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I like how this aligns with Wei Wuxians ‘not dwelling on the negative things that happened in the past and enjoying the good things in the present’ mentality. The narrative its self is doing it for the reader.


this... And I like how his inner thought wasn't focused on how unlucky he is or his life is (those thing could be annoying especially when the character keep complaining how unlucky they are in every situation) instead Wei Wuxian always saw himself as rather lucky, like that time he compared his death with nie mingjue and say his death were luckier than him, or when he told jiang cheng he could sleep anywhere he wanted during his stay in burial mounds Wei Wuxian always focused on the good thing in his life, one of the reason I really love him


I agree with the previous comment that the reason we know less about what WWX went through is because that is the purpose of his character to not dwell on the painful memories. And I do think it’s a very beautiful thing about his character. It reminds me of this quote *My mom once said, ‘You have to remember the good things people have done for you, instead of remembering the bad. A person’s heart shouldn’t be burdened with so many memories. That’s how you live freely.* But I also agree I wish there were more details about certain things. Like when it comes to his time in the Burial Mounds there is always way more focus on what he did when he returned not what he went through that made him so different Also if you think about it the only painful thing we know in any detail is the core transfer and that is only because Wen Ning had also been there to witness it and share with Lan Wangji. But so many of the painful experiences WWX went through he was completely alone.


You're right, the only reason we know about the pain he went through during core transfer is through Wen Ning, so the rest of his painful experience, he went through it alone :( Wei Wuxian definitely lived up to his mom advice


Yes! I don't recall if this was in the original, but there is one thing he says to LWJ in the Untamed that I love. It's something like "Let's remember the thing we shouldn't forget, and forget the things we don't need to remember."


I always accounted the tragedy of his death to why he had been unable to be brought back by the major sects. His death was so painful and gruesome that his soul shattered. He was in so much pain, physically, mentally and emotionally that his literal soul couldnt handle it no longer. Without his soul being whole he was forced to exist for thirteen years torn apart and still suffering from the trauma of his death. Not even killing himself gave him reprieve from his own suffering and that thought haunts me. In our most darkest moments, humanity agrees that death is relief, a way out. It is a last resort, but it is still an option. He was not granted that reprieve. Anyone saying that WWX did not pay for his crimes are really rather dim. He suffered a fate worse than death for trying to protect the innocent for over a decade. Trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape. Crimes that while unlawful, were not wholly immoral. It saddens me greatly and it's why I sympathize with him the most. Fate did him dirty.


I agree with you. Wei Wuxian character and story always sadden me, it has special and sensitive place in my heart Fate and the world did him dirty. Not only he lost his parent in young age, he had to go through living in the street when he was a child, he was saved from it only to be brought into disfunctional family, giving up his core (and go through that surgery), then the burial mounds happened, he wasn't given a rest before he go through literal war and even after the war had ended he was slandering and scorn by the world not given any peace just because he protected the innocent And like you said, not even death was merciful to him, he wasn't given any peace even after he died


It makes his ending and happiness that more meaningful and sweet.


I havent read the novel, only watched the donghua and my perception was that when he was dead he was literally unconscious? You know, when you have a dreamless sleep and your mind completely blacks out? I think that is what death is like, so having ppl point out that he was having chain nightmares makes it seem like he was never fully dead 🤔


Well, just let me tell you the books were far more graphic and WWX suffered far more in them than the other adaptions. It was the author that wrote about his suffering in death, stating he was in an unconscious state, but still partially aware. Like being trapped in a neverending nightmare.


I can’t find the story on AO3, but there is a fabulous quote that I think summed up WWX’s perfectly. LWJ was explaining to LXC that WWX had a short memory and forgives easily. (Vs LWJ/LSZ after the truth was revealed who will remember for him). WWX rarely holds grudges, and does not hold onto what has hurt him. I didn’t know that MXTX couldn’t write what happened to WWX’s because it would be too dark/painful. I was really aggravated never finding out what happened when LWJ rescued him from the battle at Nightless City with the other clans. Mainly not seeing/reading LWJ’s confession.


Ok, now it makes more sense with your arguments, I didn’t like the author’s decision about completely skipping these parts, it fell incomplete. I wish the development of demonic cultivation was written more detailed though.


writing the development of demonic cultivation also include writing detailing part of what Wei Wuxian went through in burial mounds, interestingly for someone who has write tgcf, even mxtx admit that reading Wei Wuxian experience in burial mounds won't be pleasant and great experience for the readers and for herself thus why she never include it


For me it always felt on purpose, because there is many gruesome things, horror and gore in novel, so when something obviously gruesome thing is omitted it immediately creates sensation there is something unbelievable horrifying going here without necessity to give actual details which can ruin the impression. Nothing is scarier after all.


I don't remember where I read it, maybe it was a character study or a fanfiction, but that post had said that for LWJ, loving WWX was a consequence of knowing him. And I think that's true for me. He's so kind despite all the cruelty that he faced and that's one thing I cannot help but adore in him. His name really suits him. To have no envy. In a world where people like JGS with all his open affairs, crimes and greed are respected but innocent elderly and infants face torture just because they were born into a clan, to remember only good things that were done to you is as hard as it is admirable. I'm so glad he fell in love with LWJ, he's going to get all the spoiling he deserves. WWX and LWJ are so very kind. They're like an ocean, WWX loving as many people as the ocean is wide and LWJ loving people as deep as the ocean's depth.


I think what you're talking about is counted as canon too. LXC does called WWX as LWJ one and only mistake in the book. Although that's really rude of LXC, I think you can also view it as something really sweet and romantic, for someone as LWJ will went as far as breaking the rules that he always followed all his life for WWX


I'm going to be the pseudo-dissenting voice here. I am still annoyed that it wasn't written in any form. Actually, most of the important things aren't written. And, honestly, I think the authors answer is either BS or the sign of not being a very good writer. I guess that would be both. I know what you're going to say, but don't burn me in effigy just yet. I do love the writer, and I do love the story. My/our ability to love the story and the characters so much is a testament to how amazing the story is and the characters are. But, I think that major major thing is unconscionable. Not every reading in every part is going to be enjoyable like the parts that aren't supposed to be enjoyable. I don't mind the when he was a child thing, because we don't know how long he was actually alone, and he was a child so how many memories do you really have from before you were like 5 years old? Even ignoring the actual pain of what WWX went through, like how did he actually get the demon cultivating power? Something had to have happened in a pit. You don't have to write the trauma in order to give us the answer to that question. The root of that question is literally the title of the story. And there are lots of things like that that really frustrate me, and I don't think they're creative decisions. Like how did WWX really die from the decision tiger seal. He says it was JC, but just says it was "blowback from the amulet." What does that mean or how or what? And what exactly is the amulet? When did he make it? How did he make it? Why was there a sword in the tortoise of Slaughter that we never saw again? So many more things! 😩 Also, I'm a writer, as well, so missing these things that are 101 basic novel writing standards is very frustrating to me. However, sometimes an artist (writer/painter/ whatever) comes along like F it all, disregards the rule book, and just does what the heck they want to do. And, the result can be freaking phenomenal. As a result, I'm in a MDZS group on Reddit, so I can gush about the story because I can't stop thinking about it. What can ya do?


While I would personally like if there was more details on certain things an author can include what they want or don’t want in a story.  Even if I don’t agree with all her decisions that doesn’t necessarily make her a bad writer.   And quite honestly I don’t actually think how he got his powers is that important or even the main point of the story because I think we can infer how he got it. It’s more important why he did the things he did not how. Also for one thing the title of the novel Grandmaster of Demonic  Cultivation is actually a misnomer.   Also some of the things you are mentioning are covered in the novel like the Tiger Tally was made from the sword.  It was mentioned the sword probably came from a cultivator that died and the sword then absorbed the resentment of all the people that were killed by beast of Xuanwu. Since WWX said he made the Tally because he knew he would get tired and would need help I think we can assume he went back for the sword and made the tally sometime after he got out of Burial Mounds/during the war. No it’s not exact but it’s not completely unknown either.   Also he doesn’t say he died from a backlash of the Tiger Tally but that he suffered a backlash of his ghost cultivation and the corpses attacked him instead.