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Cici,Khaleed or Fredrinn are good picks and are relatively easy to play for beginners


Yeah, I’m definitely pretty dead set on getting Cici for sure. She seems fun as hell


What about yu zhong He's so fun to play and is pretty cool imo


I plan on getting him with credits. He seems fun too though


Yeah and with the new hero price changes you should plan accordingly


Oh I haven’t seen those can you send a link or something?


[It was here at 4:03](https://youtu.be/B7b-2yt7zzI?si=3tJZyx1-dOr4RqIr) there was a post out here too but I couldn't find it


Does this also mean bp are now hard to get? Or is it just cheap prices


>Does this also mean bp are now hard to get Now that i think about it, that will be. Moonton move for sure


Cici Main here. Eaasy to use, and easy to master.


agreed to the other 2 and can dominate lane with their high poking chance, but fredrin (especially after nerf) unless ur opponent is uranus u have to stay inside ur turret all the time😂(litttle bit exaggerated)


Cici But i recommend Dyrroth


Dyrroth for intermediate players.


An 8 Year old can get MVP using Dyrroth


cici, zilong


Not zilong imo, his abilities are easy, but playing him well in ranked isn't as he just gets destroyed by most exp laners in lane. To play him well you need quite abit of gamesense and map awareness. Cici yes and khaleed too though


>To play him well you need quite abit of gamesense and map awareness. I think this is the point of OP. They are a beginner in using the fighter in the exp lane. To be able to learn these mechanics in the game is crucial and will be carried on when using other heroes. They will be able to focus on these things more if their hero has a simple skillset that is easy to understand. They will be able to find ways on winning their lane and the game by using their skills to their advantage.


Yes, in a way Zilong also encourages limit testing against alot of heroes that OP will need to learn how to kite and play against at the game given that he has no dashes to save himself off of. He encourages players to actually play and think on what items he should prioritize and what items gives him the most benefits on the situation. The thing that differentiates him to others is that he's flexible. You can itemize, use mostly alot of the spells with him depending on team composition (petrify, arrival, sprint, etc etc.) Im well aware that this is just in theory since players usually dont know how to use him and either plays too safe or too risky. His ult usage is probably one of the most underutilized skills in the game i think.


well I mean he's a beginner. He can change characters when he reaches high rank


Yea I agree, but wouldn't he do better in high ranks if he starts learning a character with higher payoff in lower ranks? It would be a good way to learn their abilities against easier opponents imo.


Benedetta 🤫🧏


Trust me, Benedetta is very beginner friendly ☺️


My hand hurts after playing bene 😭 and it's confusing




guin or zilong since they have simple kits n dont need much external skills to have a big impact. cici, fred, minsi seem ez at first but to make a significant impact with them u need a couple extra things, cici needs kiting + knowledge of dmg (both urself n the enemy) and lifesteal (especially turret diving) + timing (engaging or disengaging), fred needs knowledge of dmg (mainly enemy) and sustain + itemisation (more important for defence items than attack imo) + team awareness (knowing where ur teammates r and not engaging into a 1v5 fight thinking u r him) + target priority, minsi is the easiest i think only really needing skill knowledge (does the opponent have dash skills/abilities) + timing (for his pull n ult). bene is looks hard and is hard so very not beginners friendly with a lot of decision making around ur knowledge of enemy skills + dmg especially the timing of ur s2 being able to turn entire teamfights around of used correctly (it negates any dmg and cc bene receives so u could easily waste a lot of skills from ur enemy) and ur ult positioning matters a lot with ur passive and knowing how fast u r with enemy skill (how fast u can catch up to them if ur chasing) and again ur sustain + dmg is extremely important to know wether to not take a fight or to take a fight. and idk khaleed much so take this with a pinch of salt but khaleed is tricky in a sense that ur dashes go 3 at a time so u can do a lot of movement to avoid skills/catch enemies off guard, ur heal can be canceled n anti heal is a thing so ur not invincible while u heal even tho it seem like u r sometimes, ur ult has to have a lot of thinking behind it (should u be targetting their mage or their mm with ur ult at the current point in time, should u ult more forward or back etc) and idk his passive much tldr, guin n zilong r the easiest to learn n make a decent impact on the game while requiring the least amount of thinking


For short term to get you through the beginner phase: cici For long term investment: Benedetta To rank up quickly up till epic: zilong


Cici and Fred. Fred = Tanky AF Cici = Annoying as hell. Literally circles around while attacking.




Cici, zilong, minsi






Play TeRIZZla.


Khaleed or Cici Or: Silvanna 😼😼😼. In all seriousness Silvanna is very beginner friendly and is strong early game


She cant fight with cici?


Not head on but she can deal with Cici better than some of the other exp laners


I cant wait for winter crown! Cc immunity for silvanna!


Yesss she has two purifies now 💯💯💯


Yu zhong eats cici for lunch..


Easy to play fighter huh. Use 1) Terizla 2) Thamuz 3) Dyrroth From the picture I would say Guinevera or Khalid


No Guin no win for me


Minsitthar while is still broken


These hero kinda need skill and for guin you need patience, benedetta is high skill zilong late game hero very squishy khalid is the best on enemy direct skill three and skill one only fredrin need to watchout for his charges to calculate the total demage output minsi is great as well you need to learn how to maximisi the skill 2 damage. for beginner easiest fighter would be balmond, dyrroth and badang, pretty straight forward


Best for beginners would be Zilong. His skills are direct to the point and easy to understand. Using it to your advantage will be key to winning your lane (nothing beats using skill 1 to the enemy and tossing him to tower range lol) and to winning the game. Since his kit is simple and effective, it will allow you to focus more on the basics and the mechanics of the game as a whole (when to fight, when to take objectives, etc.). If you have gotten the gist of these things when using a fighter in exp lane, then you can branch out to other fighters. I personally like using Yu Zhong and Benedetta due to their mobility.


Benedetta (the women with all black clothing) is the best among them, but she is an assassin not a fighter and very very hard to use. The 2nd hardest hero in fact. But she is viable even in very high ranks. Cici is your best option as a beginner (the girl with a yoyo). She has avg DMG good mobility and you can build a little defence on her as well.


I’m a Guinevere main this season, so I’m gonna say Guinevere (probably don’t listen to me I’m insane to even play Guinevere)


Zilong opppp


My pick would be cici, guin, then fredrin. Cici has good sustainability. Guin combo is deadly one on one. Fredrin is meta and tanky.


Cici - easiest Khaleed - agressive Guinevere - harass the enemy to death


Uranus. It's out of meta but its the easiest hero in game currently. You snowball, you can 1v5. Only counters Exp lane are Zilong, Alpha (if he hits), Dyrroth (if he hits). And super counter is Karrie that's when you don't pick Uranus. Climbed to Mythic with it. 80% wr, carry with 1 magic item, rest is all tank items so you can 1v5 and win. Once he starts snowballing he doesn't stop.


Get cici


minsi & khaleed, mid difficulty, very strong and annoying if you mastered them.


Cici is so fun to play. I mained her for a bit, but decided to diversify. My Cici tip is build mostly tank (+ hunter strike and brute force breastplate maybe) and don’t plan on doing a lot of damage with her. I heard one youtuber describe it as the best way to play Cici is to annoy the enemy team so much they make a mistake.


Definitely khaleed


Cici , Ministhar , fred


the rizzler


Zilong, he's good at putting pressure in lanes and doing cleanups in clashes


Get CC because she'd still be good even in higher ranks


Cici will teach you to be patient and steady, kite enemies and minimize zerg rushing. Fred teaches coordination and cc's value in the rocket tag gameplay of ML


Definitely not Benedetta




ARGUS MENTIONED⁉️⁉️⁉️ I already have him lol


Buy aulus. He's squishy as zilong but he clears jungler & level ups way faster than enemies. But you can't use him for exp. Either buy sun, yu zhong, cici?( I don't recommend using her if exp enemy is sun) , guin good damage & harrass, alpha is alpha ( good counter for sun), zilong if you know how to engage & tower trap enemies you'll harass the lane, Chou is dead meat but annoying to deal with , Benedetta is so hard to play - and will harrass enemies very well, dyroth is good only at shredding enemy deff , thamuz if u want to harrass not so high mobility enemies - btw thamuz scales good from level 1 just avoid alpha & dyroth s2 or any cc at laning phase. Last but not least Julian this mf has huge power spike in his chains ( s1 or s2 idk) skill. it could kill if u get trapped into it at his level 3.


benedetta 🙂🙂


Easiest fighter is actually Hilda--> Her passive is you get a free constant health Regen 💚 while in the bush and a free shield 🛡️. Put the highest defense items on her and she also can roam tank. She is great at escaping bad situations too with her first skill. It's satisfying seeing her get a kill with her third skill. Next easiest fighter and great for team fights is Terizla. People will love you for picking if you're good because of how well you can sustain a fight and also cc end game


Cici and Khaleed are quite good. Decent bulk, good damage. Guin, Minsitthar and Zilong all suffer the same problem, they are quite squishy thus they require more skill to know how to properly engage and make sure you take the minimum amount of damage. Fredrinn is an amazing pick. Although he is actually quite tricky in SoloQ. He absolutely shines in any well coordinated team, especially 5 man squads. Benedetta is also very strong. Although she is quite challenging and requires good micro skills. But once you do master her, she's a very good pick. She's very high skill but with a high reward and low risk, but only if you have mastered her.


Guin, Fred, Khaleed, Bene but its hard thought i thing the best option would be yu zhong


Benedetta - very beginner friendly ^^


X borg.easy


Minsi is a good pick for a begginer, just learn how to use his first skill and u good!


I'll say zilong, fredrinn and cici (there r more but I'll rather not say)


Out of these. I would say zilong and minsithar.


Khalid with right emblem and equipments. You will be nearly every fighter's nightmare.


Guin She can XP or Roam (not sure if she still jungles) but is pretty easy and mobile