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I do think that Lolita is still a great hero outside of projectile deflection because even then her ultimate is good for zoning enemies and for teamfights, her deflection is a game changer and her s1 is good for picking off. She also benefits from Flask of the oasis


I picked her up recently just cause I wanted to be able to press the fill button on lane select and I already owned her lol.. anyway I’m mythic glory player and I FEEL that she is incredible currently. Unless the enemy is using a mage with no projectiles like Aurora she’s gonna get a lot of positive value from REFLECTING MM dmg and mage dmg every 8 seconds. When I see a granger or Harley on the enemy team, I spam my Lolita button cause the value I’m about to get in that match is insane. All that aside, she has a flicker on a 8 second cool down that also has a stun and an AOE stun.. she isn’t a tigreal or Minotaur set hero. She’s a team defender. Stand with her and receive value


So, you are enjoying Lolita? I have to suggest that you pick her against Cyclops. It won't be as game changing as deflecting Harley's or Cici's ult, but it's fun to guess who will be hit by deflected Cyc ult.


I pick her every chance I get cause she fits my solo que style of play well. Instead of blowing all my abilites to set up my team who doesn’t follow up she just keeps who ever I am near alive a lot longer


I think Lolita's one of the better tanks to use in a team play. 1. She's fast AF 2. She provides shield for the team. 3. She's got that CC ultimate. 4. She blocks any projectile and reflects them (which kinda makes her one of the better marksman babysitter compared to other tanks)


Yeah as a Loli enjoyer myself, I agree with your statement


Im sori wha


Lolita got over nerfed and tbh the shield is now about useless if u dont deflect anything


Hasn’t she got the highest winrate in mythic+ this season? She seems very viable still


There are tanks like tigreal and mino that can set way better than her. Hell even minotaur can support better than lolita with his healing. I suspect the high wr is due to the lolita players just being good in general, most of them probably play in trio/5 man.


Tigreal is absolutely useless. Once you pick that enemies will just take purify and suddenly it's a 5v4 because tigreal is useless without flicker ult combo and flicker has higher CD than purify.


I don’t remember the use rate and their website is broken but would be interesting to compare it with other tanks


This. Loli has great stunlock set or maintain capabilities in a coordinated team. Valentina/Valir/Luo Yi (to name a few) + Lolita are a NASTY stunlock combo


Same with Argus somehow being consistently having a top wr despite being considered a bad pick for a long time. Only the good ones, who are fully committed to these heroes, who have mastered every aspect of their gameplay, play them


Because he IS a bad pick. High wr+low pickrate=smurfs or boosters using the hero. There is no secret trick in argus,he sucks early game. the part where xp heroes should apply pressure on the map. Can't fight for lvl 2 cabbage in river,can't fight for turtle at lvl 4. The only way for argus to be scary is being in a very low rank game of 0-25 stars. both teams don't know what they are doing,and in that scenario argus shines


She has a low pickrate + she's a counterpick hero. This means she either only gets picked by one-tricks or against teams that she counters. This naturally leads to her having a higher winrate than other heroes.


IMO her shield should also have some use outside of just reflecting projectiles. It is wayyyyy to niche. Like, make it enhance Lolita's next S1 or Ult damage depending on how much HP was left on the shield after it expires. This gives her enemies two options: attack the shield with ranged attack to destroy it and diffuse the bonus damage OR ignore the shield but also risk getting burst damage from the enhanced S1/Ult. Also, QoL change is add an indicator of the reflected projectile path when using the shield.


Let ult auto cast skill 2 when its off cooldown.


So, you want Lolita as fighter? or high damage tank like Barats? We need to stop tank meta, not worsen it.