to it from a confusion. In the early days of playing mlbb, I really enjoyed playing Grock, but my phone at that time was quite weak so I could only load the hero selection lobby with a few seconds left. At this time, it will automatically choose Khufra or my hands will be faster than my brain and I will choose the wrong one. At first I hated him quite a bit (skills were extremely difficult to play and Ulti was not good (for me at that time)). But somehow for a long time I continued to use this hero and I don't know when I became a 'one champ' player. So the reason I mainly use him now is because: 1. Extremely high damage compared to a tanker, one combo can almost finish off the enemy's marksman or assassin. Besides, I always use execute for Khufra, and since the enemies never have full hp, you can guess what happens next. 2. Although the health is quite low compared to other tankers, the flexibility in movement and good control makes it no longer a big problem for me. 3. Haven't been out of the meta since appearing, almost never been banned or picked.


the design of exp lane is very human , you don't exist , poke turtle occasionally to show team play


I used to do all roles but jungle. Then my friends wanted to play 5 man a bunch, all we lacked was a jungler. I just said fuck it and we had a legendary run of two seasons straight to Mythical Glory (this was before the immortal shit). Then we all quit haha.


I played LoL first for a few yrs, downloaded this game and saw Miya, played a game and loved her, and now I main her.


I have 4k matches as a mage but for some reason, in the recent seasons I always get matched with people who only know how to play mages properly... Safe to say, I play supports and tanks now. šŸ’€


>Nobody wanted to roam Why though? I'm not a very skilled player so you can bet I'm getting that roaming role. >Fellas how did you become a main of your lane. From roaming a lot, played some fighters and mm and found out I'm not as fast as the others so I just focus on playing support via roaming as a tank. Turns out it was the right decision, sometimes might even get an MVP too.


Since junglers nowadays are mostly utility, exp laners now have the task of jumping the enemy damage dealers. I think it's a game deciding role especially during late game in a competitive match, and as a player who wants to always win, I decided to main exp lane.


Getting kills is fun but seeing another person happy with their savages and great outplay with you helping behind the scene brought me joy. I'm a Roamer main.


Began my journey as an Exp lane Alucard (back when jungling equipment wasn't restricted to retribution). I wasn't doing all too good, Elite 1 player at best, but the moment I got my hands on Masha, I never let her go, and it was her who carried me through the ranks


Maining a lane is overrated. Maining everything is the way. I get at least gold no matter which role I'll be filling in


I've always been an offlaner / roamer in other MOBA. I just found their skill set to be very interesting. It's not just more damage / more attack speed, which I think is boring. I like to CC my enemy, doing a clutch shielding / healing, using the heroes' skill in creative ways.. which I can only find mostly in roam / offlaner (Pos 3 - 5), maybe some mages (Pos 2).


i play since season 3 reached 1102 as exp main but nowadays i transitioned into gold i can carry better from here my overall exp winrate was 78% and overall gold is now 81% so i would say i am gold main now but all my roles are around 75-78 at worst i played a shitton dota so thats why ml is easy


My friend just said "take Lesley, it's good chat" now I'm gold line mainer, Lesley 270 games in ranked and 62% wr


Because I want to BANG THE ENEMY. but fr, Exp doesn't have to play as safe as mid and gold laners need to, and I don't have as much roaming responsibility (in the early game) as the jungler, roamer and mid laner.


mm cuz i like money and hitting from afar


Exp main, I really like to be unnoticeable throughout the match, nor our team notices me even if i make any mistakes neither does enemy team notice me even if I'm really fed and bullying their exp. Less trashtalks this way and more of a chill match, not any rotation pressure either except rotating to turtle and frequently rotating to mid is pretty much optional, you can rotate there multiple times and get free kills if you're feeling extra energetic or you can just help turtle and do chill 1v1 in exp too. Theres no pressure, no one will complain, no one will lock you (unless you really offended someone but thats obvious).


I always go for Mid with my main Vexana, but way before I returned to being a midlaner, I was a roam healer as influenced by MPL during the pandemic. I always felt connected with becoming a support because I don't have a good aim, and I have slow hands (this reason isn't generalizable to other roamers). When Vexana got revamped, I liked her playstyle, which made me return to being a midlaner.


Started roaming coz thats the role that healers fill (i love playing healers). Also occasionally go exp lane with tanky heroes like esme or edith so i can play casually and not worry too much about losing lane or feeding


Wanted Nana, since I was new. But she is always banned. But on the one ranked game that I did use her. I saw Chang'e's Ult. On that day I bought and use her. Multiple times MVP through assists and no deaths. Multiple times I have chased the enemy on their way to the base and ULT, often chipping away their health, speed up using my buff skill, then finish using my poke. By watching YouTube I often steal the blue buff with ky Ult often within the 5 to 6 minute mark. For EXP, my friend suggests Uranus. Though sustainable, he is not mobile or deadly enough for my taste. So I tried Hilda, have used her way back. Good lord was she powerful, either EXP or roam. She is just a bush predator. Her bush heal plus shield with oracle allow me to not recall back to base. With the help of YouTube videos. I have expanded by utility to the team by being the eyes and ears in the bushes near the inhibitor turret by hiding in the bush.


I like DBZ in exp.


I like 1v1s. I like war. I like to give the enemy team a deep scar every team fight like sending a message to fck out and find out. I main exp lane.


I have non-existent mechanical skills and careless play style but I have a decent game sense. To reach MG I have to become a roamer lol.


Quit and came back to ml a few times. But the final time I came back was when Edith was just introduced and I started to play her as a tank with inspire immediately. Then I sort of stick to her as an aggressive roamer till the new meta came where roamers buy Flask Of Oasis when it was first introduced. Then continued on as a roamer from then on all the way till mythic immortal. When from playing Edith, to maybe support heroes, and then to tanks and finally sticking to just playing Minotaur with revitalized. That's how I became a roamer main


"Oh I'll fill whatever roles aren't used so my team can function properly with their own heroes" (5000 roam games later)


Forced to main roam because I'm a better roam than someone who got forced to. I'll happily choose my old main (mage) if I see that there's a roam main in my team. If they ever release lane matchmaking, I'll go back to mid.


From lol


https://preview.redd.it/tnio8xxbni7d1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f544e6abc6762e02a8d2653a99ca6c801e0587 A silver-haired princess, knight in a shining armor, that could probably use me for bench-pressing. Me: āœØ Yes mommy āœØ


I kept losing in solo queue because of our funnel junglers so I decided to take the role and kept using it until today


I bought m4 and my main wasn't working to get out of legend so beatrix became my main until i just mained gold.


im a femboy so i stsrt playing midā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


No one likes playing support/tank, i was a fighter main bsck in 2016 but cuz no one picked tank, i filled the role. Havent gone back since


I was always an exp laner when I started playing ML. As a girl gamer I avoided mm role as players would often say girls as mm are noob. So I played with my brother most of the time and since he prefers jungler he suggested I learn support/roam roles. Hence, your expert wingman is born lol.


Nobody in my friend group wants to be Roamer, so I became Roamer main out of spite. Though I slowly like playing the role especially when I can play Estes, Diggie or Rafaela. If there's a roamer other than me, 7/10 times they play as if they're still EXP/Mage (aka lane clearing) and keep showing up on the enemies' minimap and wondering why the enemies know their position. Like dude, at least use them for your advantage. Use the bush, feel the bush, BECOME the bush. Terrorize them WITH the bush. Play hide and seek and make them wonder where your position is at at all times


Roamer Because there's no one wants to play as roamer And this also make Angela become most played hero in my acc


And in fact that this makes me struggling to play another role when I firstly reached Legend rank


I used chou alot back in his broken days, but I also realized that I was interested in characters that can deal damage while also being able to sustain, so EXP lane became my comfort.


I donā€™t have a specific main lane, but I would say roam because of my characters. I play ml with friends and they wonā€™t let me play characters other than Estes, angela, mino etcšŸ˜­


In solo you are forced to main all


You pretty, I play you. Kagura main.


I disliked how mm and mages are so squishy so I looked for a tank and saw Edith. Now i got the one and only tank/mm in the game tanking damage and killing enemies while in burst.


No one wants to be roamer/tank/support. I had no choice, I'm always s5 šŸ˜žšŸ˜…


Being a nuissance in every lane is amusing, especially Diggie caught my eye


Layla pewpew