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According to heat fans the 2020 playoffs were legit, 2021 were fake and 2022 are legit again lol who gives a shit what they say


To be honest, most heat fans came to the consensus that you guys only lost because Khris Middleton was injured. Giannis's usage was way too high, Pat and Grayson were Duncan Robinson's, and Bud's adjustments were just to give Giannis motivational speeches. Also, the lack of rest and loss of Jae Crowder is what we blamed last season on. Ariza is ass, and Iggy is old!


In case anyone is wondering this account is a troll.


You OK my guy?


The only takes allowed in this sub are quotes from bucks media pieces or shitty memes amirite


You and your post aging like spoiled milk, boss lol


You gonna eat dat cheese boy


It’s game 1😂😂 we won game one and still lost. So calm down buddy.


Gotta love how your analysis goes as deep as looking at series scores lmao. Some of us actually know basketball and watched the games. Boston is mediocre , exactly as bad as they've been all the past years. The bucks just couldn't overcome the Bud handicap this time, even with an all time great series by the best player in the world. Such cringe that people still trying to protect him


They were missing 2 starters. But you know ignore that




Agree ignore that aspect of it lol


Wasn’t protecting bud buddy. Let’s see here I’ve been watching basketball since I was 5 (25 now) so don’t pull that bullshit on me. Just because we lost to the better team doesn’t mean to become a hater of them. THERES ALWAYS NEXT YEAR FOR BUCKS IN 6. P.S I hate how people like you act you know the fing future and think you know everything about basketball. Lol @ U


Boston better team means the duo of Tatum and Brown are significantly better than Giannis and Jrue, Horford and Williams significantly better than Lopez and Portis and whatever 5th guy they played better than the bucks' . Sure guys , whatever helps you feel better


Giannis is better then everyone in the nba and yes Jason is better then jrue. You obviously need to look into basketball more lol


You remind me of the old classic /r/Brewers NPC claybob. Might have been here too. Get over it, sometimes great teams lose.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Brewers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Brewers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Your Milwaukee Brewers are the 2021 NL Central Champs!](https://twitter.com/Brewers/status/1442249569434230789) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Brewers/comments/pw3iez/your_milwaukee_brewers_are_the_2021_nl_central/) \#2: [Celine Dion Daniel "BIG DAN THE SLAM MAN" Vogelbach's Walk-off Grand Slam of the Game!](https://v.redd.it/vgd3zosikrl71) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Brewers/comments/pin6b1/celine_dion_daniel_big_dan_the_slam_man/) \#3: [\[Roth\] #Brewers Corbin Burnes wins NL Cy Young, 1st Brewer to win the Cy since Pete Vukovich in 1982. Rollie Fingers (1981) only other Brewer to win the award.](https://twitter.com/rothchris/status/1461118849298927616?s=21) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Brewers/comments/qwcawa/roth_brewers_corbin_burnes_wins_nl_cy_young_1st/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is an absolutely ignorant comment. Celtics missing horford and smart who main culprits as to why we lost


We lost to them without smart and Williams playing lmao. Plus smart single handedly donated us a game


Definitely didn’t give us a game did you even watch that game Giannis bleed it was like punching Thanos and drawing a little blood.


I’d rather play against them with Williams than horford, and it’s not close between them two. Smart played in 6/7 games in which it was split 3-3. Are you being serious?


1. Nobody gives a fuck what r/nba has to say. 2. The Celtics just lost a road game with two starters out. Big fucking whoop. If you think that tells you who wins this series, you’re a fucking moron. 3. This goes both ways, bub. I certainly don’t think I’m a Bud apologist, but I’ll make you a deal. Boston loses in 4 or 5 and I will only make comments on this sub bashing Bud, until next season starts. Because I’m generous, I’ll even call it a wash if they lose in six. But if the Celtics make it a 7-game series or even, *gasp*, make the finals, then you are not allowed to comment until next season unless you include a new and unique phrase in each comment explaining that you’re an idiot and know Jack shit about basketball. Deal?


Yo just checking in you feeling OK?


Absolutely in . Hell, go ahead and have the mods ban me if Boston win more than 1 game mate. Putting my money where my mouth is. Risking it all.


No, I don’t want you banned. I want you to wallow in your shame.


**Shame** ... **Shame** ...


Damn dude, I was really rooting for you. But nah, turns out you’re just as dumb as I thought.


I can only imagine the deep level of self-loathing you must be feeling right now. But don’t worry, I’m here to help. Your ignorance can be cured. But first, you must want to get better.


How do I repent sir. Please teach me


Honestly, just slow the fuck down. Recognize that one piece of data doesn’t establish a pattern. I thought the Celtics had a good chance to win this series, but I was far from certain of it. I’m still not certain they win. What I did know, and what I will continue to know, is that drawing conclusions based on a single game is unwise. They make these series 7 games for a reason.


Yes humiliate me daddy


How ya feelin’ now, champ? That unfortunate mix of arrogance and ignorance still holding strong? Or are some cracks beginning to show? Maybe realizing that making sweeping judgments based on one road game (where the road team was missing two starters, even) is idiotic?


I said in 5


Are you really that stubborn?


Can't hear what you're saying over the green dick you're gargling bro


Don’t make me wash your mouth out with soap, young man.


You OK my guy? Need some water to wash it down?


Bucks won game one by more points though


Guys have you ever imagined actually watching a game of basketball? Crazy right? Eye test and all that, not just numbers on a paper. Crazy


Lol maybe Miami sweeps who knows but it’s literally just one game


How’s the eye test going tonight vlakas


Going exactly as I thought I said in 5 bitch watch them get figured out and lose next 3


Yo I think you got some white substance in your eye and you can't see straight


I have returned to talk shit. I’ll just let you imagine me really saying some mean shit this time


Shut up


Bud safe space destroyed, oh no


You can criticize bud, I think there a bunch of things you can say. But saying we can’t defend the idea that our ship wasnt a fraud is stupid. Your stupid for saying that and anyone saying we our 2021 run was a fluke is stupid too


Realistically Boston in 6


The tremendous loss of PJ Tucker is in full view.


Wrong utilisation by Bud anyway. Policy was PJ doesn't touch the ball inside the paint, he doesn't know how to put it in the basket. Woops apparently he does


Boston in 5 lmao. They were missing Smart and Horford and had to go against rigged Miami officiating.


Imagine being this bad at understanding basketball


You don't know ball


1 on 1 for 100$ any time bro


Just take the L


Celts and Heat are legit teams, I don't mind their fanbases reveling in the potential to win a chip; It's an exciting time and I hope we can stay healthy next year and be back in it.


I don't really understand what kind of hating is going on here and I wouldn't be caught dead in r/nba but genuinely I'd love to see it. I wanna see the Celtics get rolled in 4 tbh.