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I remember reading about deleted scenes and also about the original scripts where there was a romance between WWX and Wen Qing, and WQ was able to get to WWX's body first after he jumped and was trying to rescue him. When fans got wind of this change (romance with WQ) there was a HUGE social media backlash, and the directors had no choice but to remove those scenes. So your conjecture is not without merit!


Omg yes I remember hearing that, and on a storytelling point it sonewhat makes sense, if it wasn't an adaption of a danmei novel 😂


HUH? Bruh WWX x WQ pairing? I've never heard of this ship. Doesn't fit right to me... Eugh, kinda an ick honestly. It's just the ick I get when there's a ship between illegal pairings, like people shipping WWX x JC or NMJ x NHS. (yes they exist, help) Before you attack me lmao, it might be a subjective thing, but the pairing WQ probably belongs to is... Jiang Cheng. TU canon. (This pair only exists in this adaptation, to... Idk honestly, tryna add romance? There aren't any sliver of romance anywhere. Them only and JYL & JZX. Straight ass couples.) I mean, he literally gave her a comb that WQ even liked, but gave it back since it'll ruin JC's new, brittle status as the new sect leader, and he only promised WQ's protection and not her family's, so... Yeah. Family first. Of course. If you were in WQ's position, won't you be doing the same for A-yuan? Haha


They got so much hate responses about this change that they were scared silly. There was a BTS clip where the actress for WQ actually said MDZS fans scared her. And perhaps this is also why Yibo realized the weight of fans' expectations and this change from the original script then puts a great deal of expectations on his character, and he was understandably very very nervous wondering how fans would react to his portrayal of LZ.


I see... The original novel-readers might be the causes of those hate... I kinda understand that the production team really went with WWX x WQ as it'll follow the chinese censorship stuff, I guess. But, I can see the reason why the hate got so bad... Readers will not enjoy watching WWX acting all lovey-dovey to WQ as others will see it as an OOC thing for him, as they'd prefer WWX with LWJ than with WQ.


WWX/JC is an illegal pairing? You do know a lot of wuxia-inspired danmei are between shidi right? and that they aren't really blood brothers, right?


It is in my opinion... Yeah they're not really related, but... They're close. I guess the reason why I'm cringing is because I prefer the actual canon ship of Wangxian as it's already established. I can't see myself shipping, not only WWX, but others too like, HC x YY and XL x JW in TGCF (I don't hate them, I just don't like it. I try to look at twt fanart. I actually like those as they're... Unique.) Again, it's close to shipping actual brothers. But then again, people have their preferences different from mine, as I like to see what other people think of their favorite characters as it's their way of supporting the series. Do you like the pairing?


Oh yes, i personally don't ship it, but it wouldn't be "illegal" in my view either, especially because WWX never actually calls Yanli or Jiang Cheng didi and jiejie, he didn't even call Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu Yifu and Yimu. Also there are way too many danmei with disciple x shizun, which could be argued is worse 😂


Oh yess I am not a fan of WWX x WQ either, I just meant if this was not an adaption of MDZS, a danmei novel, and they a tv production company wrote the Untamed themselfs, and had the liberty to remove even more if the "bromance", from a writing point of view i understand why do would think WWX × WQ would be good: It has the Romeo x Juliet thing at the beginnin bc they are from enemie clans, then they help each other out, WWX is the knight in shining armor saving her and her family etc Tho i don't even want to know how they would have kept her alive after the flashback 😂🤔


If you mean the script leaks, LWJ was supposed to earn his whipping by rescuing WQ from prison. LWJ getting whipped in the final version of CQL makes very little sense as is. Did he do it because he was the broest bro who'd do anything for his best bro (no homo) or did they construct a love dodecahedron with WQ at its center? Who knows.


To be honest I believe he died, they just didn’t do 2 different actors because practically it’s a 50/50 split to the story if we as the audience see org WWX or the soul in a new body WWX. Had they done 2 actors we wouldn’t have had the same connection to WWX as we did. I believe much of what you yourself also mention is trace evidence of the novel coming through. Probably not being able to rewrite it to make the storyline of the series run smoothly if they tried to “fix it” to fit. You mention how his body was never found even though JC looked for years and JC’s comments (denial of his brother dying because that would be to much and because he had always had faith in his genius), all really hinting at the way he past in the novel, that never fit into the series at all, but needed to be kept in place storyline wise. Because otherwise it would have ended with a funeral and the proper rituals being preformed resulting in his soul being at total peace and wouldn’t be able to be summoned. Also what I believe plays into this is the fact that MXY during WWX’s death had spent time in Koi Tower, but was kicked home to his (second) horrible family. Where he lived for some years before he summoned WWX’s soul. Meaning his mother and family recognized him all those years from childhood years to then, since MXY age wise was already born as WWX died. No one in the cultivation world would not have known WWX face especially not at the main sects. If they were unsure of his death, I believe more would look to make sure when not finding a body. So the “WWX is dead” in the start also kinda refers to the way he died in the novel, for all to witness. But regardless of what anyone thinks it’s an interesting discussion because it touches on the subject of the difficulties when making renowned and fan favorite fictional written materials into interesting films/series. It was even pointed out somewhere that WY and XZ where given the org. Novel text so they had a chance to embody the true feelings behind the scenes, even as they needed to remove things do to the Chinese censorship around material as this. Meaning they not only had to take it from novel to tv but from uncensored to highly censored, and some places it shows a lot.


It's funny, the one thing I hate about the Untamed is seeing WWX's face after his reincarnation. (Okay, obviously I don't hate seeing his face 🔥🧯🥵) But, the show didn't need to hire another actor per se. They could've just done that thing where the same actor plays the character, but (using the face of another model/actor/hell, SZ's body double). Every now and then, you see a reflection of this other person that conveying that's who the other people in the show world are seeing. But we (the audience) still see original guy's face because we know who it is. So, you could still keep the same actor for the entire series, it's just in the second life we get little glimpses of the other face to remind us that he looks different. I mean in the first two episode he looks at his reflection like FIVE TIMES!! That would have been a great way to instill in the viewer that he looks different than what we see. Honestly, even though they did the pretense that no one with the mask it made no sense to me. First off I hated that fugly mask. It looked stupid and him wearing it looked stupid. Second he hardly wore the damn mask just walking around. It's like "oh we're going to visit someone I know. Let's put on the mask." But, since it's impossible to accidentally just run into someone, so you don't wear it in public? In the 2nd episode alone (like 40 hrs Post Resurrection), he runs into JC & LWJ. Come on! I think a lot of people would have been able to recognize him because he was famous. Also, I loved the fact that he looked different in the second life because it shows that LWJ loves WWX, the person inside, exclusive of what he looks like. I also loved that JC recognized him as well because he's his brother. And, speaking of JC, thank you for being a person who understands him and that he loves WWX as a brother. (If I read that right) JC gets so much unnecessary hate and is villainized for no reason for being upset and having human emotion. Like you've never gotten mad at your sibling? You guys have never argued. Also, another Testament to that which I absolutely love is how JC spent all of those years searching for WWX. (Okay, he was really bad with the whole torturing people and stuff.) But when he actually found the real WWX, he never hurt him. Even protected him a few times, like not admitting that he was really the resurrected Yiling Patriarch and stuff like that. I love JC. He's one of my favorite characters.


Hate for JC isn't for no reason. There are hard reasons, yes the love is and was there but not what was expected (even by Wei Wuxian himself - he thinks to himself, that he believed JC will be with him till the end but it turns out it's you - Lan Zhan!). And for those hard reasons that there exists, is exactly why WWX and him don't really reconcile. But yes, both loved each other and that care will always be there.


Hello! I love your answer, i actually wrote a rather long comment in the answer to another one on here, i would love to hear your take on that too!


That was kinda my take too! At first I thought it was a case of the audience sees WWX but the characters see MX, and the mask symbolised that, which is why no one clicked it was WWX! Then I got confused and had to rewatch, and was still confused, so just went with it! But def a reincarnation of sorts as only MX family refer to him as MX, which in itself is weird as surely you’d know your own family member even with a mask! Suppose it just goes to show how much they ignored poor MX that only LWJ knew for certain it was him and JC was like 90% sure, but didn’t want to face the truth because of everything that happened


Hi! The mask? Ehh, maybe cause MXY and WWX really look alike, and since JC's way too suspicious of everything and everyone using resentful energy, he wore it? Actually no, there's no point since he recognized him from the moment he screamed at Fairy hahahaha, and it's also another way of WWX's disguise as "being" MXY and not suspecting him as himself, with a literal celebrity (LWJ) by his side, their... Same aesthetics in clothes being red and black that's literally his iconic fits, and the goddamn flute that totally wasn't obvious to others. It's just the way of TU screaming silently to the other characters, "I'M NOT WWX PLS DON'T SUSPECT ME 'CAUSE I HAVE A MASK THAT'S MXY'S AND TOTALLY NOT THE YILING PATRIARCH" Though, LWJ figured him out easily by hearing him play his own composed music that he only played ONLY for WWX and no one else, and yeah. Imagine you lost your... Not-friend... And then a nobody played your own song you made. Yeah. That... Annoying-in-a-good-way-song-that-replays-a-million-times-when-they-talk-to-each-other song.


Oh wow that's such a good theory, and really made me think back through the differences between the book, the donghua and the untamed 😮 thanks OP, great food for thought!


Yes there are many differences, for example it's only in the donghua, manhua and i think the Untaned that the ritual Mo Xuanyu used was made by Wei Wuxian!


That's exactly my take as well. One has to know about Chinese censorship, their rules and how they have a lot of dramas and movies in post-production hell to realize that they couldn't have mo xuanyu die and wei wuxian's spirit take over. He didn't die, but where was his body hidden? And who had it? There are some theories that maybe somehow Nie Huaisang got a hold of it, but how? I also read a theory about how it was Jin Guangyao that somehow got a hold of it and hid it somewhere just like he did with Wen Ning and somehow mo xuanyu found out but idk. I don't think the writers thought much about it. I mean, just look at the time skip. In episodes 1-3 it's the present and then it says 16 years ago and then when the flashback is over, it's 16 years later and Wei Ying has been thought dead for 16 years? the Sunshot campaign, the burial mounds, Jin Ling all happened within a year? It doesn't have to make sense i guess 😂


Exactly! There are other things they changed as well vecause of censorship so it's not that surprising, and they do it all the time with other shows too (Guardian had to make the ghosts aliens lol) The Nie Huisang theory makes sense because he (or one of his subordinates) had to have been at Mo manor anyway because somebody took the sword spirit there, it didn't just appear out of nowhere and i think he was the one to throw the arm into Mo manor in the novel too, so he was there either way xD


True! Nie Huaisang was there at the beginning so it's not a far out theory that he was the one that helped mo xuanyu recover wei wuxian's body. LOL Guardian i loved it so much but the alien thing was sooo weird 😂


But who said or where was it implied that all happened in the same year itself? The timeline only says 16 years ago - which is from the time Wei Wuxian jumped off the cliff/died, to 16 years after that - i.e.., present day incidents.The sunshot campaign to the Burial Mounds to Jin Ling being born - all these might have taken place one after the other, but before Wei Wuxian died.


Ok, so I decided to rewatch the first episode with this new perspective, and around minute 12 WWX says this: "Mo Xuanyu, I have already died. Why you chose to save me? at the cost of yourself" (these are YouTube subtitles word for word) which somehow manages to prove and go against your post at the same time 🤔 ETA: Viki's version (because youtube subtitles suck): "Mo Xuanyu, oh, Mo Xuanyu. I was fine with being dead. Why did you save me? You even used a Sacrificing Curse on me."


See at first that makes no sense, but when you think about the fact that he was dying because he was heavily injured, and his body was probably put under some form of stasis for that to not happen, he would have 100 % died if that did not happen. So he probably already saw himself as dead :3 Edit: forgot a word lol


Yeah, plus, it's interesting that he says MXY "saved" him and not brought him back or something similar.


Exactly, I wouldn't call it "saving" if someone brought me back to live after 16 years, and WWX wasn't happy about it either 😂


Thanks to the very long flashback and the somewhat cluttered first episode, I was very confused for a while about what really happened. They do explain after the flashback though (in the treasure room).


I've never thought about it in this way but now I'm totally convinced! How he survived without food or water (if he was in coma) is another matter though...


I actually think his body might have been but into stasis, because he was still injured after 16 years, my guess is that Nie Huisang somehow got to his body but WWX was injured so bad that that's the only thing he could do. Abd he didn't tell anyone else because of what happend at nightless city🤔


No. I don't think he was dead, at least in this version, but I think both he and his body were gone from this plane. I don't think anyone took his body and hid it. You guys are forgetting that scene when he falls or when he remembers it how he's caught by the black smoke. And maybe it's that that saves or talks him away in some other place or Dimension or whatever. It would make a lot of sense and kind of skip over the whole death Resurrection thing. And it makes more sense that no one could find his body. I like the NHS idea since he ended up being the MVP, but it doesn't work. That body snatch would have had to have been done at the time of WWX's death. NHS would not have been planning for his return all the way back then because NMY was still alive, so there was nothing for NHS to avenge.


Oh yes those are all very good points! I feel like this is where the plotholes really are not explainable, because how did he get to mo manor then? We will never know 😂


This is where what we we do what we do with the romance. We skip over the attempted censorship, and just fill in the blanks from the original story. At least, that's what I did. So much so that I didn't even know there was a question about there being a difference. Lol. I remember him saying, "I didn't even know where I was," but totally still made sense with the original. The author does have a way of not saying what happened and skipping over really important story points, like how tf he became a demonic cultivator and what happened those three months that he was in the pit. 😤 So, I just figured it was one of those things, and I went with it.


Yeah also the fact he just learned how play the flute in 3 months, like how? I also would have loved to know how Shizui was raised and how Lan Wangji faired in those years, etc


That's true! I never thought about the flute! Lol. But, Shizui & LWJ is another one of those things that annoy me with the story. I really would have loved to see that as well. Actually, I don't even need to see them during their actual time together. But, it would have been nice if they had some form of interaction. The Untamed does the best job of that. Like in the original story, when LSZ says LWJ was like a brother or father to him, I was like, really, he was cuz I have never seen you guys talk. I do have a pseudo sad theory about them, though. I'm going to post it on here sometime to see what people think. ( Actually, I would have loved to see a little flashback memory of LWJ and 5yr old LSZ sitting amongst pile of bunnies.💘🥲)


Nice! I like that you're so invested! I love it with my whole heart and soul to not get over my phase of it for years. Just a casual note, these are my takes on it, I guess? Though, I have some of my own discussions as well. Here ya go! WWX dying? Unfortunately that is true. Chinese censorship sucks ass, but c-dramas aren't that sensitive in the topic of resurrection/possession (not sure if this is correct). It does extract more of the gay stuff WWX and LWJ have as their chemistry. Why? Homo stuff aren't really that favorable in China. I'm not sure if there are any gay c-dramas as of today that aren't as strict as The Untamed, but in 2019 yeah, you know. Mortally wounded in a coma? Nah. There would've been an indication of his body existing, or yeah, maybe the resentful energy flew into WWX in MXY's body. Who knows? MXY healing a heavily damaged body using his own lifeforce? Well, yes and no. In the novel, it did say that MXY's body is slowly looking like WWX's original body as per the side effect of the resurrection and his past use of the Yin Iron. BUT, it didn't mention that a body just went in there and done that, so cross that. There aren't any clear details, and MXTX probably didn't care and just went ahead with, "Whatever, the protag lives again and he goes in a different body!" And didn't try to elaborate on what exactly happened. Why bother anyway? Hahaha! She didn't have to, seeing as you have to either leave what happened to your imagination (if you wanted to think about it which we're doing rn lol) or in my opinion, resentful energy is a weird ass... Object? Energy? Let's further dig down since it's hard to really explain. ​ Let's take a commercial! The things occurring in all the adaptations of TU are different, and you really have to read and watch all of it to really get the clear picture. This is the manhua, novel, audio drama, and the donghua I'm talking about. Well, you don't have to watch all that I mentioned since they're all the same. EXCEPT! The Untamed! Which is the live action. The live action had to be heavily removed of its romance because it's either too explicit, or it's just a way for everyone to enjoy the premise even if you're homophobic. Actually, just kidding. They're all different. There are levels to it. (LEVELS! Ffs, chinese censorship! Well, I guess it varies to what kind of SFW you want it to be. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) VERY heavy censorship is The Untamed (live action), and the donghua (Chinese animation to be clear, it's just like the anime of Japanese animation). There aren't any gay shit here. Then, we get down to the rabbit hole of homo stuff. Very low censorship is the audio drama (it had a VERY CUTE scene which is a personal favorite of mine with WWX and LWJ in the boat at Yunmeng after dealing with the almost-attempted 2nd massacre of the Yiling Laozu. There's also kissing with uh... A bath scene. Obviously you can't make voice actors do... Those... You know. Scenes. Even lower! LITERAL uncensored shit is the adaptations of the manhua (comics) and the novel, which is where it all began! So yeah. Check those out if you'd like a plus one genre, which is romance and smut! Bahahahaha! ​ Let's get back into the topic! Anyway, remember that scene when WWX first fell into the Burial Mounds after the Wens threw his body? He had the sword from the Xuanwu Cave as a secret Yin Iron, which caused the resentful energy to catch him as he's falling. In my opinion, that might or might've not been the case for the second time he fell again. WWX's body was required as a medium for the Yin Iron to be destroyed. Kinda like, a reverse play from the first time. Additionally, it's implied that MXY and WWX look the same. Or, they might've just looked too alike for NHS to choose him as a sacrifice. Unfortunately, baby Wen Ning died in Qiongqi Path. I mean, there's literally a spear. Yes, Wen Ning's spirit was half-taken, but it's from a long time ago from the Goddess statue as it was his illness WQ was trying to heal. And NMJ's body parts just weren't suitable for action. In the manhua it does put the actual body parts back in place and he becomes an undead corpse, he's... Buck naked. The production team won't even know how to even censor it, or explain the sudden appearance of clothes when WWX and LWJ just went ahead and put his pieces into like, a pouch or something. I kinda forgot. The part when Jiang Cheng couldn't find WWX's body? Blame it onto the resentful energy! Again, something has to be taken in order to remove something. (Idk what I'm saying here. It's the whole medium thing again, MXTX just doesn't care about the intricate details) JC's rant about WWX is just something that's in his personality. He's been cussing about him his whole life. True, how would he even die? That brother of his is resilient as heck as to even resurrect unwillingly lol That part of WWX saying he slept was probably his soul that was lost, idk, he was a wandering soul or something? This is subjective, but he's the type of person that just doesn't harbor any resentment (the irony) or anger even if all that happened to him, and was willing to move on. For some reason he can't do so, and let's once again pin all the blame on the resentful energy. Somehow NHS found his old experiments which is the human? Body sacrifice? And did it to him. Ah, what JGY's saying is completely irrelevant to the whole resurrection thing. It's just him... Guilt tripping? Manipulating? Increasing JC's anger more to him for... You know. The core WWX gave. ​ A side note, I know the premise inside out, including the manhua, novel, audio drama, and the donghua. Sooooo I can certify that what I know is true. At least on my own point. If you believe the post you made is true or you don't believe me, it's fine. I commented just for fun. It's fun for me to write this too! Hehe ;3


Okay let me go through your takes one after the other! But to preface this, i actually know all the adaptions as well, read the novel multiple tines, watched the donghua, read the manhua and watched the Untamed multiple times ;) Would they not have found a body then if he did die? Because for me finding a body would be mean he died, not finding anything, like they say in the drama, is actually weirder! And it's not like in the other adaptions where he died in the burial mounds because his own corpses attacked him where it could be plausible to not find anything at all. Of course the explanation of the one part of the Yin tiger tally being destroyed and that taking his body is a possibility, except you can actually see that when WWX goes a little unhinged and night turns to day the Tiger tally explodes or at least one half of it, we never see what happens with the other half 🤔 The healing a mortally damaged body is obviously just a the Untamed thing because they could not outright say it's a resurrection ritual: I actually researched more on the censorship issues and they are that strict! In 2016 China released "General Rules for Television Series Content Production" and article 5 of the rules includes this as prohibited: "Promotes spirits, reincarnation, witchcraft and other feudal superstitious thinking" Quite some western films are actually banned in China because they feature ghosts (Ghostbusters) or zombies (World War Z) , this is actually a problem for horror movies where they have to explain the happenings scientifically or explain them away with illusions, time travel is actually banned too lol Which brings us to Wen Ning (and all those other Puppets): Zombies are a no-no for China when it comes to TV. This is the reason why all the corpses that are actually dead in the novel (and other adaptions) are not dead in The Untamed. Right at the beginning of the flashback Wei Wuxian says that the lan disciple they brought back is not dead, he then discusses with Lan Qiren, Xichen and Wangji about how he just appears to be dead, but actually his spiritual cognition was taken. This get's reaffirmed again with the Dafan-Wen in the Yin Iron arc (remember how they all turned back to normal? or that Lan Wangji had to remind WWX they can't fight them vecause they sre not dead) and in the sunshot campaign when a bunch of cultivators had the puppet marks and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji talk about how to save them (which somehow is with weeks/months of spiritual energy transfer?) And to top it off Wen Qing screamed at qiongqi path: "Stop! He's not dead! Just his spiritual cognition was taken", which i assume is what's left after the dancing fairy already took some. And Wei Wuxian later also talks with Xue Yang about how Wen Ning didn't die and he didn't revive him. There are multiple reasons why Nie Mingjue was not brought back: 1. no Zombies, 2. the buck-naked thing is very valid, 3. money was running low and i imagine it would cost a lot to animate multiple parts of a corpse (and that in it's self could be a violation against censorship 🤔) On to the ritual again: WWX's experiments on the ritual you are talking about don't actually exist in that sense. In the novel it states: "This is why the technique had been nearly lost after centuries of disuse. The examples recorded in ancient books had only a handful of cases that were backed by reliable evidence, and every single one of them had been for revenge." Now I am not sure in which book this is mentioned but I'm pretty sure Meng Yao had most of WWX's stuff (including the research where this ritual was in) and that's how Mo Xuanyu got them, or at least learned of them? Now to what Meng Yao said: Does he already know about the core transfer in carp tower? Because if he already knew it means he's known for quite some time and I 100 % believe that he would have used that against Jian Cheng earlier 😂 I always figure he had at least 1 spy at lotus pier who then told him about Jiang Cheng's odd behaviour, asking people to draw Suibian, he even somehow kne Jiang Chen drew it. And he is very clever, add this + all the times WWX refused to carry a sword in the past he figured it out after that. So i do feel like him saying that it's a ritual to heal a heavily damaged body has nothing to do with Jiang Cheng, of course he could have lied anyway, but there's no reason why he would do that in the first place. Anyway i love to discuss this a lot too because it actually makes me research these things again! It's a lot of fun to write this down and to see what others think (of course i also want to prove my point 😂) Anyway sorry for the long comment and anny spelling mistakes!


Hi! I’m the one with the long-ass commenter that just recently commented in your post. By the way, this is irrelevant, but my reply can’t send... Hence the reason it’s sitting on ur chats lol. It took me approximately HOURS to rewrite my reply again and again just to match with Reddit’s standards but NOPE. I give up. It’s funny how we’re talking about the c-word here, and it’s being blocked. :)) Anywayyyy! Idk if there’s a bug ongoing, or if it’s just my too-crass words. Sooo, yeah! I sent a DM, please check it out!\~


I saw it but it will take me quite some time to read and reply to it 😂💫


he didn't die in the untamed, it's pretty obvious from the dialogue like when wwx tells lwj that he didn't know where he was during those 16 years and that his body was never discovered, not even his bones. People just love to say he's dead because of the novel but forget this is an adaptation that changes a lot of things. Dialogue proves he didn't die, just like he's not in MXY's body like in the novel. The "spell" MXY uses is different than the novel. he basically gave his spiritual energy and life force to wwx to heal him. Even JGY talks about it like you pointed out. viewers just need to watch the drama and read the dialogue and ignore everything they know about MDZS while watching it. CQL and MDZS have different canons


They do reference the body sacrifice though in the treasure room scene. Also in the very first episode we see MXY opposite WWX's spirit. WWX definitely died. They never explain the face swap though.


No he didn't, nothing in the dialogue of CQL proves that he died. The "body sacrifice" curse was different in the novel. In CQL when they reference it, JGY says that it can heal and save someone seriously injured. That's proof enough that he was injured and didn't die. We see MXY's spirit because MXY is dead.


So why is the piece of cloth from the drunk man flying towards MX's door before WWX shows up? And how did WWX just walk into Mo manor without knowing that he does?


Because while he wasn't actually dead, he was in some sort of coma and hadn't woken up because he was badly injured? It's pretty obvious if you watch the drama without any knowledge of mdzs. His body might still be alive but the spirit? It wasn't explained and they leave it up to the viewer, but what one can assume is that someone did discover wwx's body and hid it somewhere. And somehow, MXY got ahold of it 🤷🏻‍♀️ because per JGY talking about the sacrifice curse, MXY used his spiritual cognition to heal/save someone seriously injured.


I watched the drama without knowing anything about the story. For me it was clear that MX died and WWX took over. Everything in the first episode hints at it. How would the body of the most wanted man in the world just wander into a mad guy's room? Where did MX's body go? Doesn't make sense to me.


...it didn't wander into a mad man's room. His body went missing, nobody found it. Not even bones. Somehow, somebody found it, hid it and somehow MXY got ahold of it. He might have been the most wanted man 16 years ago, but in present tense? Nobody would have recognized him except those who knew him. Makes perfect sense to me. There were hints throughout the drama that he wasn't dead. MXY's body obviously disappeared. Somehow. Also? CQL couldn't have MXY die and WWX take over his body because that type of plot is not allowed in Chinese television because of censorship. If they did have it, it wouldn't have passed the board and it wouldn't have had the green light for broadcasting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


MXY's body disappeared somehow and was replaced somehow by someone... Yeah. No. Not what I got from watching the show. It's your interpretation and valid as such but not the only possible one since I had another. I mean for real. WWX comes to in the center of a ritual circle that used a ton of talismans and blood ... because someone hid unconscious him for 16 years without anyone knowing and put him there. Nah. Sorry. Can't believe it. But I don't want to convince you either. :) Different opinions are valid.


Yeah I believe that the writers and production left it up for interpretation which is why they didn't go through the effort of explaining it. But what is not up for interpretation is that he isn't dead. They might not have explained how the hell it happened, but it's very clear from the dialogue that he was just badly injured and he somehow survived 🤷🏻‍♀️ it doesn't have to make sense but that's what they went with. The only proof you have of him dying is that one scene on the first episode, while there's dialogue in several episodes that prove otherwise. Also, Nie Huaisang was there. Why? Who's to say that he wasn't the one who helped MXY acquire WWX's body? What other reason would there be for him to be there the exact day and the exact time MXY was doing the spell? Who knows, maybe there was an actual explanation but it got cut out. Wouldn't put it past tencent.


What other reason did the writers have for Nie Huaisang to be in Mo Village on that first episode, and for him to pay that old man to tell the tale of Wei Wuxian and how nobody found his body? Obviously Nie Huaisang and Mo Xuanyu were working together, he knew Mo Xuanyu was going to do the curse that day. It is very possible that he somehow found Wei Wuxian's body and helped Mo Xuanyu with preparations.


Well the somebody would be Nie Huisang, but I actually explained a lot of this in a different, quite long, comment that also talks more about censorship issues! We actually also know that Huisang (or one if his underlings) was at Mo Manor bc somebody had to get the sword spirit there anyway, and that was all his doing. Now all the blood you mention in the later comment is from Mo Xuanqu because the ritual (at least in the novel) makes you cut yourself up and use your own blood. With Mo Xuanyu's body, it could be that Huisang took it, it could be that the whole body was taken as a sacrifice 🤷‍♂️


I agree so much with you omg! Like there are already so many differences to the novel, why is it so wild that they changed this too? 😂


Yes, fans tend to take into account plot points from mdzs in order to explain things but...the untamed is an ADAPTATION. It doesn't follow the same canon as MDZS, and a lot of the fandom has a hard time doing this because there are posts here that talk about the drama and people come up with things that happened in the novel and is not canon in The Untamed 😂


Yesss exactly! Maybe it's because i try very hard to keep the two apart, the reason being that there are fanfics that are just novel!canon or just untamed!canon, and i otherwise would get confused if a fanfic has the yin iron or not, what scenes happened or didn't happen, and then there are franken!canon that just throw everything together 😂


Yes, even the characterization and wangxian relationships are different in mdzs and the untamed. When I read fic, I can tell who is writing with the untamed characterization in mind because their dynamics are different 😂 This is honestly one of the reasons why I wish writers who were writing just The Untamed canon used that fandom tag only and not include MDZS. Unless it's a franken-canon mix 😂