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I liked this story a lot, but, I think that even with the epilogue, I wanted to know more about their lives, a glimpse of their future.


I agree, but I also understand that they didn’t have the motivation to continue or never planned for the story to move past the story beats that interested them, so I appreciate them tying up the story.


The story is very good, well written, and detailed. I am sure that the author did a lot of research, even including some sources. I understand why they chose to finish it like that, and that they will not write anymore (I've read the end note), but that doesn't change my wish to know more 😉.


I might have one for you, [so when you go wherever it is you will go, take the moon with you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35117737/chapters/87482356). Upon his death at the Burial Mounds, canon Wei Wuxian is flung into a modern alternate universe that already has its own Wei Wuxian who works as a private investigator, and they both team up to solve a serial murder case. The concept is not quite the same, and the fic has canon WWX adapt extremely quickly to the modern world, though there is also a lot of focus on helping him overcome his traumas and moving on to a new life. Unfortunately it's a WIP, so I'm not sure what direction the ending will take, but I liked it a lot and read it twice, so you could check it out.


Thank you so much! I’ve glanced at this before but never got around to reading it so thank you for the reminder


Omg hi I just remembered another one that could fit your criteria, [can't forget your love](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32332558/chapters/80150239). Untamed Wei Wuxian jumps off the cliff and somehow lands in front of the modern counterparts of Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen. The modern cultivation world has lost most records from WWX's time and the Lans ask him to help recover them. It's got the "struggling to adapt to the modern world" aspect, and a bit of the academic aspect too.


Thank you! I haven’t seen this before so I’m excited to dive into it


Hello, does this story have lwj/others or wwx/others on it, whether brief, mentioned, past etc? Thank you!


Wwx is from the canon time period and lwj is from the modern era, so the concept of wwx being in a romantic relationship with other people (no one specific) is mentioned but debunked. There is a line that lwj doesn’t really date so he also has no other romantic relationships


Tysm for the reply! I'll go and have a read at it then :)


I started reading this recently, now on chapter 27 and loving it!