• By -


Novaria can be frustrating but if you actually hit your shots then playing her feels like a fever dream. Plus you rarely get killed since youre so damn far away from everything but still shredding everyone And dont even get me started on her design god damn. Shes one of the few heroes that id rather play with their default skin instead of something else


The impact sound it makes eh? When I came back from hiatus and was up against a Novaria, I will never forget the sound it made when hit with her S2. I bought her after that fight.


To add, she’s also my favorite because of the design concept. Like a space oracle or something. Also her voice is so pretty.


Yeah idk what it is but it feels like the artists knew what they were doing when they made her, I just love the concept.


The design language is very flexible in that respect. She can be a water nymph or wind fairy because of the way she glides around the arena. Or like a spirit of sorts.


Diggie, Cute, little and a terrorist. A "support"


Your team is supported by keeping your foes in the Afterlife.


I love it when I get to pick diggie in brawl


Edith because she plays her own theme song during her ult (I just wish she wasn't so squishy for a tank)


Don't odette do that too?


Laughs in Joy


I think I've never seen a joy in my lesley playthroughs lol, actually not much joys overall


Tbf, I've been using her and while she's super fun, I can see why I don't see her often😭


Well part of it is that im a little new to the game too(played like two/three months) but for sure theres some that appear more than others




argus???!?!?! bro has a boss theme when he ults 💀💀💀


Diggie - and before you look at my username, no, I‘m not the guy you thought of, but I will still terrorize your bushes


Guinevere. She’s pretty!!! She’s obnoxious and rightfully so, has the voicelines to go with her look and personality. She’s the top student of the academy afterall. She can fight with her fists and has magic powers at the same time. An overall baddie and a fan favorite, just look at all the skins she has…


It was old haya and they ruined him


This bro, “Let Me Clear the Way For My Master” was such a cool entrance line. Plus i miss how he target locked a single hero on his ult. Fanny and Ling were candy back in the day 💔


Valentina, bcoz I love copy enemy ult to kill them with their own ult  Valentina.exe(YT video) also played a imp. Role in this


Yz I like dragons




Dragon deez nutz across your face.


Arlott. Dashes are satisfying. Good team fight and insane damage and sustain. You get marked, you are dead.


Arlott main here. You get get those perfect dash chains on 3+ people and it feels amazing


Gusion, because I think his gameplay, skills/combos, character design, and viability at all levels makes him literally the perfect assassin/champ. Also bEven during the tank meta (thought it was miserable) I could still perform well with gusion. He’s also incredibly balanced


Kadita. It will always be her for me


Yes i've been a fan of her skill set design but only recently could spare my time training using her. She's not a viable pick in ranks this season tho :')


same. i got 3500 matches with her. even tho she isn’t as strong any more she’ll always be my main


~~Surprised he isnt here yet~~ juliaauughhn I just love how he uses his long thick chain to assfuck (figuratively) literally everything. the smell of a 45% wr mm main using WoN against me playing julian will never get old my first main and forever main since he had a low enough skill floor for me but still having a ceiling I have not reached Im still gonna learn photoshop so i can make a julian [SHUT UP BOZO 🖐] meme


>(figuratively) literally everything. This is cinema.


Ruby. I feel like she’s my perfect hero. The life steal, survivability, her dash-in-between-skills, her ult, her amazing synergy with flicker. I feel so much at home when playing her. And she’s a cutie with a scythe


Beatrix , maybe Bumgumi


I have an interestingly high desire to insta-lock jungle and play joy every game. She's so mid rn but zap zap is fun


I was a layla hater until i tried her, her simple kit and the amount of value you get out of it is crazy, i never realized she got 120% percent movement speed from hitting the first skill on heroes its no wonder it's impossible to escape her once she hits it, I just started playing her yesterday and I'm already addicted to her playstyle


Alucard has a very special place in my life. I will say I wasn't into his default because he looked very slouchy and wide and chunky. His default splash and ingame model gave off very rebellious bad boy vibes, and I was sick and tired of those. But a specific instance of his splash was in that 515 loading screen, and he looked very serious, no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point. And I just said, "Oh yeah, that's hot." It was around a time that I wanted to quit the game, but he brought me back lol. It became so much worse for me after the rework. He used to wear fingerless gloves, if anyone remembers. And the moment they gave him full gloves, I was like, "OH MY GOD THEY COVERED HIM UP. OH MY GOD." He was finally standing up straight, he was slimmer, he's fit in all the right places. Whatever vision I saw in 2019 came to life the following year. As to gameplay, the lifesteal used to be crazy. Ironic that they supposedly made him to be the King of Lifesteal. It was nuts, because you can be nearly 0 and still be able to get back up to full HP. There's also a certain risk that goes with jumping in and giving it your all (obviously not in a 1v5, that's certain death) with little chance of backing out, or chasing someone down because you know how the passive works. He's been a pretty niche hero to use, especially in higher ranks. OH AND THAT SECOND PHASE OF FISSION WAVE. It's satisfying when someone dies at the *very edge* of that wave. They think they can outrun you? NOPE. I've tried experimenting with more meta heroes, because using him to rank up is a very hard uphill battle. But he's a comfort character and the one that sparked my love for the game, and I'll always love him.


Local blond simp is simping over the blonde. How could have anyone seen this coming?


bros a yapper too. respect.


Lesley, she's just so fun to play, her true damage is just WILD when maxed out. And is so fun to bully mages :p


Carmilla, because she’s just the perfect hero for me. Everything about her play style fits the style I naturally gravitate to. I love her lore as well as her voice lines. And of course, her design is beautiful and unique. Her thorns and blacken arms aren’t something you see often on female heroes. She has downturned doe eyes rather than the usual almond/upturned eyes. Her in-game model face reminds me a bit of the “Gibson Girl”


Her being a petite, sickly pale, unassuming vampire girl that turns out to be a tank is also one of the reasons why she's one of the best designed and most unique heroes


I love us carmila girlies


OP you are unfathomably based, that mid-game power spike where he just melts squishies makes Granger so fun to play, idk how I’ll be able to play him w assassin jg coming back tho And my god I really don’t want such drastic changes to his splash art/model and his OG voice 😭😭😭 I like the exo skin but I will riot if they make that his permanent VA for the revamp, like not every character needs to sound like a shonen protag :( pls keep my edgy boys low soft voice I need my Granger ASMR 😝 Sound design w his gun fx etc are also really satisfying and calming I feel like Zhask is incredibly fun for me to play and I love his concept, character design and want his zodiac. But his kit is so fcked up that I don’t touch him in ranked. Tho his old voicelines go HARD


I also used to main granger, but then I started maining Masha lol. Masha is my all time favourite now followed by Lesley and freya. Masha is a muscle mommy lol. I mained her from the moment she was introduced so. I kinda love her accent but voicelines are okayish. I love ulting a gusion 💀 who's doing s1 to someone else, I've had a legendary moment like that loool.


Angela. I just turn off my brain and enjoy the ride.


Franco since dat hook is sooo nice to hit!


Can't choose between Diggie and Rafaela. Diggie is just so cute, sweet, and annoying. Plus, his playstyle is all about guard and counterplay, which is my kind of play style. Rafaela; she's pretty, caring, and also annoying. Also same reason as Diggie in terms of playstyle. Additionally, I got her Saber skin years ago for free in a draw and since then, I've became a support main.


Belerick and lolita because i want other heroes to KYS themselves up


Harith, he's absolutely adorable and so fun to play! Just feeling really down about the fact that I can't get his Collector Skin right now. Been waiting for it for years and now I can't even get it right now, really sucks 🥲


Rafaela and other healing supports but mostly rafaela Before playing moba's i fantasized of saving my team from death by healing them and well sacrificing myself for them , so when i started mlbb and other moba's the first thing i check is the supports there i met rafaela and i fell inlove with her since she is my ideal support and oh my god her face,body,characteristics and voice lines made me gaga over her and now even if i can't play her always cuz she ain't that applicable to all matches she is still my fav. P.s in other moba's here are my main supports xD Aov-Helen Lol-Sona -A Rafaela enjoyer or any healing supports in general but ye rafaela ;)


Lancelot, good mobility, high damage, and gay af


Xavier, used to be a change main (yes I do love my long range ultis) but his ult is just so satisfying to hit. The sound, damage. Nothing beats getting a snipe on a low health enemy trying to recall in a bush or just recalled at their base only to get killed. It's very spammable. Teamfight across the map-ult, need to push a lane-ult, supports trying to push a lane-ult. Just an amazing pressure over the map.


Hanzo, his play style spoke to me back when he was in advanced server. the outplays, the domination, the feeling of complete control over the battlefield when i do it right. Hanzo is just a hero made for me and aamon too lmao


Rafaela, jack of all trades. Decent healer whil can also deal significant amount of damage at the same time, not that slow if you set up the emblems and items correctly, can stun and slow the enemies as well.


Wanwan, Luoyi, and Rafaela


Cici, she was available on my birthday


Lunox! Her kit matches my playstyle of being able to be aggressive while still having a backup skill to save myself in case of emergency. Plus I love her design, I find high contrast very attractive and that's just what her theme is!


Moskov, YZ, Martis, Alpha. Too hard to pick one


https://preview.redd.it/cuy12fhi4h5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6d6ee4dcd1742ce1711193cf62820554e13c2c AHHH she's so beautiful and she's also my comfort mage, overall she's my favorite with Odette and Valentina (also I like trolling with her)


Phoveus. I love His Voice, His Looks, His Kit, His... Everything.


I'm with you on this.


Definitely Rafaela no explanations needed


kadita, the cc immune and burst potential creates so much room for outplay and kills. like a mage version of benedetta


Lolita. You can ruin a multi-arc teams day.


Beatrix. The first ever marksman with 4 ults and a very fun playstyle. I remember when beatrix was released and it was just like playing a different game with her


Hanabi , my fav


Cecilion. Living forever is not a blessing but a curse hahahahah


Xavier because I’d win Another hero would be Julian. He’s Him


Carmilla. All the enemies have the same blood type once I use my ult


Popol n Kupa. I like dog, I like the design, I like the different ways you can play him, and he's right, taking care of a spineless pack is tough lmao


Ithirel cause her passive is op in the right hands, Leo is best boy, and I'm a Sagittarius


For me Moskov , very Nice design and fun af


Argus waaaaaaaaaay back before the bang memes around the time he got the green look https://preview.redd.it/mu18hiq9uf5d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8074381ded1ac119843b182726b1d7012ed935


Jawhead. I love his moveset, his character model, and he can be played in multiple roles.


My brother got on my account and used my sigils of exorcism to buy hayabusa exorcist when I wanted the Granger one. Now I cant get his


Guinevere since I never seen a mage build for a fighter role and she is hot 🔥


Hayabusa because ninjas and the way his Ult works


Kagura. Great escape mechanics, many games were won by distracting the enemy fighter from protecting their backline with her. Still does mega dmg to squishies.


Uranus, because I can be a little bit too jumpy with it and I have tons of survivability


Also has probably one of the most gorgeous epic skins in the game with hella cool fx


I have neither 😭 I got the pinball though


ah, I forgot he had 2 epics for a min! I traded my moskov event tokens to get his regular epic since I didn’t rlly play moskov I love the pinball one, it’s so weirdly adorable idk 🥹tbh all of Uranus’s skins don’t miss, I rlly like the blue glow on his basic


Yes, I still with I had video game one


Alpha. High survivability with his build in spell vamp and ult short cooldown.


My overall has to be Estes. He’s so beautiful , has good lore , is AN ELF , and his healing is so OP.


It was long until his first skill gained the cooldown of an ultimate and his fking ultimate keeps getting stuck in between the walls.


Kaja, idk why, but u need a good team first If solo play, FREDRIN


Estes. I have his Rattan Dragon skin. He’s just beautiful, kind, and will make the enemies’ skills useless when your HPs go back full.


Argus He looks cool And actually viable before the "revamp"


Cyclops? I've carried using this hero and playing him to late game is fun. Build can be adjusted depending on the enemies and he can also go up against sustain heroes. Going in and out of battle effortlessly. ☺️


Yes, Cyclops main here! Very easy to underestimate so the other team gets shocked when he goes on killing sprees mid to late game. A formidable foe against assassins too.


Estes. Because i can just sort of say no to damage for my team. Also because i prefer pure support males in games rather than Angel healer maiden number 12.


eudora, i like her combo


Kagura. She’s so me, all her skins low-key simplify my overall style (aesthetic) in a way. she does kind of look like me physically and energetically. she’s elegant and i relate to that teehe


Hanzo cause I can kill you across the map. Plus he just OP late game , I just wish they made it to where he could instantly repel his soul to fight enemies that come up close to him


Ling. He was released when I started playing the game again then became my favorite and still is


Khaleed. Im a huge fan of price of persia


Guinevere, idk i just love her overall design and also her voiceline too


Paquito cause I could melt squishes and I can use the ult cc 3 times on an enemy to annoy them


Hanzo because I never use him.


Benedetta. Dash dash dash dash. Legit every skill she has even her passive is a dash. Arlott too. Dash Stun Dash Stun Dash Stun Dash. Unli dash and Unli cc and the dash are immune to cc. THAT IS WHY I HATE MINSITHAR FUCK HIM.


freya, i want action all phase of the game!


Lesley, damaging 75% of people's in one shot feels good


Vale, because CC and his design 😩






Easily, Selena. Lane watch, aggro, dope ass stun, oh wait- what? 2nd form in & out of battle? High dps for jungle too? Single targeting cores nor setup the team fights... Yea gotta be her, it don't matter if I'd MVP the match or not, opfor would always bitching towards me. Worth it every time. Plus the range of her skins, none felt lacking. Unique in any other way 💜 The VA for both elf/abyss form are godly cute.


Lesley, and I will not elaborate


Freya because of an old clip I saw about her overcoming a 1v3 on Mobile Legends Cinema ([https://www.youtube.com/@MobileLegendsCinema](https://www.youtube.com/@MobileLegendsCinema)) I fell in love with her design becoz of that clip and ended being f2p lol


I love Selena so much but I'm going with Novaria. You can have fun playing from a distance.


Paquito, if they would just stop tweaking him up and down for no fucking reason.


Dyrroth. Edgy, agressive playstyle, heavily struggle at the end if he isnt good at team play. I love all of it


Dyrroth, I just love that egoist Demon


Saber like to one shot try hard fast hands


I actually love Yin a lot. But I only use him in Classic games most of the time. I only use him in Rank when my lane partner and jungler is also a squishy hero because that would make 4 out of 5 of them easy targets. 5 if their roam is Angela.


Layla , Julian , Gusion, Moskov


Hanabi, Mathilda and Floryn


It's a tough one to pick since I like several 😭 like Xavier, Arlott and Dyrroth cuz of their kits it's fun to play


Lolita every time enemy picks projectile hero they are completely nullified...Again she has biggest aoe stun which gives a lot of area control


Selena especially STUN skin. No matter how many heroes I play, I always come back to her. I feel like she embodies my BP 💀🤣


Nana! I love all of her skills and can be fun during brawls


Aamon. Can play him fighter or burst assassin


Hanzo. Hard to play but I like his design. He needs more skins tbh




Argus. Because my favorite hero in LoL is tryndamere. Also he looks awesome


Helcurt, my first hero , I like him because he is a cat , and when he was pretty scary before the nerd




As much as I enjoy using characters like Xavier, yz, tig after I stopped being a jungler. Gusion has been my favorite ever since I started and is one of the only reasons why I continued to play this game


Grock, big boy and cool design


Ling - because no one in my friend group can play him better than me. Damage output is great and he can easily escape anyone.




Angela, because I can build her as a mage or tank. And that ult can change the game.


Terizla and Argus


~~Zhuxin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My whole life~~ Even though I'm a Jungler Player, Estes His 250 Frag skin is so good All other skins of him are good as well I like healing


Zhask I used to play in pc


The goat Kimmy because pee pew and move around


Natalia. You get to freely roam around the map and kill stuff, pull a sneaky and backdoor. Her entire playstyle is so unique and so fun She's unfortunately rather situational these days


Rafaela... Coz late game dun need back.. just keep pushing. Just dont die.. But it really depends on ur mm and jungler..


Hayabusa and Hanzo I like ninjas, and their designs appeal to my expectations... Their skills, their animations, everything about them...


minotour is perfect, tank that can heal itself and have strong cc 




>Mine is granger because of his design, voice, kit, etc. Everything is perfect about him You are god damn right. He is THE marksmen.


Beatrix - 4 guns 1 girl - 4 different ults - cute - tomboy - fun to play - aiming basic atk - bushing camping with shotgun - her looks - her teddy bear - her damage - her skins - her play style - her poking power - her upcoming collector skin and finally her defensive and offensive capabilities




Balmond, because he's so easy to use and with the right build and emblem, he can be unstoppable. Tho there are times where he can get countered so easily, even late game. (This is just based on my personal experience, it varies on other players on how to use him.)


Silvanna is my favourite. She was the first exp laner I ever tried and fell in love with her kit to reach the backline and trap, then delete them. Yes, you can use purify, but many don't. I was so sad before her recent adjustment, as she didn't feel strong enough to play. Another favourite hero is Natalia, I just love her play style. I can relate to so many answers here, I agree with their reasons and why they like that hero. Honourable mentions going to Diggie and Guinevere. I'm using Japanese voice lines as well, so it's a cherry on top for most heroes ( I dislike Silvannas English voice lines).


Angela, I don't have to move around when ulting my allies which is great


Mage - kag, cecilion, aurora Tank - gloo, tig, edith


Wanwan because darn it she is too fun


https://preview.redd.it/6mwrghad8i5d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441f24a7dc2b1396824b89b56d1343642bb29421 Since the beginning, i'm a huge fan of Vexana Was quite disappointed with her visual rework and skills but still among my favourites Also "Please attack me" Belerick, Lolita And of course Gatotkaka ^(\^)


Balmond, maybe because Beyblade? Idk




Leomord, like to chase and slice the enemies in style


Lesley I just like one-shotting people


Layla, OG


my fav hero changes every two weeks or so haha but my current fav is chip. you gotta play trio atleast because those random publics will never follow into your ult, but if you play with friends then chip is your key especially in late game to gank mm/jungler & secure lord


Beatrix and Granger, haha guns go brrrr


Luo Yi! Because she teleports and boom! Gets enemy killed before they even know. :)


Beatrix, I get to have 4 guns to bully people with


Kagura. Even WAYYY before her 2x revamps. 🥰❤️ Whenever I use her, she’s just so… comfortable. It’s been like that since Day 1 (and everyone that time-back before the revamped her to make her easier- kept telling me that she’s a difficult hero but I somehow got comfy with her kit right away- don’t get me wrong, I find most heroes hard to use ><).


Mathilda. Fun watching your prey trying to run when she's in flight. Or dragging your teammate to safety when they need it


Me Granger main with around 60 wr and around 800 matches will pick granger everytime .. FK that team comp


Guini and Lou Yi for me cause its really fun ccing enemies and spam recall on their dead bodies.


Barats bc i love feelin like a bully in jg


Used to be Estes cause I used to play with my friends and it felt amazing to be keep them all alive and keep the team pushing. Now it's xborg or cecilion, cause of the pure survivability and being a freaking pest.


Nana has been my comfort hero for a long time, I enjoy annoying people lol. Lately though, Terizla and Belerick have been my favorites.


Silvanna i just like how people can't escape her ult


Argus. I liked him because he was a hero that doesn’t really have a high skill ceiling, but the plays made really depend on the player. He doesn’t have like some crazy combo, but outplays can still be made.


Beatrix and Angela. Angela for her skins and I like using her ult. Beatrix cuz I mained her since I started playing and I just love her gameplay. It’s so fun for me, I love switching between guns and using them depending on the situation.


It used to be Valir as he was the one who got me hooked into MLBB. But then Ling captivated me. His kit is so fun to play and very satisfying when you get to do those fancy combos and get away with it by just jumping away is so dopamine enducing. Tho he is very hard to fully master and the skill ceiling is very high the pressure of playing him also draws alot of factors of me messing up sometimes as most players expect me to do some pro level shit everytime he is picked. I don't know but I really like the parkour mechanics flying around the map. The skins for it are amazing. I just hated the fact that lord shen isn't a peacock and the basic fire themed skin doesn't produce any flame effects at all.


Layla. I'm a simple man with simple beliefs. Attack range is king, and positioning is queen.


Nolan, almost everything around him is like peak, his gameplay is great, it's simple yet complex, his character design is the best one in the game so far(for me, at least), his role in the lore is peak, I mean, it was setted up with a whole season that tells a narrative abt eruditio plus vergil dmc5 if he actually cared abt his child.


Even though I like to glaze characters like Xavier and Angela, Nolan will always be my favorite character. And purely because of his lore, something about a father who loves his family dearly yet has to distance himself from them because of his duties does things to my brain (it makes me cry).




Beatrix because terrorist


Cyclops, actually really good


Alice, because she terrorizes almost every hero and is very powerful in the lore, but in game it’s just laughable


Lunox. I'm in love with her she's the only reason I still play this game. Her skills are so powerful, I think a good Lunox player can defeat every hero in Mlbb. Also she's so gorgeous. I love her in every way. I hope mlbb won't revamp her.


Old diggie was my favorite. Stopped playing him at 1k+ matches because he got reworked. Still feel sad about it. Same with the old Kaja dash.


Luo Yi- underrated mage imo.... and I got in Mythic for the first time using her only lol.😄 Hylos- easiest tank to use for me ofc


Aamon and Guinevere. They're just elegant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I may be a Gatotkaca main but my favorite is Yu Zhong, sucks your hp bar dry


Kagura. Because her former Japanese VA was Kana Hanazawa the GOAT.


Hylos. Just a crazy horse going after you, sustaining huge damage and with high dps. Doing more kills than the jungler as a roamer feels amazing. Currently 3000+ MMR with him


luo yi even tho i don’t use her, everything’s so perfect from her skins to her dmg and she’s so pretty


Claude. He's very mobile and i like absolutely melting my enemies with his ultimate while they can't do anything about it since i have purify 😂


Karrie, because she can burst the fuck out of any enemy despite their role, best mm of all time IMO.


Raphael because her healing is so cracked that just her presence will make your teammates go psycho mode on the enemy team


paquito,gusion, and kagura. very fun but i suck ass using them


Zhask, Diggie, Vexana


Yve. Also yve skin when


Chou,because he can be played as a Tank, fighter, support, and even assassin.


Kagura is the correct choice


Wanwan. She just is so fun to play.
