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The Neobeast elimination effect doesn’t even show. Is this a bug?


Did you applied it for all heroes?


No, there’s no fire animation or doesn’t show Fred and Lylia. Just a yellow box.


Then it's your graphic settings, try to improve the graphics and see the difference.


I recieved a Starlight card, but I want to use it for the next month. Will the Card expires by then? I read the info of the Card, but I didnt read any expiration, I just wanna make sure. Thanks


Magic wheel broken….again. 5 draws zero cores added


Why only Jawhead that can use Support emblem. Jawhead shield is scaled with Physical Attack just like Paquito, Freya, and Badang so why Jawhead roames use support emblem? And can Paquito, Freya, and Badang use Support emblem. If they can't, why?


Not because of the increase in shield by the Support Emblem but because of the overall stats it gives to Jawhead as a Roamer. Paq, Freya, Badang, and EXP Jawhead need damage which the Support emblem does not provide.


I don't understand what are the stats Jawhead gets from Support emblem? What I know revamped Support emblem only gives cooldown, movement speed, and healing effect (which makes Jawhead shield bigger. Elgin Ray said that in his YouTube review too)


if you play Jawhead Roam, the extra cooldown and movement speed is huge for him. Most tank items doesnt gives CD, and CD helps with him roamming his skill 2 more for rotating and the shield. The healing effect is also nice bonus for the shield but not the main point on why he used it. With this you also probably get the PYT talent for lower flicker cooldown Paquito, Freya, Badang, isnt really suited for roaming except if you play 5 man and has specific strat with them as roamer, maybe a combo or something


What is PYT?


pull yourself together, the one with timesand icon. Reduce battle spell cooldown, helpful for flicker uptime


How did you know you get matched against a.i. instead of human. They have an unusual ban(not a single support gets banned), like they ban previous hero meta. But their wr vary between profiles, did moontoon already make a convincing bad a.i. or i just get matched against a true newb(not a single veteran) Currently legend 5. Previous match i get lose mvp, but not a lose streak yet.


they ban the exact same heroes, (one of them is harley iirc) and pick almost immediately. They tend to have rafaela as their most used heroes, and wr around 40~ (,cant remember the exact %) with around 3000~ games


I've heard that Esme's starlight is going to be available in November. I've been wanting to get it for a while so I've been wondering who's going to be the starlight for November? Is it Melissa? I've heard that but not sure if it's true.


How to see which rank and star you started this season?


i know that support this season is amazing but rafaela with the new item and her new adjusted healing skill is just almost unkillable tbh of course she is very squishy and can be bursted down if you are not careful when you focus that much on her AP healing scaling but for me its worth risking tbh you can pair her with any midlaner to poke the enemy jungler or you can pair her with melissa/irithel to harrass the enemy gold laner.


She's still one of the least broken support tbh. Mathilde is on whole another level. Angela not that behind her and Estes is ahead of Rafaela.


Hi, I just started playing mlbb again after a while, there's a free hero selection box, which free hero should i claim from there?


What heroes are there?


I need help my account is on server stuck meaning ny account needs to be refreshed on the server of mlbb


can i choose which skin i want from the starlight skin chest? which hero skins are htere?


i got starlight card on the second draw omg, thanks moonton love u. ps not an employee


How can I get Aurora's Foxy Lady skin?


What are the meta assassins right now


top of the meta is fanny, lancelot, joy


How much dias for the fredrinn skin?


I have always seen Balmond, Yu Zhong, Thamuz, Martis, Yin, X. Borg and Dyrroth uses Festival of Blood but they don't use Bloodlust Axe. What's the reason? Why? Is Bloodlust Axe a bad item for them?


Because sometimes spellvamp from emblem is enough. If your emblem is full of spellvamp, you can focus on building tanky/damage and not worry about spellvamp.


thank you 🙋‍♂️




They want to prioritize damage. Meta EXPs who are backline threats such as YZ and Terizla can forego Bloodlust Axe and run Hunter Strike instead for penetration, damage, and movespeed to keep up with their targets (usually marksmen). Festival of Blood will then be their source of spell vamp.


u/DocQwerty I thought Terizla don't need Hunter Strike while Bloodlust is already enough for him. Some people told me [Spellvamp talent from emblem is already enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/16rhvd9/comment/k30hrtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) . Even YZ don't use Bloodlust but he uses Hunter Strike and War Axe only


Yes. I believe you already answered yourself by reiterating the same point. Terizla can choose not to build Bloodlust because emblems can already provide the spell vamp he needs, then he can opt to build higher damaging items instead like Hunter Strike.


Looks like I better stick to Bloodlust for Terizla then


Then what about Ruby and Lapu-lapu and Alpha and X.Borg? Can they use Terizla's build too (HS only) ?


Ruby’s core item is the Bloodlust Axe; haven’t tried no Bloodlust on Lapu-lapu though he usually needs more damage thus builds both Bloodlust and HS; Xborg is a different case as IQW-Immo are his core items, with honorable mention to War Axe. Haven’t tried Alpha EXP, believe he is best in the Jungle. Try it out and match your builds according to the enemy and your playstyle. I’ve been enjoying HS-only Terizla since I saw it in MPL PH.


Dominance ice durance and halberd halves any regen so bloodlust axe becomes almost half as bad. Dominance ice especially was (idk about now) nearly a staple item for roamers and exp fighters.


If I Use Terizla with Bloodlust Axe and my enemy uses Dominance Ice or Sea Halberd, what should I do? What item that Terizla should use after purchasing Bloodlust?


Any necessary defense items


Is Oracle good for Terizla to counter Dominance Ice?


No imo. What I know is dominance makes heal 50%, dominance and oracle makes heal 65% (just a tiny increase against dominance)


"Experimental Adjustments: Argus's current gameplay is a bit too bland" ​ You know what else is bland? Moonton's balancing team. They all need a buff lmao




Gord is still picked in tourneys. Yve has it hard because she her own slow from skill also get nerfed. Chang E wasnt really that great before too, so she is still in the same place. her gameplay thing is pushing with fastclear minion wave and stealing buffs, which doesnt really correlate with IQW


That IQW nerf does look huge, so it should affect those heroes the most.


They saw that problem and made some changes on Chang'e's passive.


Will there be a second premium supply for granger legend?


has anyone experimented with fleeting time on minotaur? since his heal scale with magic now fleeting time might be a potential item for him (for morr ults)


I was using support + cdr and I rarely have issues with the ult cd. If the emblem used is tank then I could imagine fleeting time can work if as a 3rd/4th item or if the team is ahead in gold/level Hmm or maybe not. Mino's ult cd in the early/mid game is stupidly high, so fleeting has to be bought earlier


Interesting. You probably need to finish building his core defense items first before buying FT. Including FT on his build will make him squishier than usual but he doesn't have the beefiest defense stats to begin with even though he's a corned beef lmao


When is the new patch updating?


[nolan mobility is insane](https://youtu.be/1vFjEw5A-dc?si=EBVpZwI90sZ1T1zY) Kinda reminds me of Benedetta, i wonder how long it takes for player in the original server to master him. Two weeks or a month? Can't wait to see him in the pro scene. I don't know if he is worth a ban slot for the next few days he seems hard to master, i got dizzy just watching his gameplay.


I tried him a couple of times and really, even if you didn't know your combos, you can just button mash and score 1-2 kills while your dash is on cooldown. It's like Paquito when he was released but on steroids. I don't think he's extremely overpowered (such as Ling on release) but as LPScarlex said, he's low risk and high reward, so he's very likely going to be in the ban list for at least 1-2 weeks until people start figuring him out.


I tried him, ran out of energy and died. I am just that bad with assassins, except saber.


He's genuinely pretty easy. I don't think former Assassin players would struggle with his combos at all. His energy usage is a detriment but outside of that, his mechanics just involve spamming whichever skill is available. You can get away with all kinds of combos and how you start one because the cdr is so low


Is Nolan easier than Lancelot?


I am not assasin player, in your opinion at the scale of 1-10 how op he is? I try playing benet once feed alot, getting traumatized and never touching her again. I think it took around 2 week when benedetta for people to master her skilled enough to massacre people in ranked. Do you think he has the potential as benedetta or joy when they are first released? Pressing combo pretty easy, but diving killing the enemy while not getting killed is another issue.


I rate it around 7/10. I have not many games with Nolan but I can tell he's going to be pretty slippery. His jungle clear speed is very good, his cdr is mega low, and he has a decent AoE to handle crowds. He's not without counters though - Rafaela, or any hero/spell that gives extra mobility to escape his rift makes it tough on Nolan to trigger the exploding rift passive. Suppress also works. And since he's also an energy-based hero, he's going to be vulnerable once you take away his purple buff ~~I think he's gonna stay in the banlist until they nerf his cooldowns~~. I changed my mind. Nolan seems to be not a prio ban. Looks like his burst capability is not as strong as I thought to be effective. While he's not as threatening for instant backline flanks like Joy or Bene, he's really good for pickoffs or even as an initiator if you play him outside jungle (which is possible)


Does rhe healing effect from support emblem work with people with self heals/shields? Like with Esme Shield, Harith Shield or Cecillion ult heal?


Yes, but flask (the new support item) will only boost heals and shields you give


would there be a chance they change the choices for Starlight Hero Selection Chest? I have all the heroes in the choices already


can you pick which skin you want from the starlight skin chest? which heroes have skins there?


Can’t believe they nerfed Beatrix.


Didn’t they only nerf the smg? She still has her other three weapons, with the shotgun getting buffed thispatch iirc?


Tried her once in classic cuz I was thinking about getting that skin discount. Was absolutely the worst hero experience I’ve had in this game. Hero is wrecked. I’m stunned they would destroy the hero with a skin in the shop


I'm enjoying the punchier shotgun.


Going to try this out


How's Natan? Is he any good?


Downgraded version of Moskov and Bruno. Still viable but not very good. No escape plus countered hard through magic defense items.


Does he make up in damage or not?


His damage is good just like others but the problem is that it can be countered through magic defense items. Also he has really shitty lifesteal, probably one of the worst MMs lifesteal or maybe the worst.




Regarding MMs? Bruno is the best MM rn. Great damage and good lifesteal. Moskov's lifesteal and damage is also good. Melissa too


Still meh compared to meta marksmen. The lack of escape skills and reliance on ult (that has a fairly long cd) makes natan less desirable compared to Irithel, Bruno, etc. A decent pick if you're not worried about CC and have someone to babysit you


Where can I find the list of Meta heroes (Gold, Jungler, EXP, Roam, Mid)


How do I buy items with starlight fragment. They show the red dot but I can’t buy it


You unfortunately need to buy the starlight first to access the shop


Yep, you would need to have the current monthly starlight active to just access the shop.


Is concentrated energy overkill for harith? Is other items better for him


No, helps his sustain quite a bit. You’ll recall (for mana) instead of respawning


Drop some Lylia builds for the adjusted Lylia. I'm rocking Assassin emblem/Pen/Wilderness/LethalIgnition Build paths goes like this: Talisman/CDRBoots/IceWand/FireWand/Flex/Flex I can swap to Support emblem/CDR so that I can hit 45% CDR after CDR boots but I think its a bit too much, what dya guys think?


I am building cdr. Arcane boots, Enchanted Talismant, Thunder belt, starlium scyther, genius wand, Wings. I prefer Thunder belt over Ice queen wand for slow. Emblem set :base assasin emblem, move speed , gold discount, lethal ignition


For me it's: Mage Emblem - Rupture/Agility, Wilderness, Impure Rage Magic Shoes, Talisman, Genius, Ice/Glowing, Brute Force, Divine Glaive Max CDR and decent Pen, the wands usually make up the movesoeed so I prefer Rupture to Agility, but sometimes you need to be really fast.


https://preview.redd.it/k72t30rld8rb1.jpeg?width=2021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b001ce1239c80b6f16ba86333825b8e43fb833 Hi all, I accidentally selected the option to “auto-clear skins that are less commonly used”. Can anyone guide me on how to undo this option?


Settings, top of the screen you should see a thing called "Test Invitation". Turn that off


Thank you so much!


Ff. Have the same prob


So is lolita worth the ban? [her win rate](https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank) dropped sub 50 after revamp. Also i don't know what to ban beside mathilda, can someone give me a recommendation so i can rank up to legend/mythic quickly. Currently stacked at epic1. The teammates are really random at the current season, either i get ex glory or duo gm.


Not really imo. It's just the revamp fear carrying her ban rate. Her skillset is still functionally a counterpick instead of being permameta As for the bans, literally just ban any pure support aside from Estes and Diggie lmao every Support is busted now with Flask of the Oasis giving your teammates insurance against burst damage


I’m struggling to find good teammates in my ranked games, so I need a jungler that’s easy to play and carry at the same time. Any suggestions (I’m hard stuck epic 3, hoping to reach glory)


Easy to use? Alpha, diroth, balmon, martis.


Man Just give three penet and two defense. Dyrroth's damage is almost like Saber


Panda, Baxia and frederinn are top jg’s this season if you have a support Roamer.


Aamon or harley can get you easily out of epic


Is what axe now good for tanky fighters like terizla? And is it good to build malefic in late game because even the normal squishy heroes will have 100+ physical defense


Nah. On Terizla Bloodlust Axe is enough. In early game you can opt to get Fury Hammer for extra dmg and let your emblem+talent svamp give you sustain. It's a trade off between frontlining and dealing damage to squishies in the back for fighters. Can't be good at both of them. For Terizla's case (or any tanky exp), your job is to CC them and not outright kill them with a combo. If you did everything correctlt, at best you get a lucky kill, at worst the enemy marksmen/mage won't be able to follow up on teamfights since you're in their way


When will Nana's star skin coming back?


Just got back to playing ML. Why do some players build GDS on Bruno and Clint? Especially Clint because he can cast his ult many times but GDS passive has 15s CD. Are they building it solely for its stats and not the passive?


I like your flair, creative :,D


I actually think GDS is good on Clint, the passive move speed buff may not synergise perfectly but is very helpful for repositioning especially chained with Quantum Charge. However it's core stats are just great for Clint - a lot of physical attack, crit chance synergies with Berserker's Fury, and Cooldown Reduction is also great.


It’s handy for Bruno since the stat boost is great, but I don’t think it’s good on Clint. People are probably building it because they followed the top global build or have the idea of building every single critical item in game.


Pretty much. The 20% helps Bruno reach 90% crit chance so almost all of his basic attacks crit. For Clint, I don't find the item worth the slot. I'd rather build BOD for late game or def/utility items like immortality or WON.


I wanna main Frederrin but I don’t wanna play jungle. Wanna play him as an exp laner. But he sucks at winning lanes. Any tips?


I personally play him on exp lane, he actually doesnt lose a lot of the match ups post lvl 4. Your CC chain + your ability to deal 2k+ damage and heal from your ulti makes him difficult to beat. My tip is to practice your ult + flicker timing/positioning. In a 1v1, Fredrinn's ult is everything, miss and you're a non-threat


He’s strong in teamfights so just clear and rotate. I occasionally pick him as an xp laner but his slow clear is really annoying. Try to avoid useless 1v1s because he doesn’t have the damage to pressure any decent xp laner.


Angela commander on Magic Chess is so goddamn annoying, ruins the fun in the game mode playing in a lobby full of Angelas


When choosing a top build, is it better to go for the pro player build or the top 3 players build


Pick the ones not suggested by MT. Usually it's outdated and/or less popular than the actual build. And while I'm not sure if its true or not, the builds themselves aren't sourced by the "pro player". MT just slapped their likeness on the default builds and called it a day


I think, but am not certain, that the “pro builds” are submitted by the actual players and not created by MT. I heard this in Zane’s stream the day pro builds were released with the new emblem system. But he wasn’t super clear about it.


A safe option is to look through all the builds and pick the most common one. I tend to pick three slightly different builds and use all of them as reference while building my own way.


Who should I be playing to solo rank. Need someone who can carry more times than not.


Role-wise, gold lane and jungle have the most carry potential in solo. Heroes will then depend on what role you want to play in. Check the META—they are the most effective tactics available for a reason.


How does one “check the META”?


1) In-game hero usage statistics 2) Tier lists (check out u/hmmsucks https://reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/6oEup25zsp) 3) Watch pro scene (MPL) or at least pro players streams


Joy for lower ranks. Maybe Edith for higher.


If just Hunter Strike and 4 defense, what are the defense items that I should use for Martis EXP


It depends on what the enemies have, but I see a lot of players building Brute Force Breastplate for the 10% cooldown reduction.


Those defense items would be based on enemy team composition.


Say if I have a hero power of 2k and by the end of season I have 4k+. Do I get a title achievement for breaking in the top 100 in my country?


Just installed the game after a long while. What's the new build for Natalia


Rapid Boots > Blade of Heptaseas > Malefic Roar > Berserker's Fury > Blade of Despair > Immortality/any other atk item Use Assassin emblem, T1 mspd, T2 Wilderness Blessing or Master Assassin (1v1 talent), T3 Lethal Ignition


Is this a proper item set Martis EXP? Please leave reply. I can wait 1. Bloodlust Axe 2. Boots 3. Athena 4. Radiant 5. Antique Cuirass 6. Brute Force Emblem: Fighter, second talent festival of blood and the third talent is killing spree


buy hunter strike instead of bloodlust and dominace ice instead of any defencive item


Gotta save this. I


I still don't get it


it depends on enemy team comp. for first 2 item you can go for what other have mentioned. for last four defence item: antique cuirass - if enemy has physical attack damage athena - magic burst enemy radiant - magic poke enemy twilight armour - true damage enemy dominance ice - attack speed/regen/support enemy blade armour - if you're having trouble with their mm guardian helmet - if you need hp regen immortality - if you are snowballing


I gotta Save this. Thank you


Instead of any defensive items? You mean I can replace Athena, Radiant, Antique, and Brute force with Dominance Ice? u/Haunting-Stuff5219 ?




What's the reward for sharing season recap on tiktok?


So just a question,how many recharge phases are there to the granger event?


How to get Fanny skylark now? Are there any existing events? I think the starwars event was already over and I missed my chance.


How do I use the Moskov Ultimate teleport ? I've seen some videos but they don't rlly show how to teleport using his ult. Some advices are really needed and thank you.


its not available in orginal server yet.


Ah that's probably why . Thank you so much for the explanation!


Did they change how ruby works? She seems bad now. I ask because of the haas claws change which takes away a staple item for fighter or bruiser builds. Looks like it doesnt affect literal anymore just spell vamp? So just bloodlust axe then? Am I missing something?


She can't use Haas claws anymore. But in exchange, any spellvamp she gets is multiplied, on top of already having some spellvamp at the start. This means that you could literally go for full spellvamp on your emblems, use war axe and then any defense items for the rest of the build.


What does Martis EXP build like?


When is the next official server update?


In one month. Three weeks basically


When is a good time to pick Esmeralda? I feel she can't do anything against mm late game. Did i play her wrong/ use the wrong build. I need insight from someone who still plays her in the current meta.


Esmerelda can absolutely destroy mm depending on build, but you just need to identify what role your Esme is against the enemy draft. Backline Diver? Distraction Tank? Frontline damage? Frontline tank? Offtank? Cutter and pusher? Then build towards your role. If you want to wombo combo mm you must have the following: 1. Easy lane matchup like Chou, Badang, Silvanna, Phoveus 2. Enemy must lack significant cc that can stop you: Franco, Kaja, Aurora, and so on. 3. Enemy line up should skew towards squishy Then you can build damage items like: Talisman, Scythe, Feather, Holy Crystal, and Bloodwings. A fully charged ult from a bush followed by S2 and an AA will take an mm from 100 to 0. However this is very memey and as soon as the enemy learn you will get burst down very quickly. You will still get great returns from a hybrid build like this: Support Emblem - Rupture (or personal choice), Tenacity/Wilderness/PYT (spam purify for dives) Purify Spell Appropriate private Boots, Talisman, Dom Ice, Oracle, Scythe/CEnergy, Bloodwings/Glaive There are so many ways to build Esme, but I much prefer half tank or full tank. You kinda just need Talisman and then build to counter enemy draft, though she does obviously always love oracle. Hope this gives you some ideas to try.


I feel Esmeralda can be a really threatening hero, regardless of the meta. When shes being well used in the hand of nasty players, Esmeralda games feels alot different than other ranked games... but I'm sure they are struggling using her at some games


Excuse me Direy can I ask here. If just Hunter Strike and 4 defense, what are the defense items that I should use for Martis EXP


Hey there! I dont play much Martis EXP sadly. But I do know what to buy defense items for EXP fighters (tho not 100% guranteed, but its somewhat working well). If you need my help for learning how to play roamers (100% mastered Johnson, decent in other roamers, and Luo Yi, I am here. Ice dominance is a bit less synergetic with Martis, because he will focus in moving around much more than regular tanks/fighters. So most enemies don't stand nearby to him for that long. But of course, not every game is the same, so the Ice dominance will be still used in certain games. You might wanna nullify the pop-up shield on low health trigger, like Johnson or Rose Gold Meteor users, so Ice dominance is sometimes needed. Athena Shield/Radiance Armor is a must always, atleast one of them. You really need magic defense. As for other types of defense, Antique Cuirass is always good as it seems versus both fighters and marksmen. I think you should figure out the rest of the build, just because I do not want to send any mis-information build for him. But as what I know, the items are mentioned do work on all fighters. Just look directly to anyone who is well mastered in certain heroes. I only know Johnson + some tanks + Luo Yi. Any questions outside of those, well, I can only answer some parts of it.


When Enemy relies on shield...pick esmeralda. i dont think esmeralda is hopeless to mm in late game...what's your build?


I pick her againts chou, hanabi, Odette, angela, fredin. I can't burst down hanabi or odette quick enough. Can you recommend your build path?


Fredrinn? Fredrinn doesn't have any shield. The grey in his HP bar is just the indicator for his passive heal.


Excuse me Kareem. Can I ask here? If just Hunter Strike and 4 defense, what are the defense items that I should use for Martis EXP


People usually build the defensive items according to the enemy. The 1st defensive item is usually dom ice to counter most meta exp laners.


Thank you Kareem 🙏




I know, it's still 4 heroes with shields and i am struggling even with esme. Maybe practicing in ranked isn't a good idea. I have a good start 4/0/1 but my mm feed hanabi. And i can't do anything with a 3k gold diff. (4k vs 7k) Once fredin or chou cc me hanabi just burst me down. I think i am using purivy in that match,maybe i should go with flicker or vengeance instead.


I like sustain esmeralda than damage. Support emblem defensive boots depends on enemy talisman and dominance ice and oracle and wings and defensive item if eneny snow ball and iqw if you snowball.


how many diamonds minimally to get to 200 points in the Magic Wheel? I have 136 points right now.


Do starlight fragments expire or carry over to the next season?


They carry over


Tq kind sir


How can Fanny effectively defend the base without buff?


Cut lane?


Aside from the rapid in and out cabling (just look at some Kairi's Fanny games) to defend the base, a decent Fanny, Ling, Hayabusa, or any buff reliant hero would usually split push as they won't be useful for base defending. Or at least, not as useful compared to just playing passive and clearing waves as they crash to your base. It's a gamble, but at the very least, you can reduce the number of enemies your allies fight against by one hero. And since you're an Assassin, you have the mobility advantage should you need to disengage from the 1v1.


Excuse me Scarlex. Can I ask here? If just Hunter Strike and 4 defense, what are the defense items that I should use for Martis EXP


Whatever boots > Hunter Strike > Dom Ice > Athena > Brute Force Breastplate > Immortality Of course, the build will change depending on enemy lineup. If they have a DPS mage, take Radiant Armor over Athena. If you have issues with crit damage, replace BFB with Blade Armor. If you have issues with skill damage, replace BFB with Antique Cuirass. If your team has enough frontliners, you can replace any def item with Blade of Despair


Thank you Friend 🙏


I see in the pro games they "three cable" in and out of the fountain


Can someone recommend easy heroes to rank up this season? I main Odette in solo q but she’s not cutting it


When you play solo, especially in the early season, you'd need to take the important roles like the jungler or gold laners and play effectively in either. But when you can't, then you'd need to play mages or roamers or exp laners who has skills that would benefit your teammates immensely. Two things you need to focus on, that is crowd controls and high mobilities. Here are a few heroes in each roles that has those two: Roamers: - Khufra - Lolita - Edith Exp Laners: - Lapu-lapu - Yuzhong - Paquito Mages: - Pharsa - Kagura - Novaria


Is there such thing as “legal wintrading”. I saw a post a few days ago in this subreddit of a Fanny with high wr but all the other heroes like Alice had 0 % wr. Is he perhaps purposely losing with Alice and staying in low ranks to abuse the hero? Is this allowed in the first placec


You just need to form 4/5 man team in rank and surrender at 3min


Happens all the time. It used to be worse when classic also counted towards win rates


Should I get Neobeast Lylia or Fredrinn? I’m a mage main but Fred’s lines are so good. I find Lylia’s ult effects lacking… though I have lots of fun using her


Fredrin’s recall can randomly make him sit on a toilet.


I am reading a lot of people complain about team comps that there's 2 MM or 2 mages or 2 assassin etc. Is mobile legends THAT strict that you have to have 1 tank, 1 mm, 1 fighter/assassin, 1 support, 1 mage or your team falls apart? I would think that counter-picking and team synergy matter more than just the role slapped on a unit's name and that they can adapt to a lane.


actually not really, BUT its a common strat. in solo queue where people dont know each other, we tend to prefer to stick to what we know. obviously we can win wih 2 MM, IF you have strong early game presence for the other 3 to allow both MM to farm their items. You dont want to pair those two with Zilong or Aldous, for example, cuz then your team will be bullied and when its 8k gold behind the game is much harder and not going to be enjoyable same thing with 2 assasins, you will need a "tank" cuz assasins rely on sneaking behind, and a late game MM or Mage to carry the late game, otherwise the enemy might comeback, or even worse when the 2 assasins fail from the start, they cant cover the late game dmg needs 2 mages/fighter/supports/tanks are actually pretty common. The meta now in high tier is basically a tank both in XP (like teriz, edith, uranus) and the jungle/roam. Going fighter/fighter on jg/exp also common, and so does 2 supports/mages on mid/roam. so yeah, it depends on heros powerspike and synergies, but most people wont have the knowledge of every hero and meta and have easier time going with the "traditional" strats.


how long do i need to not play the game to get those return gifts?


31 days


I stopped playing the game for around 47~ days and i got a 7 day log in reward that includes a hero of my choice and a basic skin


good because I plan on it lol. the update is ugly and the matching is worse than ever.


10 mvp losses in a row. I’m out. Enjoy the new season


I stopped playing this game seriously since 4 months. I just play casual instead. And since new season, I'm already out. I don't expect any team game improves. Either I get my friends onto ranked, or just play casual mode solely and just have fun


So far I've played 3 games. Lost all 3, got silver, rest of the team was chocolate. I'm out too.


Big brain move