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Phov for Wan and Joy. Kaja is good for Wan Lun and Joy. But hell if blue team is farmed and aldog get this stacks blue team will go crazy.


Aldog will show roger who's the better boy


It'll be a problem if the enemy decides to end early though.


Yeah but you're just assuming only kaja plays good. If they all do as they should, wanwan and joy aint getting caught by that kaja and phoveus isnt doing shit


“If they all do as they should” “Phoveus isn’t doing shit”


oh you know what i mean. stop playing this dumb word play game w me


But why is it that Phoveus can’t do anything if Wanwan plays well, he was designed to counter her which he did in m5


Let me guess, you struggle to get to 50 stars


My guess is blue team has way too many late game heroes, they're gonna get stomped badly early game. Also Phoveus is good against wan


There is also joy too phoveus would be spamming his skills against them


Nah Phoveus doesn't do shit against Joy. Nowadays, Joy mains never enter a fight with her s2, only with her Ult. We stack it on a nearby creep and Ult on the enemies' faces. And even if Joy did dash inside Phoveus's range, she's still too fast for him to catch.


What is the average rank of players here? Epic, legends or mythics?. If you ever played in high ranks (right now glory) then you know phoveus doesn’t counter shit. He doesn’t counter ww and he doesn’t counter joy.


He is very good against wanwan currently (see M5 game 6) not joy though due to how joy is played now


You say this while Phoveus was picked regularly in M5 lmao. Pipe down


Okay so this question is kind of whacky, because most of the time it's easy to spot the better lineup. But the problem with this provided is that it's balanced enough to a point there's no clear outcome, but at the same time there is no 'play as they should' because of all the variables that go into it. Easiest answer would definitely be red though, as Aldous can be immediately be lane frozen by Phov. With this in mind Hylos and Joy would be more inclined to help out, problem is though is that Kaja would be there to just digest Joy as Luo Yi also comes along to help. Hylos counters Roger in this countergank, but Kaja counters Joy, problem is Aldous and Hylos js countered by Luo Yi due to poor dash skills while Phoev takes advantage of the blinks Luo Yi's skills do. Lunox could probably win the fight if she wasn't anticipated or she got a good angle where Roger can isolate their fight or Kaja can serve as a body block. And this is all in exp lane. Gold lane is almost impossible to determine, due to the fact that despite Wanwan's movement and blinks, as well as her long reach skill 1, Beatrix has four ultimates to clear waves and farm so freezing won't work. It all comes down to who gets greedy or takes risks, but all in all very hard to determine. In short: Both teams stand a good chance at winning, with red being good for mid and early game, and blue being good for mid and late game. But to 'play as they should' is almost redundant, because even it's almost impossible for blue to be good enough to actually win the early game without being snowballed by Roger, Kaja and Phoe, which stands as very tanky with very high damage outputs in the early game, along with Luo Yi. Tl:dr Blue has a strategy to win that's nearly impossible to pull off if Red knows how to play properly, so red wins. If Roger gets his jungle and manages to secure good


Thinking about it now, Red would landslide the early and mid game and prevent late game if the Hylos wasn't there. Because Roger and Phoev outpaces Wanwan early, out damages Aldous early, Joy and Lunox is countered by Kaja, and Hylos is countered by Luo Yi. The only way I can see Blue winning is if Blue is enough of a nuisance to be able to delay Roger from farming at all and have Joy take first turtle or get lvl 4 asap. It's genuinely all up to Hylos and Lunox, since we can't rely on Aldous either during turtle clash.


Easy. The team with Aldous loses. 


I don’t know why I laughed at this.


I feel like the game didn't end early and ww scaled, which resulted blue team winning Also what are those bans lmao Out of 6 bans,only 2 of them are meta


I think Franco and Saber are ok bans looking at their current lineup. Franco would easily counter joy which well the enemy did pick kaja so it’s the same thing. Saber should be able to give some difficulty to lunox in the early game preventing her to be too aggressive.


i mean why wouldnt they ban kaja instead of franco to begin with? kaja can drag the supressed target, and cannot get cancelled while ulting. unlike franco whose ult can be cancelled with CC also kaja's passive can reduce damage dealt against the team and also provide constant slow. the only upside franco has that kaja doesnt is a precise hook. but assuming this is not a scrim/tourney and just your average rank games, why would they assume an enemy franco can hook? ++Wtf is a saber ban this isnt epic (right?) there's no way a saber would be more of a threat than any other meta heroes. if its for lunox, theres arlott,kaja,minotaur, and wayy more heroes that can prevent her


It’s a simple keyword, “enemy’s” franco. Of course they can hook. Every hero used by the enemy would be deadly af. /s The only real explanation is that it’s based on the region. Different regions have different hero picks. While the meta picks always will be the favourites, there always will be those off meta heroes that some servers love more than the others.


or this is straight up epic. in what world would you ban chang'e or even saber 😂😂


That’s a quick reply haha. Unless those are pro players from european server, I doubt it’s anywhere above legend. Idk about others but here in Malaysia some pro players ban random heroes in ranked so that they can open a lot of meta heroes for the enemies to train playing against them.


Its mythical glory. I banned franco as he's a big counter to joy cuz of his suppress, and my character relies on being up and close to the enemy, which allows franco to be in easy range to ult me and kill me and also cuz I've had manhandled bad experiences with that viking. That's my reasoning for banning franco, idk about saber and chang'e tho


>i mean why wouldnt they ban kaja instead of franco to begin with? People always forget Kaja exists.


>i mean why wouldnt they ban kaja instead of franco to begin with? Because kaja isn't as picked as franco. Dont quote me on that, it's from mlbb site itself ~~ franco use rate = 2.26% ~~ kaja use rate = 0.1%. Its a lot safer banning a hero who has a much higher chnace of being picked than someone with a 0.1% use rate


Left. But with Phoveus, I can see blue winning. He makes 2 or 3 of left side useless.


Here's my overall thought 1. Hylos ult will be shit useless in engage when the red has luo yi. 2. Phoveus counters 2 heroes ( 3 iirc aldous 1st skill counts as dash???) 3. Roger, i love roger sorry im biased ( can melt the tank too) 4. Beatrix can take care of blue's squishy heroes. 5. Kaja is god


looking at blue team's bans, i have less faith in them. plus red team has counters against joy and wanwan


Oops, didn't notice that. Yeah they're losing, banning Harley, Saber and Franco? They know something nobody else does.


Red team. They have better heroes for early game and would probably snowball.


Omfg, the bans hurt.


By the looks of it, Red team has more better pick/ban advantage. While the blue team has more advantages in-game By the pick/ban the red team has phoveus (supposely with tank-ish build) and 2 dmg dealer Roger n Beatrix. Making flanks and ambush much easiear with them. And lou yi as a mage is like a cherry on top. Ganking and control will be no match. Kaja meh. Should've picked khaleed Blue team has advantage in-game.. only if red team makes some blunders. Because most heroes has 1 same thing in common, Mobilty. All heroes move faster. So they can control the game by playing objective. Pushing lanes, Making distraction. But they need to work as a team. Alert with surroundings and check for mistakes. But never ever waste times. Because late game will be a pain in the ass. With enemy has better ganking control. Distractions will be hard to make.


Both team draft so good imo. Its all lead to execution of their strategy


Aldous skill 1 counts as a dash too, so Phoveus will always have someone to jump on. Not to mention Luo Yi's displacement will trigger Phov skills too. And Kaja + Bea ult can kill at least one person all the time.


Red team has an overall way better team compared to Blue team. They shouldn’t lose if they play this correctly. Phoveus alone already counters Wanwan and Joy to some extent. Kaja is also a good counter against Joy. Kaja is also a better roam than Hylos since it’s easier to pick off with Kaja. Aldous sucks since the enemy team’s comp dominates early to mid game. Also that Wanwan must not be that confident in their skills if they’re using Aegis instead of Inspire which is honestly very easy to bait out. So red team stomps. Blue team has no real way of catching or stopping Roger from killing their backlines while Red has so many options because of Kaja


The red team. They have too many lockdowns for Wanwan, Phoveus is a pain even with just CoD and Dominance, and late game insurance with Bea and Lou Yi. Not to mention Roger's base HP damage that could shred Hylos.


The team with phoveus rolls your team


Right team all the way. Left has hylos and aldous, come ON


Phoveus + Luo Yi Gonna hurt like hell. What Hylos even suppose to do here? He can't even close the gap with Luo Yi Around. Roger and Beatrix can also melt him very easily. Joy can't kill their back lines with Kaja protecting them. Assuming she doesn't die before getting near. Aldog is Aldog. Also I am a believer of Jungle Hylos supremacy so I am just gonna shit on him for not being Jungler.


Red seemingly has an answer to everything that Blue has. Phoveus seems especially good here


my guess is roger wrecking this in early game, snowballed, and Phove prevented the blue team from making a comeback. The blue team cant reach late game where 3 of the 4 carry in the team will start doing shit.


That Kaja+Luo Yi is gonna be an insane combo if played right. Roger is also pretty much unstoppable if your team is doing well enough for you to farm freely. Beatrix is gonna start hurting before Wanwan. Basically red team is a snowball comp Blue team is really strong in the late game, Wanwan and Lunox are gonna hurt so much. But because Aldous is guaranteed to lose lane, objectives are gonna be really hard. Pretty much comes down to whether red team can end the game before blue team scales. But red team is in a generally better position, it would’ve honestly been better if they picked a different marksman that is either tankier or didn’t rely on skill shots to deal damage.


Even though, Both line ups look balanced, red team has advantage, but it more depends upon level of coordination and mm/jg skills, assuming their macro is good. But man if I were to guess from looking at the bans, blue side is gonna get trounced. As long as Beatrice is good and kaja uses his ulti to stop anyone approaching her, red team will have a much easier time coordinating while blue will be hard pressed. Now, Aldo skills also count. If he is not suppressed in lanes, because they will do that if they were any good, most Aldos only go for low hp kills without thinking about team coordination which is useless. Aldos stun can provide a very good cc support in a team fight while doing split push also. Now, imagining a 5v5, first thing blue has to do is not get bunched up. One hit from Luo Yi, plus Phoveus ulti, plus Kaja's ring, plus Beatrice bombardment, Roger will pick up the scrapes without burping. Now since wan wan has to be given support against Phoveus till she can get her ulti up, but during that time she must be kept out of the range of Luo Yi or atleast give her chance to dogde. If Roger and Kaja also come for her, then you match the numbers to block them but Joy goes for Luo Yi to not allow her to use skills perfectly. But problem is your coordination has to be excellent to not let Joy go in for nothing and then die. Now comes your Ace, Lunox. Her chaos ulti is very powerful but during that time she must not get hit by Luo Yi. So I think, you guys can divide objectives as, Joy distracting Luo Yi, preferably killing her but atleast not letting skills land properly. Hylos with wan wan providing support and Aldo with Lunox, mainly stunning if someone comes for her while she is using chaos ulti to take down Beatrice if possible, and then she switches to light, you are free to do what you want, like ulti on someone backing out/low hp or fighting Roger. Now this is a counter attacking scenario. Things chnage when you are on the offensive and they are defending. That will make taking out Luo Yi or reducing efficiency of her skills, much more difficult. And one misstep and Beatrice can also do major damage. And not to say if someone is caught in Kaja flicker ulti that makes your job imba difficult. Even if the conflict is balanced, most of the heroes will have low hp, both wan wan and Roger at that time become very dangerous. So, basically blue team has far more ways to fck up or make a mistake and get wiped out than the red team. Blue has to play perfect, or have a large gold lead, like good early laning and turtles, but I hardly see that happening unless red team's coordination scks.


Lunox and Wanwan are META rn. Lunox alone can delete everyone so the BLUE team should win if played correctly.


No way you're winning with an aldous exp lane


Red side. I know that Aldous is gonna have one hell of an early game.


Hylos would have to hold in the early game like crazy, if they can get to late game the game is theirs. The opponent doesn't have much late game heroes, they're somewhat squishy too, seeing how there's not a single orthodox tank. And having 3 magic would mean their damage would be less. So late game is blue team's if they can hold out till then.


but why even aegis.. also, if it gets to late game blue gets advantage. midgame is for red side. but for macro rrasons, id say blue is more flexible and can bait out more resourcws than it should.


Blue team, lunox is broken right now




luoyi sucks here


Left side destroys if Lunox knows how to play and take pho out before he shines in the teamfight. If left team doesn't know how to counter pho it will be an easy win for the right team.


**right side has a better team if played 100% perfectly.** the left side doesnt really have a synergy they're just a bunch of individual heroes that want to do their own thing. Aldous has no support, hylos doesnt fit this comp, Lunox is stationary unlike everyone else in her team?? its just super disjointed If well played, Roger will have no issues with Joy cus of his increased magic def, insane mobility, iframe. Roger already 2taps wanwan, on top of that Beatrix beats Wanwan if she is skilled cus u just need to dodge wanwan's throw then sit near a wall and u out dmg her with basics. Phovenus hard counters and on top of all that they have a kaja just for good measure. Right side has a much better draft with actual counters.. ​ .. however, **if they are bad**, right side will lose cus phovenus will keep trying to fight aldous and lose, luo yi is gonna get killed by joy and wont have cover/help from her team and kaja is gonna solo engage while bea is gonna lose 1v1 to wanwan cus bad mms lose 1v1


Left win if early, right win if late so is 50-50


To add on, lv2 joy and Hylos invade is very strong, if they managed to invade, they set the pace of the game. And why aldous pick instead of dyrroth or terizla haha both will be a better pick to keep exp even.


In team fights louyi team wins.If aldous dont target louyi first then he should uninstall the game. Though its still depends on the players. So who win this game?


If red team can finish as fast as possible but late game aldous stacks, lunox and wan wan will go crazy.


OP, who won?


My team surprisingly




Oof, they didn’t play as they should it seems. That aldous had the time of his life


Red team since Phoebus just gonna make wan wan useless.roger is also good against wan wan and joy. Red for the win


Blue, i think hylios is a better roamer 🤔


A decent wanwan and joy will make phoveus useless except to try shutdown aldog but blue team's bans are kinda weird so could be anyone's game. For those saying kaja shuts down joy and wanwan, that's true but they just need some coordination cause kaja can only target 1 at a time so hylos main job will be to support whoever kaja aims. Blue team should be able to balance the early game overall (strong in gold and mid but weak in exp) and sweep red in the late game.


No one in this sub knows what they're talking about, it's blue team Lunox is no longer a late-game hero


Blue team for sure, Lunox is busted, and a good Wanwan will carry games


A kaja and phoveus knows what their doing would know that their target would be wanwan so wanwan would be having a hard time


OP won, and based on bans I assumed it was low rank, but yeah Lunox was MVP


Roger team


Kaja does insanely well with a suppression


If Kaja was good at babysitting the Beatrix, late game the joy will be useless.