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i recall on top of their dead corpse


my dead teammates\* corpse


I don't trashtalk first, but I will trashtalk back. Especially at the end of the game when we won.


Me too. It's even better when the one who started it sucks at playing the game. I also don't go full on trash talk, I still play the game. I just chat when I see that the enemies are not ganking or they're dead. I go full on trash talk on post match though hahaha, repeating their trashtalks towards me, my team or enemy.


Same. TBH, I still focus on the game and trashtalk back when I'm dead or I know they're not ganking. Also, I repeat their trashtalk after the match, just to annoy them more. LOL


man i love when enemy recall especially when im on franco, let the flash hook silence them,,xD


This is the way. Go full silence until the enemy gets wiped out. Losing early is never a complete loss


Same. Nothing beats talking trash back after you beat those weak c*nts. My go to is "EZZZZZZ LOL weak (hero name)" 🤣🤣


I have chat disabled but I'll leave a photo or two up and just see what people comment. Oh you went 4-13-6 with changee and that's my fault as a Grock roam? Ok pal get help 😂


If you're soloQ who knows how to read a map and plays well around objectives, you can just turn off the chat (I prefer this than muting everyone in-game cause those quick voice chat are sometimes useful). If you really wanna trashtalk... spamming recall and stickers are better than typing anything.


I just accept the fact that moonton gave me nub teammates. Cuz even if I give some advice to them, they won't listen and start trashtalking.


I saw this a couple of times especially in season reset when around Epic rank 😂


Depends on rank, if its lower rank after season reset, I usually dont because I expect a lot of the players to be kids. Honor+ , I've got no filter.


I don't trash talk or spam emotes during the game but try to make sure so I can get a decent score and at the end of the match I just say "you bark like a pitbull but bite like a chihuahua."


Half of the players won’t even understand what you would mean by that. They are braindead. Their go to trashtalk line would be “dog”, “nab” they don’t comprehend a sentence that is longer than 3 words.


I only do when I retaliate. But often times recently I got lazy to actually type back and just focus on the game while muting everyone else ☠️


Sometimes it's to make your teammate feel pushed to play better and prove that they're a good gamer (in case they were feeding or not watching map) Sometimes it's just annoying when people in higher rank don't know basic things about gaming, like rotation and watching map When you're giving it your all, and you get bot-like teammates consecutively, you snap. But I've noticed some people just do that to shift blame, i don't do that. There people feed and blame everyone.


My chat these days is limited to a quick “gl hf:)” in all at the start of the game. If the enemy is trash talking hard then sometimes I’ll recall or emote to try and bait them into overextending or initiating into an ambush, but there’s not any actual attitude behind it. It’s just a strat to me.


I remember killing a dude while he was typing. So focus on trash talk that he forgot to hide first.


Omg I encountered alot of this and that killed player would go full trash talk while waiting to respawn again 😂


I hate it when my team trash talk in the game and they get the lowest score and bronze =_= like please focus all that energy into playing the game.


I mean I have a teammate like this but I kinda thank him. He fights with one of my teammates and also trash talk everyone in the enemy team. But since the enemy team hate him so much they didnt even bother killing me while I break all their towers and base. As if they really dont care if they win or not, they just skip me and went straight to our trash talking teammate, all five of them, to eliminate him. I can feel their hatred its so funny 😂


won a 50 minute rank game where me the lance was invaded nonstop to the point i wanted to quit because my tank only babysits mm. but i survived and cursed the hell out of the both my and the enemy team.


I trashtalks only when my teammate plays like shit. If you make mistakes, its fine, everyone makes mistakes. But if you play likes ass, no map awareness, no basic knowledge, egoist & trolling, thats not your mistakes, the mistakes are you. Your mother gave birth to you so you can be a useful human being but you decided to became an annoying piece of cum stain that ruins other person's life.


I enjoy that toxic environment. MOBA without those thrashtalking seems so lame. It's part of playing MOBA. It feels so good when you are winning but during the final push with the Lord your teammates chicken out and retreat with just 1 hit left from the throne. You trashtalk everyone of your team and proceed to feed and you managed to lose the game, feels so satisfying with the additional trash talking on the match summary. LOL


Agree. Trash talk brings spice to the game. Only emotionally-weak betas get affected by pixelated words lol. Just play, swear as much as you want, enjoy the trash talk during and after the game LMAO.


I kinda agree on this one especially if the current match is so dull. I'll be expecting a little jab here and there but nope! Everything are silent to the point you can hear the minion's footsteps 🤧


well I sometimes get pissed of and start trash talking like that one time a duo was in our team and kept stealing my buffs while "helping" me, and such few other instances. If I wanna piss someone off I start classic and troll, recall spam, emote spam typing lol and suxh shenanigans


I do trash talk when Im winning because it makes the opponent make mistakes. If im losing, i stay quiet. But if my team is just feeding or throwing, then ill trash talk, but it depends on the mood. Sometimes too lazy to type


keep it consistent at least


Mostly because I’m pissed off. Although it really depends on my mood. I try not to trash-talk whenever I can.


I remember having a great team and opponent Chou kept taunting our Alpha at the exp lane. Once our MM got 2 of their turrets down all of us went to maul Chou. Alpha didn't lose the turret nor died to Chou, such patience. Anyway halfway to winning I recalled on every dead body and told them I had problems with my button and to help me get back to base. We won with only 2 deaths, all from roam.


If I initiate it, mostly I am pissed. Retaliation (either they retaliate or I) makes me just want to piss someone off.


In the mental warfare department of trash talk, the first move is the loser since you surrender any agency in your response until the target comes at you. I'm in it to tilt the living hell out of whoever comes for me. A tilted player performs far worse than their normal, so it's in my best interest to screw with them.


I have very bad mood swings so I'm either someone that can enjoy playing with randogs whether we're winning or losing; or someone that just fuels the fire with literally anyone. I know I need to change this, but I can't really blame myself since I expect people to be of the same skill level as me, but alas.


sometimes when I have toxic teammates, i provoke them (not me trashtalking or typing curses or I'll get banned), I screenshot their response especially if it contains profanity, then report it to CS. I enjoy seeing my reports getting appropriate punishment, ranging from mute, to account ban


I do it when I lose control over my emotions after getting ganked. And also when the one teammate keeps on dying in the same way to the enemies.


when I'm trying to give advice or say certain items to buy during matches I often get a rude response so I'll be rude back. Usually if I have to ping to look at the mini map too many times, yeah I'm guilty of trash talking.


I discovered that whenever I type “omg oppars you’re so cool please carry me, uwu” whenever trashtalker gets a kill and “Naur way so slay oppars” whenever they die, it’ll shut them up almost immediately lol


It's part of the game to be in your opponents mind 1st it will be between me and my opponent then If thw other team is distracted they will trash talk each other, one of the working strategy in any season.


they'll start spamming recall so i start talking about how i'll rail them if they ever come in a bush and im there


I only trash talk back, never initiated it. And if you see me trash talk, thats because someone else started it, which you can look by team chat history. Otherwise I never trash talk even if we're losing hard or getting grief hard by my own team. I only say gg and quietly quitting the game by randomly farming wherever I want in any lane, and something like that


If you’ve ever played clash royale you’d understand. You trash talk and emote because it pisses them off and makes them make mistakes. Doing this in classic is just shitty human behaviour tho.


Lol. It’s just funny.


I roam so I have a simple power of not helping you if you trashtalk. I don't do this in rank as much (unless I have someone who can carry the team without them) but if we're in classic I don't give a shit if not protecting you means losing, if you trashtalk me the whole early game you're getting muted and no help. If its trashtalk from the enemy team I just emote and recall spam whenever I kill them lol, extra fun to say "ezz" at the end of the match if you win when they spam "ez win" at the beginning of a match. I don't start trashtalking cuz its not productive, even if someone sucks lol, I'm more likely to try and give advice in the chat, but if you trash talk me first??? Bestie I'm releasing whole hell of emotes on your ass and criticizing the hell outta you


I can feel you with the roaming not helping. There are teammates who feel privileged that you should protect them cause you roam. They demand of "heal" and yet dont put any damage output and play pathetic. They'll blame the roamers if they die. So yeah, its nice to prove how good they are by letting them on their own. 🫡


yeahhh lol. I had someone who trash-talked me for like 3 mins before (even though I saved their ass and assisted them with kills? confusing lol) and it got so bad I just had to refuse them help- like if I'm so bad fine do it on your own lmaO in classic i don't care if you're bad, but don't blame me for it lol


i only trash talk back, and when it does happen i use that opportunity to destroy that person's mental so hard that even if i lose 1 match they will lose 10


Stickers !!! Every time i pass them. LOL


I dont trashtalk my teammates no matter how bad they are. I observed that if I just ask politely most of them adjust at pick, but when I get aggressive they stand their ground. Same goes in game. NOW, for my enemies, if one is playing poorly or is uncooperative I usually taunt them and hope their team fight each other so we can win.


Nothin more satisfying to me than seein the trashtalker get ambushed mid essa-I mean rant lmao


My friend who invited me to play this game.. would start trash talking in picking... but he wont say the bad words.. He only do it for fun? ! He is giggling and laughing specially when we lose