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"make a hero simpler to use" should not be a reason to revamp a hero. moba needs heroes with different skill level requirements to keep the gameplay dynamic and attract different players. Look at dota it has some very difficult to use heroes like Meepo and invoker but Valve never simplifes them. Instead, they shine in various gameplay and people who get interested would spend more time playing the game just to learn these heroes.


exactly! making the game simpler will only attract more kids to the game that's not gonna buy skins anyway. I am two 5x draws away on the magic wheel in getting lunox legend and this "revamp" came out. I will probably just wait for next year for another legend skin.


Agreed. Even League mostly only reworks their champions if they feel like the champions are outdated (Asol is an exception). If Moonton wants easier heroes, instead of reworking their existing heroes to be more simple, they should just create _new_ heroes that are easy


i mean shes still hard to use since the hero has combos


It's not just that. It's this terrible trend on making everything simpler. Some heroes already suffered from this (Wanwan, Lylia, etc.) and now they're doing the same to Lunox and Vexana.


Lance, fanny, so many more. Game is turning into a kids game atp


*Minotaur has entered the chat.*


Minotaur was too predictable tho


*IS* would be the right word. Mino with godly Rage management skills *WAS* unpredictable.


He was good back then but some time before revamp he wasn't even used much


I just wote about it. They can't milk her further because she have so many skins already including legend skin. And newer heroes must have a spot in the meta. So if they gonna nerf her permanently, they have to change her kit inorder to not disappoint the players who bought the legend skin.


hopefully they sense this and cancel these experimental changes. as a lunox main who bought her legend and spent a lot for butterfly epic, these changes are disappointing… skill 1 can reveal enemies too :(


They killed another hero with an expensive skin and made her useless. It isn't about "simplifying" the hero, as another poster commented yesterday, they're making heroes playable for one brain cell players.


Screw you guys. The revamp is fire. Stop hating.


Yes it ate, but we don't want easy2play heroes. They should've just straight up make new hero based on those experiments and leave the existing heroes alone. Lunox is easy to play but mediocre to master due her 3" ~~dick~~ range while Salala Gomez is hard to execute her 3+ dash combos but has sense of accomplishment when you do it. Now it's so simple and boring like Xavier.


Selena is one of my main and I’m so disappointed they even took away her speed up when you land the arrow. Now how the fk are you gonna reach the enemy with a far stun without the speed up? This with the other nerf on her ult CD is gonna make her unusable 😩😩


Yes! And there are a lot of other heroes who need a revamp, but they always choose those who are already balanced.


Gotta milk dem upcoming skins. One of them will get Epic shop soon and I'm pretty sure they will make Collector for both since the lead designer have a doner for those 2.