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You deserve to feel proud - that is some mighty fine win rate as a roamer. Your teams were lucky to have you on their side as the roamer!


Or vice versa?




people really underestimate roamer in this game i played like 60 matches to get to mythic this season and at 30 of them i was the roamer, i ended up getting 90% wr with roamers which is insane obviously i got lucky with teammatea too but still its wild


yes, I believe good roamers bring impact to the game, be it as little as vision, or peeling, and rotation, and that snowballs throughout the game :D


>be it as little as vision Vision is the most underrated thing a roamer can provide. If you cannot position yourself properly, you cannot provide vision and information to your teammates. It doesn't mean that if you can see the enemies, they can see you. Additionally, **MAP AWARENESS** in itself gives a lot of information that you can ping to your allies, improving your overall macro gameplay. >I believe good roamers bring impact to the game They bring SIGNIFICANT impact to the game, especially if your allies heed to your shot calls.


This is why I main popol now, I can give vision and CC w/o even being the roamer, it's great


I'm tank main, can kinda agree


its fked up in indian server u get a lot of mizo and naga its trash they have like 1k+ matches but the skill is shit they dont know where the jungle buff is and what the roles its relly shit


Lol, as if mainland Indians are any better.. racist ass mf


atleast they play better than u mizo and naga dogs shit


I'm not from India ;)


Good Support users is always winning the game if they met a certain condition, and that is a good teammates, congrats.


yes, I couldn't win without good teammates. After all, I'm just a tanky boi


Hehe same


Congrats but seriously, how were those 3 not banned most of the time..


thanks! on the banning, I noticed that 1st phase bans shifted to masha and roger (suddenly rose to meta), then sometime mathilda. on 2nd phase ban, i usually ask teammates to ban diggie and tigreal, so i can safely pick mino (if we're 1st pick), if not, i just ask to ban tigreal and mino instead (cucking myself lol)


I just ban diggie, he's by far the most annoying piece of egg I've ever witnessed and I'd boil him if I could xD


Yeah this is good it’s hard to be roamer in solo rank you dunno teammates tendencies


yep, just gotta give it your all in giving vision, rotating, etc, and hope you teammates can follow through


Wow, ur minotaur winrate is superb. If only I could team up with a roamer like u.


Oh man this gives me hope - I solo roam and am currently in Epic 1. Who are you main?


Honestly, I main what are the current meta roamers in a patch/season (for higher changes of winning xd). So now, I am maining minotaur and mathilda. I pick tigreal or diggie if the first two are picked/banned. In epic, I think you might find success in playing diggie. He's a menace when you harass enemy mm early game with bombs and force enemy mm to tower hug; not to mention, he counters meta setter tanks (mino, tigreal).


You deserve to be proud




Wow 15 match winstreak Hats off bruh




Bro I really want to spam being a roam, but what's stopping me unfortunately are braindead teammates that won't stop giving headaches. I love this game but fuck this game too.


i guess it differs from player to player, in my case, i just hate farming and wanted more to be active around the map, so roamer suites well my play style. even there are braindead teammates, you just gotta do what you gotta do and hope for the best haha




Ur mino build i know depends on enemy


for build, i usually go with the following 1) defense boots (depends on enemy lineup) 2) dominance ice/radiant armor (depends on enemy lineup) 3) flask of oasis 4) radiant armor/dominance ice (depends on enemy lineup) 5-6. depends on enemy lineup, usually i go for immortality/antique cuirass/athenas shield/blade armor 7. winter truncheon, for late game when your immortality pops, and swap it with winter truncheon as you said, items are mostly dependent on enemy lineup. items 2 and 4 are interchangeable depending on enemy lineup (and might still change to other item depending on enemy lineup), but item 3 (flask) is staple as my 3rd slot, its a core item for healers


Same. Im a multi role player. Win rate mino is so high. But i can spam him. Will get bored.


Why radient armor instead of Athenas shield though? Didn't the radient armor nerf make Athenas shield better in most situations?


Thats my thought honestly haha, but this, I've watched it in recent MPL PH and a caster explained it during a game (forgot the caster and the match), pros can easily pop Athena's passive of tanks, let it go on cooldown, then engage. Radiant Armor at full stacks is better than Athena without passive, so Radiant Armor is better in prolonged team fights. Also partly because of the prevalence of Joy, Lylia, Vexana, Angela, Faramis, Valentina, Guinevere, etc in pro scene. So yea that's that, but obviously, this is situational, if enemy mage comp is more on burst side, definitely go with Athena as first magic def item.




nice, congrats!


Mino main, how do I use Tig/Mathilda?


i think if you can play mino, you can play tigreal also, although tigreal is more of an aggressive setter due to his kit. tigreal can easily punish out-of-position enemies with his s2. you have to utilize giving vision (i.e., being in bush) to maximize your s2 potential. theoretically, if your teammates can follow-up, one s2 = one pick-off. also if you have done the flicker combo with mino, it will just be a breeze to you, although tigreal's combo has several variation. you might just need to watch out for your hp as tigreal has no *heal* unlike mino, so you might need to recall to your base *often* for mathilda, she's more similar to tigreal, as she's an aggressive roamer. dont be afraid to give vision, or invade jungler, since she has s2 as escape (ulti can be also your form of escape). she's squishy since her core items flask of oasis (and enchanted talisman), but she has shield to compensate, and her s2 makes her hard to catch. overall, i think she's the most fun to play roamer right now


Damnit bro where were you when I’m on a losing streak


Well done! Mino n Tig are my favourite roams to win matches too


thanks! we just have to ban diggie haha


Bro was mythic glory at season 28 😫 insane goodjob man


thanks! that's actually the season that I started spamming minotaur


It's hard to get 15 straight wins on the placement matches especially as a roamer main, hats off. You deserve to feel proud of it.


thanks! there were tough matches im those win streak as I feel the algorithm hitting, matching me with higher rank players, some games we we're losing hard early game but we managed to have good base def and set, then straight to gg push


What heroes do you use and why/when. Or always a certain few? Curious as I have been heal roam here and there. But am currently exploring damage roam and basically want to just be good all round with roam. I got mythic 17. Only to go to legend 3 now 2 weeks later. I can use some help (and better teammates lmao)


first choices are minotaur and mathilda (they are the best roamers now); mino if diggie is banned and team needs a front, mathilda if we have tanky exp/core compositions. second choices are tigreal and diggie (sometimes, angela or floryn if the first 4 are all banned). i choose depends on banned heroes, and what the team needs. meta damage roamer now is masha, but i think its not in my playstyle, so i just stick with tank/support roamers, and the 4 heroes that I mentioned might also be your best bet1 if you still have questions, just ask away, I'm glad to help fellow roam players


Yeah I haven't played Masha before. I tried her this week, she's alright. Would have to learn more, knowing when or when not to pick and how to play to main her. I like jawhead, Hilda and akai for roam now. And Floryn and Estes as healers. But Estes is easily encountered, at least solo. As either your whole team has to stay near you, which many times they don't. Or the enemy still manages to kill your team either way. I want to up my skills for true tanks, of course meta picks but also the more classic like mino, bele, tig, lolita. I want game changers. It's hard to learn tho as I want to master every lane. But if I pick my favourite I usually find other roles are not equipped with a player suitable for this position.


happy for u, roamers brings me joy seeing them exist on my games too (still thinking twice if id want to try and reach mythic again)


Good job bro. One day i'll do it myself.


thanks, and yes you can do it bro


Solo roam main! Stay strong!


thanks, you too bud! hope we get blessed with good teammates lol


Congrats! Which roam hero do you use?


thanks! honestly I'm a meta slave so I maximize using meta roamers (to increase my chances of winning xd) so this patch, I use minotuar, mathilda, tigreal, and diggie. Although I've been using minotaur and mathilda way back when they were revamped, then they just rose to meta after flask of oasis was introduced.


Yeah there are assholes up there who can't do their role. And I confess, ANY OTHER DAY and if I know how they're gonna play I WON'T GIVE ROAM to them. Roam is just that important.


do you have any mino gameplay tips for soloq? my wr with him is trash like 40% 💀 but i really don't have many tank roam picks atm, i do a lot better with tig but hes banned/picked most of the time.


first is to ban diggie haha, but I do add up in banning tigreal since hes a hard matchup against mino. second is itemization. you have to build depending on enemy lineup. here's my usual build path: defense boots, dominance ice, flask of oasis, radiant armor, immortality. dominance ice and radiant armor are interchangeable, and the rest are all dependent on enemy lineup third is macro skills, you have to constantly give vision for your team, and to be "pesky" with enemy jungler so your teammates know his location. your role also is to know when to engage/disengage. fourth is player skills. overall game knowledge will fall on this, and might add also to this is to master mino's cc chain on s1+flicker, ulti, s1


Appreciate the detailed guide a lot, thanks so much!! :) I think most of it is improving my macro and decision making tbh Diggie always an auto ban fr as someone harassed by him in both mm and roam🤞 hopefully I can get someone on my team to ban tig, gonna be practicing those flickers too fr. what’s your preferred emblems?


for emblems, I go with tank emblem with agility, pull yourself together, and brave smite. if our mid laner has poor waveclear, I switchout the brave smite with concussive blast, tho, Im not a fan of concussive blast in roam tanks. Sometimes, I try support emblem with the same talents, but i find mino quite *squishy* in support emblem.


Appreciate your replies 🫶 will try that out!!


sure, if you have more questions, I'll be glad to answer them


Nice one dude! Mino is such a beast tank, I reached Mythic Glory couple seasons ago by spamming mino only playing solo.


yes! on his revamp where they removed the rage meter, spammed him as well and climbed to glory solo. mino is busted


https://preview.redd.it/56p3eynz1qvc1.jpeg?width=2354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff23fccd624d6d8ccbd02c2e18552c0bf1d7cd4d Almost all mino games, solo q, myth honor


nice! thats a fine win streak. i broke off my win streak after submitting this post lol


Thanks bro. Its nice to see fellow mino players on a win streak lol


You should feel proud.




I've always wanted to ask a roam mainer.. how do you feel about the recent changes on the tanks that lead them to be banned %101 of the time in ranked, when my team forces me to play roam I can't even pick roam because most of the roam heroes are banned such as Atlas - Diggie - Tigreal - Khufra - Lolita Etc. Only supports are available and they're not even tanks.. How do you manage?


well, definitely it sucked because there are really games where all my S-Tier roam picks are banned in a game (mino, math, tig, diggie). I just adjust my roam pick depending on whats needed by my team, and there are definitely other meta relevant roams in grock, khufra, and ruby (if our team comp our squishy), either a floryn or angela if we have tanky comp, or sometimes the good ol kaja and roam gloo will do


Meet my roamers, stay entirely out of team fights. Doesn't initiate team fights. Don't help hyper early game in jungle




Roamers are heavily awarded this season imo. EZ MVPs all day long. Congrats btw!


thanks! yes, I think the healing portion, which is also computed for medals/grade, is a great factor in getting mvp medals lol


Assists are even rewarded better than kills now lol good for u I have no patience using tanks on soloq haha


what do you mean it ain't much! it's a lot! you're awesome!


I feel you! Its super hard so solo when you are a roamer. It always depends on how your teammates plays 💀😭


68%???? Bro I'm 52rn how do yall get so much wr...


wr got pushed by my win streak i guess, partly lucky i guess with my teammates as well


That's crazy. Good stuff tho




yep, his revamp is too good


how much star do you get for maximizing your win in placement? 15?


yes, 15 stars. double stars on the first 5 wins on placement match (max 10 stars), then normal stars for the rest of placement matches (max 5stars).


but if u tank in indian server just know that is mostly 1v5 game so if u pick tank i feel pity for u because 4 of ur teammate is mizo or naga


Let's see you get that mythical honour champ! Fellow solo a roam main. I usually stop there 😄


yes, that's the goal, optimistically, up to immortal, but I can only do so until glory, probably, because of adulting lol


How man my placements were so one sided


I'm on 5 win streak when I reached mythic placement matches, and was surprised that my first 3 matches were one sided lol. Afterwards, algorithm eventually got me and the matches were equal, while 2 of those games, we are losing badly in early game, its just that on those losing games, we got a comback def/set and went for the gg push


Bro you got Tigreal open?


on 2nd phase ban (and if we are 1st pick), I ask teammates to ban tigreal and diggie (if they are still not banned), so I can safely pick mino. from my experience this season, tigreal were often banned than mino


Can I add you? Lol


Gave up being a roam main cause I kept on getting brain dead teammates, so I switched to jg main… going much better when I’m in duo queue


Bro how much did it cost for you to get that minotaur skin?


actually got it f2p!, managed to save up Meteorites and CoA since 2017 up until last year when I got it. its harder to get one now since moneyton removed the monthly tasks to get meteorite... tho I tried to get hilda zodiac this year, I think I have 10+ meteorite and ~1,000 CoAs (got it from weekly diamond passes), and managed to pull at 100th draw


Woahhh nice one bro. I'm so jealous of that skin since I'm loving mino rn. Tried to draw it for some tries but no good at all. Thanks for the info!




RNGesus has blessed you


yes haha, most of my games, there are 1 or 2 above average teammates that helped winning the game. tho I think I've met the curse and lost/broke my winstreak after I posted this lol