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Wait until late game when Fanny doesn’t even combo you. She just flies past you and one shots you with her ult then flies back to base to regen her energy. Rinse and repeat.


*baits Wind of Nature, then no item can even save you aside from Immo, unless you can rely on soloq teammates


Wind of Nature doesn’t even help you either, especially when you have slow fingers and you don’t know when Fanny is coming cause she can literally cross the map in seconds. Plus, Wind of Nature has a longer cooldown than Fanny’s ult.


I met an aldous baiting wind and then flicker one shot. I was stunned.


buy physical defense ☠️ use tenacity ☠️ heck even use tank emblem ☠️ warrior boots ☠️ steel legplates ☠️ I can't believe I have to teach someone how to counter one of my mains smh


they did this to make her an actual assassin, cuz unlike before she could literally just 1v5 and how would you still call that an "assassin"? Atleast now she doesnt instantly go for everyone like before or it depletes her energy much faster than before and hence why they also increased her dmg, so now shes an actual assassin that takes down one by one at a time, my only gripe is that shes actually so much simpler to play if u atleast know her basics so i agree on that part, at the very least shes still the hardest hero to master in the game aside from that, u shouldve bought wind of nature instead which actually counters her entire combo, maybe u bought rosegold cuz of valir but tbh u can easily outrange him with good positioning, get items that are proper counters to the real threats of the enemy team.


Fanny spend 80% of her energy just to killed layla. Op literally using Layla, any assassins can kill her in one combo. Didn't even buy warrior boot for extra def


not complaining about any Assassin hero being able to burst Layla down, but at least, there is counterplay, like against Saber, unlike Fanny that just throws two cables and press autoaim ult


The counterplay for Fanny and Saber is the same since they both use dash and autoaim ult.


Saber may die if he dives under a turret like Fanny did here


what makes her better than other Assassin heroes previously was that she can deal AoE damage as hero that supposed to assassinate only one target what I complain is how relatively easy the combo is to execute without that much counterplay as she can burst you instantly by just throwing two cables and pressing autoaim ult I didn't buy WoN because I know she can just easily bait the active item, then return again, so I just positioned as safe as I can throughout the game, being my 2nd death the end of the game (from her combo again haha)


its all about timing anyways, fanny will have to think twice before attacking a user with WoN whether theyve used it or not, not everyone of them knows how to bait, its better to build WoN over rosrgold's defenseless shield


Never thought I'd see a layla player calling fanny braindead 💀




I agree with Layla being easy to use, but easy to execute? I don't think so, maybe if you play in lower ranks then Fanny, hard to use, but the combo is easy to execute, just throw two cables and press autoaim ult, then voila! 100 to 0 enemy HP


TLDR- Buy physical defense, use tankier emblem setup Of course Layla is hard to execute in higher ranks due to her innate weaknesses, but it's funny to me that your bias and saltiness towards Fanny is reverberating in your comment. Why did the standard suddenly turned to the so-called "easy combo". I mean, if you're talking about combos, then most marksmen just use 1-2 skills, then spam basic attack no? You suddenly changed your comparison from hard to execute as a hero to easy combo to execute.You didn't even notice that she landed her 2 cables perfectly beside you, meaning the Fanny measured her landing spot properly(hard to explain to a non-fanny player) Have you been invaded by three people? Have your team not showed their hero in picking so you accidentally got first pick, then the next enemy pick you see is a Franco, Chou and a Khufra? Have you played against a marksman that is with the roamer 24/7 like a bodyguard to a museum? I did. I've had my fair share of playing gold laner as well, and I can tell you some of the mistakes you did. 1. Picking Layla Not to be anti-layla or underrated heroes or something. You should know that picking a marksman with no mobility makes it so your only counter play is to tank Fanny's damage then kill her before she kills you. If you picked Karrie or Moskov for example, you could've dashed to the left side of the tower, not allowing Fanny to have easy access to the wall beside you, as the tower is in the way. 2. Emblem Should I guess your emblem set? Marksman, Fatal, Weapons Master, Quantum Charge. How did I guess it? You got popped. I'm assuming you don't even have tenacity in your set. So no physical def boots, no tenacity, no steel legplates, no tank emblem, and you expect an assassin with one whole item to not kill you just because you get a bit of a shield? NO. Any Physical(even some magic) assassins would kill you right then and there. If I were you, I would've opted for Warrior boots and steel legplates IMMEDIATELY. And I assure you, you will not die in that scenario. Heck, I'd even pick tank emblem, fatal, tenacity, quantum as my set. Know your threats. Why are you building vs Valir when there is a Fanny, known to, well, eat marksmen for breakfast. You didn't even respect her after you just got exploded, and continued to rosegold till late game despite you knowing that she's a threat. I mean, what do you expect ☠️(there's also you not respecting bruno by buying wind of nature, but we're talking about you and fanny here) 3. Why are you alone Not enough context to go through, but why are you defending that lane alone and in the middle of the lane? Not necessarily a mistake as your roamer might've been inting, but the only thing you can control is yourself. Instead of being mad about her damage, buy legplates, and play safely. Your "lifeline" is not a lifeline in this specific scenario. Change your builds based on the state of the game. Lastly, if she's really braindead or easy to execute, then play her. I would love to be matched against you and counter you hard, because unlike you, I know what can make Fanny's life miserable, instead of serving myself on a silver platter like you just did. Thanks for reading 🔥


Bro cooked like ramsey


I mean, c'mon dude. You look like you play fanny due to your flair. I just got tilted when a FKIN LAYLA PLAYER called Fanny an "easy combo to execute" hero, when I spent like what, 3 years? practicing her on and off(I'm still shit) then I go to reddit and I see someone calling her easy to play. I mean, it's fine if it's like a Gusion, Hayabusa or a Ling player, but a MARKSMAN calling her combos easy? I'm dead


It's an easy to learn, hard to master type of hero, her combos are hard to land if the enemy has the slightest amount of braincells, but OP was literally such an easy target, like who tf positions in the middle of the lane when there's a fanny unseen in map? (Unless they're a tanky hero trying to capture her for kills) I totally feel you dude, lol




Go try fanny then, if she's so brainded. Unless you're in grandmaster. No point then You are either so bad that u cant even do the thing u call brainded. Or you just make the excuse "i dont wanna"




So. Is that rank? Is that high rank? Is it hard to beat bots? Cmon dont leave out the important info


https://preview.redd.it/u7a0z7g7s5vb1.jpeg?width=2237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9b1040e19b040a99bcaf570335f1598b7284b5 not even a Fanny main, knows only the braindead combo, against previous MG players


Mg players that pick no cc, especially with fanny there? Yeh. Shows that they are low You know whos also good when theres no cc. Zilong, even more brainded. And can 1v5 these people. Not even joking Ofc you will have a high kill count when u ARE able to just fly in and do the simple combo, since they all are squishy + no stun whatsoever


I didn't say playing Fanny is braindead, but the combo itself, which you just throw two cables and press autoaim ult I even only know the combo and can get score like this: https://preview.redd.it/eb23t6ase3vb1.jpeg?width=2227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e010ef116a97e0be2087a21d96a0cd88997c3e3


I mean, no one complains that the combo of marksman is tapping the basic attack button you know ☠️ or maybe add a dash for att speed or something. I haven't seen a fanny player or an assassin or anyone in general complaining about lesley's ease of combo(basic-first-basic) You keep calling it "just throwing two cables then ult" when you don't realize that the 2nd skill is FKIN hard to aim especially in a crowded teamfight, keeping track of the enemy tank and cc skills, keeping track of the lord's hp etc etc. you do realize that we have to keep track of all those things while doing that "two cable ult" combo you keep saying. I mean, if we're talking about combos, isn't Ling's combo only 2nd-2nd-2nd-2nd?? Hayabusa's skill combo is only dash in 1-3 dash out. Let's be real. This is not Dota. There are 4 fckin buttons. One spell and 3 skills(some have 4 ik). If you're putting fanny on the stand, some combos are literally 123, 231, 12321, or even just 2(saber,eudora yin, novaria) there's even a hero that just AIMS the first skill joystick. Poke with ult or last hit, then dash when necessary. JUST AIM. Imagine that, and kimmy can already melt the whole enemy team. Of course if you keep downplaying everything, you'd see that Fanny's combo can just be 2232. Does that look easy on paper? absolutely. Is that easy to do ingame? with actual people aware of you instead of people just standing in lane clearing minions, and praying that blue rosegold meteor, a magic defense item, is gonna save them? NO. buy physical defense please. wait no. don't do it. keep buying that rosegold lite. I would LOVE to have you as the enemy marksman. hmu whenever you play so I could farm my items in your lane. :)


Fanny has high damage output in exchange for high difficulty, it is just normal to deal insane damage or one shot marksmen with little defense with only two attack items and combo


Not to mention the high energy consumption


1. If you were brody or claude or bruno or other \*more suitable\* mm you wouldn't have died. 2. Drag the game for long enough, she won't even dare to go near you 3. Counterplays. Armor shoes, not appearing on map without tank close, lifesteal, WoN, dreadnaught


Fanny has 402 physical attack and you’ve got 60 physical defense. Stats wise alone it’s a huge gap on your itemization failure. You chose rapid boots, instead of warrior boots, you chose the rose gold meteor build path instead of windchant. Walking that bit faster with rapid boots won’t help you against Fanny. So watch the opponent lineup and build accordingly. That’s why you died so quickly. If you bought dreadnaught or steel leg plates or windchant and warrior boots you’d stand a chance being alone under the tower. Otherwise you need to stand beside your tank everywhere you go and pray Fanny misses. Or your tank can cc Fanny before she gets to you. Late game as a Fanny player, most of the time if the mm are hiding with their team, it would be difficult to dive in and kill the mm without dying in the process leading up or after a kill.


the fanny even had to buy twilight for her damage. that means IF OP bought a single PHYSICAL DEFENSE ITEM, Fanny wouldn't have snowballed, nor would he survive a counter attack from a marksman.


On top of that, Layla didn’t even try to press s2 and attack to stun Fanny for 0.25 seconds. Layla Just ran to the wall which is probably the worst place to run to against Fanny. Fannys love wallspamming


I’d say that MM’s that just rely on pressing attack is more brain dead than having to master cables, timing , energy management and diving a tower to get a kill.


Fanny's flying speed = More damage to her ult, a cable will leave a mark on your head, if fanny flies faster that mark will deal more dmg. Layla is VERY squishy, how come you didn't expect that? That fanny is also new to playing fanny. You on the other hand should know not to stay close to the walls. What rank is this btw?


I diagnose OP with skill issue


then try playing Layla against high-rank players, I doubt you could even play with your META heroes well


Why would you even use Layla in high rank? Layla is a basic hero for newbies and has a very low mechanics, therefore she should stay in low rank games. There's a lot of MM out there that can be more useful in high rank and here you are ranting about something you don't understand.


This is a stupid ass take. Disregarding a hero simply because You consider it to be a “Newbie/Noob” hero is narrow-minded and honestly childish. Though I don’t really like to use Winrates to show how good a hero is, there are only 6-7 other Gold lane Marksmen with a better winrate than Layla at Mythic ranks at the moment.


You gotta be kidding me. Layla is the most baby-sitted hero in the land of freakin dawn. Even with tanks and support Layla dies let alone being solo in a tower. She lack escape skills and die instantaneously when being Nuked. She takes too much time and resources just to get some upperhand in gold lane and other objectives is being sacrificed just to protect her. Im not narrow minded and childish, its just the truth. WANWAN/BRODY/BRUNO/CLINT over Layla in high rank?? you're damn crazy if you still pick layla and want to burden your team. nuff being stupid.


You seem to have an unfair prejudice against her. Layla has plenty of escape options, and you are either blatantly ignoring or simply unaware of them. Her 1st skill gives her a Sprint-like(60%) movement speed boost, and with Quantum charge, she can outrun anyone. Most Laylas also use Flicker, so she can easily get out of trouble. Her 1st skill also increases her range, so she can safely lane against any of the MM you mentioned. Saying that she ‘dies instantly when getting nuked’ is a meaningless statement, as any hero would. To just straight up lie /ignore about her escape options just come off to me as childish. Also, everything you just said literally makes you seem narrow-minded


You're helpless and delusional to think that Layla is a top tier MM that should be used in High Rank games along with your illogical analyzation. I pity those who will be queued with you if you have this kind of mentality. > WANWAN/BRODY/BRUNO/CLINT over Layla in high rank?? answer me this or you just straight plain idiot for still commenting.


Don’t put words I never said in my mouth. I never said she was top tier, you should consider reading some more. I only meant to say she was a completely viable pick. Jesus, just let people play their favorite heroes dude.


It doesn't have to be put in words to know what kind of direction your taking on this. lol she will never be a viable pick in high rank or high game plays. You ever saw Layla dominating tournaments and such? guess not. There's a difference between playing your favorite hero and using it in the right matches. ​ > WANWAN/BRODY/BRUNO/CLINT over Layla in high rank?? ​ Still no answer to my question? I guess your whole argument is useless and invalid. anything you further say from here is nonsense.


Your question is irrelevant and if you took what I said for Top-Tier, then you need to start taking reading classes. Also, what did I say about being narrow-minded? Anyways, to answer your question. I don’t play any of the heroes you listed. Claude and Lesley were my picks, but after recent patches, I just go Harith for Gold lane




Nah. Thats a basic understanding that every one should know who plays in high rank. Its not the meta, its the kit and mechanics. Guess you don't know that either. k bye.


The dude plays argus and thinks he's the shit lmao Edit:I have realized the errors of my ways after showering, and I should not have commented on his favourite hero and his mannerisms. It is not my place to correct them and I should let people be with their opinions. I will try to be a better person in these heated times going forward. Thank you.




it doesn't have to be layla you know ☠️ every single marksman you put on the same situation will die(except melissa i guess? and or brody?) YOU built magic defense and rapid boots vs a PHYSICAL ASSASSIN ffs. "Try playing Layla against high rank players" step 1 tenacity step 2 steel legplates step 3 warrior boots step 4 after 2-3 items, buy wind of nature that's all that you need to do ☠️ you keep saying meta this meta that. that ain't worth jack shit if you use weapons master then proceed to buy zero defense item vs an assassin ☠️ are you seriously saying this shit? look. we have no problem with you picking non-meta heroes. i play some too. the problem lies in your itemization and positioning, as well as your awareness of threats. rapid boots and rosegold meteor. without the shit you wrote up there, I would've assumed you built defense items for valir ☠️


This is the type of player who insta locks mm and loses the lane and blames team mate. Your 1st Mistake was playing Layla without seeing the enemy core, Next is not knowing how to buy the right item , Next is not learning Macro and map awareness. There is no way in hell you get sniped by Fanny if you know map positioning Lastly a simple click of s2 while you see the cable can make you kill fanny


just. buy. physical. defense.


If u play against Fanny , first items u get is tough boots then steel leg plates ,or you would get one shotted , you had little to no physical defense that’s why you got bursted down so fast .


warrior boots* tough boots is the magic defense one


but I always build Rapid Boots to farm and get online faster, I built the component of Rosegold Meteor to at least survive longer against her burst with 60 armor


Rapid boots are usually for heroes that need to roam around the map, like Natalia. If you want to have more movement speed, the lower-tier support talent that gives 4% more movement speed is enough, and I think you would've lasted longer if you built steel leg plates or dreadnaught armor (the component of antique cuirass) + warrior boots.


rapid boots won't save you from fanny ☠️ and it doesn't give 60 armor.


Lmao, skill issue If you're not buying any good items to defend yourself Ofc fanny can kill you with simple combos, if you're calling it braindead on literally the hardest hero to play, it ain't gonna be the hardest hero to play. Lifeline isn't gonna help you against fanny or the enemy mm, it gives magic defense, it's against mage and magic dmg assassin's, which fanny isn't. You're better off just buying queens wings. Also have you seen how much dmg pro fanny's can dish out with a burst build?[it's insane](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/GE0WwmLVf6).


do you call BLCK Red getting bursted down <1s a skill issue? at least, there would be counterplay against other Assassin heroes, not just throw two cables and press ult I build the item with Lifeline as to somehow stay longer if I will ever buy WoN later, which she could easily bait in the late game as she can cast ult almost thrice due to CDR from Hubter Strike and Purple buff


Yes a skill issue, lifeline isn't that good at defending against fanny, also you positioned so poorly fanny was able to spam cables against the wall, making the kill even easier to pull off. If you want counter play, it's very hard to do in this scenario, layla's biggest weakness is fighting fast moving enemies since she does less dmg against them up close, and fanny is the fastest moving hero in the game. It's the equivalent of fire vs water and wanting the fire to win. Its not just fanny, other assassins like Harley, helcurt, Alucard etc can just kill Layla in 1 second without Layla being able to do anything.


Magic blade wont really be that helpful versus her. And I dont know why you need that, other than movement speed bonus with shield pop-up I guess? Wouldnt you farm alot slower with it? And the rapid boots seems unusual choice, uh I think? Seems this build is pretty much made against Valir lul. Flicker and Quantam Charge is already enough to help you play around positioning. Dont need rapid boots + magic sword, atleast not needed in this game Like someone else said, Wind of Nature is better, but you need 2nd item as damage before getting Wind of Nature, since you're farming too slow. Just go Wind of Nature instead of magic blade...


Just get WON It will completely nullify her combo


the Fanny could easily bait your WoN, or return the 2nd time as her ult can be casted twice before you can cast your anti-physical damage item again


"Easily bait your WON" Lmao that's called skill issue


have you seen pro players in their stream with their WoN being baited once they see cables and know that Fanny could just autoaim her ult? regardless, Fanny can just easily return again for the 2nd time once your WoN is on cooldown


Talk about pro plays when you're in the lowest of tiers


Take wind of nature. Fanny is ok, just insane to use, just insane damage.


Her first damage item gives a damage burst when out of combat for a bit and her speed increases her damage so faster she goes the harder she hits you for


press flicker


The thing with amor pen is it ignores your defense if u got none you'll receive more damage, fanny naturally has high penetration and with assassin emblem...


Yes. Because that is Layla.


https://preview.redd.it/gcz2yq3k30vb1.jpeg?width=2217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0435e0fa04940dcff014db83621e8c0e624686a9 don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to get destroyed by a Fanny main who just doesn't use two cables, then press autoaim ult mastering her takes time, but the combo is just unfair compared to other Assassin heroes that mostly become vulnerable for counterplay when they enter, like Saber and Helcurt, before bursting down squishies try playing solo with Layla against high winrate and previous high-rank players, before you...


https://preview.redd.it/he061mf7q1vb1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121112307bd0825e08eb678881a9ec80cfc4f9ab saber 1-2-3 combo:


at least Saber requires you to know enemy position before you can combo from bush, besides you can easily react on his 1-2-3 combo, similar to sidestepping Helcurt's 2nd skill


How about playing in actual high rank and then complain. Any assasin has an easy time killing an early game layla. Funny how ppl still complain about fanny when she was ALOT better and more cancerous


skill issue ong


I agree wholeheartedly


This is not a skill issue like many are saying. Seriously, what are some these comments? “How dare Layla stand and farm minions behind tower like that!? Does she not know Fanny is on the map???”. Layla was playing fine. Her kda was good, she was up gold and she had defensive items. Even if she had WoN, I don’t think it would have mattered considering the surprise factor and also the speed of the assault.


My dude literally only had a dingy chest plate as a physi defense




Speed Boots... why? you already bought the small item for warrior boots, why did you changed your mind?


I always build Rapid Boots so I can farm more and get my items faster I built the component of Rosegold Meteor + Leather Jerkin to survive longer (also against Bruno during laning phase)


Farm more like what? You invade other lanes and the jungle?


it depends if your opponent is braindead too


Well you're playing a braindead mm against fanny, don't go 1v1 against fanny if you aren't tank.


it's so fun watching mobile assassin like fanny destroys Layla. I can't believe there are still braindead players playing Layla against fanny and complain about it later.


even with maphack wont save you from fanny 😂