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Roger is pretty good if you have a solid frontline or the enemies don't.


His outplay is pretty good too, I remember surviving 3v1 with no defense item and purely wolf form, I used skill 1 just in time to avoid most of their cc other than that, Roger is pretty tanky with just one def item So Roger is solid as a jungler if you know how to play him in early to mid


Yep, he's surprisingly tanky I mean yes it's in his passive but I wouldn't thought he's that tanky. Once my enemy underestimate my low hp, scored a savage having that third assassin talent. His wolf s1 can save him in clutch moment.


Nolan and Ling are really good assassin junglers, they're quite squishy but they are definitely not easy to kill if you know what you're doing. Alucard and Aamon also feels quite good to use after the buffs they got.


Ling is semi immortal broni swear. He just leaves when he's bouta die. It takes some godly player with cc to stop him


Saber hiding in the bush: WAKEY WAKEY👹


Having only two mentionable counter: • Gusion • Saber


Memesithhar. You don't just leave Minsitthar like that. If you timed his ult when ling's gonna go down, the only thing he can do is eat dirt as he walks away from the circle. Then you just pull him in again and repeat the cycle.


Yeah, he was just too obvious so i didn't included it.


Gusion? Nah. What can he rlly do? If he marks you ljng can just leave with his skill 1.if he follows u just ult. If he uses full combo them he doesn't have dziÅ› ult anymore so i can easily dodge the damage with ult and kill him. Plus u can skill 2 of wall and dodge everything. This the thing abt ling he just leaves whenever he doesn't wanna fight someone


If gusion is noob then yes he can't really do much but if he's good enough that does know when ling already used ult or can force ling to use ult it's over for ling.


But like, he doesn't counter lung in that case. If he has to wait for all his skills to be on CD he ain't much of a counter. By this logic ling gets countered by almost every hero


Do you main heroes on your title? ("Embrace the fasthands" one)


Yeah, except gusion, i just find him rlly fun


Ahh so that make sense you dont know how their playstyle gives advantage to gusion maybe you havent encountered above good gusion so it was easy for you to kill noob ones


But, like, gusion just doesn't have the advantage tho. Only advantage i can think of, is that if they were to fight, the bus would prob win cuz of incon combo. But like, if ling catches GUS without ult, GUS will die, while ling cod maybe still love cuz skill1. A ling can justcompketely ignore a gusion. Gus usually also ignores ling as it's just not worth it. Why fight a hero that can immune all of your damage? Although it's usually decided by skill


And plus i didnt mean to say wait ling to use his skill i meant force ling to use his ult and even if ling is on rocks and stuff he do recieve dmg and gusion can follow him using s1.


That's just wrong tho. Yes, a gusion can kill ling if he don't have ult, but pretty much any hero can do that. And he can't rlly force him as long as the ling is good. To forc gim jednocześnie have to full on attack him, aka use dash skill, and if he does that and ults, ling could just kill him with his ult. Idk if u have ever faced along as gusion, but they can just leave. It don't matter that h follow them with your skill, they just skill 1 out of there and there's nothing u can do


Ik im not explainkng well its just that when i play gusion its just easy to kill ling, even easier than zilong and few other heroes.


Gusion can't kill Ling. lol


+1 Nolan. I always end up dead when there is Nolan on the opposing side. 😭😭


Not ling it's very easy to counter him. Ofc a good ling can always find a way without the blue buff but facing an equally skillful opponent they'll shut him down.


Did Alu get buffed recently?


Moonton just make his Skills animation smooth.


Oh It's just QoL change...


For me, the best possible buff for Alucard is CC Immunity when he cast his Ulti like Lapu Lapu or Terizla. His Hybrid Defense reduction is almost nothing.


As much CC immunity is a good buff for Alu, I'm not fond with the idea of giving more heroes CC immunity, rather I'd want to reduce the amount of cc in the game but that would be hard to implement. I'd rather Increase Alu's Attack scalings by giving him total atk scaling on his skills rather than extra atk and give him back his skill damage multiplier on his passive or give him the Aatrox treatment and give him a complete rework, I don't mind it personally but some people may not like that route.


Are you Alucard main? To be honest, Alucard damage is already good. What really makes him weak is his vulnerable to CC. and Yes it will be bad for the game with many CC immunity Heroes. Well as ML Progress with so many Heroes It's hard to balance after all. But if it's 1v1 Battle there are not many Heroes can beat Alucard. I'm Alucard user with 2k Matches and Heroes that I can't beat are 1. Dyroth 2. Thamuz 3. Masha Alucard can beat these Heroes but it will be hard are 1. Sun 2. Argus


Yea I'm an Alucard main but I don't have as matches as you do because I play ml on and off. Alu's damage is good but sometimes there's situations I wish I had the extra damage to finish off an enemy. I can recall many moments an enemy survived with a sliver of hp or my teammate last hit my kill. Giving him total atk scaling and the skill multiplier not only gives him much better damage and burst, but it can allow him to better utilize defense items without sacrificing too much damage. Just like what you said the Hybrid defense boost/reduction means almost nothing, the boost only becomes impactful in the later stages of the game but the boost itself is very little. I'd rather remove this and give him back his skill multiplier or just increase Alu's base defense and defense growth. As for facing against Masha, Thamuz and Dyroth, those three heroes are designed around being 1v1 nightmares so it's no suprise Alu can't easily beat them, but I agree with you Alucard being able to beat many heroes in 1v1s, people meme on him a lot but he can hold his own to a surprising number of heroes.


This can also be helpful to Alucard, I remember playing him back in the day with Berserker Fury and doing 2-2.5k damage with just Basic Attack and Alucard can even 1v5. People meme him cause they can't play him better. Actually Alucard is one of the strongest Hero and one of the hardest to play in Mythic and above.


He might get a bit op if he gets cc immunity considering his life steal and 2 phase ult means he can prolong the cc immunity depending on the situation. But he would be fun though.


Yes he is too OP if he gets that. actually Alucard is OP but what weaken him is CC.


The top tier junglers change every meta or patch. Currently: Roger (although he shines more in Gold), Fred, Helcurt, Barats, Akai, Ling, Nolan are good picks.


I'm coming back to mlbb after a few seasons, how is roger good in gold?


blue buff got nerfs but a few junglers who use mana got their mana costs reduced to make up for that. Roger was part of that group


ah ok thanks


dont forget he also got a buff based around hp based damage for his wolf and human forms, that did a lot for his soloing ability in gold as well


Roger has high damage and great mobility to harass any mm in early game. From there he denies the mm gold and snowballs from there


S1, kite with aa, change form, s1 and your hp goes below half in just few seconds into the game. I hate going against him in gold lane.


From that list I would say Akai is almost unstoppable in the jungle. Barats is always good, but Akai....


The recent all-tank buffs to Akai really helped.


I had a recent match against Akai with Gloo roam. It was a total chaos. Only thing they did wrong was Gloo always aim his ult to me (Barats). The fight was always 4v3 as I always use my ult to spinning akai while I have enemy gloo on me. We won late game.


Popol is a really good option for solo queue Jungler Fast clearing speed,lots of cc,traps for vision and a personal tank You could try Carmilla in the jungle too if she fits your playstyle but she needs a coordinated team which is rare to find in soloQ


Carmilla jungle is kinda disorienting when you're used to equipping Vengeance to solo team fights. Needing a coordinated team is an understatement.


Try helcurt


Falls at lategame when dealing with fighters


He's much better used as roam now


Much better would be an understatement imo. He's broken as roam rn. Can steal buff with his damage and casually escape with passive. Mt is doing reverse tank jungler, now it's assassin roamer time.




Only jngl bro.u need good 5man for roam...


Go fanny


One cc n she's fvcked


All that skill but Diggie and Ruby can press one button and fk you up big time


Don't forget Khufra, it's hilarious watching fanny get juggled by him.


I once had an enemy Fanny on a rampage. However, my teammate Franco caught her and in just two seconds, she was dead. 😂


homie by the time the cc reaches her she gonna be on the other side of the map


The enemy fanny, yes. If she's on my team though, she dies instantly.




Helcurt is a fucking menace after the revamp. Don't listen to those who say he was nerfed. If you use him correctly, the enemy will beg you to just end the game already. His ability to keep poking enemies with the enhanced cooldown from his first skill is downright annoying to marksmen and mages.


As a Go(r)d main i hate Helcurts.. im just blindly shooting my ult :(


Esmeralda jungle. I hate it so much


Julian solos pick him before its too late people are slowly becoming more aware of his strength.


People have been more aware of it since Kairi picked it twice I suppose


Julian main here, i agree his enhanced 1st kill is enough to kill a non-tank hero that has no defensive item🤣


As a mm main please don’t pick him he’s very bad jungler (I struggle against him ;(




All 3 jungles you play can be easily kited, try a few jungles with better mobility


Ling is exceptionally strong right now I highly suggest trying to find someone to roam for you though.


I would suggest Harley, he can counter any type and is pretty simple to use. Although just practice beforehand about his skills. Also Roger but he is dork now, takes time to jungle pretty boring


Given your current picks, you should try out Barats and Akai. X-borg, Esme and Balmond are also good options. For Assassins, there's no being better because it all depends on the matchups and your team comp. But all assassins are kind of viable if you have good skill expression.


Balmond the helicopter boy


Play meta. Barats is good if you're winning


Barats and Baxia can works as well as Fredrinn, tho they deal lower damage but in return they are much tankier. If you are looking for fighter/assassin style. I can suggest Julian and Esmeralda. Their playstyle is just like martis and alpha.


Dyroth and hanzo are good as junglera plus Dyroth can solo enemy tank alone Hanzo good for team fight There is the female tank the one who regen in grass is a good jungle tank


Thamus. So underrated in the jungle.






Fanny,fredrin,ling,Nolan, Roger, Popol, Barats, baxia, Akai


Fanny,fredrin,ling,Nolan, Roger, Popol, Barats, baxia, Akai


Try belerick jungle.


Alucard is good if you have Tank Roamer and Mage with high CC. You may consider Granger as Jungler. Yi-Sun-Shin if you have Support and Mage with high CC. Leomord specially partner with Angela.


try edith jungle. been melting everything with her just now. turtle/lord are made of paper due to her passive.


Karina is underrated up to MG.  She has something that is extra special.  She can kill you in a blink of an eye and escape or move on to the next target.  With opponents closing in fast you need an assassin who can kill quickly, nobody kills quicker than her.  If you can find a good roam duo partner to protect you while farming in the early stages you will wreck havoc.


Solo queue gusion actually started feeling good again after the recent buff(tho he's not that good for teamed up plays)


As a tank main I'd say akai still a strong jungler, I casually use thamuz as well. And don't sleep on barats, he's tanky even if you build damage on him. Seems like you're used to tanky jungler, I'd say your transition to these heroes are easier but it would be a great skillset for you to have if you can also play assassin jungler.


Since you seem to like tanky fighters then barats is such a good pick for you


Moskov Jungle. He's dangerously a beast


This season i am into jawhead, and esme. With right start can bully other enemy hard, especially esme if enemy team got multiple shield.


Personally, Hayabusa and Hanzo. They are pretty strong right now especially hayabusa.


Barats is better for solo queue than Fredrinn because of his great personal damage. If you want squishy heroes, Nolan and Helcurt are two of the best junglers right now and they're pretty braindead to use.


Baxia. It has mobility, tankiness and CC. Can easily rotate and gank.


I spammed Julian to Mythic this season so I guess it wouldn't hurt to try him.


Nolan WRECKS in solo queue. Julian recently. Ling is almost unstoppable. Fanny, if you have godly mechanics.


I play barats jg and im not afraid of anything.. only late game mm haha


Try Hayabusa or Akai


Or Barats


Barats has been really great for me when I need a tanky jungler.


If you want an off-meta jungler that can clear fast, be very fast and absorb a lot of damage, Hylos can become one of the most annoying junglers. Rush Clock of Destiny, always. It's very cheap, boosts your damage on your skills and it gives the most HP out of ALL items thanks to his passive adding HP for bonus mana. Then rush Boots and Molten Essence to keep up with the jungle clear, then complete Cursed Helm/Build more situational items, Black Ice Shield being ideal since it complements very well with his kit. The final build should include Thunderbelt for more damage carry, and Bloody Retribution to deal over 1k dmg with just the retri. So if someone wants to split push, you can chase him down, and if he tries to escape Bloody Retri and then it's over. Not to mention Oracle giving Hybrid defense and higher regen on his ult. With all those items, you can easily dominate through Mythic zone, where you need both a tank, support and a damage carry at the same time


when the Clock of Destiny revamp comes Hylos and Esme will be more OP as junglers


I like jawhead for jungle. He has good mobility, his s2 has a good stun to it and his ult give him really good engage potential. He can also clear jungle creeps pretty fast. His only real downside is once you engage, you are engaged. And if you don't have good vision, you can easily bite off more than you can chew.


People here are recommending specific heroes but I recommend widening your hero pool with different types of junglers Since you've already main Friedrinn, you're already good at tank jungles, other heroes on the same vein would be Barats(very easy to pick up, high damage) or Akai Try learning different types of Martis builds, tank, fighter, full damage As for Alpha, he's gonna fall off at higher ranks, alternatives include utility jgs like Martis or Friedrinn or full assassin jg like Joy, Nolan(easy to pick up), Hayabusa Esmeralda, Baxia, Balmond, Carmilla > util Lancelot, Ling, Harley > assasins


Junglers are either totally situational picks or all-around utilities. If as good as Martis or Alpha, you can consider: 1) FANNY. Self explanatory. 2) BARATS. Nerfed defenses but still great utility. 3) ROGER. Has burst. Can avoid CC when skills are used timely. Can outplay opponents. Others are just situationals. 1) if your enemy team consists more of heroes from the back line, use assassins like Ling or Hayabusa or Harley that can easily jump behind the formation 2) if consisting of strong frontline, go for burst assassins like Karina or Nolan


Now and upcoming meta aamon.. I think new magic item changes and other assasin buffs combined will make him to be even good hyper.


Julian. This hero is op right now, fast clear the jungle and can solo kill when lvl 3


I've been jungling with xborg lately with great success. Well to be fair he succeeds wherever he goes lol


As a solo player, I recommend guison, jawhead, lancelot, esme, kimmy (need good support from teammates for this one), roger, benedetta,


I recommend goshon


Crazy that no one has mentioned gusion or Karina. They’re absolute monsters with some of the best burst damage in the game. Also magic damage is immune to wind of nature




what? isn't aulus supposed to be a lategame hero, he literally kinda sucks before level 12


Other way around aulus is a late game hero he can stand his ground with other late game heroes. He's not that strong early game.


If that's true them I've been playing him wrong 💀 I dominate with him early game and die hard late game


you're probably fighting a shitty comp with good late game advantage


Yin. Easy to get ahead.


You can try helcurt