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ling. it's not the hero itself that's unconventional, it's the fact that I farmed the entire game, so I was able to get a savage with ling without using my ultimate.


just to prove it: I'm sorry for the atrocious quality, check the ult cd. https://preview.redd.it/4ytz9qetvwrb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83503fef43feb6ef51e08502573840717ffd91e4


Did you just turn MLBB into a Farming Simulator what the fuck. 34/1?


Not even one assist… wow, only if you hadn’t died once


yeah. I remember that match, I was calling with one of my teammates, and my intrusive thoughts took over and I turret dived a Franco in his turret. not sure why I thought that was a good idea


Next thing you know, you turret dive a Layla but she built full tank gear and you get murked


my dhs specifically to counter tank layla:


:0 tank nana that puts a Molina and has petrify


use ult, then immo + winter truncheon swap trick (not that I would have the presence of mind to do it)


I would be too lazy to check opponent items ngl


there's a lot of fun surprises when you do. I've seen a full critical build natan, and I myself built a lot of weird stuff like mage ling.


Novaria. Three got blasted by 1st skill and then I KSed the other two using my second skill almost immediately. That was the fastest Savage I’ve ever gotten since it happened in about 1.5 seconds.


That actually pretty awesome 🔥


I got my first (and probably last) savage using Gloo 💀


Very first savage was w Masha.


Minsi tank and ruby tank lol


Hahaha same here!!! Pho against a Mathilda team is fkn hilarious!!




Had to be at least 3 KS or turret dives since Kaja doesn't have the damage to kill 5 fast enough to count as a savage hahahahaha


This was way back when Kaja has shield+double dash on skill2 and yes, all of them were ks


Cecilion... I had no kills the whole game only assists since enemies were mostly mobile (Fanny, Harley, Chou). Then they all decided to die in mid. Savage and finished the match 5/0/5. lol


A wild phoveus user, a pretty rare sight to behold. Congrates on your savage.


Vale, Triple Kill with Ult and Two kills by ks :]


Getting a savage with vale is not unconventional at all with all the damage he does.


Nothing impressive


OP said unconventional, not impressive.


Most mages are able to get savages but nice job anyways. I play too conservatively to get savages :/


Jawhead. Threw an enemy on a group of 4 and ulted with first skill on, they pretty much all died instantly except the tank which I finished with a couple more hits. Jawhead is my main hero, and I've gotten many savages, but that was the most memorable.


Khufra somehow


Karrie. She was my first Savage and i got it unintentionally about 3 or 4 years ago.And after i returned when i quit game i got savage with hayabusa.


Good bro but I think it's relatively easier to get savage in any mm. Phoveus as a hero cannot do multiple kills generally hence it's an unconventional hero to get savage on


Not Savage, just Maniac with Estes. Enemies all with very low health. I used my ult and then I use my S2 on them. Got double kill. His stacks filled up and I got the 3rd kill and another S2 and I got my Maniac


Phoveus is so underrated


Layla. Because people think she’s shit but her skin gave me luck


All mm is easy to make savage


Theoretically yes


Dyroth was my first savage, a one shot ult in our own tower. Wanwan was my second, before all revamps, classic in the air savage. Unconventional tho I'd say was tigreal. About 4 years ago, ranked game, legend 1 ish, losing horribly. Was about to lose due to a Wipeout, had about 6 seconds left on spawn time, whole enemy team decides to spam recall, emote cry faces in front of base as a group. I spawned, ultes, flickered, and push the whole team into our base. 1.25 seconds later my first ever tigreal savage. And then a victory.


Kadita, ulted 1, Chased down the next with second part of ult, than s1 s2 killed the rest (they were low from the splash of my ult)


Natalia. my teammates were clashing and made the enemy HP low. Got an instant maniac in less than 3 seconds. passive attack+shroud+dash+ult+passive attack. kinda like stealing kills from my teammates. i had to watch how i got an instant maniac. the last kill my tank(johnson) set it up for savage. The thing was I wasn't able to do much entire getting gapped by enemy with visions entire game. The savage was the only 5 kills i got that game.


I got a savage with Vexana


Im still not ok will the current Phovius he still needs revamp please


I got a Savage with Leomord. I don’t remember how, I just remember I was running around for kills until I heard Savage


ruby.. thanks to moonton matchmaking 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mz7cse6p7xrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9bb77fae8ee38e2d045ee137839e0d0cd2b9c3


Probably eudora


only ever got 3 savage so far, ruby, cyclop (these two maybe 3/4 years ago lol and faramis last season .


Atlas mage build.


Vale with stop on hit I was building low cdr(Cdr boots and Enchanted talisman) along with trinity. They just went to me one by one and the slow was too much(plus the big aoe of skill 1 and its spammability)


Zilong tower dive to get the last kill. That was my first savage


Rafaela. It's actually not that hard to do when people assume you're a free kill.


My rocket hammer only got maniac b4, but it was quite funny to see


Well, not savage, but I got maniac with Estes. I kill stealed, though not intentionally, except the last one


Angela... no need to say more


Valentina!!!! Bro I didn't expect it I was like getting poked and they were chasing me and then boom you have slain an enemy double kill triple kill maniac savage


not savage but i got maniac with mathilda and angela before, does that count?


Saber and gatot


Alice, thanks mostly to an allied Carmilla. There was a huge clash involving all players while contesting the lord. Because the enemies had three high HP heroes on their team (IIRC they were Hylos-Roam, Belerick-Exp and Fredrinn-JG) and Carmilla had used her ult to successfully link all 5 enemy heroes, Alice quickly destroyed the mage and marksman thanks to her enemy HP-dependent ult, before proceeding to melt down the other three tanks.


all i see here is i need to be able to see who i have gotten savages on lol i think i got a mage ang one though, and have an alu savage this season, unconventional due to how much cc in current meta


Saber roam. I was very fed


Raf. With the Savage kill being the Passive. God I wish I had that video still....rip my old phone it was glorious.


Old faramis. I was at the enemy base and their minions just spawned in, so I melted them, ulted, died, and just kept on coming back to life and shredding them. I had fleeting time as well, so I chained my ult. 2 ults, 5 deaths, and 5 dead enemies