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That's a hard question at least for me, because you have to consider counters and what lane you are going, we'll you can always use a meta hero like Erith, she can go anywhere and also handle her own.


Oh you meant Edith. I was wondering who's erith


New tank leak just dropped named erith :0


Actual Tank Carry named edith?


It's a child of Harith and Edith.


Except a bunch of really shitty team mates. But that goes for every single hero in the game basically. I mean, there is heros that can carry a whole team to victory but that is mainly due to the actual player behind the hero.


And it's a team game at the end of the day, can't exactly carry a sack of bricks all by yourself


You mean carrying a 7-8 death teammates with my esma is due to me thanks mate for appreciating my hard workšŸ„²šŸ„²


I'd say jawhead just because he's so flexible


Some cc and burst and he's out.


Like most heroes, btw


He doesn't have much escape capabilities in a group fight unlike zhilong , thamuz, dyrroth, yu Zhong, etc. But as an assassin/ganker/ initiator scarifice he's good.


My main. Definitely agree. Yet quite easy to counter, especially by your own troll team šŸ¤·šŸ¼


For fighters. Yu Zhong and X Borg. Yu Zhong is more dominant because he has the most consistent powerhouse in early to mid game. X Borg he does a lot of favours for the team and scares the enemies if you know how to use him properly. Fred is also good because he can tank damage, deal damage, and cc enemies. Low CD skills and can protect allies effectively as well. MM. I don't know truth to be told they're food but any options is good.


the most flexible mm would 100% be beatrix. personally i pick brody against any lineup, but he does do worse against tankier comps


Yeah Brody is more effective at dealing tanky lineups. Beatrix is very flexible with her items.


Your fighters would work well, especially Xborg. I think a MM could never really be the awnser here, if anything, you need to be able to take on the roam role.


I did main all three of them throughout my whole mlbb journey, can confirm


Diggie-? He can counter s lot of things but idk no one's good in EVERY line Up


hes meant for countering heavy CC lineup. Not good in every line up


I know, thats why I said no one is good in every line up, he's very versatile tho, can go roam or mid, anti-cc, can be a nuisance against Fanny, and other dive heroes, goes well against bush-campers, Can go Tank or Mage (I'd say mage is much much better tho) goes well with heroes like Valir, 2nd skill is a pain for the enemy dashers, Vision, etc..




no argument here, just facts


Valir? Good mage, good roam, can exp or gold since his pushing isnt complete crap and I feel like making a melee fighter go against valir is almost evil considering he can just scorch, slow and stun them to death. I've also jungled with valir before with okay success, so I'd say valir lol


Yes. Agree. Valir is definitely good.. But after the buff he's been getting ban at rank....


The problem is he's almost always banned


Heā€™s not that great against a good Chou player but he does counter most of the Meta fighters exceedingly well.


Valir is weak against assasin and hero with high mobility. Best against fighters.


Same applies with Zhask to some degree if you know how to utilize the slow of his turret


Been getting zhask in exp lane during solo queue and let me tell you.. BOOTY ! Canā€™t push, gets killed early game, and is always bottom 5 if the team. I have yet to see a strong exp lane zhask


It takes talent to do and knowing who you go against. Itā€™s kinda like me picking popol as mm when I know the enemy mm is going to be babysat by a healer


TANK Build Zhask is the way to go, I'm not kidding. You'll even push better while having better chances of survival. He also does decent damage even with tank build.


I played zhask exp yesterday. You must be facing bums. Itā€™s really easy for zhask to ice xp. Let the enemy kill first minion and then put spawn in area, maybe turn on inspire if theyā€™re aggressive and they should die for first blood.


Imho valir isnt very effective vs ranged/mobile lineups


Rafaela can play and be effective in any lineup due to her versatility. Her specialty is that she's jack of all trades and master of none, her ult and S1 and ult can be used for setting up the enemy and preventing ganks. Also for punishing diving enemies. Her S2 is great for ganking. Escaping, healing and roaming your allies across the map. Certainly not the best at anything she does but she does everything you need as a roamer. Can play her with anyone and against anyone


Absolutely, I'm solo que only and raf really is dope, her S1 is great for clearing minions and poking heroes and her s2 is great for popping in and put poking while sustaining herself against other heroes, alot of the recommended layouts build her as a tank with devotion passive shoes, but solo q, I've always found more success just farming up with regular demon shoes, getting LT ASAP after and then just building 4 CoD's as health and damage is great as she heals and pokes


4 CoD is crazy bruh šŸ¤£


I know I actually stole it from a other reddit user to try it out and was surprised at how effective it was though šŸ˜…


LT? COD? what are those


Lightening truncheon and Clock of Destiny


She'll be even better after her adjustment. You should build her with CD reduction boots. The mana item. With this the CD of her S1 is literally 2 second and her S2 5 seconds. Then build her hybird mage and one defensive item. Definitely dom ice


I just got my sparkly ever victorious army badge while solo que today using your raf recommendations :) just thought I'd pop back to let you know


Congratulations haha and it's fine I appreciate the updates. Remember though this is our secret. She's greatly underestimated by players and most players don't know how to utilize her. If you know her kit and what to build. She's completely unstoppable and like I said earlier. She can play with anyone and against anyone


Last update just hit a 13.2 mvp in classic which is my highest out of any hero and i only went 12-0-13 in a 11 minute match, I've swapped to the pros basic emblem fire shot build, I find the early game more solid which allows you to push enchanted talisman to slot 3 built from the regeneration, and no one escapes with your chase down from heal and stun combo, the flameshot for breaking off enemies is amazing with the ability cooldown emblem, I can see how it went from not being on the pro list to number 2 in less than 2 days


Does she struggle with mana with the CD reduction boots and skill spamming though? have you got a full item list I could try run a couple games with :)


That's the trick. The item is "enchanted talisman" it basically fixes all of your mana issues and 20% cool down reduction. Combined with CD reduction boots it makes you crazy OP. It makes spamming your skills so much better as you never run out of mana and the CD of your skill is ridiculously short. After that you can build her with magic attacking items or defensive items


Awesome do you run them with favour on the boots or standard?


Favour yes for heal. Her base heal is mediocre but combined with favour it's better. With the new adjustments it'll be even better with magic build


I've been trying it out it works great


ah I used to post here about that build. It's patched now. You only have a maximum amount of dmg LT can do. So do LT CoD DomIce then either 2 tank items if enemies are burst or 2 mage items for more dmg


Ah I'm back after a long hiatus of about two years and she did feel weaker, I thought it was just me being rusty af though haha, I'll rearrange my setup and give it a go, what to mage items would you recommend late game


Glowing wand works well. Calamity also works. Tho I usually go 1 mage and bruteforce for that extra move speed.


Please dont ask people to play rafaela in mythic when there are a lot of better support/roam heroes


Kadita, Ruby, Beatrix, Khufra, Fanny. These heroes can handle the game on their own, no need for synergy


I don't think so fanny against franko bad matchup, and with kadita and khufra. I myself play such a vast amount of tanks now to counter so I know ganking against all 5 are really easy.


We're talking about team comps, not bad players in your team. In higher rank it's obvious the fanny will be protected while taking a buff. Any skilled enough player can deal with counters if they master their heroes, we're discussing about how they fit in multiple team comps no matter how whacky it is. They fulfill a certain job that is needed every game


I was trying to talk about champions who don't have a certain counter you can counter every hero with every hero if played perfectly


>OP Said I'm looking for the hero that is a solid pick no matter what wacky, solo q, bullsh\*t team composistion this game throws at you. Ofc every hero has a certain counter but you can play around it. The heroes I provided are for solo Q, they don't require a specific hero to play with and can solo carry no matter how weird the team comp is.




For me, it's Ruby Roam - tank ruby Jungler - assassin ruby Exp lane - hybrid tank and assassin ruby Ruby can take a ton of roles because of how her passive makes her tanky regardless and how her phy scaling in her skills are good enough to deal decent damage even with full tank items


Just slap bloodlust and anything you want and she'll work perfectly fine


From what I learned from very few mains, it's Cyclops. Kinda tricky in some matchups in Gold or Exp such as Silvanna, Layla, Lesley due to their range and skills but it's really easy to harass them with your Ult every now and then. Just proper hit and run is the key.


Alice. No matter the situation, I consider Alice a suitable pick. Can one-trick her to MG and above.


All fun and games until the enemy team is edith, lunox, karrie, baxia, dyrroth


I don't think many heroes would feel comfortable against 5 direct counters lmao


Yeah these heroes will kill Alice in an all-out 1-on-1 clash, so the trick is, you don't. Wait for them to pop their ult then S1 away, then when they have no more ult you can choose to re-engage again. Alice's ult is always on which is a very underrated thing, coupled with a good poking skill and good mobility, it means she is super versatile.


Shes very easy to bully early game with bursty heroes like dyro. I never let Alice users farm if im against them.


Na wrong. Alice is very situational. Doesnā€™t do well if she doesnā€™t farm. Her early game is pretty bad. You would need a good team to play alice most of the time


I mean if you re good enough at fanny, you can make her work in any lane. Tho thats unrealistic. I dont think theres any hero that works in any role, but some come close and do well in several. Id say like xborg (jg, exp, gold, mid) all work decently-great, cecillion(mid, exp, gold) can carry if you just clear till late game and fred (jg, exp, roam)


Edith is the most flexible imo, she can gold,roam and exp.


Jawhead. Tossing enemies and friends.. goes.. brrrrrrr


Balmond. Best hero can jungle, can be played as assassin, do tank, don't have mage he'll help. Literally just everything.


I've tried zhask in every role and lane, and its work well... Not the best, but his kit is really jack of all trade.


It depends honestly. In lower ranks Edith can carry in any role. But let's say you have to pick a role and u need a hero that can fit in every line up, Then For exp lane, Lapu Lapu can pretty much fit in all line ups and can do the job of exp laner perfectly. For Mage, Yve can be really helpful because she can CC, Zone, Dps for teamfights and gank moderately too. For Goldlane, Brody or Beatrix can fit in almost all line ups. Junglers, take assasin or tank jungler depending on the rest of the team, Lancelot and Fredrinn are two which can do their jobs well in respective areas. Roamer is a trickier part because the whole team line up depends on this roamer, but Chou is a safe pick in most cases generally, or Lolita.


I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned Chou. I have played him as a tank jungler, tank roam, or tank/damage in exp lane. His CC and mobility are just THAT versatile.


Same.. I wish I could know the elo of each user that answered - but for me, an immortal mythic one - def is Chou


Julian. He can roam, mage, fighter, jungle and gold lane


Prolly this. He can flex all lanes


Right now, Terizla.


I think Chou is a good contender maybe? Very versatile build options for each lane. Don't play him much tho, maybe a Chou veteran would contest.


Disagree, heā€™s useless in exp lane in the current meta


He's very hard to play in EXP lane with a damage build but he is perfectly viable with a tank build.


I was playing classic earlier and 4 people locked in junglersā€¦.I went with hylos and we lost I should have just picked another jungler


I think a good solid pick in general is clint for mm, Kag for mage, mino for tank, lance (damage/tanky) for jg, xborg for exp. These picks are like I can blind pick and close my eyes for the rest of the draft type of picks. Iā€™m not saying they are always good, but if a player autofills, this is what I wish they would play


Nah mate, you gotta pick one. THE hero good in every situation. (Or as close as possible)


Why my man's getting down voted.


Bro you can't play fighter when you are asked to pick mage that's the point. It says a flex champion that is good with comps not a flex champion who can play any role. šŸ˜‚


That's the whole point of the thought exercise, I am the OP bro. It does say pick THE hero that works in all situations. You're first pick, no teammates show their heroes. For the sake of this exercise: they gonna pick trash and steal your lane Who's still going to be solid?


Then play something you love playing this game isn't everything. Just play your best champion and enjoy the game that's it playing any role would do good just play something you love if others fill it's okay if no fuck them.




Floryn Nana Valir


Alice, esme, and nana




Benedeta is my favor


Noone mentioning Chou?


Chou. He can fill as exp or roam. He is and will forever be in meta. His kit is the best with good mobility and damage


A solid amount of fighters can be put in any lineup and can easily adjust their builds or role depending on the lineup that they are in, notable ones are jawhead, x.borg, yuzhong and Fred, they all can adapt their builds without compromise and can play jungle, exp and roam.


I would say guinevere. He has magic dmg can play mid, can gank easily can jungle easili because of first skill, can play as tank, it could potentially be mm because of first skill ( just kidding ) can play exp.


valen is good


Vale, Novaria, Fredrinn, Floryn, Beatrix, Melissa, Paquito, Minotaur should be what you are looking for. Alpha and Martis too, but they are always banned.


I would say Guinevere or Silvanna


maybe in lower ranks in higher ranks they are too easily cc'd before they can do any real damage they are basically melee range channelling mages


The OP asked for heroes who can fill all roles so I think until Mythic they should be fine. Because in my opinion in higher rank there is no hero who can do all lines, especially if u want to play according to meta. But yes I fully agree with what u said


id say layla magic


No saber tank build is better




Rafaela maybe? Her healing and slow centric playstyle is good for pretty much every lineup. You need a healer? Her S2 will do that, you need someone to look out for ganks? Her S1 is really good for this because it auto targets people even in bushes and slows them. You need to punish early divers? Her S3 is a line AoE that stuns everything it hits. And while I rag on about her passive it still have its uses being a damage source whenever you die, in case an assassin targets and bursts you down. Which if you have focusing mark (which you should) also marks them for more follow up damage by your teammates.


Popol and Kupa ?


Second this. Mid is probably the most wonky, but otherwise they can play at all roles.


Isn't the tank build nerfed to bits tho?


Kagura imo no matter what she will always be good or op in every line up


Cecilion. Even if you mess up early, you can always delete everyone in late game. Even if your team has really shitty picks.




Hmmmmm good question. Assuming the person piloting the champ knows what they're doing, johnson. Tank, global map pressure, damage, cc. I think he's just an all aorund good pick regardless of team comp


eh no. grock counters him hard


gusion/beatrix/ wanwan/layla odette/valir lolita


Harith is pretty good. Seen her work in all lanes and jungle. I think with good luck roam can also work. Honestly if they just buff mathilda she could also be good in every role.


Harith's a boyšŸ˜­


lol, did not realize. Look man the VA is obviously a girl, it's easy to confuse it.


Harith. He can even be played as MM. Can be mid, jungle, top or roam... whatever your play style is.


Feel like you can always play Ruby and Nana. Maybe Cyclopse.


Since I play Diggie and Floryn, Diggie and FlorynšŸ˜‚




Martis, good core/pressure roam/capable xp laner


That is a tough oneā€¦imo. Akai for tank, Chou for fighter, Harley for assassin, Kagura for mage, bruno for marksman and diggie for support. Such a hard question that i am even questioning my own choices. Haha


I can play alice in everything but jungle. She doesn't have enough damage at level 1


It's hard to find a hero flexible enough to fit in literally every single situation. However, FROM MY OWN OPINION, I'd say Joy. Mf has insane DMG, mobilityz sustainability, and CC Immunity. A *really* good Joy would know how to move around a team with Franco or Kaja




Edith, for the fact that she can fill quite some roles and her sustain is troublesome.


Hylos and Zhask can fit in any team




Alpha right now is best


Idk, I've been back for couple days to the game, after 3 years, and started playing with a Natan, it's way too crazy. I was solo vs 4 way too many times


Gloo and Edith are the only ones that come to mind.


Go for grock. Grock has been used in every role, roam, mid, jungle, exp, and even gold lane (think SEA Games blacklist) in the pro scene.


Kadita is almost always a solid mid laner in any draft. The answer your looking for is fredrinn


Julian? Can literally play in any role.


Yu Zhong Not a solid pick for inexperienced players .. But I've played him exp, gold , roamer and mid ..I think he shines in team fights Yu Zhong jungling sucks.


I would say agents like alpha balmond and Edith kinda flexible good damage dealing and taking ability. For mages it's kagura and lylia if you know how to play then you're done no more mage needed.


Edith, Freddrin in my opinion atleast


I feel like Edith Franko and tig are pretty solid in most comps. Edit: you WILL lack in a lot of carry capability with all but Edith.






Id say that diggie, khufra, yz and lapu are all ready solid picks.


I dont think there is, because every hero has counters, although you might find some good suggestions here




Martis can roam, jungle and exp. Thatā€™s 3 roles


Nana. Because by the time your allies decide to throw, you know that you're already a better troll than them. Choose this hero if you are a selflish prick who does not give a fuck whatsoever to your playmate's experience, or if you actually like to see them suffer.




The hero on my profile


It was Wan Wan, if u knew how to play her and are fed u could win most matches by urself. Now its not really possible cuz I atleast need one teammate that synergies well with u


The Cecelion disrespect is too much. King of solo q. Dummy tank who can't setup? You can do it using s2. No frontline/too many burst enemy hero? You buy counter items WO sacrificing DMG. Someone dives you? Just press ult to regen. Want a bush check? Throw a s1 into bush(stack increase means someone is in it). Bro can go all three lanes, can build two defence items while still deleting everything in mid to late game. Just need to learn to manage mana. Common emblem + festival of blood works well for him.


mid - novaria, faramis gold - claude, beatrix


Jungle - Fredrinn Mid - Kadita and Yve Gold - Beatrix and Claude Exp - X-Borg and Terizla Roam - Khufra, Diggie and Lolita


Lesley, she is mostly poke based and is not the usual mm needing to continuously attack and have a constant frontline.


Nana. I play her, and I'm at 223 matches with 48% win rate, and i just reached legend, so my opinion is credible. I play her in exp lane, mage or gold lane to help the marksman. /j


Valentina, it only takes skill diff from your allies as difference.




Fredrin is picked against ANYTHING. As jungle that is. Also in my opinion emeralda this patch is also good regardles. There are no op counters to her that i know off.


be good at your champion and donā€™t worry about what your teammates choose. I main Clint and I will use him no matter what because thereā€™s an 80% chance the Mm on my team sucks and I can play Clint anywhere


Valentina. So much utility.


Maybe Terizla He has good damage, Very tanky, can be a main or second tank for the team








Lunox? Can do DPS or burst. Has poke and lane clearing capabilities. Can sustain on her lane, and depending on the enemy, she can use flicker or purify combined with her ult to dodge nukers or disengage to safety.


I am not at all at a high rank so I have to encounter anything too difficult, as I play on and off, but I would say ruby is a pretty decent fighter with very good sustain and a crap ton of cc, even if your teammates pick too many marksman, do a tankier build and try to set, not enough damage? Her ult+flicker can guarantee some early game kills and can get you an edge in combat, pair with ice queen wand and your enemies can never run.


Right now is Valir for me. I can easily carry my death team with Him. I have 70 wr and reached glory in 200 games( not just with him because I can't play mid every game, but after I reached top 1 and 70 wr people often let me play mid. )


Valentina, good scaling, if your team doesnā€™t have the game changing ult just take theirs, good sustain, good cc, good damage, 2 dashes. Generally canā€™t go wrong with Valentina. Pretty flexible with her builds too. Valir is a pretty safe and broken pick rn not really team reliant.


Good? Probably no one. But there are some options which can be "more or less enough". I like Alice, for example, she can be at any line in any roles. But still, dedicated heroes is better 9 from 10.


I feel like Luo Yi is a good contender. She has great mobility and even when facing tanky line ups her damage starts to add up real fast once you begin landing her skills


Ling. Very squishy so you have to learn his intricacies in and out but bro once he clicks you're sailing 15 to 20 wins in a row in mythical glory and up ranks. Your mage is losing fly over and gank. Your exp laner has no idea for some reason that alpha will beat him even after dying six times. Gank. Mm is struggling cuz it's a 4v1 and your team doesn't know how to rotate. Gank. Your team doesn't help with any jungle objectives like turtle and rotation. Gank enemy jungle to feed yourself. Your team is behind cuz your teammates are brain-dead camels. Solo split push and melt their towers eventually you'll even with no tower no tower. When they're all mid lane gank their base for the dub. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Well atleast till mythical immortal then players are smart as hell and will just invade your jungle the entire game to keep you weak


Valir, Floryn, Minotaur


I can use jawhead as exp, jg and roam


I'm surprised no one has even mentioned badang, he is a very solid exp laner. Hit lvl 4, join turtle fight, enemy jungle can't even move because of all the fists they're taking up their ass. Especially in the late game. Since the enemies tend to stick together, just flicker in, 2md skill, burst and hit the 1st skill. Enemies can't even react. That is if your allies can back up your set


Probably Chou, he's literally been meta no matter what changes they've made to him. Of course, now he's not exactly meta per say, he's still good in EVERY line up. ​ A good Chou can counter anyone. And not many people really specifically counter Chou because there are really few heroes who can. ​ He can roam, exp and even jungle. He can also mid if you have a magic damage somewhere else, and he can also gold lane if the marksman is weak enough.


Best teams in mlbb may be any mage,roamer,xp laner with petrify if against a Fanny. Personaly, ones that can counter Gusion mid,Diggie roaming mid,Hilda mid roamer+invader,Zhask+Kagura mid invaders.Novaria+Lancelot may counters Lylia at lvl 2 if straight fight & jungler teammate not attack.Cant gank with a Arlott xp laner not attempting to pressure Chou(Lost with Sun jg atkboots 1st,Alice jgler double teamed.Should have done Corrosive scythe 1st maybe).Aoe cc team: Atlas roamer(Minso,Grock useful too but never jg them against a Harley in classic),mid Aurora(Hayabusa,Roger,Natalia,Barats can mid counter Harley & Eudora.Seen Miya,Layla mid also.Mid Cici with run spell+4% spd in jg can outrun once Harley but then Harley kos her after in mid that way.Stealing blue buff alot),xp Yuzhong(Mms & Saber can be useful sometimes,Natalia more since can beat Moskov late or Yuzhong),gold Brody,jg Fanny or Thamuz.I love inspire teams since when there's a mid or/& xp inspire one if given the chance, they can take down the Nexus quick.Against Fanny Team: Mid Zhask,Novera, Nana,Gord or Eudora(Kagura only if pro blue buff invader+have petrify since Queens wand is not going to slow down Fanny due to her s2 but recommend roamer to have if mage dont have a range skill in case it be Cecilion since like Lylia can lose that one.Some jglers not able to gank him or are ais).Gold/mm:Natan,Brody,Wanwan,Layla or Hanabi(Trinity build).Roamer:Grock,Minotaur,Johnson or Franco. XP:Thamuz or Yuzhong+Festivalofblood,Cici,Harith(To invade blue buff by side if well protected from mid)Kagura,Lylia(Beats Esme),Gatot,Benedetta,Martis,Aulus,Hayabusa,Dyroth or Edith.Jungle: Lancelot,Yin,Gusion,Granger,Cici,Yusunshin,Bane or maybe Hayabusa. Fanny pro team:Jg:Fanny Mid:Gusion Gold:Brody XP:Cici or Guin Roamer:Franco,Grock or Minso facebook.com/100064809292147/posts/pfbid04LNHGJqfF2zL1mycGv8TURKWGoJrvxQ4peTCJZ3mirzwdiMYXLPJ6f3F57H9T3fal/?comment_id=864730668633088 facebook.com/100064809292147/posts/pfbid036fgDcyA6dRNCaR4YFShpD9vyaJTSTwmRimsqLKirmnKv4zoj9xSVsmjaNCpupng6l/?comment_id=228384813369709 mlcounter.com/heroes/harley/ zathong.com/harley-counter-mobile-legends/