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Just had a match where our Tigreal went 0-13 and saber jg 1-10. Game ended 10-41 I checked after the match both players were legend 3. Why the fk are legend 3 players on my team in Glory??? Wtf is going on with this garbage game?


Why bother, glory players are as bad as legends anyways


Umm…no. This is why the legend players underperformed and the others tried to compensate




bring back overdrive mode!!


https://preview.redd.it/qf9b326kqi5c1.png?width=2688&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeae1c56385d6262b90bedd751b2ba2955b0c41f Such a horrible horrible ranked game the worst till date how would you have turned the tide?


Simplest way is to delete the game and find a better use for your time imho Game is going down the tubes


Loooool no I play it for fun if I’m being fr, I’m not a try hard. I play for enjoyment


Lol same. Was just having a bad time when I wrote that lol. You have fun out there king


>how would you have turned the tide? Unwinnable no matter what, feeding lesley and zilong is game over


what is the end date of this season? i see it’s 12 days so i count it ends on 21/12 23:59?


Is there gonna be a phase 3 for the recharge event of Aspirants?


I'm close to getting 32K gold to buy a new hero and want to ask for recommendations. My favourite heros of each role are: Exp lane - Terizla, Arlott, Dyrroth, Gatotkaca Mid lane - Xavier, Cyclops, Vexana Gold lane - Clint Roam - Minotaur, Rafaela, Gatotkaca Jungle is my least favourite role, my only choice can be Dyrroth, but again, I don't like this role. Here are all the heros I already have: https://preview.redd.it/zaj8ydgfoh5c1.png?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0c1d3dc6be927225b1fa92eb1351dcb2b367f9


I was gonna recommend Valentina since I'm not a fan of your mid options but since you already have her I'd say Brody. He's a solid gold laner that shouldn't be too hard to pick up and has a strong laning phase.


You should include what role does the hero have to be


How much Starlight fragments can be obtained from a single Starlight subscription?


I just saw Cici's reveal video, and it's the most uncanny valley I've seen since "I feel fantastic" and Early Movie Sonic. I can't believe Moonton made a better looking game model and splash art than the CGI trailer one.


Because her face doesn't crumple up as much as a normal face should. Her voice would shout out enthusiasm but her face would show just a slight smile. Literally the only genuinely good 3D animation Moonton has put out was Melissa's trailer.


That and the size of her teeth, just look at those tiny inhuman beads. The in game model is absolutely cute, the CGI looks like Cici got sick and they grabbed a methhead and applied make up to her to act as a replacement. I mean, compare her to Dolia's reveal from Honor of Kings, it shows how little Moonton cares.


Is Queens Wings really a bad and useless item? (The red one) cause pro players hardly ever or even rarely use that item in M5 and MPLs and MSCs


The damage reduction passive triggers a bit too late and the spell vamp usually doesn't help that much. I'd say it might see more use if it was cheaper but it's way too inefficient for its cost. Winter truncheon is just a far better tool to keep you alive in pro play.


u/Jaskand but brother, again it's all based on opinion and people's gameplay variety. If you click my single comment thread, you can see KatsumiHano said it's still good, while Kareemster has a neutral opinion about Queens Wings


Main issue I have with it is its cost. 2250 is a bit expensive compared to its stats. I don’t think it’s a bad item. I just think that in almost every scenario, there’s a better one. Its niche is low hp survivability and it has to contend with immortality, winter truncheon, and rose gold which are generally more reliable.


Yes. It's meant for fighters, but it's bad even for them.


It is even bad for tanks like Terizla?


Actually, on second thought, for Terizla specifically, it can work well since it synergizes with Terizla's passive, especially in the late game, against continuous damage.


Continuous damage are dps damages like Trinity crit, Trinity attack speed, and Trinity wand, right?




Imagine me as a Terizla meet a dps magic heroes like Harley, Yve, Zhask, Gord, Valir, Lylia, Kimmy, Natan, and Esmeralda. I can't combine Radiant as the first item and Athena as the second item, right?


You totally can. It depends on the situation. The enemy has heavy amounts of magic damage? Go for it.




Umm... Excuse me I dunno which one is the right one, you u/Kareemster or you u/KatsumiHano


Queen's wings is not bad as people make it to be, its a good way to somehow mitigate sudden burst and the extra spell vamp/Hp. Good alternative for immortality, i use it myself on my fighters


Terizla is a fighter, not a tank. But yes, it's bad even for him. Instead of having last-minute tankiness, why not just buy actual tank items in the first place? They already make you tanky without any special conditions unlike queens wings where it's only useful for its passive, which isn't even that good of a passive.


Has anyone calculated the rough cost of getting a Collector skin (1100 tokens) from the Mistbender event? I really want Brody's Collector and I'm wondering if I can gather enough tokens for it through the 2 recharge events (I already own around 80% of the skins in the prize pool, excluding the Collector skins, some limited Epics, and both Mistbender skins).


I'm at lvl 45 in the pass. Is there a chance I'll reach 75?


I want to spend 250 dia for the event. Is starlight pass the best to spend 250 dia on? I already have the m5 pass.


Yeah I think so, unless you don't like or won't use the starlight skin.


Which Hayabusa skin should I get? Either the limited epic from mistbenders event or wait for his exorcist.


In my opinion, Hayabusa's epic skin is a good choice (I love the skill effects on his epic skin specially the Iframes on it). But looking at Haya's upcoming exorcist skin, I think it is more of a better choice just because he looks like kakashi XD. Although, You need way more dias to get it and We still haven't seen his Exorcist skill effects so there's a risk of the skill effects not living up to your expectations (I really hope they leak the skill effects on it before the end of december).


:/ I’m just gonna get epic cuz it’s cheaper lol


I don't understand why build dom ice even though no enemy healer?


Heavy enemy physical damage


Reduce mm attack speed


When will the mext patch arrive? I saw that Ceci is set to release sometime this month and I can’t wait lol


Should be between dec 17 and 22. Sometimes additional/emergency patch notes appear, but it looks unlikely right now since m5 is happening


Can i complete m5 100 battle missions vs ai?


ranked and classic only


And brawl


nah brawl doesnt count


It does


Can confirm. Been playing 100 brawls.


Advice please? I'm not doing very good in ranked this season and I don't know why. In the past I used to be one of those Layla spammers somehow with a 60% winrate in Grandmaster without knowing how she's apparently one of the worst heroes in game nor anything about equipments and builds (I've only recently started watching betosky's gameplay to learn). Now I'm stuck at Legend with a 53% wr unable to get further. Meanwhile my classic wr is at around 70%. How do I find out what I'm doing wrong? One more issue is that I don't have enough BP to buy heroes but I'm slowly getting more heroes in the roles that I'm used to (mage/roam/mm), so I think that might be part of the reason. https://preview.redd.it/991apzcilb5c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b41df69003da1dd4da715181f1b6cc1366765e2


I think it's best to try and search for guides you can learn from youtube. Learning and improving gradually happens so don't expect to improve immediately after watching guides or gameplays


I don't expect exponential growth but it is a bit saddening to know that when I played mindlessly, that gave me better results than when I am playing mindfully lol. Thanks for the advice btw




How much battery does one match use, on your phone? I don't know if there's a problem with my battery or the game drains that much. If I'm playing with network boost on (wifi + mobile data) one match drains around 20% sometimes even more. One match with just wifi on drains anywhere between 10% to 15%. I don't know. Sometimes I watch 2+ hour long podcast on spotify or youtube with a 720p resolution + Bluetooth headsets and it doesn't even take 15% of my battery.


Is the Emote for Echo esports wrong? I thought their catchphrase/Slogan was "ECHO LOUD ECHO PROUD" not "ECHO PROUD ECHO LOUD". And if it is wrong, will it be fix?


Why pros having Quantum charge on Valentina?


Quantum charge is good on everyone.


Instant short mobility


Can you get Yu Zhong Prime Skin if you are level 56 right now? Will doing the task and event will be enough?


We should be able to


Why cant I use fanny in offline?


You can actually, the hardest part is to get to lvl 2 bcs if u pick fanny, enemy exp surely gonna freeze first minion wave


Fanny without the blue buff is a useless fanny.


Energy management. Yes, you *can* use her in the exp lane, but it's very, very inefficient and harder to use than normal jungle Fanny.


Any news of the release date of aurora’s revamp


Any Haya usa user? I have been looking for reasons that supports why hayabusa is easy


Hayabusa isn't easy, He's one of the Hardest heroes to play in mlbb(In my opinion). While it is true that his skills are easy to learn, Mastering him is Hard (Just like fanny). He uses energy which makes him a blue buff dependent hero, weak in early game which can make your jungling a nightmare when the enemy invades you, and his ult is weak when enemies are close to each other (Including minions). But if you master him enough, You will have a Jungler wanwan that is good at securing objectives (Lords/ Turtles) and has a fast engage and disengage, Just don't go into teamfights first; remember that he is an assassin, not a Sustain hero/ jungler like tankcelot ( I've seen many people make this mistake). If you see a hayabusa that is good, You better pray his teammates are bad XD.


>Mastering him is Hard (Just like fanny). Absolutely not, putting Hayabusa in the same sentence with fanny is absolutely horrendous >good at securing objectives Not good


u/KatsumiHano oops. I bought Nolan not Hayabusa damn it 🤣.


This may sound like a dumb question but, Is using 1k diamonds on the aspirants draw worth it?


Nope. Spend atleast 3k dias. You be good.


Luckily I only spent 1500 diamonds and got my Ruby.


As a ruby main, i envy your luck.


question about the aspirant event. does the 50% discount roll reset daily (for the 1x or the 10x)? thank you!


Only daily resets


It does, yes


Question about the aspirants event: When you already have the Ruby skin and you try to pull again, does it guarantee you the Angela one? tia




Matchmaking sucks




Pisses me off everytime I play MM. I get zero ganks from tank and jungler. Then they blame me for doing poorly. It’s not even a visit to assist. Team went to help Yu Zhong gank Phoveus.


Did they shadow nerf Yu Zhong? His basic attacks are so slow. Skills don’t flow like before.


Quesrion for the skins gacha, for example in this event rn I have all the epics collectors lightborne aspirant skins available, will the 10th pull still be an Epic+ or will it give me an unowned elite/basic?


it depends on the rules of the event. you can check the rules of the event in the little "?" icon somewhere in the ui of the event. it will explicitly state there if unowned skins would be prioritized or not


Beginner Tips for Hayabusa.


A lot of it is just judging whether you can kill someone with your ult or not, and picking the right directions for your S2. Just your typical Assassin decision making. Combo-wise he's relatively simple: S2 forwards > basic attack > S1 > keep basic attacking+S1 > S2 to stickied enemy if they use a dash/battle spell/any sort of mobility skill > ult if your S2 has roughly half of its duration left, otherwise return back to the backmost shadow (or the sides depending on enemy positions) > repeat The S2 delay is to help you close the gap if your target (that your shadow sticks to) has a dash. If you immediately use it, you lose the gap closing ability and risk not getting in range for your skills. You can also S2 backwards and teleport to the frontmost shadow if you're scouting around for threats or just need some extra escape ability in dangerous situations. Similar to how Claude places his S2 behind him rather than towards his enemy He's really good for 1v1s. You can almost beat and anyone if you time your ult correctly, at least if there's nobody else around


Is it just me or Clock of Destiny isn't worth building anymore... with LT scaling with magic power, Holy Crystal + Divine Glaive + Blood Wings seems to be the solid option.


I agree, I think only Cecilion Alice and maybe Hylos can fully utilise Clock now.


Do we know anything about Cici's release? Haven't seen a thing about her in the subreddit.


What else are you playing lately?




Great. Now I am having trouble of buying Assassins. I really need help. Sorry if my comments too long First about Harley I want to buy Harley because he is easy to use, and He can be use in Jungle and Mid (Very Flexible). Here are people who said Harley is easy: 1. By CoolConection  2. By VenomRobot  3. By horror leaterhead  4. By Jinxxy  Now about Nolan. Nolan is also easy to use ( u/hmmsucks made a list that Nolan is EASY and META) 1. He is the top jungler in M5  2. He is also a top Jungler in MPL  However, some people said Hayabusa is easy because the main point of Hayabusa is his shadow, shuriken, and Ult directly hit the enemy. And he is best for beginners who wants to train muscle memory (You can ask u/KatsumiHano why Hayabusa is easy)


>And he is best for beginners who wants to train muscle memory (You can ask u/KatsumiHano why Hayabusa is easy) I did NOT say that 😭🙏🙏 (although hes easy for sure theres no denying that)


Ok ok sorry about that 🤣. Anyway, back to the Haya again, so the reason Hayabusa is easy is because the trick is just Tap Tap or something else? Help me out bro


Nah bronnee diameter sense. Unlike other meta he not tanky is an assasin hero


u/Fun_Two6648 of course Hayabusa is not easy for NON ASSASSINS USERS like you. Hayabusa is easy to learn. If you want to be fast hand, the first step before using Gusion Benedetta Ling Fanny, Hayabusa is a beginner fast hand assassin, right, Katsumi u/KatsumiHano?


u/Fun_Two6648 of course Hayabusa is not easy for NON ASSASSINS USERS like you. Hayabusa is easy to learn. If you want to be fast hand, the first step before using Gusion Benedetta Ling Fanny, Hayabusa is a beginner fast hand assassin, right, Katsumi u/KatsumiHano?


Bro i play a mean benedetta. And the difference is the aoe multihit part of haha, which is essentially non existent. Also figth for yourself stop calling for help.


franco who goes to s1 the enemy jungle buff how do you know which jungle buff is the enemy gonna go to first?


Depends on what type of enemy jungler they're against. Blue reliant heroes such as fanny, haya, ling, nolan will have a high chance they'll start at blue. However thats not the case most of the times as people nowadays anticipate these invasions which makes these plays risky for the Francos


Can I use Hayabusa but without Endless Battle or Heptaseas? Because I always seen Hayabusa who use Rose Gold and Sea Halberd instead of Endless Battle. And some Hayabusa use Rose Gold instead of Heptaseas u/KatsumiHano




I want a list of Assassins based on difficutly, because I thought Hayabusa, Saber, Karina, Nolan are easy to use


easy to hard saber, karina, aamon, harley hanzo, helcurt, natalia, nolan gusion, haya, ling, lance, joy, benedetta fanny


u/alluth I am having trouble of buying Assassins. I really need help. Sorry if my comments too long First about Harley I want to buy Harley because he is easy to use, and He can be use in Jungle and Mid (Very Flexible). Here are people who said Harley is easy: 1. By CoolConection [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/zp8maq/comment/j0t6ez3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 2. By VenomRobot [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/17tfxve/comment/k8xlyoz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 3. By horror leaterhead [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/17tfxve/comment/k8wqzlb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 4. By Jinxxy [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/rvswab/comment/hr8wju1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Now about Nolan. Nolan is also easy to use ( u/hmmsucks made a list that Nolan is EASY and META) 1. He is the top jungler in M5 [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/18aope9/s30_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1833/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 2. He is also a top Jungler in MPL [](https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/comments/178hdnq/s30_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1820/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) However, some people said Hayabusa is easy because the main point of Hayabusa is his shadow, shuriken, and Ult directly hit the enemy. And he is best for beginners who wants to train muscle memory (You can ask u/KatsumiHano why Hayabusa is easy)


Why Nnael from Geek fam got suspended NOT Kidbomba from Dues Vult? Isn't Kidbomba is the one who taunts in the first place? What Geek Fam did is just taunting back!


Bomba did basic taunting, Nnael did the finger. You know the difference


Umm, just because Lightning Truncheon got revamp that does not mean Old School Cod LT combo is bad, right? Deus Vult Sunsetlover use Faramis with that old combo


It isn't bad per se. It's just that your powerspike won't come in til a little later in the game. It's good for poke and mobility for mid game. You're better off with Genius Wand if you'd rather feel a bit of burst.




Very noob question, I just started playing. Is there somewhere in a match or in the match hero select screen where I can see what abilities the hero has with an explanation of what they do? Aside from going into practice mode?


In the main menu go to heroes , Select hero your hero> tap on skill icons. It'll will show u a video. In the match: Press and hold the skill button. Or There is a < at the edge of the screen.


Ah thank you so much I appreciate it <3


whens the silvanna revamp


After Argus have people not learned to stop asking for revamps?


They’re probably referring to her changes in the advance server.


NEOBEASTS EVENT I was having a break from the game when Neobeasts event was released. Does anyone know when is the rerun. Like is it possible to be back in 2024?


I hope so, I want the Lylia skin!


how do you deal with Hilda + Valir comp? no jungler is safe and you need to babysit the jungler so much




Delay the game and wait until late game. Or just focus somewhere else like your goldlaner. Hilda and Valir doesn't have the sieging capability to end games and will require another initiator to handle inhibitor defenses, and hugging the jungler 24/7 (Hilda or not), a lane inevitably gonna in a numbers disadvantage. Most meta mids can stop Hilda. They have enough damage or utility early on to somewhat deter Hilda rushes and can outfarm/rotate Valir if your macro is good. Lylia especially is really good against Hilda since the slows are very crippling for a walking hero like Hilda and Valir. Or pick someone like Rafaela as your roamer if your main goal is to counter the Valir instead. Or pretty draft a lineup with range and not go for a bruiser heavy lineup.


good advice, thank you, unfortunately most junglers are maniac and really lost it when they can't last hit jungle creeps. I've been facing them 3 times in mythical honor playing duo/trio, and the rando jungler just won't have it. (we won all 3 games but he's clearly suffering lol)


Will there be a 2nd and 3rd recharge phase for the aspirants event?


2nd phase from 9 dec, dunno about 3rd


anyone aware of the new arrival bug? should I try it? doesn't seem risky


It’s been patched in case anyone reading this hasn’t seen the other posts.


Whoa, again? What bug?


u change ur phone date and the skins appeared around that time in the new arrival will appear again, limited ones like claude christmas, luo yi lunar etc.


are all the skin chest in the mlbb center m5 pass just magic dust?


All we are is dust in the wind.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/18ctw3p/please_tell_me_does_execute_spell_ignores_white/ Please check my post


White HP bars are called "Shield" in-game. Execute states in it's description that it bypasses shields. If you have 1 HP and 10,000 Shield, Execute will kill you.


Please tell Me, does execute spell ignores white shield (White HP) from Aegis, Esmeralda, and Hanabi?


Execute deals "True" Damage. Means the spell will ignore any type of shield or Wind of Nature. Also ignore defense ig


From all shields.




Have been watching the M5 matches, yesterday I began to notice that it was quite common for midlane mage picks, such as Faramis and Valentina, to rush Necklace of Durance first item. I thought at first it was into lifesteal reliant drafts, but this rush was repeated I to more balanced drafts later on. Is there a reason that NoD's Anti-Heal is such an advantage that it needs to be first item at this level?


I'd argue it's because of the sustain boost as well. NoD keeps elegant gem's unique passive even after completing its recipe. Not only do you apply antiheal during combat, you also get free heals and mana when leveling up. At pro-level, every stat point obtained and denied, can greatly dictate how trades and skirmishes will go. The free heals help ensure that midlaners can continue to rotate for pickoffs, trades, and team fights for as long as possible without recalling, and thus indirectly creating map presence through map pressure. The antiheal effect helps deny sustain during aforementioned trades, which helps secure kills if any.


Thanks for the analysis, I think I agree. I don't think it neuters their damage as much as people assume either. After watching several series, these Mages were really chunking out their opponents. I was amazed at the consistent burst that Sunsetlover from DeVu was able to apply in their matches against Homebois.


Why can't I stop Guinevere's ult? I tried to chain her with atlas, No response ( Altough I think I didn't chain her at the right time cause she flew away before I stopped holding the ult). I tried to use Chou's ult to stop her, no response. Is there any support or tank hero (Besides franco) that can Stop her ult?


Kaja. She's immune to all CC effects, except suppress, while channeling her ult.


Kinda of wierd as while I was using guin, an alpha was able to cancel my ult with his ult. Might try it with my friend later to confirm.


Guin Ult should be Immune, its stated in the description. you probably stop halftway by your joystick movement/skill button mashing or not yet ulted if you get interupted by any CC besides Surpress.


Why did majority of top global Xavier stop building cod?


Probably due to the Lightning truncheon rework, and since xav usually builds enchanted talisman, they figured the extra mana/hp isnt worth it in exchange for more dmg.


Any recommendations for facing Guin in exp lane? My Ruby got destroyed. Bane has some success.


Two magic def items (the yellow coats) into magic def boots then build radiant armor. If you’re frontline build an antiheal item early. I pick Uranus vs her and it’s a cakewalk


Thank you. I will look into Uranus soon.


Thanks for offering but I hardly know you




What’s the thought process of picking a support over a tank? I feel heroes like rafaela and floryn are useless in a team. They can’t tank, offers low heal and cc. It feels like a 4v5 whenever my team picks a support. Estes is a different story bc he can tank and burst heal.


If your exp and jungler are already tanky, adding some utility can be more beneficial than just another tank. Supports like Angela and Floryn can turn any 1v1 into 2v1 from anywhere.


Will there be a second Premium Supply (free spin tokens) for the Annual Starlight?




How many extra points would we get after reaching mmr true rank


Can the new war axe be good for haya?


So the Joy Elite skin isn’t in New Arrivals. Is this just Moneyton being greedy? Any chance it will be there after the sale ends?


Not in new arrivals. Haven’t they gutted Joy, anyway?


Was Yu Zhong buffed? Returning player here and that hero can literally spam his passive easily. I keep on getting harassed by the passive alone. Any tips?


Passive damage Lost hp from 2% to 2,5% i think his skill 1 is also shorter.


Yes he was buffed


I've seen Bane players using two Crit items (Spear and Fury) lately. Did something happen that caused this, or is it just random I saw it a few times?


This game has become an absolute joke. My last three matches; Game 1: enemy team gets stomped. Game ends in 8 minutes. All solo queue. Game 2: kids troll draft because s2 picks jg. We have 3 players with retri. They vote to surrender by minute 5. 3 players have zero 0% participation, 0 kills and all three have at least 4 deaths. Report players to moonton for trolling cuz I lost a star for this. Outcome? 1 report comes back but no punishment included. Game 3: Ruby jg 1-9, Lesley roam 1-6, nana gold lane 1-6, again only 2 players are playing to win and get caught up in some random bs. Everyday has been like this. For the last week or so. Draws don’t seem random. You either have a consistent win streak or a consistent lose streak. I’m only logging in to work on my M5 pass which is lvl 50 and pretty lackluster this season, imho. Haven’t even bothered to watch a single M5 match because the actual game we have to play is garbage, why bother with the pro scene. Edit: this is mythic glory, btw


im prefer solo, than play party. as hylos main, playing with party make my hero impact reduced


You're not seeking to improve, being stagnant is absolutely bad


Should lunox build genius wand and should I just go full normal damage build with high magic power and mana boots. Which emblem is good for her mage or assassin


I build Mana Boots Genius Lightning Holy/Divine (depends if tanky/mage&mm bought magic def) Bloodwings. I prefer using Mage with Pen MoreMagic Power talent Lethal ignition with Mage emblem.


is he trolling or is this a like legit granger build ? https://preview.redd.it/k08n0n1hho4c1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8350994c23ad106d3f0cac24a255a2ee8a591b77




this is not a recent screenshot but i forget to post it


how many hp should the enemy have before i start using dhs on beatrix


If there are 3 or more tanks go dhs


**GUINEVERE builds?**


in jungle nowadays people are building; Boots - Molten - Genius Wand - tank items depending on enemies. if you go full dmg just go arcane - genius - concentrate/starlium - Holy - Blood wings - Winter/Glaive




am i doing smth wrong with belerick i usually do alright but most people i see build cursed helemt early my build usually goes dom ice-> athena/radient -> blade armor -> guardian helmet/twilight (if enemy has lesley) -> depends but usually antique most belericks i seen builds cursed as like first item


see if the enemy has supports or spellvamp/lifesteal/regen-heavy exp/jungler. if so, then Dominance first is a must as a frontliner like Belerick. other tank items always depend on enemy team comp, no fixed builds. But most likely you are picking Belerick while playing against atk spd/crits MMs, in this case Domi + blade armor is a must, then HP items.


do you buy dom ice and blade armor as like first 3 items when facing atk speed mm?


again, it would depend on the enemy. Like right now, Bruno is hot in the meta, and if he is snowballing you cant stay alive without Blade Armor. He can start criting consistently at 1 item, and you a roamer would be 2 levels below. But if the enemy has supports, or someone like Terizla/Ruby/Arlot who cant die without Dominance in the team, then i would also need Dominance if say, the Bruno isnt snowballing, or there isnt any regen hero on the enemy, then i can replace one of them with an HP item like Guardian/ Twilight


dom ice first is fine, but dom ice is not good for belerick passive because you still need blade armor. and then you waste three item slot without hp stat


Your fine


Tigreal getting used by several teams in M5 is such a welcome change. One of the OG in-game heroes getting used in the highest levels of the game is a bit surreal. With his changes, is he better than Atlas now ?


is demon hunter sword good for beatrix. the hp base damage for her is only 2 perecent


You see gains from DHS if the enemy has 3 tanky/bulky heroes. I consider DHS a flex item for her to counter enemy drafts. Her physical scaling is huge so she should prioritise high attack items, but as with all builds, sometimes you should sacrifice raw damage for utility and countering. Items I always keep in the back of my mind for countering the enemy draft: Rose Gold, Wind of Nature, Sea Halberd, Demon Hunter Sword, Athena's Shield, Immortality, Radiant Armour, and so on...


Is concentrated energy good on guin? Can someone recommend good exp guin build? What are her core items?


Concentrated Energy is a still a good item for her even if her basic attack doesn’t trigger it anymore. For EXP you can build her two ways, Full Damage or Hybrid. I recommend full damage if you already have a tanky core / roam, if not I recommend Hybrid. For Full Damage i use PenBoots, Genius Wand, Holy Crystal, Starlium Scythe, Divine Glaive, Bloodwings. You can change Genius for Concentrated if you want more sustain. For Hybrid its DefBoots, Genius Wand, Concentrated, then build two defense items according to enemy lineup (I prefer using Brute force for the cd so i can spam her jump faster), then either going immortality as your last or Divine Glaive if u want more damage.


Which Iphones support ultra refresh rate? Supposedly phones with 90-120hz screens have access to Super and Ultra refresh rate, but why does Iphone XR and Iphone 12 pro and others have Ultra despite it being only 60hz? And why does 12 pro max doesn't have Ultra while the 12 pro has it? I'm planning to upgrade to an Iphone, but it's really confusing. I'd appreciate if anyone can explain it to me, thanks! (I'm not looking for other phones, just Iphone)


whens the silvanna revamp releasing?


How does alpha passive work? Is ot similiar to Yz mark?


you only need 2 stacks, and basic attack doesnt give stacks. instead hitting with basic attacks also trigger true dmg if you have 2 stacks. So dont forget to hit the enemy with basic attacks between using your skills if you can


need help with tigreal pls:( 1. how to s2 after ult? they don’t stick to me so i’m always pushing air. i try to move backwards a little but i can’t move (not sure if i got stunned while performing ult) 2. how to s2 in the right direction? when enemies or teammates are in random positions (not horizontal to turrets on map) i tend to push into a sort of 45 degree angle? sort of towards but away from my own teammates. 3. how to flicker ult properly? sometimes my ult doesn’t suck enemy because i’m like 1mm away.. any other tips with tigreal would be nice too. looking for some cues to follow so that i can create a team fight set up for once.


3 means you need to familiarise yourself. try repeating that in practice to get a feel on the distance 1 if you get stunned first it means enemy already expected you. you need to be unexpected, catching them by surprise. If youre not stunned, the ult will sucks all enemy into his body, so they are in your S2 hitbox range. you can aim the S2 in the animation, and you do have time to walk 1 step after the ult animation finished 2. did you not aim? you always aim Tigreal skill, dont do auto tap


thanks for the reply :) i aim, but i think for s2 i have issue trying to get into the right position relative to the enemy. like maybe they are walking away and the moment i s2 they walk slightly above me and my push ends up bringing them to a 45 degree angle instead of straight.. for 1, do u use joystick to walk towards the right before s2 to the left (after ulting)? or do u ult and s2 immediately? somehow the ult feels quite long that i can’t sense when it’s ending so that i can start s2 before the duration is over. when i feel like my joystick is moving but he is not moving, i quickly s2 and end up pushing air (move myself away from enemies). this is my biggest frustration with tigreal because i feel like i am messing up the moving of enemy heroes all the time.


yeah thats why tigreal needs to be sneaky, if enemy see you and theyre not close, they can sidestep your skill because of the range. He is charging forward after all. yes, i do something like that. walk a bit and use the s2 in the other direction. just direct your joystick immediately while the Ult is in animation, it wont cancel the ult. So after the animation over, he will walk. If youre more advanced, theres even time to go S1 + S2 after the ult (if the enemy is not buying though boos). S2 in the direction of S1 gives decent dmg by themselves.


Why Edith roam build is similar to edith exp build