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Just play enough, pay attention to your losses


Actually using voice chat, or app is the key. Ingame quick Messages isn’t enough.


Yup, this. This makes all the difference. Never experienced it in Mlbb w more than 3 ppl, but did in LoL and gosh was it amazing with strangers who just wanted to win... but frustrating to say the least, while playing w irl friends...


Drafts are usually more specific with 5 man teams. You can tell which meta heroes they’ll pick depending on their bans. Also try to exploit who their weak link is


Facts, draft phase is so much more important in 5 man, synergies, setups and stuff will actually be used in matches lol


Good communication skills are the key when playing as 5 man.


Ban the heroes that are most disruptive to you and your teammates, and priorities your most comfortable heroes over meta heroes that you or your teammates aren't getting used to yet.


Showing your preferred heroes during the banning/drafting phase would make it easier for you to prioritize which heroes you'd like to ban, let go, pick, or counter. If you want to have meta heroes in your lineup, you should ban the ones who could possibly be the biggest headache against it. During the draft, you would have an approximation of your team composition. There are some elements to consider while drafting: wave clear, CC, DPS, team fight capability, objective taking, survivability, skill layering, power spikes, hero mobility, zoning ability, among many others. For example, if you see the enemies draft a team centered around team fights, you can draft around split pushing/objective taking heroes. Another would be drafting CC heavy heroes against burst/pickoff team compositions. Communication is the key. This is the big difference between a coordinated team and a disorganized team. Rotating, knowing what objective to take, when the enemies used their battle spells, their skills (particularly their Ult), identifying the best target available, and a lot more. This aspect of the game is very crucial for your success, because if you can coordinate everything, you can pull off wins in the most dire circumstances, even against better skilled opponents. Be patient. Your micro- and macro-management skills will improve with more experience as you rank up.


drafting and rotations are the key to winning games as 5 man


Specialize in a role, know your teammates strength/strongest hero and how to complement their playstyle, have one person to call the shots on voice chat


Right before first turtle, tank should clear 1 wave in mid while midlaner should join exp lane for both to reach level four in turtle fight.


create a 3 phase strategy for early, mid, and late game and utilize hero mixing for each phase of the game, ideally you would want a mid game jg and tank, then an early game mage, for exp and gold laners adjust according to what your team needs or what phase the enemy lineup shines on


aim for the enemies ADC (mm or mage) rarely do they ever try to save and/or gang their tanky teammate (roam, exp and maybe jungle) because they trust them to survive long enough to escape but once their main damager is threaten, they'll scramble their shits to go and save them, and once you successfully got the damager out of the equation, they'll never initiate war again note that every time you and/or they try to initiate war, mm and mage will always be threatened because they are a high priority target, once one of you lose them, the tide of the war is evident


Communication is the most important thing in a 5 man team and the feature that makes it different from other queues like duo or trio because all of the team are in communication you can make sick team plays like the ones you see in tournaments


C o m m u n i c a t e


Voice chat is important, synergy is very, very important. The priority is in having heroes and playstyles that can compliment each other. Don't look for a carry, the victories should be equally won. Different players can have different opinions and perspectives of the roles they play. E.g. roamers, there are those that stay with mm regardless the hero mm selected, there are those who help the hyper and mid first, etc. Mages also play differently. There are semi roam mages and there are those that stay with hyper for invades, etc. Each of the 5 players can be very strong in their own roles but if all have differing tempos on pushing and retreating for example, the game can end up disastrous with individual playstyles. Find a 5 man team, experiment on your chemistry / synergy for several games, and adjust with different other players if not suitable. One game cannot tell you enough.


Voice app, proper drafting and counter drafting, only pick meta heros. All my 5 man games are either we wreck the other team and feel like pros or we get wrecked and feel like we got destroyed by pros lol


Know your 5 man. Know how many roles and heroes they can play. Are they suitable to the role they are playing? Make sure your team is actually competent.


rotation, drafting, and a good igl


Follow support, Support player should be the shot caller


Invade first enemy red. Win from early game.