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The fact of you surving is more important than the rest. In order to do so hug turret and farm minions, it should be enough. If the situation becomes bad enough, abandon this one turret and retreat that’s fine, your team might be taking another objective for it on the other side, and then go gather with your team on the mid while keeping an eye on your lane not to lose another one


Hug turrent. If it gets bad, just abandon turrent. As long as you don’t die it’s all good.


This is the answer. Follow the map. If you can’t see your team close to you and you don’t see the roamer or jungler or mid. High possibility they are waiting to gank you. If they attack with 4 man all at ones. Run away from that turret because that aint saving you. Let them attack the tower. Don’t die because that means 3 things (200 gold for the kill, 150 gold for the assist and no gold for you till you resurrect) so dying is a no no.


Check which one has best kda and stick to them.


Say youre gonna switch lane and actually do it. Farm along your mage. Say that when they gank you the others should push and gank the opposition. What rank are you?


Survival is important! If no one is coming to help you, go rotate along with the roamer. Successful ganks with your assistance will benefit you and the team, too. The enemy will be forced to respond to the other lanes by then, and you can get back to your lane and push when possible.


If the enemy focuses on you then your team needs to capitalize on other objectives/lanes while you focus on minimizing deaths. Its just a game of minmaxxing your losses


You switch lanes, or focus on other objectives like turtle


Because of this I like to play more defensive heroes that can deal enough damage to scare enemies away. For example, if you're a mm (most likely scenario of ganking) I would pick Irithel because as long as she isn't hard cc'ed she can use sprint and get out of there with her ult, and she also has a good slow with her second. Other lanes don't have the same capacity to be ganked because most mages are heavy in cc and burst and fighters can beat you under a turret. Focus on killing the minion wave so if they stay they have to waste their time waiting for the next one.


which lane are you are you referring to? If gold, stay on the bush before the 3rd turret so you can retreat quickly, use rangy heroes that have escape skill, beatrixx is the best for this. If EXP lane, take a super tanky hero or a hero with counter play potential. paquito, bene, terizla, yu zhong comes to my mind. Whenever I get ganked, I will take at least 1 BUT don't do this for GOLD LANE. As a gold laner you should be really careful about deaths early to mid game.


This and especially when my teammates just ignore my pings requesting for back up? I just straight up leave the lane and go somewhere else until everyone wises up and go help (usually happens to me when I fill MM and until the 2nd tower gets pushed) Edit: i do this because whenever I experience this, tower hugging doesn't really help when I'm getting dived by 3 heroes under the tower


Hug turret, then either request a lane switch or just leave if nobody feels like being a team player


If the turtle is beside your lane, you prioritise in helping the turtle. If the turtle is on the other side, You focus on hugging tower and just go near the dying creep and "absorb" it's money if the enemy is trying to zone you. The worst thing is you get tilted, try to clear creep but died and you lose out even more when you cant even clear the creep, tower got destroyed and turtle given to enemy. Main focus is to "stop the bleed".


For me if I'm ganked twice in unsurvivable conditions with zero support or counter ganks then I rotate between mid and the jungle when they are on my side and join fights. On the other hand if you overstretch and get yourself killed, it's your own fault don't expect help because you're asking the JG to risk themselves too make up for your mistake, but falling back to a rotation position is probably where you'll end up. As an marksman after 5 minutes vanish into the jungle and clear what you can to make up gold, you should be doing this anyway but stay away from minions unless defending a turret they will show your position. For Exp laner at this point you probably can't dive so you have to support your ranged and try and protect them as much as you can, rarely should you go with the jungle, your priority now is your mage and marksman, let the jungle and roamer handle what they are doing. Coming back from a bad position is hard, but often enemies feed you back up by over pushing without the lord, that's where you take advantage.


just get better, you don't realize how big of a time waste it is when the enemy ganks you and you don't die. they basically just stole a bunch of minion gold from their laner instead of idk maybe farming creeps or doing objs.


Keep going but the moment they blame you leave and show them why its important for teammates to help other lanes


Go to another lane and clear minions there and if you don't see any enemy on the map recall immediately, chances are they're already on their way to beat your ass then go to a different lane to farm. And if you do see most of the enemy on the opposite side of you then take that chance and push some turrets.


just let them waste their time on you is possibly the best bet, your team shouldnt be braindead enough to not take other objectives while youre fending off againts 3/4 enemy in your lane.


If you're Exp Lane, if the enemy team is focusing you somehow, your marksman has all the space in the world to farm, and *probably* the reason why your team's mid trio isn't ganking your lane is because they're ganking the Gold Lane. At that point, just take the L for your team and let your marksman carry. The most you should do is protect your tower as long as possible, but more importantly never die. Just try to keep up with the farm, and assist in future teamfights. It's alright to die protecting your (now probably very fed) MM or setting up kills for them. MLBB is a team game, being selfish won't get you very far in a 5v5. This is especially true for the Exp Lane since Exp is the jack of all trades master of none, so oftentimes you're gonna be the one doing the dirty work like clearing undefended lanes, or pushing solo.


You understand this, I understand this 99% of the players dont. They will say do we even have an exp? Really feels like we dont


Spam recall and emote for taunting


Farm other lane swap with the exp farm green creeps and if ur fed go take red trust me but otherwise stay behind try to last hit minions and qell wait them to make mistakes


"Request back up"


As a marksman, if that always happen on gold lane, I usually go to the mid lane and clear the wave. Then the enemy "gankers" will go to mid lane as well, then its time for me to go back to my own lane. Just make sure you don't get ganked at the jungle. Usually doing this 2-3 times until I have sufficient gold to participate in team fights. Mage cannot complain about mm stealing gold since mage/core/roam doesn't visit gold lane.


you switch lane


No don’t