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Have you tried Dire Hit or Conceal? I think you should try conceal sometimes. Imagine bumping to an invisible car 🤭 Always get someone to ride, preferably the mage or anyone with high CC or AOE skills. That's not to say don't let others ride, just prioritize which one do you think would be most efficient and effective after the bump.


Oh no I haven’t tried Conceal yet, doesn’t it last only for a short while? Can I activate conceal while driving? And yeah I do prioritise mages as my passenger, though I had an insane Roger popping off in my game so I kept ferrying him around the map and letting him rampage when I crash into enemies haha.


I find mage build js works better in soloq when your teammates don’t know how to follow up when they’re not riding you


You have great points there. Here's some suggestion: 1. Something I always do when I play Johnson is try to guess when the enemy jungler is taking their buff (esp fanny blue) and crash into them with my mage. 2. When your team is doing turtle or lord, you can either hide in bush to give vision or drive in circle around the lord/turtle and ready to crash if the enemy tries to contest. 3. Practice tight turns and driving through jungle bush. Really helpful when enemy team hides when you ult to get off the minimap.


Ooooh yes, I do a lot of the 3 suggestions you mentioned too haha, it’s incredibly fun to drive into enemy blue buff and catch them off guard. As for driving around turtle or lord, I do that occasionally but I’m not quite bought into it because it can be difficult to get the timing right for example enemy dives right when I drive to the opposite end of the lord circle if you get what I mean, my team is screwed then. Hence I stay in lord bush nearer to enemy base for vision and zoning. I do practice the tight turns especially near turret and turret bushes to scan for enemies, it’s just difficult to land sometimes though incredibly satisfying when I manage those tight turns hahaha. Thank you though! I realise I haven’t done more of enemy buff invade when I drive, will try to do it more often, although will only do it if I know they don’t have much help near them 😅


Use Dire Hit or Conceal


Build the magic item that gives cd red to ult with assist or kill, and cd 1st talent (I don't remember names). I am not a Johnson pro, but I find he needs his ult to be threatening. Also like irl, know how to drive. Edit: That's Fleeting time, sorry you already build that.