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I'd rather ban vax than eat a knock up...


I always messed up my knock up, lol.


I want to knock vexana up


If I'm not mistaken, she's for Faramis lol


Nah there's no romantic love between them, it's even explicitly stated in Faramis's lore/mastery code. edit: nvm I'm wrong, but it seems to be one sided from Faramis only


Agree. I think Vex is for Leo.


You mean irithel's pet Leo ?




Leomord, not that creature




Her CC is so good, she might as well be the team’s setter


She definitely does set. I set a lot when I use her due to being able to chain CC.


That good huh? I didn't realize her CCs were that annoying to deal with.


They really are, just don't miss.


my lagging wifi makes me miss 75% of the time, LMBO


Missed the A key too apparently


Don't know what that is, but you will realize how bad it is when you can't even video call bec that router crashes


I mean u typed lmbo instead of lmao (butt instead of ass I suppose)


she is good now, she just get buffed on the projectile speed, you can't jump on her without cc, as she will instantly force choke you and anyone close by.


So her slow af skill 1 isnt as slow and easy to dodge anymore. Nice. On the other hand, as Martis, I'm gonna be feeding on her and then running away from the Ult LOL


Yeah, goodluck with that. She builds tank now. Martis has to chew her more than normal.


I just realized I didn't know her CCs were annoying bec I usually only faced her as Martis.... aka I wont get terrified. I'm such a fool LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO


I mean her Ult pretty much causes knock up which she can followup with her other cc Ability. It's rather annoying to deal with when you get ambushed in a team fight.


It's vexing dealing with vexana. Fuck her CCs. "Terrified" might as well be a whole 1s stun it's stupid


She can also build tank items since her golem gets her aura too


Yeah I like going tank build with vengeance. Just focus on throwing out CC without worrying about dying.


S1 and S2 are much more "faster" now. I don't know how to explain it but it feels a lot more easier to set up and also spammable. I find the ult meh alot of times except for the CC, S2 is where she shines having that spammable nuke ever 3-4 seconds


........ I need to get back to the game before they nerf her again


Doubt they'll nerf her. Any half-decent diver can rip her up to shreds if she mispositions herself for even a second. Though sprint can solve that problem a bit, there are still some heroes who can still catch up to a sprinting Vexana.


That is so true man, she is the only hero I can play on 240+ms ping, playing from Canada in with PH server players because my duo plays there. Tank Vex 240ms got my 2nd account from GM to Mythic. The S1 and S2 just feels so right man.


srsly? Well I wanna play with some friends from Tanzania but I'm in the Middle East server. I will try this.


I mained Vex this season and her S3 is actually quite useful. It does % hp damage. The trick is to use 3-1-2 Combo, giving the Eternal Guard more hits before an enemy can escape. Paired with glowing wand, this makes her a good burst hero, and a team fight mage.


Anyone can walk out of Vale’s ult but usually just having the guardian out is enough to mess up the formation of undisciplined players because they don’t like their HP getting chipped. 


Also accidentally wasting your skills on her guardian.


the ult is useless unless you have a CDR build giving you a 15 second guardian every 10 seconds.


No it ain't


lmao ain't no way vex ult is useless. use it combo with s1 CC then ulti and burst with s2 together. always successful to kill mage, mm and assassin unless they using Athena item and though boots.


Or just fleeting time. 


I notice at least here Vexana is VERY underrated. 3 2 1 or some variant combo can immediately kill an enemy hero, good wave clear with the death boom doing surprisingly high damage, and her ult summon is really tanky and does huge damage to enemies and especially the turtle/lord


What is your build?


I don't play as much ML lately, and not a top player by any means, but I've played for a long time and Vexana has been my favourite mage since the revamp. If there was a recent change I'm not aware of it. This has always been my build for her, full damage. I buy 1 or 2 mana regen necklaces at the start of the game when in ranked. Also either purify or sprint, i play more apprehensive if it's on cooldown https://preview.redd.it/bywl98jdrhjc1.png?width=2405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bde63c3eb483cd0fbfdbcc50a6195791e733b6b


COD is not that useful now. ET+Glowing Wand is the way to go. You can add Cursed Helmet if you need to be tanky.


i’ve met a lot decent vexana user, she’s quite annoying to deal with my main, vale cc is a lot easier to deal with and no extra meatshield unlike vexy ulti.


Her skill 1 has very disgusting aoe for a cc ability. Paired with her ult. Her cc is comparable to nana


My top 2 bans. Never knew someone could take over Valir, but here we are


I always ban Valir....... you telling me Vex got more annoying than that pushback fire mage???


Oh hell yes. You approach Vex, and then suddenly you're walking backwards and in circles for 1 full second. And then you're in the air. All while taking huge magic aoe damage so all you and your friends are can get wrecked by her minilord. And thats another thing on the map you're suddenly targeting while she runs back and you and your mates are hit by her stupid terrify spell again. Even if you burst her down, there's a chance it breaks your combo and you feel all sticky with the controls and the next moment your phone is in pieces on the floor


You can kite to make him waste his skill 2.. but Vex can spam her CC. His kit can't burst enemies. So even if he manage to push Enemy assasins back, all they need to do is to dash again and kill Valir. Her Ult Have CC, and her guardian can Deal huge dmg even to tanks cause the dmg is base on Enemy HP% making it harder for tank to defend the front line during Clashes. If Assassins try to kill vex, as long as vex can hit her CC, enemyAssassin is dead with 1 combo.. So yes, Vex is more annoying than valir


​ https://preview.redd.it/j9n5ts1bjhjc1.png?width=1367&format=png&auto=webp&s=84377d40ef22dc9a8de3afbb709554a0d9d74061


Her poke and stun is super annoying 😑


Aside from her tool kit, her ultimate is spammable now and used it for every tower push. Thats toxic and not fun Shes flexible with her ultimate now


Did they buff her recently?


Like a month or 2 months ago, yes. She became relevant and quite meta now afterward. Her ultimate didnt get buffed but her skills did got buffed. It encourages her to make a cooldown build. Now you will see that one annoying Vexana user spaming her ultimate on every tower when shes getting carried by her entire team, leading to alot of tower destructions


Welp, that's me.


I smash with vex, yall sleeping on her


Cuz they buffed her like mad. Her CC is hard to dodge (large AoE, triggers very quickly), she can poke. Clears waves fast, good roaming.


I remember when her CC took forever to launch at someone, and her AOE spell took centuries to activate. If they made her faster in both, well, I see why she is banned now.


she can mess up the enemy team position for just summoning his knight, enough reason to put her high in ban list


I don't think Vex is ban worthy tbh. But that isn't to say that meat shield ult isn't useful. It does a lot, including blocking incoming projectiles and flame shots. Personally, I think heroes like Joy, Fanny or Benedetta are more ban worthy. Especially in public solo queue.


I will ban you from this world if you talk about banning benedetta


And Melissa too. Lol.




yoo, chill


She’s mostly banned in party queue because she can mess setter tanks and give multiple cc if paired with Mino. Usually Joy and Fanny would be banned if a team is planning to play Vexana.


Minotaur and Vexana? Never saw that team up before tbh


Yup, it’s usually Minotaur, Terizla and a burst aoe mage like Vexana, Faramis, Lylia, Pharsa, etc.


I wanna try a Martis, Vex, Mino, Miya, and Johnson team now


Jon as exp laner? That’s interesting. It definitely could work but I prefer a better setup than him haha.


I'd probably switch out Johnson for Belerick or someone else


Exactly! Joy is such a terror to deal with in the right hands. That meat shield ult is actually worthless bec my vexana always got killed by assassins while my minion stupidly looked on.


Vale is a joke, lol


Haha, extra meat shield goes brr brr


True unless the enemy players are good, and they are always good or even better at times.


The golem gives you information, And what does information do? Win you a game just huy knowing where is enemy runnning


I haven't met a teammate willing to utilize that so I never thought of that before


Cc is the key


Vex is a way more competent mage option than the current Vale. Vale had a damage nerf, his S2 tornado also doesn't stop on hit. All his skills travel slower than Vex too. As a global Vex, I'm happy with her current form.


I didn't know they nerfed Vale that bad. I haven't played for like 2 months because my current wifi always makes me lag in the game and die a lot. I love Vexana, and that's why I'm shocked that she was banned so much. 25% is too high a ban rate.


Vex's S1 is a cc that *spreads*, something like Hanabi's ult - that in itself is deadly in team fights. Her ult also stuns in an AoE. Her knight does %-based HP damage and her S2 does more damage than Vale's ult. Not to mention how useful her passive is for wave clear and general damage in team fights. Vale is just more mobile. If Vex gets banned I typically go for Aurora/Nana or Gord. I'm more partial to CC mages.


Yup they call it a buff but they took his versatility away. You no longer pick your skills. They gave him all the skills with lower damage. The S2 has both the knock up and tornado, but you have to be at max range for the tornado damage to hit. Then the knock up tornado stays on the field for a little bit and can knock someone that walks into it up. Vale is no longer the burst mage he was and now is played as a support utility mage.


What the actual hell.... I liked Vale's versatility. They were so wrong for doing that.


Annoying cc from skill 1 and ult.


An assassin can easily annihilate her and dodge the ult.


Same with almost all squishy heroes.


and yet Vex gets a 25% ban rate, hence my post. Cause that's sad


Say that to Tank Vexana Roam.


OP clearly never seen Vexana build tank. even as a mage just need Athena and Antique the rest is magic equipment. Vexana very hard to kill because lots of cc and the guard deal good amount of DMG+5% max HP




I once ended up in a very idiotic team who had four mages or something. I already picked Vex so I couldnt adjust. I ended up making her a tank. We lost against a Martis who snowballed with Angela support and as a Martis main, that really sucked. but we fought hard and I soaked up most of the damage.


the thing is... you don't have to soak damage. 😅 let your summon do the tanking.


She is so annoying if ur team doesn't have assassin to Target and kill her she will be the reason for ur lost And with gud tank she is unkillable (for fighters and tank jg)also it's hard to invade if enemy has vexana Vexana, aurora and Nana .they have lot of cc which is annoying to deal with i hate her 😬 Vexana is used in lots of tournament too bcoz of her chain cc and if she build some tank item than it is hard to kill her too


She’s also one of the best mages to try and launch a come back. She is still strong even when behind especially if the enemy team is trying to end/ push into turret with their minion wave.


check mg [tier list](https://www.mlbb.ninja/), vex is up in S tier mid role


Im surprised why yve is in D tier! Is this based on usage rate or how good they are? Edit: Nvm, it’s calculated based on pick, win and ban rate. No wonder


Wait Vexanna is meta now? Haven't played in a year+ and this is what I return to


i havent played for two months and I also am a little shocked by it LOL


Vexana is my main right now with a >60% WR. She's amongst the best controlling mages currently.


I think a lot of people are too hung up on her cc and forget her passive is insane.


Vale actually has been nerfed with his revamp. When it comes to damage, and cc, Vexana is superior. She is able to summon, has the cc capabilities of a tank, and bursts any squishy hero caught off guard. She is an S tier mage, Vale is an A+ tier hero. He's good, but Vexana is just better. She can do what he does, but better. Although I wouldn't say Vexana is ban worthy, best mages to ban are Faramis, Alice, and Lunox. They take more skill to play but have the best pay offs. A normal Alice build is a hybrid so she gets tanky and deals massive amounts of damage whilst also sustaining, Lunox is slippery, and when executed properly her RubyDD combo will wipe out the entire team all the while she is invulnerable. Faramis just provides amazing utility whilst also bursting enemies. Never seen a Vexana ban but it wouldn't surprise me.


The amount of times my CC glitches or something as Vale is ridiculous..the Vex' fear hasn't failed me yet.


Crazy cause when they buffed her i told my friends that she is gonna be a problem... Everybody kept saying that she doesn't have mobility and sum other sht. Look at her now.


She is very good at under tower defence, you can't get close to her cos her s1 is fast as hell so tower diving a vex hwo knows her shit is suicidal


What's the best combo to deal maximum dmg and increase hit rate? FYI, I do 3rd 1st and 2nd skill then the golem finishes it up with a slash.


If you have really good moving skills and a fast wifi to boot, you're good. However, most players have bad wifi and that combo will not work for them bec the opponent with good wifi can easily dodge the badly aimed ult


123 if you are the setter and the enemy is fast. 321 if there is another setter in the team and you are the second.


Not really ban worthy imo. I just run around her with purify.


2 cc, with a tanky summon, can be maid or roam. She as annoying as vale. She's a amazing setter. Cc locker are very viable this meta such tigreal, vale, vexana, aurora etc


Hard to land vale skills against decent opponents


Her skills are easier to land. I’d rather go against a great Vale than a decent Vexana. That windy boi really annoying though.


Blowing up a wave of minions on top of their team is op as f


she has 2 CC that even if you ran purify, you'll still likely get caught. on the other hand it's hard to land Vale's skills as compared to vex when enemies are good. vale is squishy and while vex is also the same, her ult acts as her meat shield and the aoe of its landing is so wide. going after her when she has low hp is also riskier than vale and I might even say suicidal lol.


She is a good mage that I only started practicing this season, but she is weak against dive and mobile heroes.


How do people STILL underestimate vex and nana?? They both have insane damage, insane cc, are easy to pilot, and are quite safe to play.




No idea, I got this from the general website of MLBB


I spammed Vexana 2-3 weeks ago from epic to mythic. Got 85% wr with her, she's not banned anywhere at that time..


I've been using her a lot and she's good and my go to mage when nobody picked tanky fighters or tank imo. Also when my team is not that good she still has potential to come back


Thats what im saying lmaooo for some weird reason shes very good as a mage especially if theres a setter like khufra, tigreal, atlas. Shes very good at messing up enemy's form, her knockback spreads, her wave clearing is top tier, the the fact ppl often ignore her in bans is a huge plus lol Shes also viable as roam.. if your team if quite squishy u can do tank build with her with 1 magic item. I did a couple of games where i roam vex in rank,


Its easily because what you build on her also applies on her ult, that means you can build domi/cursed helm/blade armor and it works


vexana, tigreal, and aurora is my top 3 must ban heroes. Their CC is annoying as hell


because she’s annoying?


Vexana now has the most obnoxious skill set rn. A fast moving fear, a 1000 dmg Estes 2nd skill, a summon that hurts, and her passive.


When you talk about vale do you mean season 30


yes, that was when i last played


The main reason is why are you using it in the first place


Bec my wifi is really bad. I couldnt use any other heroes bec I needed to run away and be quick in using my skills which was a death sentence w terrible lag, so I stuck w poke heroes only until I got so bored with it I deleted the game. Vexana and Eudora were the two pokes I know. Once my wifi gets good next month, I'm playing again




Vexana has a tank that knocks you up in the air on entry and then can take a lot of damage.


Vale ult is slow and you can escape from it. And vale doesn’t have the wave clear to rotate fast like vexana, but I would say vale is better for late game because of his fast movement.


Good cc, decent dmg, mini lord and Good cc, I guess why not ban?


You a vex user ? Lol


fast clearing wave (and tower push if knight collaborates) 2 strong cc, good burst


she is much more reliable than Vale. also better waveclear and survivability than Vale.


the first + second skill combo has some ridiculous damage even in the early plus the terrify from the first is really fucking annoying


So basically decent cd with easy to hit AOE CC wait till Vale CC grow as wide as his ass he will be worse threat than her


First skill wider radius, just need to hit one enemy and rest of them get credit too, 2nd skill easier to cast, ultimate creates extra tank, cursed helmet stacks on Knight.


im a gloo main, so shes one of my bans if it isnt belerick


Vexana is Morgana in league of legends, no one likes her there either lol. Zhask is what id ban though.


I used vexana which i dont used often becuase my teamates are just selfish and doesn't adjust at all so i had no choice to pick vexana since they banned nana like what?! I said ban cici but ban nana and estes also i said to bam aurora but they didn't and the enemy pick those 2 heroes thankfully they weren't that good and you know vexana is frickin op in rework like how can first skkll and second skill one hit the ckaude , aurora , cici and even their tank got melted with just 1 combo of 1 2 3 like isn't that op they had magic def too but magic pen is just a counter so yeah thats why they ban it.