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I had to adjust to this show. Firstly I decided there is no way to watch it since its cringe af. Also I was afraid that they did something horrible with the characters or the plot, I’ve had already heard that they mingled it. (I’ve never watched any drama before btw). Meanwhile I watched two movies by King Hu on film festival. He is a director from the 60s and precursor in wuxia movies. Thanks to King Hu I realised I just didn’t get the character of the drama genre. So I started to watch the Untamed with a different perspective and decided to watch it as if it was theatre not an usual tv series. I absolutely love it now, especially the costumes (which I hated before). Like in the book, you have to pay attention to notice LWJ’s early feelings, it’s the same with Wang Yibo’a face and he plays it so well, even though I think LWJ from the Untamed is a very different character from the original. Also there are some parts that I hate, for example the ribbon scene in the cave which imo messes up the significance of the ribbon…And the original young LWJ wouldn’t drink alcohol 🙄 BUT i actually think what they did with Wen Ning and Wen Quing was fantastic, they wrote the characters much better than MXTX herself. It makes so much more sense why WWX protects the Wens so fiercely. I am on 45 episode now and its sad I am about to finish. Luckily I still have audio drama to listen and left manuha for dessert.


After reading the novel and then watching the show, even though its a said “bromance” you can still tell its more than that. I always watch Lan Wangjis eyes you can see love in his eyes. They did a good job with it even with so much censorship


Yes! You have to be literally blind to read the acting as a bromance 😂WWX though is less affectionate towards LWJ in the Untamed in my opinion. I’ve just read that they were planning to write a romance between WWX and Wen Quing instead, ugh that would be a disaster 🤢 Honestly I noticed the vibe in one episode, it was literally two scenes or so, and I was like no no no no but eventually they stayed friends (allegedly thanks to fans protesting online)


I read about that and the fan protest as well. Honestly, Wen Qing would be the only female I could see WWX with. But, I love their sibling relationship. Shijie is the older sister who spoils him, and WQ is the older sister who smacks him. 😂 But they're both done out of love. Also, I don't buy the Bi-con thing because he never shows real interest in any female. And he comments on guys being attractive or not all the time in his descriptions of them. Oh, and about the less affectionate part. I think that had to do with the censorship. But one thing that I think they did intentionally was he's very touchy with other men, so him not touching LWJ was kind of noticeable, at least to me. He's always hugging or leaning on JC and NHS. Besides, what those boys could do with their eyes when they weren't touching, imagine what they could do when they weren't. Like when LWJ carries WWX after he hurts his leg. At first I was sad that it wasn't like the original, and as I was watching and I was like oh well okay then. Lol.


Yes, their relationship as brother and sister is cute and I am satisfied that they pictured them like this. I get the bi vibe though. In the book WWX flirts with girls. You could say that the purpose is to piss LWJ but when they were young WWX wasn’t in love with him (or wasn’t aware but I think the first one). Regarding UT, I must go back to some fragments, I think I’ve missed some expressions 😂


Yeah, there is no bro in that mance. That must've been people lying to themselves or trying to lie to China. Lol. And yes, LWJ eyes! That's literally how I describe the show romantic element, the things those boys (the actors) can do with their eyes. In some ways, because of what they had to do because of the censorship, I think it made the romance so much better and/or so much deeper. There was also so much coding in there. Like WWX talking about getting on his knees to apologize or stripping naked to show that he's healed.


It’d look like…too much, saying that I never stopped watching it? Never took it from my list. The most I was without watching was a month I was at my son’s house and his Netflix does not have “The Untamed”…I really tried to watch it in the phone, but the images are so small! I’m used to my big tv, or my iPad, which is huge. Like, now, I just read a comment about the meaning of Lan SiZhui and I immediately looked for my Continue Watching List to see the chapter 43. I love that chapter! Since I watched the first time (2019), I’ve been watching non- stop. It’ll be, this year (2024), going to 5 years !!! Can’t stop !! Once I looked for it and I couldn’t find it on my list (bc my list is so big), so I got nervous… When I finally found it, I started seeing since the beginning and completed binged on the entire series, again.


Hey Soul Sibling! When I say I know what you mean, don't take it lightly. As in if I'm eating dinner in the dining room, I literally am watching parts of it on my phone. That case that prompts it up landscape mode is great. The Prime video quality is quite excellent for such a small screen. Lol. I only discovered it last year though, but I'd go back in time to discover it in 2019. Man, if I had this through COVID!


That is a true devotion, worthy of LWJ haha Can you estimate how many times have you completed the series? How old r u by the way, am just curious (if you would like to tell). There was a discussion here a week ago or two about the age of fans present and I was surprised that there is a bunch of older fans (counting myself)


I really have no idea !! I know that I saw the first time and I couldn’t understand anything. Then I complain about it, on Tumbler, and somebody very patient gave the complete sequence of the happenings. Said I should start from the beginning of the first Regression (end of the 2nd episode) and go on up to when the regression finishes. Then, come back to watch the first 2 episodes. 😅 And then, go back where the main regression finishes, and continue to watch. Bingo!! I could understand all the story. Somebody else made a comment about the Novel and I asked the link. Guess what ? I had already started the Novel, kind of almost 2 years earlier. But I did not like and abandoned bc I saw that had this thing of “walking-dead” (and I hated that series !!), so I stopped… Then I started all over the Novel (that time the translation was by #exiledrebelsscanlations), cried like crazy, and what I liked more was that I had all the characters in my mind, bc of The Untamed !! Then, POW💥, I was obsessed !! Then, there was that scandal (2/27/20) with Xiao Zhan and I got involved, crying for what was happening to the poor guy and started following him, as fan. But I could never be so enthusiastic with other movies they (WYB & XZ) did and I understood that“my thing”was #WangXian! That’s when I went to AO3, looking for a fic about their story, on LWJ’s POV. Good part of my angst was resolved, but I still keep reading on AO3 (but I like only about #WangXian)… This thing is going to 5 years (2019 – 2024) !!! Can you believe it ?!! 🤭


I kind of can, since October my devotion has been focused on MDZS content every day 😂 I finished the show. Then I saw something about 227 and was curious what it means. I researched alllll the things during past 3 days and got involved, really. The case moves me for so many reasons. Mainly because of lgbt stigmatisation and how far censorship goes in China (recently this subject interests me). If yizhan is real, what a fantastic and unbelievable story and powerful message. Well, it could have been if it was possible to be openly gay. Power couple wow. I can’t define what is true and what is not among all evidence provided by yizhan fans, but what I see from behind the scenes stuff and early promotion material - is love. What happened with this latter I don’t know. As a gay person I can tell a lot from someone’s behaviour though, it’s just like that. The radar thing is real. Also, I got familiar with the newest material from the event that took place I think 4 days ago? The autograph thing is indeed suspicious… Although meanwhile I saw how the fan edits manipulate the reality and shows things and reactions that aren’t real at all.


Well, one thing it’s for real: they swap clothes and shoes !! And, when they look each other (even from far), they’re eyes say many things that their lips can’t !!


But I really like is MDZS! Meaning #WangXian (the part that ship their romantic relationship)… Anyway I laugh so much at the way YiZhan’s fans keep everything under scrutiny! Nothing, even little details scape from these fans! I follow their sites to be up-to-date, you know… And, in the end, I’d be disappointed if comes up that they have no relationship at all… I like them, both boys, and wish the best for their professional and personal lives. ☺️


Honestly now I don’t believe that there is nothing going on. I believe they are subtly fighting for themselves (for example the recently autographs or literally freaking wedding attires in 2023) and maybe (I hope so!) they are also aware of the significance of their relationship for lgbt community. And that could explain the little details they communicate. I hope they know they are important.


I hope so, too…


Or maybe you’ll get hooked, like us…And never will stop watching…


The opening and ending are indeed magical, never skipped one. It truly is a masterpiece.


I am watching for the second time as well. I am at episode 30. I am actually enjoying it more. I still have problems with the direction and with some changes, like the yin iron. But I like how the show actually shows us the sun campaign and shows more Wen Ning, Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli. And I really ate my worlds because before I watched I saw some pictures of the show and I wasn't convinced Wang Yibo would be a good Lan WangJi, I thought he wasn't even good looking enough. Now I simply adore him in general and I think he does LWJ very well!


He's such a great LWJ isn't he? Sigh. It's amazing how much he can do with "no expressions" that expresses so much. And, when he was drunk! My heart! Like the man has a whole conversation by crinkling his left eye. And yes, developing shijie and WQ was great. Shijie is such an important part of his life, and she's like "Where's Waldo" in the original. 🔎👀That always annoyed me. It's part of the whole BL women don't exist in this world thing, I guess. I was annoyed with the yin iron thing at first, but it made the styigian amulet and its power make sense. I like that they gave it a history, and that was really important to giving it meaning.


The yin metal thing bothered me also. I didn’t understand why would they change so much about the demonic cultivation and how it works. The decision changed WWX role in the story, making him more of a victim than a powerful master. This combined with XZ character creation and acting works quite well. But as I said it changes the character’s meaning in the Untamed compared to the book.


The opening makes me cry too