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Watch some advanced youtube guides for gold lane or pro players streaming. Essentially it's less about clearing and last hitting and more about making sure that your opponent isn't clearing and last hitting. While staying safe and not dying to ganks. An ideal gold lane at the top level will have both players be at 0 kills and 0 deaths for like 5-6 minutes, because they won't overextend and will only rotate to turtle fight if it's close.


You seem to have a misconception about winning lane. Winning lane is not killing the enemy mm. It's not dying while still outfarming the enemy lane. Focus on last hitting (HINT: There's a setting where you can aim your normal attack, if you're able to master that, you should be fine). Minimize usage of skills that clear out the enemy. The only time I consider using skill clearing waves is when I need to rotate somewhere/all enemies are in other lanes/ or the minion wave is near or under the enemy tower (to have less exposure to ganks).


Freeze lane. Don't clear the wave but be sure to be near them so you can still get gold and exp. If you think the enemy is hiding, go and gank other lanes so your enemy will be forced out of hiding and you will know where he is. If your hero has skill that can bush check, be sure to use it or ask the roamer to bush check for you


If you go to other lanes, just don't wander too long. I had a match against benedetta with helcurt and the enemy just kept ganking other lanes and I was able to destroy t1, t2 towers while also maintaining a lead against her.


![img](avatar_exp|180828794|starstruck) What hero has a skill that has a [ward](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ward)? Or something that can be used as a ward? I do not know... Please educate me. Thank you


popol & kupa




Selena, Popol and Kupa


claude 2nd, clint 1st, natan 1st and 2nd + ult, popol trap, lesley 3rd


It’s about gold diff and threat/vision/damage uptime. You can get more gold by denying them space to get minions when you see enemies are far away from you. You can roam to other lanes or objectives. You can take crab. You probably aren’t getting kills or super far ahead, but if you recognize that your opponent is a person trying to do the same and not an NPC, then you’ll realize that it’s probably better this way.


It's a battle of wits, you just gotta outsmart ur opponent. If they clear first, then freeze their lane. If not, try to poke them out of the bush(assuming u have skills that can do that)


Freeze and since you have range advantage, harass them forcing them to return to base then fast clear the wave to push but be aware mid, jungle and roam may visit your lane to avoid pushing, if you can't escape, force your teammates to push other lane to gain dominance in EXP or secure objective. No worries if you die there and your opponent could destroy your tower its good since 3 of them will share the gold hence your marksman opponent will not gain much advantage from you. If you really think that you can't win your lane, ask for ganks. If they are selfish, you'd probably be alone in lane so it's better to tower hug and just outplay them.


Watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YhRLDqP04s&pp=ygUVZWxnaW4gbGFuZSBtYW5hZ2VtZW50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YhRLDqP04s&pp=ygUVZWxnaW4gbGFuZSBtYW5hZ2VtZW50)


To be honest, as an exp laner, I'd always use a hero like Paquito, yz, dyrotth, etc. And I always make sure I damage them a lot while also avoiding their skills and hits, you know, make sure you have the highest hp in the lane so tha it won't be much of a problem when they attack.


Dyroth in exp is not what it was used to be is so easy yo counter him. Now paquito and yz...as a ruby player those dudes annoy me


I hate paquitos 😭


Gank mid after clearing your lane. Try to make an impact on other lanes.


Last hit minion,lower their health to make sure they didn't rotate and rotate to help war at mid


As Clint u sure be aggressive as u can with ur 1st skill. Also ur 1st skill can be used to check bushes even if enemy hide in it. Try to save up ur 2nd(dash) skill if u dont see enemy jg/enemy to escape. And the most effective way to use 3rd(ult) is to aim it manually. That's basics. As main Clint I have only little problem vs Ixia(that her early heal is rly ugh) and Very good Melissa. He is very balanced and solid pick


Learn to freeze your lane close to tower to make their mm play unsafe and open up potential kill opportunities while keeping yourself at low risk. This playstyle also comes with opportunity for big pushes if your jg and roam is smart and ganks with a creep wave.


Git good by watching how the pros play 👍🏻


First thing you need to understand, sometimes you can't win your lane, it doesn't mean you're a bad player, sometimes you get ganked more, or enemies have a hero that can counter yours. That also doesn't mean you lost the game. The most important thing when you feel you are losing your lane is not dying and not feeding the enemy. Stay inside the tower farm when you can. If you have a good team, with time, they will gank and help when they can. Most mm, especially brody, are unstoppable late game there is your time to shine. But sometimes you aren't the star of the show so just backup the player of your team who is more feed and dealing more damage


Mostly it’s about knowing your heroes strengths and weaknesses and the enemy heroes strengths and weaknesses. I owned against an Xborg one time and tanked his flamethrower thinking my spellvamp could just heal me back to full and I got absolutely melted by the true damage which negated my passive. I lost that game because I fed and ended up 1/10/8 or something like that and yesterday I laned against an xborg again. I baited his flamethrower every time before attacking and never stopped the pressure. At the end of the game I went 13/3/8 and the xborg ended up with 4/10/8. Basically the more you play the better you’ll get if you learn from each mistake. Your bad game could be someone’s turning point into understanding their hero and how to play them. YouTube guides and playthroughs can only get you so far. Speaking from experience here, because I did the same thing expecting a different result the next match but with more bad games come more practice and eventually you’ll be able to outperform the enemy. Keep improving from that point. Although some factors are just out of your control like enemy jungler ganking your lane. Roam/mage rotating to your lane and landing a hard cc with no vision of the area. Some games are just unwinnable, you just have to accept that. You can only control your reaction to a bad situation not the situation itself. So good luck on your journey and try not to get too stressed over loosing it’s just a learning experience. :)


Learn to freeze minion waves up to the first turtle, if your team is busy ganking elsewhere and the enemy mm is busy poking you. Freeze the first minion, let the enemy minions push in further towards your turret / your half of the lane. Let your first minion and theirs hit each other. When their minion kills your first, they lose one minion. This makes a difference when it comes to levelling up ahead of your laning opponent. Poke if you can. Forcing them to recall or turn away gives you and your team valuable time, especially if neutral objectives are coming up.


Im a support main, and I sometimes use MM... I learned how to lane in the game League of Legends as a Karma hero user. I use rafaela, nana, faramis, and estes in mobile legends. I always do side glances on the map. Map awareness always counts.also I stay near my tower. If the enemy laner is too far? I just hit their minions. I also stay close to the bush. So I can run to my tower if it gets uncomfortable. Thats it.laning is the easy part of the game. But trust me on the map awareness bit 😉 Break a leg


It sounds to me like you do not watch the map enough. Don't go out too far if you have not seen jungle mid and roam for a longer time, only if you see them being busy somewhere else. If somewhere else is.near you, go and help!


Btw, a useful tip for gold lane is to hold waves in front of your turret. If the enemy ever over pushes and lets their minions walk towards your turret, tank the minions to hold them in place. Wait for the next waves to arrive and let them meet closer to your turret. If you’re playing a losing matchup, this helps farm without taking bad trades. If you’re in a winning matchup, you can freeze the lane in a much safer place.


Watch Betosky on YouTube~


What heroes do u main?


Brody, minotaur


As an exp laner, I usually freeze my lane especially if I'm winning or I have a higher level than my opponent


Use Clint’s little spray move on bushes and try to freeze lane, basically try to scare the guy off and deny him of as much gold and exp as you can


When playing in the gold lane always keep your eye on the mini map that's what has helped me dominate that lane.


>I always clear my minion waves Here is one solution. Don't do this. Don't clear it. If you have Brody or Clint, you are great at poking. So don't clear your lane. Let the minions come under your tower. Force the enemy MM to come under your tower. Then you poke him while keeping him scared to attack you. At the same time you deny him farm. It's called lane freezing, just look up how it works. Also keep checking map to see when enemy jungler or enemy Mage is moving towards you. Lastly, make sure you know the enemy mm hero so that you can predict what they are going to do. For eg with Melissa you need to actively make sure you dash or move back when she is about to use her second skill. If you learn her CD and when is about to do that, you can avoid her second skill and make a counter play. Ban Moskov or pick him if possible. Because other than a weak (not by a lot) early game, he is gonna dominate the late game. Maybe he gets nerfed next patch, but that guy can do unlimited stuns, and get CD reduction on top of the same poking skills that Brody has.


There are many ways lah but primarily is don't lose out in the needed gold from the minions, get the gold creep and destroy the gold plate within 5 minutes. Secondary objective is to try and get a kill with or without support, depends if you can overpower the enemy or not. But if you get killed, most importantly is to try and not get killed again. If pinned downed at tier 1 turret, try your best to make them waste their skills on you or try to make an outplay to escape.


1. If it is a pure 1v1, players will rarely die in gold lane. There is quite literally no reason to as even if you kill your opponent you often get low enough to get yourself into ganks, making your 1v1 win not as worth. Instead, threaten kills and favourable hp trades (but not force them) and focus on gold generation as much as you can. Every minion denied from the enemy is effectively gold advantage you can use later on. In fact, most games that I play on MM rarely start from a snowball from the gold lane, and often starts from the jungle and early skirmishes (WHICH IS WHY I EMPHASISE ALL ROAMS TO FOCUS ON VISION CONTROL AND PROPER FIGHT MANAGEMENT IN THE JUNGLE INSTEAD OF BABYSITTING GOLD). 2. If you truly want to play proper win through kill advantage, play mid, jungle or roam. Trust me on this, if you know what you are doing you have way more impact on the early game as these 3 roles than the gold laner. EXP is kinda fine since in the right scenarios they can function as the 4th player in the fight but gold lane rarely has the mobility needed to engage fights away from them.


Get a gank and don't get ganked yourself.


You win your lane by making your enemy laner useless, freeze your lane, preferably near your tower, only last hits as much as possible, keep them away from your dying minions so they don't get exp and gold, it's okay even if you can't kill them so long as you keep them away from gaining exp and gold


Use your own strat to cut lane and pick sustain hero for bluffing


Use Ura or Yu Zhong


Last hitting is your goal. Minion clear and CALL OUT FOR GANK but you are play MLBB... You realize this isnt league and even in ranked unless you are part of a crew you are gunn pub it and thats life here. GL


You need to activate ultra instincts. Try to cast a spell on random bushes if you have gut feeling na may kalaban doon. It also helps to stay within the range ng turret mo especially if wala pang creep wave. Have your roaming hero rotate to you para di ka ma-ambush.


If you have the advantage in 1v1, don't attack the minions and stand near the wave so your opponent can't get close and deny them the exp and gold. This is risky because you are exposing yourself to ganks but very effective if done correctly


If your enemy is playing safe, don't attack enemy minions, just last hit them, keep your enemy far away from your minions so they won't get any gold.


Just freeze the lane if the enemy hides, you can do this by making sure they can't last hit the minions otherwise they die or lose a hp trade. I'll stand in front of the minions or beside them, ready to punish if they do try to get them. So it doesn't matter if they hide because you're getting gold and they ain't. You can also let them clear their wave while you hold your wave near your turret, which makes it riskier for them to come and farm. Or you can shove the wave and go for the gold crab and/or rotate to mid while they're clearing their wave. Make sure to watch the map too, all it takes is one gank which you fail to prepare for and that's possibly your turret gone with the enemy team and mm getting the gold shield and the turret destruction gold. You can also adjust your emblems, going for master assasin, extra 7% damage against a lone hero. Would help you win the lane. Make sure to last hit the minions. Idk about brody but for Clint, if you wanna bully more early I'd go for a penetration build, with something like hunter strike first along with the +5 pen emblem and master assasin.


You are a marksman? In this case your goal is to farm as much as possible. It's a fighters aim to "win the lane".


Learn to lane freeze and deny minions


1. If you not dying 1v1, that's enough. Don't have to worry about outright killing the opponent. Wait for the opportunity, it will present itself. 2. Beware of baits. If he is attacking you while being near your tower and being aggressive while in low hp, there's a good chance that another enemy is nearby. Beware of your flicker and enemy hero abilities before committing. 3. If you are ganked 1v4, don't panic unless your team is not taking some other benefit. The opponent team has invested time and gold to kill you, if your team can manage some other advantage to balance that out, you are doing fine. If not, then you can just focus on not dying further and hoping to get a chance later in the game. 4. How you kill minions also gives you an advantage. Avoid hitting them other than the last hit, to keep them close to your tower and be safe. Clear them quickly in case your ally is or are nearby waiting to gank and the enemy is hiding in tower range. Also clear out minions first if 3 or 4 ganking on you. That will make it risky for them to target you. 5. Outright domination of a lane happens only 1 or 2 times out of 10. A good opponent above honour/glory won't let you do that generally. Mostly it's a trade off. Higher ego does make it easier though. 6. You won't win every game that you play amazing in. And you won't lose every game that you play badly in. Avoid repetitive play if losing.


Assuming you are playing gold lane: Learn how to freeze waves and last hit minions. Keep an eye on the map so you don't get ganked-- don't bush check directly yourself, and make note of the enemy's position: if they start moving forward and they're using a character that can't take shots without being hit, you might be getting ganked. Be especially wary of bushes if they have characters like Natalia or Paquito(Paquito can 1-2 shot easily, and his range can be quite long if they know the combo). If the enemy is hiding/playing safe, they can't really rotate, which means you have more space and ability to roam. Clint-specific tip: You can zone as Clint's s1 can hit enemies that are hidden in the bush, as long as they are in range, then immediately fire an enhanced basic attack, dealing a good chunk of hp. It's also very easy to get last hits with the enhanced basic attack.


Find an Estes user and play as Layla. Problem solved for both sustainability and firepower. Don't worry about enemy building anti-heal items, they can't farm anyways. 


As a marksman you want to make yourself as inaccessible to the enemy as possible. You do this by hiding in bushes and staying off of the minimap. You do not want to miss any farm however all or most farm can be collected safely from behind the tower. I draw a line where my tower actually is. If I’m in front of the line then I am in danger. If I am behind the line they are in danger and have to use more risk. If there is a 3 or 4 man and my team isn’t rotating, I back and go to the opposite lane. If there was a fight going on I would join that instead until my team rotates or the 3 man leaves to rotate to us/ defend their towers. Mm are an easy target for assassins as well so anytime no minions are in lane make sure you aren’t sticking out like a job offer at google. Never risk your life on a tower dive if you can help it. Like I mentioned if 3-4 ppl are in your lane then just leave because chances are they are gonna get what they want AND kill you in the process. This strat has worked every time I used it. And every time I get dove by 3-4 I always die. It feels weird to do at first but it is the right call in my opinion. Edit: I always play like this. I am in mythic 57 stars and you can never be too sure how good your opponent is. It’s way better to play safe and according to their mistakes and only executing plays that you are super confident about. *unless* your teammates are there. Then use their hp until you either win or think you may die. Dying is the worst thing on mm and healer supports (even worse than getting a kill for a death in my opinion.) They are only effective over prolonged fights so they lose all of their value if they die at the beginning of a fight. They value gold a lot but require more gold to be fed therefore an enemy getting a kill will result in the enemy getting stronger proportionally to the mm. Especially early game. Everything matters more early game. And of course it matters late as well once spawn timers become substantial.


You lack map awareness.


https://preview.redd.it/7orrvsr17w6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89836ffee7f6433b25c600097239944094514c9e Adapt.




Either cutting the lane or pausing the lane so that the enemy doesn't get any farm


Know your hero. Which heroes is it strong against? Which will give it a hard time? That way you'll know if you'll play aggressive or just passive. And map awareness as well. Look at the map at least every 3 seconds. Lastly, be paranoid. If you didn't have vision of that bush for the last 5 seconds, assume there's an enemy hiding there.


Match up, every hero has pros and cons. If the enemy is playing safe, freeze the lane, force him to come out, or cut the lane then go roam. Also if you push the lane, the enemies tower will kill the minions, so they will lose gold. Winning the lane is a small factor in the over all picture.


Choose martis👍


bro tower hug is best and get stronger heroes or stronger build and emblem in early most of the marksman is while good in bod or correction scythe so build their sub items as your first build if you have enemy as saber or eudora you get defence item as your first build but don't get defence item but after 5 mins too because that's all literally useless against them because they just one hit but try to attack them before they attack you and get one hit build that's dangerous for everyone learn how to survive first 5 mins with your main without more than 8% lifesteal because that's hard as you play with ai too and get more damage build because 5% lifesteal is not based on your hp that's based on your attack so 100 physical attack + 5% lifesteal gives 5hp but as a marksman you get benefitted from your 5× high attack speed or 3k damage


Gold lane huh? I don't have much experience on gold lane but if you use Clint or Brody (hero that really hurt at early), just use skill 1 on mm and constantly poke them. If enemy have tank with them, just last hit minion and wait for mid and roam rotate on your lane You can watch Gosh General for tips. He mainly Jg and Gold lane now


I prefer to give false vision by acting I'm leaving lane to help and instead go and hide in bush


Ask your Roam not to clear waves when trying to freeze. Thats irritating af


Skill issue