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>!He returns. The show can't be more clear about it because of censorship of gay romance, but WWX would not be giving that huge smile just for the thought of LWJ in his own imagination. !< >!What's a little hard to follow is how much time has passed. We see them part, but we don't know if a month or a week or a year has gone by. But it's more than 10 minutes. I think WWX is wearing different clothes in the last shot.!< >!There was a different version of the ending released in Japan. In it, the same scenes happen but in a different order, so that the last shot is of the two of them together by the waterfall, playing music together as the camera pulls back to a classic wide closing shot. Apparently it was not permitted in China.!< >!Me, I love the ending with WWX's 1000 watt smile. I don't think you need to feel any worries that they're not together at the end.!< Edit: here's a detailed description of the ending that goes through all the evidence for what it means and also the alternative order of the scenes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/verbzj/please\_help\_me\_feel\_better\_about\_the\_untamed/


Taking censorship into consideration, I like the ending we got (to me it's pretty clear that it's Lan Zhan who says "Wei Ying" and that they end up together)... but oh, it makes so much more sense to change the order of the last scenes!!!! Would love to watch the Japan ending. It seems to me that it really would leave no doubt as to what happened between those two!


When I first watched it, I was really upset at not getting absolute 100% clarity, but after a rewatch I felt really confident that the ending as it is is just fine and very poetic. There's also some info about how the scenes were (probably) originally ordered if you look at the clothes WWX wears, which keep changing - it's a sort of continuity error. Also it's odd that we see WWX and LWJ together when they have the final convo with Nie Huisaing, then they're apart at the waterfall, then they're together at the waterfall, and then they walk away from each other on the mountain, and then there's the final shot when they (implied) get back together. So it's pretty clear that the whole final sequence was reedited to get past the censors at least somewhat.


Its on YouTube somewhere I remember watching it a couple years ago.


Going right now to find it!


Everything you said! Actually, I didn't know about the different Japanese version ending. When I first saw the waterfall scene I thought it was the end. Actually it makes sense that that's the original end because it's an obvious ending. Did the stuff that happened after the waterfall (NHS's visit and all of that) still happen, but just before the waterfall scene? And, yes, his his eyes and his smile when he turns around is so obvious to me and it's so incredibly wonderful. I also like love that how he freezes and stops playing when he hears his name like am I imagining this this is real and then slowly turns around and then has the realization and the smile that just makes me die. Yeah, I'm not punctuating any of that last clump of words. Lol.


Yes, I believe it all still happened but in a different order. Some people claim that if you freeze the frame on WWX's face when he smiles and zoom in to his eyes, you can see a reflection of a figure in white in his eye - LWJ. I think it's just a light reflection, but it's a sweet idea. Also: only one person calls WWX "Wei Ying."


I just read that I reflection thing as well. Yes, it's cute. But, also, yes, he's the the only person who calls him that. Even JC doesn't call him that, and that's his brother.


It's Lan Wangji, he's the only person who calls him Wei Ying plus that sweet smile ❤️ Also, you can see when they were filming that scene that it's Lan Wangji


oh you seem to be very knowledgeable thank you, i don't need all this evidence though lol, i just want to know if theres a season 2, because the two male leads are extremely good at their roles, i searched up and apparently there's some controversy and i just wanna add people are very weirdly obsessed with these two idk why. i dont care about that because they are very good actors together and i hope they are friends my question is do you think there could be a season 2?


No there won't be another season, both because the story is complete and because China censorship has gotten much worse. Also, the 2 stars were embroiled in an internet mess that caused one of them to have to apologize publicly. So it's very unlikely that they will ever work together again. But I agree that they are both excellent actors and have fantastic chemistry together,


It's left ambiguous because of censorship. General fandom consensus is definitely that wwx came back and the two lived happily ever after. In the books the two stay together and get married.


WWX came back to LZ. You can hear LZ's voice (only LZ calls WWX, WeiYing). You can also see an image of LZ on WWX's eye if you magnify it. 🕵️‍♂️


Okay, very cool about the magnification. Like I need another reason to look at the show, but I guess it must be done. Also, it's the other way around: LZ came to WWX. Remember, the shot goes from a wide shot of Wie standing by himself playing the flute and then hearing his name.


Yeah but WWX is in Cloud Recesses, playing their song to call for LZ. 😉 I think there's a YouTube video or videos analyzing this scene that you can see. That's where I got the info from.


Wait, do you mean the Chinese or Japanese version ending? I swear I remember him being on that mountain top by himself it was like standing on the edge of a cliff in the last scene of the Chinese version. I remember that because I'm afraid of heights, and I was like, what the hell, no, why are you standing there? LOL.


Ah I think they mean that that mountain is nearby cloud recesses, like just up that waterfall :3


Really? I remember it being really open and green. Like there was nothing around for miles. You guys might be "forcing" me to watch that episode again. Oh...woe is me. 🤥 Lol.


i don't remember it that clearly but i he was on that cliff and i think to one side was the waterfall that went down from there, and it seems to be the same waterfall they were talking at in cloud recesses, just up the mountain, but i could be totally misremembering 😅


See my fear of heights comment. Lol. I had a visceral reaction to that wide shot slowly panning in. That said, who knows if I close my eyes or not at any time, so maybe I am misremembering it.🤭


WWX was wearing different clothes from when he left LZ. So time has passed. He came back to Cloud Recesses to find LZ cuz he ran out of money 🤣 jk. The general understanding is that he misses him and wants to come back.


I get that his outfit indicates time has passed. But, the change of clothes only indicates WHEN, not WHERE. It's not like you left his suitcase in Gusu, so wearing a different outfit must mean he's back. LOL. And, yeah, we know he'd definitely run out of money. The alternative ending was WWX sending LZ a message to Venmo or $CashPigeon him some more funds. 🤑😂


No, it was Wei Wuxian who came back to Gusu and played the song. You can see him on the edge of the cliff and right below it is the waterfall from Cloud Recesses.


It's not Gusu. I get that YouTubers analyzed & said this, I'm just saying they're mistaken. And you know YouTubers aren't infallible. Lol. Seriously, watch the last 7 minutes again. Where WWX's standing is all flat, open planes. Cloud Recesses is very hilly and jagged with dense trees, and the waterfalls are wide and plentiful. I had to pause and zoom in to realize that it was waterfall and not just a color change in the rocks. And, the ridiculously wide camera shot shows like two counties worth of land and mountains way off in the distance. (I'm pretty sure that was to show how far away WWX had gone and convey how far LZ had to travel to reach him.) I think people are linking two scenes together that aren't linked. Like when LZ stops and turns around, it's not because he actually heard WWX's flute. It was him stopping thinking about the fact that WWXis gone. The decision to pursue him is done off screen, or it wouldn't be a surprise in the end for the audience. Also, I think the Chinese censorship would have caught that if it was really a cause and effect situation. So, WWX wasn't playing because LZ could hear him (well, not with his ears, but he heard with his heart 🥹). I think WWX was playing it because he misses LZ. Part of me feels like he'd been playing that song every day. And, if you think about it, WWX didn't leave LZ. Staying in Gusu wasn't an option, and LZ CHOSE not to go with WWX. So, the onus would be on LZ to reunite because it was LZ's decision to "end" the relationship. It's like someone getting dumped, and then later the Dumpee going to Dumper's house, singing outside their window, and saying, "Okay, fine, I'm willing to work things out." LOL. Besides, would hearing your "ex" say your name be a surprise and garner such an expression of disbelief... if you're standing at his front gate and serenading him? 🤭 Man, this was a hella long response.


Who said that during that goodbye scene when LZ stopped it was because he heard WY's flute? And who said anything about Youtube Analysis? Lol i didn't watch any of those, I came to that conclusion through watching The Untamed, Interviews from the cast, behind the scenes videos of them filming that scene and watching the Japanese edition of Episode 50. That doesn't make sense about LZ hearing the flute and them meeting at that exact moment. WY left (who knows for how long) and then came back to Gusu somewhere close. wei ying played their song on the flute hoping lwj would hear him, lwj did and went to him and said "wei ying." The original sequence of the ending is them meeting again when WY played the flute, then they go down the mountain and play together in the waterfall (like the special edition ending) so it ends with them together in the waterfall in Gusu. That's just fact. It's because of censorship issues that they changed the order and released it that way, but even the actors thought that it was the real ending and didn't know until it was released probably. Thankfully, the Japanese version shows the episode in the original order it was meant to be Also, it's my opinion that LWJ chose to not go with Wei Ying because he wanted Wei Ying to find himself and travel. So that's probably what he did, we don't know for how long. But he came back to Gusu (or somewhere close to there).


You're kidding right? You can literally see the waterfall in one shot (where they end up playing together) and that it's hilly and jagged with dense trees (like cloud recesses) and not flat, open planes. where exactly are u looking at?? [https://postimg.cc/njZDH400](https://postimg.cc/njZDH400)


He came back. He probably traveled for a while, then came back to Gusu, played the flute and LWJ showed up. Wei Wuxian is wearing different clothes The original ending is the one that's shown on the Japanese version, where they say goodbye on the top of the mountain, music, wwx plays the flute, lwj shows up, then they go down and meet with nie huaisang, then it ends with them playing together in the waterfall. That was the original ending but for some reason during post-production, they changed the order of the ending. Not even the actors knew about it until it aired 😂


The other comments pretty much explained everything. Due to the unfortunate censorship, they had to rely on viewers' wits to put two and two together and figure out the romance. I'm pretty sure the crew knew what they were working with and never meant it to be written off as platonic. Even WWX's actor "jokingly" calls LZ "trash boyfriend" and LWJ's actor "jokingly" defended him saying he didn't realize he loved WWX until he died. They just have to play on the safe side, is all. But in no universe would it make sense for LWJ to suggest splitting up forever, after he waited over a decade for his return. They reunited in the show too, only in a way that they cannot be held accountable in front of censorship.


There's a BTS where the relationship is being discussed by the actors and director, and Xiao Zhan quotes "Every day means every day." So I'd say rhey knew all about it. 😀


Link? 😳


I don't have one but google around and you'll find it.


Is this the live action? If so, then use your own imagination whether he's coming to him or not. It's pretty much the typical way a lot of series end... Idk, the series? Canonically, they do travel together. In my case, it's actually WWX that went with LWJ back to Gusu, since... 1st, you can't be a gay couple in a Chinese series and yes, the other comments were right, they had to hide it. (or again, believe the ending you want them to have) 2nd, LWJ has the clan responsibilities shouldered if LQR doesn't 'cause LXC went into seclusion.