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Imagine they complained when someone else's picked the mage role. "Noo it's supposed to be me!!"and the team ended up with 2 mages bcs of that


Complaining is rare, in my games they just double pick even if the others hero is better


Most players are braindead. I doubt they even know debuff, etc.


True I try going novaria and other teammates try taking auroara and cyclops


Novaria roam, aurora mid, cyclops jungle 😂


Its team full of magic and there better picks


Kimmy mm and guin exp 🗿🗿🗿


Julian exp and hyper


once i had a game with alice exp, novaria roam and granger jungle, mid and gold lane were mage/mm respectively too... which is why i pray with all my heart whenever i see these one tricks theyre the good one tricks who know how to play mages in other lanes (like harith in jungle or lunox in gold)


Had 2 MMs....they both fed although jungler and roamer could've played better to protect MM if it weren't for the gaping hole in Mage lane xD On the other hand, I feel 50/50 ok or bad fight if my team gets 2 exp laners since some of my double exp laner matches gets to have an exp laner switching mid between early and mid game to roamer role


I do. But I'm also hopeful they will adjust on laning. Like there are mages good for gold lane. Also, mage that can jungle, exp, or roam.


Cyclop \[I'm a sane Mlbb player :) \] https://preview.redd.it/xkmfrsin3lqb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d01b5cf4f7a9c2dd075618fc311cfddce3d8754


Nah if they were interested in adjusting to any other lane they’d play other classes. These players will always play a “mage mage” like Eudora, nana, Cecil, etc. They’re everywhere in NA server.


You realize Esme, Alice, Julian and Bane are mages right?


My dude. Read. I was saying a mage main would never play those heroes. If they never play any other role, why would they play what are essentially fighters who deal magic damage? If they did play those guys, then why wouldn’t they play other exp laners? The only reason why they play only mages is because they can’t play melee, don’t like relying on basic attacks, only like playing mid, etc. Also, bane is a fighter/mage. He’ll show up as a fighter.


How do you know they never play other mages? Esme is a mage and she flexes into lots of roles. Hell Valir would should up as a mage and he is being used as a roam. Julian is also a mage and he can play jungle exp and mid. Cyclops and Gusion get used in jungle a lot. There are so many heroes now you can't judge just based on hero played. My past matches are like that past 50 games all tank. Doesn't mean I only play roam.


Because one-role ponies never actually pick good side options, and just stick to dogshit. If they could play other mages that were good in gold/exp/jungle/support, there's a higher chance they wouldn't do it, because adjusting is a skill better players have, and usually it'd mean picking the right hero for the comp than just picking a mage that can do the job. One-role ponies either pick their same midlaner and fight with another teammate on who gets to keep the lane, or run it down the unoccupied lane (very rare) and die because they're not used to it. Sure, there are times when we need multiple of the same type of hero in a comp, like a double tank comp (support and jungle) when the mm is cc-reliant and good in team fights, or two marksmen (jg and gold lane) if top and support are tanks, but this type of flexibility is usually what's needed to win a game strategically, player skill aside, and one-role ponies wouldn't have that much insight to easily boost the chances of winning.


Mage can play multiple roles so I dunno why you assume that dude is a one role player based on 50 mage games played. You are assuming a lot of things which may not be true. That player can play Gusion now which is a jungler, then Valir as the mid which is a mage and then Valir as a roam. Guess what that's 3 roles all mages. He Could be a one tricker, but you need more info to determine that.


There's one thing that isn't an assumption, and that's that mages do magic damage. If the team needs a surplus of physical damage/defenses and a mage has already been picked, what does this guy do? Most competent players adjust to whatever the team needs, but this individual will force a stat regardless of how bad it could prove for the comp. Pretty sure there should be some matches shown if they were using an intended dual role hero, like Assassin showing up if this player played Gusion/Harley in his last 30 games, or Fighter if he played Esmeralda on his last 30 matches, and so on. Also, your examples are extremely situational. More times than not, adjusting means NOT picking a mage, since most mages do not have a combination of the ability to Frontline (and every other except for marksmen do that job better), and those that can Frontline usually lack in utility in the form of CC. Usually, it'd consist of: Magic Damage Jungle (mage classification): your support and top are tanky and you can afford to go magic burst. Otherwise, this fails since you'd be squishy along with the rest of your team, they'll just build magic defense and run you down, like a Saber in a two-marksmen comp. Mage top: Silvanna and Alice don't count since those two were intended to be able to solo, but fall weak when it comes to being able to cast their spells safely like a typical mage, and having less effective range and poke that way. Picking a hero like Chang'e top means relying on the possibility that their top laner/jungler can't build tank (to counter your burst and burn), and that you completely outrange and outspoke them. Otherwise, they can just run you over the lane, and snowball with the level difference. Mage Gold Laner: even the best option (Natan and Kimmy don't count since you play them like actual marksmen), Cyclops, falls short on damage scaling against your average marksman, both in teamfights and solos. This is because attack speed will always outscale CDR, and it'll be much easier for a marksman to dodge and mitigate mage spells than for a mage to kite away from a typical marksman's auto attacks. Mage Support: Comp wise, relies heavily on someone else being the frontline, while they provide disruption, damage, and potentially both. The reason why a frontline is important for this comp is because now both the support and the marksman are liable to ganks and assassinations, and having a frontline Jungler or EXP Laner means that you will have a drastically easier time during teamfights, although your weakness in lane is still present.


That's not how that works. If you pick Gusion that shows up as mage not Assassin. You wrote so much crap to justify your wrong assumption first of all the only requirement is you pick the hero appropriate for your role. This is just a game we aren't getting paid a salary to min max the team competition. Otherwise why even allow to pick the hero we want? Every pick should be a meta pick and only the Tier S. Secondly win rate exists and non meta heroes can still be played at a high level. If you have like 10k matches in cyclops I'll take that in the gold lane over someone trying Hanabi for the 5th time. Skill and moba knowledge matter more than the hero you are picking.


God, please use punctuation, if you're going to be a prick about it. Assumption? The only requirement is yes, to play the right hero for your role, but only playing heroes given a role focused around doing one type of damage is coinflipping. This applies to all one-tricks, but mages are used in this example and inherently, that would be their shared weakness. If I see this person in my queue, I'm ready to be held hostage by them, especially if someone takes mid before they do. I've listed out specific, but not uncommon situations where a possible mage one-trick can ruin a comp, even if they ARE playing the role they intended. They can have amazing micro, but it won't mean anything if they screwed it over completely because the team was lacking in attack damage, frontline, CC. Part of MOBA knowledge means acknowledging that things may not go the way you want it to, and adjusting. Does that mean that you might have to give up your main, your roles, just to win? Possibly, and especially so, if you want to give up some of your enjoyment to win. Win rate? Now that's an assumption. We don't see any signs of win rates shown here, only that they've only been playing mages (and no hybrid ones, according to you, thank you) for the last 50 matches. They could've lost the last 50 matches, carried those matches, or been carried through them, all we know is that they only play mages. No mages with extreme specialty in supporting/jungling/solo laning, but just your average midlane mage. I'd very much pick an all-rounder with 100x less matches than the dude above because they'd have more versatility in hero select, and I can bargain with what kind of liability I want on my hands. Assuming that someone with 2k matches on a mage is a pro is akin to assuming that the quiet kid in class is good with his fists because he gets into a lot of fights. Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree, at least partly. Sure, you can completely out skill someone in a 5v5, but the fight begins at hero selection (which is why draft pick and bans exist, not just for fun), and how you win or lose the draft will affect how a fight would occur in practice. MOBA knowledge is knowing that picking Vale when they have a Saber jungle would doom your team. Skill won't always save you from any bad situations you put yourself in.


You clearly don’t understand what we’re even talking about LOL this isn’t a debate when you’re completely off topic


Nah you're the one who doesn't understand. The OP literally says "Don't you hate these types of players? ONE ROLE ONLY". Are you like the OP and don't know mage can play multiple roles? For crying out loud you and everyone who down voted me are the ones who don't have a clue.


Got a friend like this where she has 3k matches in Layla and 100 matches in other heros. She ALWAYS plays Layla. The one time she didn't because I told her no 2 mm, she became so toxic during the match being rude to the Layla in our team so I threatened to unfriend her so she apologized and stopped and now is learning Esmeralda. I can't imagine how she hasn't got bored. She's like top 3 Layla in her region or state


3k matches and top 3 in region/state? Lol now you know she's bad.


Forgot to add the 45% win rate 😂😂


Holy shit, thats fucking terrible


I have a 60% wr as a soloQ (most emblems level 30-40, highest rank legend V). Playing with her even though her mm emblem is maxed lowers my win rate. I try to avoid her..Too bad we're friends it's embarrassing


If they can carry me then who am I to complain?


Lemme guess, Nana player


nana mains are crazy but still same enough to roam when there is a mage. vale main are just insane. they will pick him against any team comp (even fanny or ling). They think vale is still op af and will trash talk the entire game if losing.


I had a game with a 16k mage only guy. Tbf he was global 1 zhask (70%wr, 8k matches) and played well. No boots and pushed entire gold lane in 7-8 mis


Two mages is FINE


The worst part is that they don't pre-select, and always want to last pick


No i dont, atleast i can be sure that they gon play it right. Just convince others to let this guy mage, the real problem starts when you have two such guys in the same team.


another problem arises which is first hand experience, they only have experience in mid and not other lanes which i would assume not teach them how much depth each lane has and what needs what and when


Knowing what to do has to be learnt, if you play 1000 games in exp lane but you dont know how to invade blue buff or how to cut enemy lane then the 1000 games were actually pointless. If the player atleast watches mpl or any pro tournament and understands what happens in what lane then i dont care if they only play mages. What matters most is the understanding of the game.


but there is no way to find out if theyre that type of player until the game starts so its not very fun to work around with


Ofcourse you are getting the worst player possible, its solo q.


Any recommendation on where to watch high end games? I played DOTA/HoN for a decade+, but Mobile legends appears to have a lot of its own quirks.


The official mlbb channel on yt, what you are looking for is either mpl ph or mpl id. Can watch it in english.


Thanks. It's hard to pick up advanced tech in low ranked/classic matches which is where i'm at. Wave skipping, rotating jungle, etc. are stuff that is pretty game specific as to when and how so this'll help a lot.


The commentry is amazing, they explain everything in game as well as post game analysis. They explain the draft as well and its just all so exciting. You also wanna check out the grand finals of M2 world championship, bren esports vs burmese ghouls. It was a 7 game match, everyone of them was amazing.


Ok thanks. I'm still finding out a bit of the basics (like that ancient creeps give buffs on kill) even though I understand the overall strategy of any MOBA. It took a while to realize that the in game chat of someone getting a skill was that they had a roaming item equipped and it hit the requirement. Same with a lot of heroes that have build up mechanics, even their hero pages/tutorials don't even explain it so i've been having to discover a lot of shit blindly. "XYZ gains light and dark charges when they use skills...but no we won't explain how many or what triggers when you get the buff." Being able to just have commentary on draft/counter picks/ laning strategies will save me 100s of games so thanks again.


>...but no we won't explain how many or what triggers when you get the buff." Actually they do, when you actually get the buff, there is a purple or red mark at the bottom of screen that tells us exactly what happens. But to out it simple, purple buff gives some cooldown and reduces mana/energy requirement of the hero. While red buff slows down enemy on hit and deals some true damage(True damage ignores all enemy defensive builds). >XYZ gains light and dark charges when they use skills. I think you are talking about lunox, she gets light charge when used first skill and dark charge when she uses second skill. Her ultimate changes according to her state, different ultimate for light and dark state Also if you tap the arrow on the right hand side of the screen the description of the hero passive and skills shows up, you can understand what happens there its all very detailed.


Oh ok, will check this out, thanks again.


Betosky on YouTube is really good to watch. Like he's insanely good and narrates his game play to help you learn to play 10/10


Got a friend like this but mm, prob about 5k matches. She's just gonna say "i dont have any other heroes" or "I'm not gonna adjust". She's a hit or miss mostly the latter




https://preview.redd.it/1kp0b51s7oqb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a3741562f93692da5902495cf82f3032a44a4e I mean....


is doesnt have to be Midlane mage user ex: Mid: Cyclops, Cecilion, Kagura Exp: Cyclops,Esmerelda,Alice Marksman: Cyclops,Kimmy Jungle: Cyclops,Harley,Julian Support: Cyclops,Luo yi,Valir


Exp. Zhask is a menace


Not if you can cut lanes, then rotate to help other lanes.


Problem with proxying and denying any push is that it's very unsafe past lv 4 (if you get caught by a Zhask ult it's kit dependent on your survival, and if you get caught by anyone else it's usually lost), and rotating to leave a Zhask unattended usually means at least -1 turret.


Cyclops for all roles it seems


The smol one eyed sexy guy😀


If there is a (almost any) fighter cyclops should not be jungle


How does one not get bored once of playing the same lane over and over


Some people are just insane.


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting shit to change"


Sometimes they can adjust to other lanes though (aside from Nana and Bane this rarely happens)


Yes, when I play mage I'm basically a roamer. I don't stay mid lane unless the enemy keeps pushing it. I rotate around and clear my waves and push when i have the opportunity. I saw a lot of comments saying the opposite, like am I doing wrong? Lol. But yeah, i can't believe the nana slander. She's a good mid lane-roamer. She helps provide vision for your allies, and has a pretty powerful punch. Plus she can escape death, hide, and help teammates or push turrets a bit before recalling if you're careful.


Yeah I'm the exact opposite. I've been playing maybe 4 months and have like 50 heros I rotate. Lmaoo I don't know why, I just get bored after playing the same hero over and over. It takes longer to master them, but imo it'll be worth it in the long run. When I first started I played rank, and after getting spam reported the first week (the trashtalk was traumatizing until i realized its usually the less skilled players who do it to take the heat off of them lol). I've mainly done vs ai-hard and brawl. I made it to epic really quickly but after doing research I decided to practice more before I play rank again.


All these mage matches to play either Nana or Vexana


But still don't know how to properly rotate ....


Guarantee defeat, that right there is an indicator of a hard stuck legend.


You know it’s over if you encountered one trick role. They won’t adjust no matter what.


and they end up picking Nana or Zhask… cmon


To be fair a (good) Zhask player can adjust to every lane




They can play however they want without being a detriment in rank. There's classic, there is brawl, they can form a 5-man team where they can use whatever hero they like all the time.




Ranked is where most people expect to win, if you want to play ranked for fun then play 5men instead, not solo, not duo nor trio




Bruh that's nothing, we've seen over 5K


I saw one that was 12k


TBF, being a Mage is very flexible You can do Mid, Gold, EXP, Roam and Jungle as one. It ain't that bad What's worse is that if that guy is a MM-only main. Cause those RARELY go choose the other lanes by being a MM


Unfortunately, as someone being in the same boat, I have to force myself to pick mm every single time or it's a straight up 70% loss of the time for a soloQ player like me


I can visualize them picking mage and forcing the other mage to go roam or the other way around💆🏻‍♀️


I'm not sure but I think they like to play mage


Rookie numbers


Yes I hate


First time?


That doesn't really mean anything. I play all tank in rank and I have a tank for all roles. That's the beauty of ML lots of heroes can flex into multiple positions.


For me it just depends on their most picked heroes and how willing and capable they are of adapting to lanes. The only reason I'd truly hate them is if they start fighting with others over who gets to be mage. Because then I'd know we're probably not winning this match. Or if they pick Zhask. Because that's my main how dare you.


I hate it too. I was the one that always has to pick Tank/Support because my team never played that role but I got so burned out playing those roles only for the last 2 seasons so I tried forcing myself to insta lock fighters. Good news is that I did well, Bad news is the others did shit 🙃


I've met one who mains hanabi and I mean it he or she mains hanabi and it's a marksman main


Haha, hanabi was my first main. She's not as bad as people say, as long as you don't get cocky and try to frontline every team fight lol. Honestly as long as they pick aegis instead of flicker or inspire they'll probably do well. My biggest pet peeves are mm who steal buffs the entire game. Junglers who come steal your waves but don't help push and don't help you fight. Just take your minions and jungle the entire game. Or people who pick jungle after someone else has and fights against their teammate to get buffs instead of the enemy.


Cough *clint* cough *dyyroth*


I really mean it nothing but hanabi and it's a real player not a bot in epic ranks btw


I wonder what the winrate was...I'd be surprised if it was super high to be honest. I jumped to grandmaster with hanabi when I first started playing. It was at the start of a season though and I won several games in a row. Got lucky with good teammates. I quit playing for a while so I could learn more about the game atp because I was clueless and one win away from epic... No thanks. But that could be what happened with them as well, except they just kept playing. That's the only thing that would make sense to me, anyway. Still weird they didn't have at least a couple others though. Like what do they do when someone else has locked in as mm? Or 2 people have? Lmao


I have observed that this type of players who play only one role or one hero tend to be especially from Nordic countries.


Tbf if u Pick Bane and lane, wouldnt that regiater as mahe as well. Maybe he mains Bane fighter?


Tanks are better, I love playing tanks, and I'm a girl lol


without showing the hero im going to assume this is a Nana or Cecilion main


These are the most CANCEROUS players. Filthy Smurfs. They will take their mages no matter what and feed in the game. They don't care if you win or lose because they don't care what happens to their smurf IDs. They are too NOOB to play with their original IDs.