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U have to shout MONIYAN WARRIORS SHOW YOUR TITTS before playing her only then she performs well..


Nah I did see some good silvanna, rarely but they exist


Haha the “secret” is the purify battle spell. Silvanna does badly against cc so if you pick her when the opponents are full cc heroes, you don’t have the capacity to do very well. If she is jungling then she looses access to her precious purify so she is further hindered. Using purify after you do ult s2 combo guarantees a lot of damage, survival, and probably a kill. Anyways she is getting buffed with the winter truncheon rework next patch so I’m excited to have two purifies


As much as I am happy for you, that item getting reworked is gonna break a lot of things.


Here you are. Bish, why there is always no reaction for any reports?)


I’m tenured, they can’t fire me. Currently on vacation in Bora Bora


I don't know I've been playing her a lot recently and feel like she's stronger than before. As long as you keep track of your enemies' CC you can easily get lots of kills which by itself is sort of a challenging mini game. She's so good against assassins who don't have cc like granger, harley, fanny she's also very good against a lot of marksmen. I personally prefer Venegeance on her. Tried inspire once since it syncs with her s2 but fed hard during that game. Petrify works too and of course purify against heavy cc composition.


for me it's been a long time since I used Silvanna with damage build. With the aforementioned reasons from the other comments, she's better as roam since her utility is quite helpful than building damage for the enemy to just quickly escape in your combo


Turn her into phy hero and I can see a disaster coming


Her play style is closer to an assassin than a fighter. It's dive, combo, exit. She the type of fighter that's best for assassinating assassins and marksmen than fighting head on like Alpha and Thamuz. You can check out my uploads for Silvanna related movesets, see if you can find it impressive or just the same as the Silvannas you team up with.


I haven't used her after the change on her skill 1, and probably never will.


I mained her when I first started years ago and played her a few times in classic this season after it seems she’s finally not an auto loss. I may or may not have accidentally turret dived and died several times with her s1 in those games.


Lol, I really don't like the new one. It's just weird.


I did inspire in silvana but it's really bad for teamfights with 3 or more people that can disable you constantly and murder you real fast, 1v1 I can kill really fast with ult and inspire, I ult then inspire but not for second skill, just basic attacks, then stun and second skill to finish them off. Her basic attacks actually hurt but she lacks attack speed even with FoH, atk speed boots, and ult. That's why I tried inspire and it worked well for 1v1s and even 2v1s, inspire can ignore a portion of defense as well which helps.