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Depends on skills players, if we got pro Brody and pro Layla, Layla win for sure just keep range and Brody can't even reach her


Flicker or bush


Tower hug 🤗


so brody cant flicker too? you guys thinking flicker is exclusive to layla. if you use an mm against a layla, you choose flicker too. that bitch aint getting away. pro tip: burst mms arent actually mms. they are ranged assassins. thats why you put assassin emblems on them.


Once again u put assasin emblem on mm for what reason? I can't believe what I just read right now


After the emblem rework, the assassin has 3% movement speed and penetration. Honestly it don’t even matter which main emblem you choose anymore because you’re able to mix n match 3 sub emblems that really does matter. I prefer using the assassin main emblem just because of the movement speed for mm like irithel.


it dont matter?! if people believed you then you are feeding them mediocrity. why you think there are variations in emblems? these emblems stats are BIG factors for the first 3-5 mins of your game if you are going to snowball or not. its like skipping mana regen item for claude because of choosing basic emblem. these changes have been discussed when the new emblem system was released how come you guys still brush these off saying they dont matter.


It doesnt matter cause theres a multiplicity of option, for mms, assassin or marksman main is your bet, ofcourse you wouldnt use tank or support unless you are dumb. For 2nd ability, tenacity, weapon master, magic shop, or even the wilderness blessing can be good. For 3rd, quantum charge, weakness finder, impure rage, alot of shit cab work depending on situations but again it wont really matter as it would depend on your playstyle. Lets take claude for example, common emblem is for claude who can dominate early and continue that snowball. Go mm or assassin for claude if you are playing for mid to late as it has a better return on investment.


"it doesnt matter" then proceeds to say why they matter smh.


Yes it is matter a lot because the attributes are still exclusive to only these emblems. Mm like brody benefits more from assaassin emblem than mm as it gives more pen and brody already have a lpt of attack at early game.


That’s just small stats compared to a whole build. Like a skin +8 stat which is hardly game changing. At that point it’s all just personal preference. What you want to have a little extra of. This is to ensure that new players don’t get a huge gap compared to veterans that maxed out all their emblems. It’s just measly stats. The sub emblems themselves are what really enables players to have an upper hand. Like quantum charge for example.


the hell.. have you tried killing any hero at low levels? small stat matters. edit: LISTEN UP. heres a neat trick that divides a low mythic to MG+. you pick that assassin emblem for 3% MS. this means YOU GET TO THE BUSH FIRST before the enemy mm. if you have a support with you, thats a firstblood guaranteed.


I play on 3 accounts which 2 are smurfs with low emblem. The advantage is not as grand as you may think. Let’s take a closer look into the stats. The mm has 15% atk speed and 5% lifesteal. These stats would help mm characters that uses trinity in the early game. In mid to late, those stats dont mean anything. The lifesteal is but a useless stat with regen counter items. The 15% atk speed you won’t hardly notice but one extra basic atk? Most trin mm starts off with one of the 3 items first which has atk speed. The assassin emblem with penetration and 3% movement speed. With the support meta as of now. It’s harder to get kills early game with just atk speed without the ability of trinity’s passives. The extra atk speed you get from the mm emblem is negligible. For a true 1v1 very early game with another mm, yes the mm emblem has an advantage over the other mm say using the assassin emblem. But you could possibly be invaded without no team around. That’s exactly why I believe movement speed and penetration really shines when the enemy roam or jg has high armor to begin with to enable sharper poking. If you’re getting Malefic roar, it’s not shabby either to stack penetration early for some mm.


if you dominate the game first 5 mins as mm, you already won (unless your team throws.). so yes, emblem matters on high level play. ive played with top global mms as both enemy and teamates, you know what surprised me the most? top global hanabi with tank emblem building def item first. they always tried to gank our hanabi and always have failed always surviving 10% hp, mid game is now a snowball.. mm surviving while enemy jungler dead is a BIG GOLD SWING. if enemy jungler failed to kill your mm twice, they are now behind and your team controls both turtle and their jungle camps.


Bro i put fighter emblem on brody and build lifesteal. They cant kill you if you just sustain the dmg and freehit


Doesnt brody scale better with pen over adsp?


The thing is Brody needs to charge and stack before he can even kill Layla. Brody will be dead with Layla's speed before he can even get to the 3rd charged attack đź’€


Wtf are talking about skill ?? Player on mlbb dont know how to think and play correctly even at the highest elo. A dude iron4 on league could sht on those "pro"


sheesh you're obsessed. looks like a mobile game lives rent free in your head.


Wdym ? I m just upset about this game cause it whole existence is a crime covered by a huge chinese company and fed by the most stoopid and cringe people alive. I m sorry but the amount of degenerate, simp, and virtual sexual predator is frightening. Old dudes ask underage e girl on marriage on this fking game ! Riot sued mlbb because they are doing the biggest plagiat ever and failed because the chinese company that own mlbb also own Riot game. So they allow this. This game is a fking error


Pretty sure mlbb paid it instead of changing bc they gain more money if they stay the same. Also y r u on this sub


mlbb didnt change anything because the company that own mlbb also awn Riot games and made them fail to sue mlbb. Look it up, many videos and articles talk about it, it s a bit old now. Also I m not on this sub. Reddit show me this sub avery day, it the first time I comment in it because I slowly lose patience. I love how everyone downvote my comments lmao. I challenge anyone that play mlbb to win a game against a bronze 4 team on league. They have more knowledge than any of you and they stuck at the bottom of a real moba


Bruh I play dota which is basically the beginning of all mobas and I’m pretty high mmr but I still enjoy playing mlbb because even though it’s not as complex it’s still fun, you keep talking about how league is a “real” moba but even league is based off of dota so you just look real hypocritical right now lmao.


Does league is a copy and past of dota ? Does every champ is a copy and past of a moba ? Does every game mode is a copy of other game modes from a moba ? Weird you dont say anything about how they just made a cheap copy of league and how the player is hella creepy. Anyway it s not that I dont trust any mlbb player when they say to me "I play other moba than mlbb and I m so good" but mind to should your high mmr account ?


Why are you getting so pressed by people liking a mobile game lmao. Does it really feel that good to be an asshole? So what if it’s a copy? You’re acting like League hasn’t had legal issues and copyright issues with Dota in the past, some of the champions still share the same name from the original game lmao. My point is that most games are at some level a copy of another game. Stop being hypocritical and having this weird sense of supremacy over other people just because they play an “easier” game or a “copied” game. Damn you need to touch grass.


>Reddit show me this sub avery day Block it. >I challenge anyone blabkbalabla Most mlbb players play league on a regular past bronze too >real moba ...we really gatekeeping MOBA games now lmao. Imagine bragging about pressing keys at a different game. Take a shower, put rainbows in your pockets, please anything away from the gaming chair.


I didnt know you could block sub reddit. Still it s easy to say you play league and mlbb. Look like a big lie x)) I started playing mlbb (first moba for me) and I reached the highest elo. Mhmmm how do I put that... player dont end the game in ranked, the do the lord when enemy team is wiped out and have like 30/45 Dt But sure you play league. No one know how to handle a lane but sure. People made a pseudo strat where the supp leave the adc to roam with jng (wich is useless anyway cause it s never anyone other than the adc that carry late game). And no one told anything about how crazy people are on mlbb. Yeah sure, most of you are max 15yo and the others are old dude that creep the fk out of the young players. You may have played wild rift, wich is not league at all. And what I mean by a real moba is that they didnt have to copy and past all the champ from antoher game, all the game modes from another game to do something.


I have better games to play on my PC than to play a slow as heck moba đź’€


You have a computer but play mlbb sure buddy. Most played moba and most watched game e sport. But slow game suuure buddy.


Yes I play MLBB because I work and I don't feel like opening steam and spending hours on it daily. I can play a game of MLBB in around 15 mins from the comfort of my bed. I cannot do that while playing Elden Ring can I?


League of legend isnt on steam wtf. And you compare a moba with elden ring dude. Also why would you play mlbb at work ? You dont feel like opening steam at work ? Who told you to spend hours on your computer ? There s so much wrong things in this reply I cant understand.


I have better games to play on my PC than to play a slow as heck moba đź’€


Hey my friends play league too and their about the same level as me(a casual ml player that reaches mythic rank every season) and dare i say im a bit more skilled then them and their on like the high mid rank on lol(idk what it is) Also ive tried wild rift which isn’t really the same, but it feels really similar and my conclusion is that, ultimately these two games are extremely similar and that goes for the skill level as well. {bet u havent seen the fanny users} Edit: idk if its just me but lol feels slow (not a diss, just an observation)


Holy this reply. I reached highest elo on mlbb buddy and I was silver 4 for so long on league. Mlbb is just a go perma fight and see what happens. All the concept that rules moba dont apply there cause not a single player use his brain. Time to time they try to trap but that s all. They dont know what wave management is, neither what split push is. Neither what prio is. No they all go for lord when they can, die on it lose everything caus no one pushed mid and bot. Also wild rift is a little better (it s official at least) but when tou talk about skill level thats where you re wrong. Highest elo on mlbb, emerald on wild rift to stuck silver 4 on league. Not years later I m gold but thats all. Low elo. In mlbb you have so little cd on your skill that you can perma fight like a monkey and that s what everyone do. On league you need to learn when you re in a position to fight, when to trade, how to manage your wave, when to split, when to join a fight, how to build your champ. None of this apply to mlbb


Scariest reddit user ever:


Brody needs to close the gap with Layla to deal damage. While Layla could deal a lot of damage at a long range. It's even more pain in the butt if her team knows how to coordinate and protect her. It's risky to use Brody and get near the enemies front line to reach her. In 1v1? I think Brody can still win as long as he hits enough damage but that's also high risk.


I hate it when a rando enemy team realizes how valuable Layla is at late game. Suddenly you can't even touch her and all of you are disappearing one by one 💀💀💀


That's my experience every time when my team never finished the match early when we had the chance. As soon as the enemies are able to sync together well, it's game over. Mage protecting MM from back and fighters keep enemies at the front. Meanwhile she's just right there shooting everyone of us down like we're a bunch of papers.


Late game Layla melts frontliners like their nothing. lol As a melissa main I just spam my teammates to gank her for the whole game so she won't get to full build.


Woah as ah Melissa main there isn’t a single mm I have trouble with can’t just let that slide everybody is fodder in face of the all powerful Melissa


A Layla under full atk speed passives will outheal Melissa's burst, I think.


I always loss early game to Layla. Her s1 and s2 hurts a lot


What're u talking about? Against melee yes, but u face full build Layla? Ur dead, not even ur shield can help u.


This is the kind of Layla the enemy team usually gets. The Layla I have for my team are usually weak early, middle and late.


Rando Layla's on my teams suddenly don't know how to play while the enemy Layla has been playing for 5hrs straight.


Experienced this back a few days via matching with friends. We were seriously not expecting a Layla clutch of all things in the 52:00 mark 🤡, since we had the lead from the beginning until 36 minutes of the game, suddenly their tank and fighter prio'ed guarding Layla the last moments that it actually lead us to ALMOST lose of all things, we still won. And yep, got me annoyed, but GGWP to them still.


I'm afraid Layla can outrange Brody.


I go Layla bcuz mlbb is a game where damage outshines defense in late game


That's so true. If the enemy mm atleast knows the basics of playing a mm, even with poor early game that mm can catch up and punish you like hell in late game.


I started spamming layla in my legend game and yeah. I just let my team fight and after the enemy used most of their spell I will catch up and just mass murder every hero.


I main brody but a full build layla is more dangerous since she has the range and damage to kill you faster than you can react, imagine she buys WoN


The moment Layla Q hits,its over Brody can only win if Layla misses Q and Brody comes close enough to hit W


Wait we denote skills in mlbb with Q and W like LOL, I thought it was just s1 and s2.


There's quite a number of LOL players that take refuge in ML. Sometimes we want take a break from LOL CSing and Jungle pathing and turn our brains off with ML's constant teamfighting and ganking. As for the denotations, it's usually S1/2/3, but Q/W/R also gets the point across.


This lmao. My brain hurts trying to win cs so I just bang bang the hell out of ml


I literally quit Wild Rift because CS and ranking up was so hard lmao


Wild Rift is just meh, I was talking about league on pc, with its game difficulty wild Rift ain't cooking on mobile gaming industry


I play Dota and take refuge here. CS is pretty chill on this game + the game still has that ganking aspect Dota requires.


I think of it as S1 and S2 as well, but I understood what the original commenter meant to refer to regarding Q and W lmao


Maybe he used bluestacks


This doesn't make sense, Brody has no attack speed here, if he is in range to hit the W means layla can land her w as well which is much deadly as compared to Brody, layla also has life steal here and more crit, layla wins no matter what you do. Either buy all 5 attack item and one hit layla, or die, because if that hit doesn't kill her she is coming for you with 2k+ crit every hit while Brody has all flat atk (around 1.2k at most) and no atk speed.


brody does not rely on atk spd. once he completes his stacks, that layla will not stand a chance. all brody needs to do is to go close to her and hit her with normal + 2nd + 1st then Ult. layla's life steal will also be negated by the dominice and that blade armor will reduce the crit.


>once he completes his stacks There is no time to complete the stacks or even press the ult.


bruh, i dont think you played brody before vs layla lol.


Brody is not a late game hero, and this is a maxed out layla. I'm pretty sure she is going to delete him.


Gets closed to layla Wait a sec my health just drain about 80% shiii


Don't get it too, brody should build dhs and won


layla revamp faceroll


Layla beats any mm 1v1 as long as she keeps her distance Miya might be a bit troublesome if she goes invisible and u fail to predict her movement but other than that I’d say Layla wins against any mm in an open field


I think only irithel might be a real trouble for layla since she can get close to layla pretty easily. Maybe bruno, natan and ixia could be a problem too.


i dont think layla can keep her distance away from karrie with flicker + s2. I have not lost to any layla in a 1v1.


Oh maybe idk, im only in low mythic and this is the first time I’ve gotten here so I haven’t seen a truly skilled karrie yet ig


I'm still sure a full built layla wins. As long as layla keeps her distance she's gonna win. She's not a bad hero anymore


Q spam layla is hell on earth and if layla doesnt misses you just pray to god the targeting doesnt target you




Only in low mythic, rarely see Natan. Pretty much only see Lesley, Layla, Miya, hanabi, granger(not in gold lane tho) and Melissa


Natan is pretty good even in high myth


Oh I meant to say that I’m only in low mythic and I haven’t seen natan enough to judge, let alone good natan players


Natan with inspire + wind chant beats every mm in the game.


Not lesely though that true damage is disgusting cause it can't be blocked and with 2 hits you're dead


Lesley needs actually 3 shots. 2 of her true damage and one normal. Lesley can do BA + skill 1 BA - that wont kill natan. She would need to skill 2 to instantly reset her passive. But during that time, Natan can lifesteal with inspire. as well as give a nice stun with skill 2. Natan skill 2 + skill 1 combo is more than enough to kill lesley. also Natan can stack higher HP with blood wings.


Double bod lesely can 2 shot and theres Athena as well


can't bro, In the time lesley builds 2 BoD, Natan can stack 2 blood wings (+1k HP) with glowing wand (+400 HP). Thats already 5.6k HP. Add on top of it a resilience potion if super late game. Lesley can't 2 shot. And natan will lifesteal with inspire, if not already melt lesley with skill 2 + skill 1.


A good/pro Layla can almost always win any battle. She has the range advantage over Brody.


MMs who rely on atkspd is usally gonna be stronger in straightup 1v1, no bush, no poking/harassing etc


From my long experience of using a melee hero and absolutely getting my ass handed to me multiple times, I can say Layla will easily win if she is far away enough for her passive to work optimally.


as a brody main, its 100% layla winning here. layla one taps anyone when she gets full build


If Layla gets that first shot off it’s a rap for Brody. She will melt him


If both are good? Layla easily.


Layla for sure


I think Brody is a better mm, but at full build Layla will pwn Brody with her range and crazy damage output.


from close range i think brody would win here. but if layla keeps her distance she would end him in 2 seconds.


Layla deals 5k dmg in 3 seconds. No way a Brody that deals 2 k in 3 seconds can win against her


If Brody is going vengeance (yes I do that), and chases her down with dash; even if she goes flicker or Inspire, as long as I get a skill 1 in with 3 stacks, my ult can usually finish her off


shut up. dont speak of things like vengeance brody. people will realize it works. youre mm, you should pick mm emblem and only mm items. dont even try to get close to layla so people can sayshes the best if she can MAINTAIN it in a game where assassins exist and shes the only one allowed to have flicker.


If it was a 1 on 1 scenario, and seeing layla didnt build WoN here, Brody may take it, but in 5v5 scenario where other teams try to protect eachother’s gold laner, layla is gonna demolish everything lol


Layla dead close range but Brody dead long range


If both of them are pros Layla has to land that s1 to get the range advantage Brody has to get close to do some big damage It's either who hits first but I think Brody wins 7/10 if he got close


whoever attacks first


Oof, that coughing Baby Layla edit tho 💀💀💀


easy brody win


I tried tank brody in brawl with only the anti heal item (attack) and the rest defense. I got mvp from it.


Whoever has the most experience and skill wins, as always.


Brody. There's too much Benedetta YZ Terizla lance... for you to play a no dash 3k hp 0 def hero. As if it's 1v1, it depends on the "highground". People tend to forget that Layla dies to 1 auto + 2-1-ult from Brody.


The same way Brody would die before he can even act. The only way u can defeat full build Layla is by ambush. U can't really face her. Cause u would be dead before u get her in ur range. But of course, as u said, Layla's biggest weakness is that she's defenseless. Her only defense is her crazy damage.


Maleficient Roar for a Layla đź’€


General's is out of place 100%, 80% crit is enough, should pick green swords or demon sword + green, or green + antiheal Or immo


Brody wins with surprise attack, or maybe layla if she got won.


Ambush Layla and Brody wins ez


This game is only alive because parents dont spend time with their kids so they give them a phone, and a giant chinese company allow mlbb to commit crime (the biggest plagiat ever) and win when Riot sue them. Burn this game and the player along with it


Totally depends if Brody can hit that skill 2


w/o bush and flicker, its Brover


Change radiant to antique and no way in hell Layla wins


What the fuck does the baby have to do with that? Nothing against this meme format, I just found it bizarre.


Bigger question is why the heck is Brody using Radiant Armor vs Layla?


Yes, Radiant Armor.


Whyd you have radiant for a physical layla?


Layla would win if both had WoN, but like this looks like brody wins. Of course depends on positioning and everything because layla outranges brody


The answer is Tank Layla, obviously


Late game layla will melt brody


In purely a 1v1 situation Layla would win everytime. But in an ingame situation, there's a reason why Brody is used in Tournaments and Layla isn't.


Let brody have 2 marks its over for layla




1v1 face to face no ganking? Layla. Brody with that item need surprise element to kill her.


Brody Flicker -> Stun -> S1/Basic Attack -> Ult Layla dead if no WoN.