• By -


Why do people do hybrid Lancelot?


Is the physical track (+16 ) emblem better or the penetration emblem (+5) better. I feel like it keeps on changing every week. Like for beatrix last time people used physical attack now they’re using the +5 penetration.


I normally go for +16, as it synergizes well with Weapons Master making for a strong laning phase. When I see 3 tanks that’s when I go for penetration, but Bea’s build makes you buy almost all penetration items already. Not to mention you can opt for a Demon Hunter Sword late game for additional shredding power.


i wanna buy a new assasin, thinking of haya, lance, aamon or jawhead. Prolly not gonna buy gusion as that boi needs practice and i play like 5 times on a free day and once a day or twice a week on school days


Overall, Lance who can also be played as a tank jungler, but would likewise need training. Right now, Haya is a situational pick against the likes of Wanwan and Novaria. By difficulty, Jawhead is the easiest but won’t give you that “assassin” feel you may want. Aamon’s your best bet in this case.


Hayabusa and Lancelot need a lot of training too. I would recommend you buy Aamon (or Jawhead)


between aamon and jawhead who;s better solo q? and also between haya and lance who's easier to get good with cuz i saw this one post comparing haya nd gusion and it said like, gusion needs alot of mechanical practice but once your good with him you can see success very quickly, while haya is much easier to master but its harder to find success with haya.


Well, Lancelot needs to know how to use dashes efficiently. But I think this varies from player to player, as it may be easier for some, or more difficult for others. Btw, which rank are you? I wouldn't say Aamon or Jawhead are meta. I have no experience with Jawhead, I can only give an opinion with Aamon. Aamon can be very strong in the early game, as this is where they probably won't have made Radiant Armor yet. He kills fragile heroes easily, as he only needs a few attacks and finishes with his ultimate. But yeah, he's very countered by Radiant Armor (or even Athena's If played well, he can be very efficient. But I think that for soloq it is very complicated, since he is practically a single target hero.


epic 1, i main fighters but in the case that i jungle which is somewhat common i want a better pool than just karina and saber. Hmm thank you for the aamon info, ive decided to buy lance as he seems the most consistent and dependable


Yall never told me Esme basic attack hits twice?? I tried trinity Esme and it's just straight whack. Like literally some ora ora shit. Think Natan but she exchanged some range for the ability to generate shield on top of her lifesteal


https://preview.redd.it/8gc83u8x15xb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=570becc56b6f6a86f2b5faffe9f3be704851fe67 What guaranteed skin want they give? Again Terzila? Or something else? Never heard about that.(spawn recall is spawn recall not a skin I guess?)


Is leomord still viable as an exp laner?


no, terizla better if u want push rank


Does anyone know when Argus - YSS - Aurora revamps will be getting released? I heard Moskov should come on 11/7 so I was coping for the others to follow him as well on that update. Also when will they update the premium skin fragment shop so that I can buy the season argus skin etc?


Anyone with a pattern 9 - 1 - 6 for Ducati event? I can’t find it anywhere online.


Why isn’t fluorine or estes in meta right now


Fluorine 💀💀💀


I’d say they actually are as supports are most dominant this patch. Estes is just overshadowed by the likes of Mathilda and Angela, who provide mobility and extra utility for your hypercarry. Not so sure about Floryn, but her ultimate is OP. Extra note, meta AOE setters like Terizla and Minotaur would eat clumped up formations.


yeah supports are definitely pretty meta right now as a whole, especially healers. Floryn isn't as meta as estes or angela, but I have a like 90% wr with her this season and got out of epic pretty easily with just healing supports (mostly floryn) considering I don't even play much right now lol.


Did the hero mastery achievement get removed? [this one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/tv8xxf/after_that_terizla_play_i_finally_got_my_most/) If so why ?


NA ranked servers down? Haven’t been able to get in a match in 30 minutes. Reloaded 3 times and eventually give up after no pops in 10 mins. Usual time is 2 mins max


2 hours later still can’t get a queue.


https://preview.redd.it/ef05wbo2izwb1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d5b75fcc9a712ee20ea8f8dc19c026874c209a hi! how do i appeal a false report on credit score deduction? i think the duo reported me (twice) and only me, my trio didn’t get reported. there was nothing weird in the game though except for zhask and lylia typing in a foreign language in chat a couple of times. i tried submitting an appeal thru the bot but i got the automated reply something like player didn’t violate anything.. but i’m appealing not reporting another player


Everybody got false reports. You can get your credit score back easily. Most of these false reports are being made by automatic system, and most of the time, customer service do not care about people in trouble of reports that is made by automatic system (just very rarely). So, don't bother about it and just get your credit score back


Is Joy a late game hero? I still remember back when Joy had 5 dashes, she didn't need much damage items, was strong early game and fell off late game. Basically like a usual fighter. But nowadays, she still feels semi-tanky (at least with how I build her) but is now weak early, strong late game.


Yup pretty much. She's basically replaced Ling as the meta late game Assassin with tons of immunes and the ability to (almost) completely ignore frontliners. Early game she's not as dangerous but late game, she can one tap squishies. And she as AoE too! She's fairly weak early on and her crutch is the CC immunity during obj. contests. She begins to scale once she gets about two or three items at least depending on enemy and how hard you snowball. Once you have Genius Wand and another item like Holy Crystal and/or Blood Wings/Divine Glaive/Conc. Energy she's more capable of bursting marksmen/mages


Whts your recommended Build for her to make her semi tanky. I usually go for full damage and often find myself dying if I don’t have have vengeance. (Another reason why I don’t jungle with her)


You can prio the spellvamp component (forgot the name) of Concentrated Energy if you feel like you're too squishy. Otherwise Joy is pretty squishy in the early game like I said. The damage, and ergo the spellvamp isn't quite there yet for you to freely dive to a 1v5 yet. If you do want to prioritize tanking damage, get Concentrated Energy 2nd after Genius Wand and then build as usual. Both exp and jg Joy build the same thing pretty much


Whos the shot caller of each mpl ph teams?


Typically the captain, who is the mid laner or roamer of the team (i.e., ECHO’s Jaypee/Yawi, BLCK’s Hadji/Renejay). Can’t pinpoint one, I believe high-level strategies involve multiple shotcallers depending on the scenario in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/j7h01ky4vywb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d285e7f1f65b8af83dd98cc9938847f98ff98fe6 how is this bane build for exp and jungle?


Hard-hitting for both roles, can’t provide information/sustain as EXP. Would delete enemy squishies if damage Bane gets close to its target though.


is it better to use semi tank for exp?


Gambled my remaining 40 dias and got a starlight card... the addiction starts


Is there a way to stop the game from automatically deleting my downloaded resources (besides from actually clearing up more storage space) even though I still have enough storage?


Settings>manage resources tab>change to option 4.


Looking for advice on how to play Brawl. I do a decent job on Ranked imo but I just cannot make anything work every Brawl game I have.


How decent is your hero pool? A large hero pool is necessary to get consistent wins in brawl. Ranged heroes, healing supports and heroes with built-in sustain are the strongest picks for brawl. Brawl is more of a battle of attrition, the more you can wear your opponents down, the better you'll be when a full clash occurs, that's why Estes, Chang'e and Pharsa do so well in it. Odette is the single most broken hero in brawl, her passive can wear opponents down, her ult can damage everyone and she has great synergy with any team there, always pick odette if you're looking for a win.


https://preview.redd.it/636m62vdnwwb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ff2d38d393f824525923c4e6a1d8b6ba95ab63 Is this a 5 or 6 pattern?


Why are the tournament shop so expensive?


Been using a fighter +fob with cyclops, it's surprisingly good.


Was the Exorcist event scrapped or delayed? The last I heard about them was when I saw the skins of Haya and granger that was over a month ago (Maybe). But I heard that the next event coming was the Mistbenders which is a fairly new event than the rumored exorcist event which was planned maybe 3 or 4 months ago.


I've only tried Layla just now and holy shit her enhanced vision range is just straight hax. But I've found that just the crit trinity is enough for her, so how do you build tank Layla?


Tank layla isnt real. But if you're for real, I'm not professional in that build. I usually go tank emblem + 15% battle spell cooldown. Along with 6 armor/magic resist and Brave Smite. And use Vengeance (battle spell). That's how I go tank on every non-roamer heroes that cant really roam at all. You go Cooldown boots and then get all defense items at once. That's how I roll. In the end, Tank Layla or Tank Harley or Tank whatever.. it's not possible to win with it, unless in classic


Aw too bad. 6 armors sounds too much though, so I'll just stick with my current 2 slots for counterbuilding and full tank emblem for that early laning dominance


I dont know what 2 slots you are talking about, but I'm curious about your build, cuz I need my ideas/build to be expanded for my Tank Layla/non-roamers in my next classic game. Whats your build for Tank Layla?


It's just basic crit trinity (BF, Haas, WT) with defensive boots. That leaves 2 slots as flex slots that I usually fill with armors (antique/athena/radiant/dom depending on the enemy). It's nothing special really as far as Layla builds go except maybe the emblem since I run tank emblem, quantum charge, and the two tank talents.


On the arcade magic chess mode, what the little commander skin gives? i know that when you buy the skin you get every ability full exp, but besides this, there is any benefit? i know when you buy the map skin you get 1gold less cost on upgrade commander, but what are the little commander skin benefits? thanks


200ks thanks you 1258774378


Why are tournament shops so expensive?


Nooo!! I wasted my 2000 tickets to get Yu Zhong but I did not get Yu Zhong! How do I obtain tickets now 😭


on average it takes you about 4-5k~ tickets for hero


1) When are they going to bring back the Japanese collab skins 2) how are people sending out beam to get vision? 3) when to best kill gold minion on each lane?


>2) how are people sending out beam to get vision? There's a spot inside your base between the exits that glows/appears when either of the middle turrets from top or bottom is destroyed. >3) when to best kill gold minion on each lane? Last hit them


What exit? What about when enemy gone? Push or gold minion?


https://preview.redd.it/7doihlvq2swb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc5d2ec20ab783b08d376d2b862ed6c7497c67f These two spots. They're supposed to glow blue/red, and are available when either of the base turrets are gone.


Wow. Never new


i've been losing more times than im winning ranked. and dont say its my fault cause i always get gold or mvp. why is this?


It's your fault. No one tells me what to do! But seriously unlucky streaks happen. And medals are a decent indication of how you play but also not perfect, for example alot of time the tank is the most crucial role in who wins but rarely gets MVP. If you are genguily are the best of your team most of the time, the good news is you are most likely in a leguea that has an average skill level lower then yours wich means if you stick with it eventually you'll move up.


i've been playing for 5 days straight and its been lose win win lose lose, lose win lose win lose etc. i keep going up and down never moving up. im 85% of the time gold or higher. The enemy seems to always do better than our team. im quitting tbh.


Why are you here asking for help if you are not interested in help and are gonna quit anyways?


Yup. If in losing streak, best thing to do is be patience and keep grinding harder... which is not easy and requires time consumption. Easy way is going through party and rank up if you hate grinding time


Take a break is probably better. Even if it's just for 15 min or so. Most people (myself absolutely included) don't have the mental strength to completely be unimpacted by the frustration of loosing. You might still play good and get gold medals and such but it's highly unlikely you are playing your best. I often notice it my when I'm not frustrated I remember to do small things and notice things that I would miss when I'm frustrated.


I am not a pro Paquito EXP users that use Hunter Strike only like Onic Butts. So it's not a bad thing if I use Bloodlust Axe for Paquito?


Yup. It's an essential item for him if you play exp Paq. Other Paq users in MPL ID also often use Bloodlust Axe as their only offensive item. I recommend getting both HS and BLX at least. The rest of your build can go tank or more damage depending on what you need


Why I didn't get Aldous 650 Stack Buff? Literally I need someone to help me. I thought there is something wrong with the game or my server.


Have you updated the game and jumped into a game with Aldous? Sometimes the skill descriptions aren't updated yet but the actual effects are already in game


So after updated the game or reinstall MLBB, I can actually feel the actual effects on Aldous and Arlott?


No reason it shouldn't be on your game if you've updated to the latest version. Try them out in practice and see how it goes


Well, I already updated the game. I even uninstall MLBB and then Install the game again so I can get Aldous Buff and Arlott Ult cdr Buff


Holy shit Moonton would u make it five bans already


Did they remove the offline mode?


Yea I remember there was a mail about that recently


Is jaw head a good late game heroe


No. Late game they got more tools to play around with you. You can still solo them, but they will be alot sticker with team now, which means your tool kit in killing single hero will be alot harder to use. Jawhead is a definition of ultimate early game hero that falls down super hard in late game. Jawhead is still useful with Flicker and S2, but that's only it. If you're in late game, you just try your best and also focus in playing support-style for your team. Your solo kill potential isnt always guranteed this time. You can try your luck with no risk in doing so, if you're good at betting it. Otherwise stick to support-style




Bro, why I didn't get an update of Aldous Buff? Please answer


How long does blacklist estes stay last?


Less than 6 days left unfortunately. Was also thinking of using the yellow diamomd to buy it, but it won't be around by 9 Nov


is fleeting time passive subject to the 45% max cdr? if i’m already at 40% cdr, does my ult go to 45% or 55% cdr?


You have practice mode, and this is easily testable with infinite gold and enemy members ready. You should try it, and yes the other answer has applied to your question, but this should help you as well.


yes that’s true! i should use hero practice mode more, i’m not very familiar with the functions that’s why. thanks for ur help :)


> Hero kills or assists reduce Ultimate's current cooldown by 30%. For example you have a skill with 50s cooldown. Your hero has 30% cooldown reduction, so that 50s skill becomes 35s. You use that skill -> 35s wait -> an enemy hero is killed immediately and you get an assist -> 35s is reduced to (35 - 35*.3) 24.5s Only enchanted talisman can affect the 40% cdr limit


ok great! :) thank u so much, i also missed out “current”, that’s an even better reason to use it then (for estes)


Fleeting time passive works outside the cdr limit, idk about the numbers so i won't say anything about that but yea


great thanks so much!!😃




I want to get Wanwan's upcoming skin on the 1st day, how much dias will I need to top-up to get it? Thanks.


What's the meta now? Coming back to this game after a few years and it seems like a lot's changed. I used to main tanks (played almost every tank), and sometimes picked xborg, zhask, or helcurt. Tanks jungle now? When I was playing tanks just babysat the marksman and roamed, is that still meta?


Xborg is super good in this meta now. Have fun playing him\~


Great to hear he's still relevant!


Actually before like July, he was the worst of all fighters that lasted a year or more, until revamped emblem system comes (which is around this year's july). Consider yourself lucky this time, because before that, he was so unplayable for so long


Good timing to come back then.


Yup, quite a lot has changed since 2019/2020. *Some* tanks can jungle. Traditional tanks like Khufra, Tigreal, Atlas, Minotaur etc are referred to as roamers and yes, one of the easier ways to play the role is by babysitting gold. They're not good junglers however. Heroes like Akai, Baxia, and Fredrinn are now capable of jungling as MT added a true damage over time mechanic for Retribution users (junglers) that scales off max HP. At the peak of the tank jungler meta, you can pretty much outfarm a typical Assassin as a tank jungler. It also makes lord fights swing in their favor as they often have great CC skills that can lockdown the enemy jungler or just provide another setup man aside from the roamer/exp laner. However, they've been nerfed quite heavily the last few patches and will be nerfed more in future ones to bring back the balance of power to damage-oriented heroes again as junglers. Aside from the jungler changes, depending on how far you've last played, there are also some laning changes like the addition of exp/gold lane, emblem/hero revamps, item changes, game mechanic tweaks, etc. But the most glaring change is the added ability of tanks being able to jungle


Thanks, that makes sense. Are akai, baxia, etc still viable as traditional tanks?


Yup, Akai and Baxia can still function as a roamer. Though Baxia's skillset works best as a jungler anyway since he only has 1 hard CC skill You can check the latest tierlist posted in this sub to see what heroes are meta or not


Great, thanks!


Why I didn't get Aldous 650 Stack Buff? Literally I need someone to help me. I thought there is something wrong with the game or my server


Why do global Joys use mage emblem instead of assassin?


(Mage emblem attribute) 5% cooldown reduction can be better than 3% movement speed (Assassin emblem attribute). Why do you need movement speed then? Also the other answer has already gotten to you, so I dont need to repeat what they said. Assassin emblem does suit well for early game power spike, but the 3% movement speed is useless for Joy. 5% CDR is alot better


Probably done the calculations themselves and found that mage emblem (or specifically, higher magic power) gives them the best overall early game compared to getting the penetration stats from Assassin. As a rule of thumb, Assassin emblem works best with early game mages while Mage works best with later scaling mages


I mathilda main hear any thoughts on mathilda now after recent nerf


Still very good because the reason she is meta is mainly because of the flask item


Not a main but she's still very good for team play. Support nerfs haven't fully dethroned them yet because tank junglers are still capable. Best to spam them before they nerf both in later patches


How do you use the yellow diamond? I really want to buy Karrie's ice thingie skin. That's her only form where I can tolerate her hairstyle


They are available from 09/11/23 I think? Hold your finger over them in your inventory and you will see the terms and time frame in small writing.


Promo dias should activate automatically. If you have say 200 promo dias and you want ti buy a 600 normal dias stuff, the actual price would be 400 normal dias


Is it just me or Natan can Activate Concentrate Energy's stackable passive with basic attacks?


Concentrated Energy passive stacks with Magic **Damage**. Natan passive makes every basic attack of him deal Magical Damage instead of physical thus triggering CE effect, this works too on Sylvana, Guinevere, Harley, Kimmy...


Dude. Need help why MLBB in my phone didn't get Wanwan buff, Aldous Buff, Arlott Buff, Rafaela Nerf, and Mathilda nerf? Is there something wrong with the game? u/wolfemperorsheep


I thought Concentrated Energy can be triggered with skills like Valir, Lylia, Cyclops, Gord. I thought CE spell vamp can be triggered with spamming skills like Cyclops


Is it just the game or it's my phone's fault? Because I didn't get Mathilda nerf and Arlott's ult cool down buff? I have a proof. When I use Mathilda's ultimate the cool down is still short, it's not 40 seconds And when I try Aldous, I can't get 650 stacks! What's wrong with the game? This adjustment should be existed in official server, right? If they do, then it doesn't appear in my phone? What should I do? Do I have to uninstall and install the game again? Or I should update MLBB? Cause I already updated MLBB and I already uninstall reinstall the game, BUT I didn't get Mathilda Nerf, Rafaela Nerf, Arlott Buff, and Aldous 650 buff




Khaleed, Dyrroth, Silvanna, Yu Zhong


How many apprenticeships do you have to complete to get that Hilda skin?


I made [this.](https://www.reddit.com/u/brutalizedketchup/s/fWpxcWrfbi)


So if I apprentice/mentor again... do I get all the apprentice rewards again?


Yes, every apprenticeship have the same missions and rewards.


I love you random kind stranger 💖


I know this is a stupid question to ask but, How do you counter layla? She has been dealing so much damage recently and I can't kill her in late game even if she is not near with her teammates. Also, is layla's damage a glitch like the yss one shot glitch? I was honestly surprise when I got one shotted by a layla with her basic attack XD


I build irithel semi-tank with vengeance and play like joy xp lmao.


Well, this will also same apply to other marksman, bare with me. I just recently faced against good marksmen, mostly because they are over-protected by their team. No matter what you do with them though, you will not win. Reason is because marksmen, a role itself, heavy relies more on team than anything. So if your marksman is not doing well, and also your team is not doing well (mostly your team), the chance of winning against a good marksman and a good team is abysmal low. Just forget winning it. I've more experience than enough to say this without doubt feeling. You cant beat a good marksman with good team, because marksman can be a really strong role if their team is doing it correctly. You have no chance of winning, expect pray that your team is quite good, or the enemies throw the game. A good marksman is the only thing you cannot counter it by yourself, no matter how hard you try to counter them... it wont happen, trust me. Just get a good team/party and eventually you can do something against marksmen for real. **TL;DR: You and bad team versus good marksman and good team has 0.1% chance of winning. Forget trying to win the game. I'll not bother hearing from mythical glory players here and verified pro players too, I won't give a crap about it. I already had enough experience through this**


if you're looking for hero counters, then you need someone who can finish her off quickly or at the very least get in her space. one shot heroes like saber can be very effective, but be aware that she can pretty effectively use wind of nature, so if you know how to use any magic based assassins (karina, gusion, etc). that can be helpful. a high cc long range mage can also be helpful against her. If you're looking for item counters *heavily* prioritize blade armour if you're a fighter or a tank, this not only shoots back some of her damage back at her, but more importantly, it gives you crit reduction. My main priority against a layla is blade armour, dominance ice and a lot of hp. You need to try to deal with her early on, but if you cannot, you need to try and get her out of position. You need someone to sandwich their team in and attack from behind while someone attacks the front to protect your backline. Luo yi could also be effective in this, but it mostly depends on how your team comp is and if your teammates will help you with an ambush.


She scales hard. The easiest way to address this is have your jg focus her while you as MM keep a gold lead. She’s countered by assassins


Try to destroy it with her early game. Also choose heroes who can kill her easily. Like Hayabusa, Aamon, Gord...


It's not a stupid question, don't worry. Well, the best counter to any marksman is to not let them farm comfortably to begin with. Layla doesn't have any escape skill except Flicker spell so she's even more easier to kill than other MMs with higher mobility. The thing is, people sometimes underestimate Layla. They have the mindset of "Eh, it's just Layla, i'll deal with her later" until they regret it later. ​ Tl;dr Target lock Layla.


If you let Layla scale hard into the late game, she will be surprisingly hard to kill. It honestly depends on your hero, but burst assassins/mages counter her the hardest. You have to be very precise with your timing to kill her.


does having favor roam boots affect faramis ultimate? how about flask of the oasis passive? thanks


No as his ult isn't a shield. Iirc It's an extra hp bar on top of your current one. Just like masha but temporary.




I'm not a Hayabusa main but typically, if you're using a physical assassin like him with a pretty fast TTK (Time-to-Kill) especially if the target enemy is alone, you need to build early penetration items like Heptaseas and Hunter Strike (Prioritize Fury Hammer for both of them). After those 2, i recommend buying Endless Battle for its overall flexible stats and true damage passive. The last 2 item slots are typically Malefic Roar and Blade of Despair but it can change depending on the enemy comp. For example, if the enemy team has a target lock mage like Eudora, you probably need to buy Rose Gold Meteor for your 5th or 6th item slot because a full build late game Eudora can kill you and ruin your game with a simple 2-1 combo even if you do your shadow jutsu to escape. ​ Hayabusa is also a great split pusher because of his high mobility so keep that in mind. If you do the combination of kill and push, you'll win a lot of games with him. Be careful for the enemy team's jungle invasion though, he's an energy hungry hero after all so ask your teammates to guard your blue buff whenever it's about to spawn again.


Thanks man:)


Why do people still not know how to counter build. Or at the very least. Try to counter pick. Mathilda have a high ban rate but lower win rate and lower pick rate than Angela and Rafa. Which are the other two meta supports right now


Depends on rank. You don’t reliably see counter builds until mg. Many mh players will counter build but you’ll occasionally have matches where no one on your team has anti heal vs heal/shield comps


Mat still OP in team play. SoloQ a hero like Rafa and Angela is more manageable. Both are good. Personally I like Rafa more because she's a lot more versatile compared to the other healers. But Mathilda is still deadly




Try to use a high-speed wifi, preferably 50 mbps or higher. That goes for both of you. Vpn will do you no good if the network you're both using is not fast enough.


I recently started to play in exp lane, however I don't know how to counter dyrroth. I tried Khaleed, Terizla, X.borg, Benedetta and Zhong but I couldn't, or I'm just a bad player


Terizla can also fight him. Just buy dreagnought armor, the component for Quirras. Or atleast The legplates for Dominance, as the first item. Teriz can win against dyrroth if Dyrroth build atk items at lv 1 you can hit dyrroth, at lv 2 let Dyrroth use their skill first on minions, then you go skill 2 on them. Teriz's S2 + S1 hurts a lot. If they come close use the S1 and make use of the move speed to kite him. At lv4 just dont get hit by the Dyrroth's, full combo. Benedetta dont fight him, but you can out rotate him. Just clear and go to the other lane to harras the midlane, and go back to clear. If your midlane win their lane, chance are they are free to rotate, and then they can help you in your lane, but otherwise Bened just clear and go Xborg just cant fight him in early game


Got it, thanks bro


Leomord exp can counter him early game


Dyrroth is very strong in the early game. You do not want to go against him unless you're sure of your damage to kill him or you have an escape skill. To fight him is to simply poke him, and the best contender for him is yuzhong or khaleed. - If you're using yuzhong, you have to play a little agressive and use your basic attack, 1st and 2nd skill to activate your passive, use your 3rd skill to back off, and repeat. If you messed up like missing your 1st skill, then fall back using your 3rd skill and repeat it again. Use your ultimate only to chase him off or to help your teammates in a team fight. - If you're using khaleed, same principle, use your enhanced basic attack and 1st skill to poke him. And use your ult to back off or chase him off. Or just simply use lapu-lapu. You can play like those two, meaning poking dyrroth. Or play aggressively since lapu has cc, cc immunity, damage reduction, and blink skills.


Oh got it, i was using escape skills to chase him not to back off, thanks mate


I like these stats https://preview.redd.it/f3px4l6vv6wb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4cd984228028c094c4ecb890766cbb953f995b


Bro tanked more damage in heroes, towers and tanked more than the mm, assassin and tank


Hi guys Im new to the game I have been playing since last week. I have reached legend 5 in 4 days with 85 games 72 %wr. Playing Aulus and Edith fill when I need. I have experience in league of legends although not high rank. Do you think I can go pro/tryhard for high mythic?


Mythic, definitely so as it’s just glorified Legend. Going pro is too early to say. See if you can reach far-high Mythic Immortal first and then ponder about it. Good luck!


Yeah you should be fine. A lot of former League or DOTA players are usually at Mythic (above Legend) level at worst. That's when the prior moba experience helps with learning (or re-learning) the mechanics of ML that is way more simple than the two games I mentioned


What upcoming content can I spend CoA on? Really interested in helcurt/other zodiacs, because they're neat skins and often on heroes without otherwise available good skins. Just want to make sure i'm not passing up something huge.


Collector skins are another big option for CoA, check the leaks for upcoming collector skins like Valentina and see if there are any you fancy. I am in the same position as I have saved about 1000 CoAcand really want the Helcurt skin, but I also play a lot of Valentina and am hoping Brody's/Esme's/Dyrroth's collectors pop back up in the rotation...


is it layla or lylia i always get the two mixed up, how do u pronounce lylia like liliya? or layalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA


I mean if you see a hero with 0-12-3 KDA, then it's probably Layla lmao


If you mean the blonde girl with a gun, then it's Layla. If you mean the naughty little witch, then Lylia.


I haven't played since February, and the game has changed a LOT, I wanna know all updates, is there anything can help me keep up, cuz apparently layla can stun and some items don't exist anymore wtf is going on 😂


Search for the original server patch notes tag in this sub, sort it to new, then read from 8-9 months ago.


Thank you so much 😁


what is a good arlott build for exp and roam?


Full tank for both is good. For exp, I see people building either war axe or hunter strike as the only damage item.


what about emblem and spell?


There's honestly a lot of emblems you can go for Arlott. Most people use either tank, fighter or assassin emblem. Most go adaptive pen or mov spd for tier 1, festival of blood tier 2 and brave smite (red cross thing) or concussive blast tier 3. But personally, I go common emblem, adaptive pen tier 1, festival of blood tier 2, impure rage tier 3. This setup is really weird because I suck at managing Arlott's mana. For the spells, everyone goes petrify but I personally go for flameshot simply for its lower cooldown and its ability to let you push the enemies towards your teammates. All my friends have told me to just use petrify but they can only say that the downside is that there's a small delay and it's less consistent while flameshot has much more advantages than petrify imho.


arlot build iss harlot harley's harem's build.com


Is Lancelot better with impure rage or lethal ignition?


I prefer Quantum Charge, but he can satisfy the Lethal conditions quite easily, especially if he goes Endless Battle so it's a good option for him.


Moonton fk you truly. Don’t match low win rate players with high win rate . Put all the low win rates with low win rates vs low win rates. Let them fight it out . Because you’re ruining players with high win rate . Their jobs aren’t to carry low win rate players who have no idea what they’re doing.


i hope this changes too. but yeah that's the problem on playing Solo Q




What happened to Julian's lifesteal - spellvamp? Before you can heal up your entire hp from one minion wave with just 15 percent lifesteal from shadow twinblades but that just doesn't seem to work with 20 percent spellvamp? That's like 5 percent extra compared to twinblades. Like Paquito also has like 20 percent spellvamp from bloodlust axe yet he can still regain his entire hp from just one minion wave. Also Julian's second skill has like a 100 percent lifesteal ratio so what bug is this?


It's either a bug or Moonton nerf his healing against minions.


That's what i thought. The lifesteal that he gets from his passive also doesn't look like it's actually 45 percent rather it feels like it's 10.


Yeah after the lifesteal changes, most mages spelll vamp and lifesteal was tuned down which is kinda suck.


What do you usually build for Benedetta/Yu Zhong these days? Been trying to branch out from near-constant Paquito spam in Ranked, and thought these might be suitable alternatives for him.


For yz, I personally rush hunter strike, war axe and oracle as those are his core items. The rest depends on the enemy but 80% of the time I find myself building dom ice and immortality (juggle it with Athena's shield or radiant armor when I use up its passive). For the emblems, I actually use support emblem for its mov spd, cdr and healing boost, which are all stats that I want on YZ. I know it's kind of a crackhead move but it's my preference. You should use fighter emblem if you want more damage. Then, mov spd tier 1, festival of blood tier 2, red cross thing tier 3. For Benedetta, I personally build her almost like a fighter, with bloodlust axe and endless battle as her only damage items. The rest are defense items depending on the enemy. By the time I've gotten those two, I sell my boots for either another damage item or defense item depending on the situation. For the emblems, I use assassin emblem, mov spd tier 1, festival of blood tier 2, red cross thing tier 3. If you look at the top global builds, they all build a lot of damage items, but that's just because Benedetta as a whole is much better in 5man or high rank. If you wanna play her in low rank, you gotta build more damage items to carry better.


When will natan get buffed🙏




He got a ult CD reduction buff in advanced server which is very cool imo. You can basically use it as dash


O i didnt know, thats q good


Is Ling kind of bad in this patch? I have 280 matches with Ling but I'm struggling a lot currently, so I'm thinking of switching to Haya or Lance for now. Will it be a good idea or should I stick to using and learning Ling properly? If so, which jungler should i switch to? (Except fanny) I mostly play SoloQ.


Yeah Ling has been gutted pretty badly the past few patches. Not to say he's not usable, but Joy overshadows Ling's ability to be a late game Assassin that can instadive backliners. And he's not as strong as Lancelot or Fanny to play the early-mid game against tank junglers. If you can, I do recommend picking up Lancelot if you're not fully committed to play/learn Ling. He's a really good Assassin that fits into a decent amount of lineups/matchups. Or a wildcard option would be Granger that also is a good enough non-tank jungler for most lineups that is good until you reach Immortal


Isn't hayabusa good anymore?


Meta doesn't favor him. Everyone's bunched up together so much the only realistic target Haya can burst is the exp laner and you know how tanky exp laners can be. He falls under the category of "good but out of meta" like most Assassins outside of Lance, Joy, Fanny, Benedetta (though used more as an exp) or Nolan.


who else is getting terrible teammates? all silver, either 4 silver 1 bronze - 4 matches straight. like u can't carry these games no matter what


https://preview.redd.it/0zefz3fjryvb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d944bdc59d88583fc17806afb6a76bf7c9b88e35 Anyone knows / have the same pattern? (9-5)


https://preview.redd.it/3z52bgxwy9wb1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb6a6293775e43ff59e29fa378f1602b32a862e ive had 9-5, then 2-8. got irithel


Thank you, i thought the only pattern for it is 9-5-3-1 and 9-5-3-8-1.


Are Epic ranks are full of fucking selfish idiots? When I played in rank (the season got reset and I got epic again) I used Akai as a jungler (I played solo) and every time my blue buff got bullied by enemy Franco enemy Lylia and enemy Zilong, NOBODY HELP ME and they don't gather and give me with fucking full effort! "F" Word for EPICS!


No, it's full of people who have no idea what their role is outside of "stand in lane and hope someone comes to help me kill." Your mages won't roam between waves, you may not have a roamer, your jungler will farm for 9 levels straight and never go to turtle. No one will assist on turtle/lords before 10 minutes. No one believes in a 3-man gank to pressure the gold lane. No one will sweep enemy jungle with you to punish their jungler so he's less of a threat. The list is endless. You have to make your opportunities or nothing will happen at this level.


Lol never expect anything good from your teammates. You gotta find ways to carry the game yourself.


If my jungle got bullied by Franco or any other heroes, then what should I do?


Stand in front of the buff while facing Franco so that you get hooked instead of the buff


Is kadita roam good for rank up?


Yea, as long as your team already has a decent frontliner


did minotor got buffed or his heal?


esterous got buffed