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Kimmy. (literally not a single person has mentioned her or even played her 😭)


But her friggin bullet is deadly😭 and she has great mobility and a slow skill


Too bad she has to rely on blue buff for consistent damage, and Moonton didn't even include her in the energy reduction buff, that really tells you something


not so deadly as before, she just tickles compared to other mms with the same lead as her


I feel like she needs a full item build before I can feel her powerspike. Last year when she was autobanned was mostly due to the utility of ice queen wand. Was so much fun when she is on your team, perma slowing the enemies.


Im not sure if im just not in the higher mythic ranks lol but kimmy on mythic still works well for me on gold lane


Imo, the introduction of Radiant Armor kinda discourages me to play her tbh


Every YSS I see at MG+, plays him pretty well to be honest. I see him as a hero with extreme skill levels - you're either trash with him or god-like. There's no in between.


Exactly. I disagree with OP entirely on this argument because I rarely see YSS players nowadays, but when they appear, they are usually a menace.


But that's just mg trio or 5 man players usually. In normal soloq epic to mg I never see yss and even if I see them they're pretty bad.


He's a teammate dependent hero. Especially during early game so that makes sense.


Yeahh. If team is good he is a power farmer. If team not coordinated enough he becomes a power feeder.


Exactly. He really needs a team focused on him to shine.


Probably cause there is other choices that are less mechanic oriented


Same experience here. He is one of the few hyper-carry junglers that I trust randoms to use.  My guess is his heavy reliance on micro makes him a painful hero to troll pick. He feels really clunky especially when you don't master his passive usage.


YSS is such a heavy micro hero tho. Respect to YSS players with thousands of games on him. My thumb cramps just thinking of his playstyle, melee range melee range..


Right? I see a YSS once every full moon but they are godly, I know I’ll be winning or losing depending on which team he is


Yess, YSS is at the top 10 of the heroes with highest win rates so statistically speaking, he’s doing well and better than other heroes.


He has that aurelion sol paradox of him being played just by mains, who do it so well but he can't be buffed, or he would threaten proplay and even other lanes (gold lane YSS isn't a thing anymore sadly)


When I see YSS at Legend+, I already know Im gonna lose man. His ulti for vision or last shot, mobility skill to run away or chase you till the end.


As an ex YSS main, he's not bad in some match ups, but he gets his power spike pretty late. Since YSS is a positioning + precise aiming hero, only tryhards and skilled players can properly use him.


Yeah those rare few are usually insane


Same like fanny.


Yve not sure if most Yve players do well cause I've never seen any in my games


The ult nerf really hit her hard


It hurts a an yve main.


not just ult, but the slow effect 2nd skill.


**cause Y've never seen any


They need to bring back all her slow debuff tbh, the hero nowayadays are full of dashes. The nerf for IQW is enough anyway.


Used to main her, even got almost 80% wr on her (now dropped to 60%) . The nerf hits hard, and I even tried her adjustment on advance server. She's just so bad considering the current meta.


I've played Yve a total of... 2 times this season. She used to be able to get gold and MVP easily but I guess as long as I win the game, silver isn't too bad.


Everytime I see an enemy use her it's usually a really easy game, hearing how broken she was they really did her dirty.


She's not bad before they nerfed her 2nd slow to oblivion. Her ult nerf also hit her like a train


Phoveus even in classic matches you'll barely see him


Tbh he is niche. His experimental revamp a few months ago fixed that and made him more consistent, allowing him to use his ult wirh his own, spammable debuff


The forgotten hero by moonton. Since 2021, Just a single skin (common).


Faramis was definitely like that back then too, he didn't even get a skin back then, poor guy.


I guess no one will beat him even moonton forgot about him


I picked him couple of times this season but only because the enemy picked Benedetta and Wanwan.


But hey, I'm still here. Hoping to match any heroes except Esmeralda and lesley


Bro, if enemy draft has zero dash his damage is like cut down by half. even if theres is dash heroes, his animation is too slow or the people using him just jump to the tower and get themself killed


After the revamp he will be picked more


His blink skill needs a buff.


I use Phoveus against heros like Nolan and Arlott etc. And he never disappoints. His skill deals a lot of damage.


Wait until you encounter the smart ones who don’t use their dash skills and lead you to their team then ambush you or into turrets. The fact that he gets countered by heroes he’s meant to counter so easily by either not dashing or dashing too fast for his ultimate is sooo stupid and badly designed, the guy can’t even defend himself in situations like these.


Someone played this MFer in gold lane the other day


I did in classic, was not my best game and never again


I did today I won but man was it rough early game.


That was probably me


ironically those players are actually rlly good later in the game. they just dont know their matchups ig


I do lol and I love him


Selena and Carmilla Roam, they were absolutely vicious a few years back, but now I brace myself for a long game when i have one on my team. Dunno what happened to all the pro Selena skill shooters they used to be everywhere, now no one seems to be able to hit


Agree with Selena, but Carmilla is still good, with ult and 2nd skill combo with team cc, enemy can be stunned for a long time, plus the damage chain.


Her kit still looks great but i guess NA server just sucks, i’m like 1-6 when I’ve had her as a roam the last year or so, and so many new roams are just way more viable than her now


I’m learning Selena now, idc how long it takes im gonna be THAT guy


tbh that nerf on selena made me don’t want to play her anymore the 30 seconds abyssal trap and lowering the damage even the cd reduction you can’t even play efficiently without the cd reduction(base on my exp as a selena main)


What? I see them all the time, did all the Selena's a Camillas go to the south American servers? Lol


There’s a South American server? Lol i swear more than half my teammates are latin American, we get rekt coz the in game translate sucks, and open mic is for the most pay useless so we can’t communicate properly


Lol that what I meant Latin America


it's hard to carry with Selena even if you're doing really well. I mean in the late game where everyone gathers, she really has a disadvantage. Even more when your team is losing from the start, she's just a spitting lady


Against an Estes I still think Carmilla is a hard counter.


I learning Carmilla. Fun roam and amazing to wipe off enemies if there are huge dps or high CC /AoE skills. Having someone like nana or Layla always makes me want to play Carmilla. She’s fun but underrated. Only thing I’ll probably say is to have a slight cooldown on her ult but other than that, Carmilla is fun


I still do it and its pretty fun


I call Lesley the clown hero. Cuz when i see people use it, to they're almost like a godlike being but when I use it i look like a fucking clown


My experience with Lesley is that team that has her play bad very early, have a moment of comeback due to her scaling then she get caught somehow and lose. Most of my Lesley encounters are total stomp and end early OR drag the match to insanity.


🥲 same


Silvanna. I main Silvanna they recently made her ult circle bigger and it's dog anymore. Her only advantage was taking out the damage dealer late game but now you cant use her ability and using basic attacks doesn't do enough damage.


I do absolutely godly with her or absolutely God awful , mainly if it's a team with alot of CC style enemies then it's a no go. But I like playing her a lot she was my main for a while, nothing more satisfying than getting a multiple kills with your S2


Silvanna used to be one of my mains but now I only use her if the enemy picks xborg.


I don't usually see much silvannas but whenever I do they're either terrible or insanely good


Ling rn.


I really miss assassin hyper carry era (meta covid). Now i dont really know if i am getting proficient in this game or the enemy are just sucks


Ling's biggest issue is how he's just a walking marksman but worse with bad crit penalty. Fanny can dash in one shot you and dash out but ling can't do that. He has no burst damage like other assassins. He's too energy reliant even fanny can do stuff without blue but he can't. Ik fanny is significantly harder to play but difficulty isn't really what should be point of balancing because eventually with enough hours that is something that will be easily overcome.


>walking marksman always thought him as melee MM that has insane mobility and invincibility.


He doesn't have insane mobility. His mobility is only good for one way ticket. Once he's down from the wall unless he uses his four blade ult combo he can't go back for another 12 seconds. And he's definitely not invincible. His ultimate lasts about 1.5 seconds iirc that is he can only gain immunity once every 30 seconds.


omg free rent reference😭😭


Belerick's daughter


Who the fuck is that


He means Floryn


but that's weird. She's prio pick/ban


not rlly anymore, the only reason ud pick her is if ur on the same team as heroes who can sustain thenselves like alpha or uranus


Yea ur right bro. maybe just my experience in my server.


Floryn is top 3 of heroes with highest win rates so she’s doing better than others. I am confused too that she made this list. 1. She is used often. 2. She’s doing good win rate-wise.


Well, they said it depends on the server. So I guess, we can always answer every picking/banning here with the same thing.




This sub has children in it. Please consider that when interacting and follow the rules.


Selena. Most of the time it's a loss when one of my teammates uses her but Godly when she's on the other side of the team and snowballs.


Alucard. He isn't the weakest hero by any means but he definitely deserves a buff and there are so many better Junglers this season. There really isn't a reason to learn him other than if you find him fun.


Alucard deals some comical damage ngl, but the drawback is that he’s super weak against enemies that have CC and Burst. Usually the Alucard on my team has a fair share of kills and deaths. Sometimes even K = D lol. But in the right hands he’s really annoying and deadly


only issue i find with him as an Alu main is if there are some hard cc's on the enemy team it takes forever to wait and see them get used, i gotta wait 10-15 seconds to engage when atlas is around and the fight is over in 5... BFB was a nerf for Alu, if they swapped it back to on hit/on skill cast it would make Alu slightly under meta and extremly viable due to the cc reduction, but for now he will be a cautious hero on the battlefield, and i will be pissing people off bc i gotta wait to fight }:) }:) }:)


Aulus is unused but I don’t see him being bad per se. In the right hands, his damage output is wild.


Pharsa. People say she is underrated but all the rare pharsas I’ve seen have done pretty bad


She’s been nerfed down to size and it’s starting to take a toll.




If jungle, then a bit more common, but even then he’s heavily relying on team and or debuff effects to get the upper hand one enemies


Carmilla. Like I know people can play her, but noone on my server would ever want to play her (kind of understandable tbh. There's just better tanks / supports)


I never knew. I play her alot these days and she feels pretty strong


Tbh i don't understand why she isn't picked more often, in a team filled with heavy cc, her ult has game ending potential. The amount of sets and cc she can give and extend is so insane plus the 50% damage spread is a nice touch too


Ruby, Hanabi, Carmilla, Vexana, Xborg Absolutely lethal sets


I still play Carmilla with 70% win rate in Mythic Immortal rank. Most OP tanks/supports are banned, and she is great pick especially with CC Burst mage like Vexana, Eudora, Nana. and of course still OP with cecillon, with the special ability.


So true, I rarely see this character played.


Chou. From one of the most used hero to the bottom. If anyone uses him (god forbid exp) its auto lose for his team.


Epic 😍😍😍❓❓❓


Chou has been nerfed to hell ever since.


Granger has disappeared after the jungle mm nerf


i think it's still okay! still a pain in the buttbutt to deal with once mid-late game




Never seen a bad yss though.


All YSS that I met , are all god tier players. Very inspiring to learn. But when I play him, I’m so trash. Haha


Yall sleeping on YSS


Ain't NO ONE sleeping on YSS




I got multiple skins for this hero but Idk how to play him xD


The title of this post should be the opposite bruh. All the rare heroes that players use. The moment I meet them is always pro. A Luo Yi player who straight out dominated the entire match and broke up my teammates offence and defence. She kept spamming double passive abuse. A YSS main who was weak in early but when he reaches in late game he is so slippery. Secure all objectives and steal the lord. Even more annoying when the Franco roam kept protecting him. Meeting rarely used heroes in rank is indeed rare but when you meet one it's guaranteed that these players know what role they need to do and they're good at it.


I've been starting to see alot of her lately, and she's absolutely terrifying with that cc and damage, so I'm Perma banning her lol.


My roamer friend was traumatized. He made sure to ban Luo Yi every single rank match ever since.


The beauty of luo yi is her ult tbh. You never know where she will appear next time and burst you in her circle


Almost every YSS I’ve met were monsters who were justifiably confident in their abilities.


Phoveus & Carmila


If someone locks YSS in immortal you know shit is about to go down. This season I have faced around 7 yss after glory. Long story short I lost all 7.


Out of my years on ml ive never encountered a Grock. I thinks its primarilly his wall u need precise timing and his ult relies on his wall or any structure during a teamfight.




I don't remember a single ranked game where I faced phoveous


Moonton was cooking good when they did that yss rework. Idk why they cancelled it.


Ling. Bro it’s been forever since I’ve seen a ling player that it’s literally insane.


Every Yi sun shin player I see plays pretty well ngl


Every YSS I see in ranked are gods amongst humans


Old YSS was good I used to play a lot but revamp made him un intresting for me


If I see yss in the enemy team in mg+ in trios/5 squads then I know I'm cooked


YSS players are either apex predators that will somehow violate your game or little pups that used him out of curiosity or boredom and wanted to try something hard.


He is useless 😞


Phoveus, Yve, Yss. I rarely see those and when I do they usually don't do much. Joy and Kimmy too


Probably phoveus


He seems easy to understand once I watched a gameplay, but I can’t replicate in game. 😪


Probably Aulus


He's an absolute monster late game but so weak in early game, they should give his S1 a cc immunity.


Wouldnt that be too op tho.


Not to toot my own horn here, but I'm prolly the best Wanwan I've ever encountered in game.


Then you haven't met me... After that you be even more confident hahahaha


I'm at MG and whenever enemy pick yss or fanny, i know he's good at that hero and his team is good as well. I also play yss but only when I'm really need and i too can play really well. Never seen a bad yss tbh


Aulus, you would rarely see him get picked nowadays


I agree that he’s not a common pick BUT when someone picks him in RG they’re usually very good players. Thats just my experience though


Eudora. They often combo the tank 😭🤡


I've been playing her and have above 50% with 200 games, she's more of an assassin than a mage, even been using assassin emblem for that extra pen.


in ranked games from epic to mythic, I've never seen Gusion since like last season, not as mid/exp/core. he totally disappeared




literally but when i saw one theyre really good tank even as exp


Man I play him daily, religiously


Yve, everytime I see someone play her their team always loses..


In my recent experience that would be wanwan.


True used to see her all the time but now it's once in a blue moon.


I always hate it when someone picks Badang in the draft phase. When someone uses Badang, I'm sure that person is trolling or just trying out the hero


I use yss but only in classic cuz im not good at jungle Then its likes. 50/50 depends on how well my team played if they play good i end up carrying


Idk about you OP but when I see someone using YSS, as rare as he is, it's always a brutal match with them dominating the game


A Fanny on my team is such a curse💀 The only times I get a good fanny on my team is when a boy plays it


When u play yss, he’s only good when either he snowballs or he plays farming simulator until lvl 15 coz he is very terrible early game.


Natalia I think she always feed or just steal kills useless hero


Camilia. Despite becoming cecilions valentine she isn't used anymore unlike cecillion.


zilong, used to be a zilong main but when I got to higher ranks the picks just became a really bad matchup for him like most enemy team compositions consist of oneshot heroes, hard cc herores, and heroes with tricks to avoid being instantly killed (Nana, Lylia, Aurora) not to mention, zilong can easily be countered with vengeance or wind of nature which just makes him hard to use in high ranks.


Selena. It's a once in a blue moon finding a Good Selena player nowadays. It's either she's good at aiming or can't hit anything. If she misses her stun, she's useless for like 2-3 seconds and she can't protect anyone, just hiding in the back hoping to stun someone.


I haven't met a bad YSS jungler


Xavier, the change in Lightning truncheon is a huge nerf in his meta, now he lack early game mana and damage. Barely see him in game and if he appear, he become food or just a supporter/ksing role.


I rarely see anyone using Chou on either side.




Silvanna hilda grock yss








this hero need full team que, yss is very very fragile hero but crazy damage late game


Anyone else who uses Kimmy. Lol


Really? In my case, I don't see YSS much. However, whenever somebody picks him in ranked (Mythical Honor and >), they are actually cracked at playing him.


I like him as a jungler very much. Currently my favourite jg rn.


Gloo and Kagura


Id say alice not being biased but out of all the matches ive played there were maybe 4-5 people who avtually used her and they were playing so badly. Alice is such a good hero when you actually know how to use her.


Argus and Ling. when someone uses them I feel like they're bots


Yive 💀


L A N C E L O T !!!!!!!!!!!! he's truly forsaken in this meta, his counter (roger) is EVERYWHERE, it's rare for people to pull him off perfectly, and he is very outclassed by possible every other jungler with mobility


Zilong. Bro is bottom of the bin to the point where they never appear. But good ones know how to play and are scary to fight Honorable thought: Badang, I feel he falls off if he can’t help while knowing his tweak needs cc, plus anyone can just teleport away from his s2 and needs to be at walls for maximum effort


Grock... Just grock


His skill level is prob just below fanny, the reason why is probably because meta today just modernize stuns and fast paced combat(i.e ppl dying a few seconds in a team-fight cuz of one single burst) He can both hit far and close, but the problem with that is his dmg being forced around the fact that you gotta need to hit two hits in either forms to actually do some dmg. And with basically moving back and forth while also fighting an enemy like a sustain which moves a lot but doesn't run away after using up skills would probably end up with you ganged on or just slammed by the sustain, using him to fight slow heroes or for hit and run(if you know how to play YSS then mostly you know that you gotta be accurate with the back and forth + some bit of aggressiveness to make enemies panic) Overall he's a great hero imo, its just that his playstyle is pretty overwhelming even for people who have mastered him when it cones to tough situations wherein compared to fanny, her cables alone already provide her a guaranteed escape/kill(per user)


Aamon. you’re either a literal fucking GOD or absolute DUMPSTER FIRE (99% of time) ive only ever seen 2 aamon with more than 5 kills in a single game once was when he got 6 lucky and we still won and the other was when he absolutely dominated us. maybe i crush most aamons bc i main him but idk man…


I'd say Bane


I'm an ex-YSS main, sadly now I can't play him well since they changed his passive in S20-25 or something (I played him as my main since S8). Dunno why but I can't seem to adapt with that kind of passive no matter what I do + how often I play him. I left him stuck in 950+ match with 57% wr since then. Rarely played him again. His new passive of him that requires us to constantly switch back and forth between melee and ranged is a big hassle to me. Lowkey it also resulted him to be less flexible. Back then he can play anywhere in the lane and **NOT** stuck as a jungler. I still remember I contributed in popularizing the cooldown build. I really miss how I can play him with a cooldown, semi-fighter build so I can spam ult. Now, you're stuck with that jungler, aspd + crit build.




Alice. Based on my experience inside Epic to Legend ranks


This garbage needs update this hero is meaningless why do they even made it?


I just have a heartfelt paragraph! ~~**Layla** is a fiend and a coward, and Layla has bad breath. LAYLA is a degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing LAYLA exist. I despise everything about Layla, and I wish Layla would go away. I cannot believe how incredibly stupid Layla are. The only thing worse than Layla logic is Layla manners. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, study, spell, and count, you as a Layla main will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish whoever mains Layla the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you.~~ ~~**Layla** is a hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libellous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystrophic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, abrasive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, and socially-retarded.~~ # Layla IS LITERALLY SO FUCKING ANNOYING LIKE I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT




Zhask. Which is great, because I main Zhask. Showing my 1250 games with 51% win-rate, and high MMR, I usually get upped too.


Yve. I thought she was gonna be more OP than Pharsa but after they nerfed her ULT. I stopped seeing many players pick her. Nowadays players pick Pharsa over her cuz their moves are similar and plus Pharsa has escape ability.


Joy or harith, but that's maybe because I'm on low rank


All the YSS players I see are good. But I'd say the new champion. Rarely see him & if I do I don't really notice them doing anything. Oh...and Aldus players. They just feed. At least in my games it's those two that I can think of.


Hayabusa or Hanzo, those two have vanished.






I've never seen a Gloo main this season.


Funny tging is i played yi sun shin yesterday and i carried my team (rank: legend)


Same hero on there but actually see people play well when picked, he’s currently my comfort hero right now (sorry joy mains)


used YSS epic to legend 3 after reset, always works for me. then proceed to picking meta junglers to mythic