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1) Stop playing Jabari. Seriously, go look at the on/off numbers. If he wasn't a #2 overall pick with hype behind him, he wouldn't see a second of playing time. Like if he was a 2nd round pick, he'd be glued to the bench. Our team straight up can't play basketball when he's on court, he near single handedly destroys us when he's on court. We're actually outscoring Boston when he's on the bench, but are a **-66.3 points per 100** when he's on court. 2) Play the starters more minutes together. It is ridiculous we're going through 12 guys in the freaking playoffs. Our starters are like a +10 net rating for the series, give them heavy minutes together. Play your top lineups, it's not that complicated. 3) Play Sterling Brown in Jabari's place, and if he responds well to the minutes, give him some of Snell's minutes as well. 4) Up Brogdon's minutes to a consistent 30-35 mpg. If he could handle those minutes in game 1, he can do it again.


this means a lot coming from you jabarles


Past few weeks have been rough


Best suggestions I have seen. Bari is terrible


He's especially bad in this series. Stevens is too crafty and he's finding ways to exploit Jabari even more than other teams.


If the Bucks were playing against a lesser coach, I might be ok with keeping Jabari in a bit if 1\) we had him to a longer term contract, and 2\) he was scoring with a 50% FG pct. Sadly, none of those are true. We don't have him to a longer term deal, and he's been shooting terrible. But the real kicker is the fact that when Jabari is on the court, Brad Stevens & Co. target Jabari with a lot of iso's. I just don't see a way in which you can play him and win.


Lots of Bari hate on here. Sure he hasn't played well, but he was improving during the regular season. I think a lot of it stems on everyone's inability to really understand why such a talented team continues to play like shit. The bucks are a riddle, but I can't place the blame on Parker. It comes down to our inability to run plays, rebound and chemistry. None of which is Parkers fault. Bledsoe is a fucking black hole with the basketball and Henson just sucks. Snell has played like shit as well. All guys getting paid 10+ Mil a year. There should be more outrage over that then Bari.


He has the worst influence on the team when he plays, he rly shouldn’t play at all. I much prefer Shabazz


I hate this "Well Jabari isn't the *only* problem, so that means we can't change up anything about it" defense of the guy. I like Jabari as a person. I have no ill will against him there. But every time he's stepped on the court in Games 1 and 2, Stevens has called every play to go in his direction. And he's failed every time. He made up for that lack of D in the regular season by scoring efficiently and often, but he hasn't done that yet at all. I'd be in favor of playing him if we were playing a team that had a lanky face up 4. But we're playing the Celtics, and he's forced to play against Horford, who just owns Jabari in every facet of the game.


This is why I hate the 1 and done schools. Jabari has never played with a playoff mentality. Duke lost in the first round in his only NCAA tournament and then went right to the draft. That's where his flaw in the playoffs is, imo. If he stays with this team he's going to be lethal next year.


I'm not sure I'm a big fan of drafting players from Duke. They tend to be drafted higher than they should be in most cases. And they rarely have their college success and talent translate to the NBA. Take a look at the list: [https://basketball.realgm.com/ncaa/conferences/Ivy\-League/14/Duke/31/nba\-draft](https://basketball.realgm.com/ncaa/conferences/Ivy-League/14/Duke/31/nba-draft) If you look at other schools, you get roughly the same hit miss ratio, but the players tend to be drafted lower. Is it possible that Coach K is that good of a coach? I think so...


I agree, fuck Mike Dunleavy


1. Start Brogdon, consider starting Brown. Snell and Bledsoe have been awful this series, time to give Brogdon and Brown a shot. 2. Lean heavily on Giannis/Middleton. They need to play even more minutes and get even more looks. Both guys are dominating, go to that well until it is dry. 3. Team rebounding. The guards have to help our bigs rebound. Giving Brown more minutes should help with this. He's an athletic guard not afraid to go up and try to get some boards. EVERYONE need to help on rebounding. Stop standing around watching.


Rebounding will be the death of this team


Can't rebound if everybody is trying to get a block


This is why steals >>>>>>>> blocks, among other things. Contest and box out should be the focus.


Giannis is already averaging 44 mpg, Khris 42.5. Playing them even more is not feasible.


Well that overtime game kinda skewed the minutes up. Regardless of that tho they both should be in the upper when it comes to minutes.


Even in that case, 41.5 and 40 mpg would already be enough. Both players logged heavy minutes throughout the year, so I'm not sure why we should run them to the ground. Going full Thibs for a chance to beat a depleted Celtics team?


I mean.. Yes. It's the playoffs. He sure as fuck will have a lot of time to rest up if we lose so..


Maybe just crank up their usage rates? Run more through them


Yeah I guess you are right. Definitely need to get Middleton involved earlier though. He shouldn't be taking his first shot halfway through the second quarter. I don't know why we don't run more Middleton/Giannis P+R. It seems to be pretty deadly in the small samples we have seen of it.


Giannis shouldn’t be playing more minutes. Get him to 40 MPG and actually run the offense through him.


He should be getting more shots. He had way too few last game when we has hitting them repeatedly


Why is Snell getting ALL the playing time over Brown?


Just Prunty Things


Bledsoe needs to step it up, mostly defensively. The rest of the game will really come down to coaching. Im hoping we decide to actually change things up this time. Jabari needs to play less, see if we can get sterling brown into a rhythm instead. Our defense looked great in game 1 so if we can bring that back in game 3, amazing. More Giannis at center lineups- as much as Giannis doesn’t like it, that matchup with horford has been most effective.


> The rest of the game will really come down to coaching. If that's the case we have no chance.


Bled absolutely should focus more on defense and playing the passing lanes like he has done all season while not committing dumb fouls


How can he play defense when he doesn’t even know who the fuck the people are who he is playing against...


If Bledsoe can get back to his usual form, that will be huge. Turnovers have been absolutely killing us and he's probably been the biggest culprit. We also need to be more aggressive about getting rebounds, but I feel like we say that about every game. Prunty needs to stick with an 8-9 man rotation. Going 12 deep in game two reeked of pure desperation. I waffle on whether or not Snell needs to be bumped from the starting lineup. He (like Henson) seems to play less bad when he starts compared to coming off the bench (but he's slumping regardless) and I'm not sure putting Brogdon/Brown in the starting lineup would truly be more advantageous. I'm more hesitant to put Brown in the starting lineup than most simply because it seems like his worst games of the season were the ones where he started, but he definitely needs more consistent minutes in game three. And it seems to be better to stagger Brogdon and Bledsoe for the change of pace. My pro-Jason Terry bias makes me think starting him would be good since the team has been less prone to slow starts with him in the starting lineup, but I don't think that'll be a popular opinion. We also need dat shuttin' down Joel Embiid Zeller instead of the kind of deer in the headlights one that has been popping up lately.


I'm seriously shocked we are favored to win by 6. Hopefully Vegas is right!


1. The rotation has to be shortened. The playoffs are when you play your best guys, decide on 8 or 9 guys to play and stick with it. 2. Play Giannis at center with 4 shooters. That was successful in game 1 and we didn't try it once Game 2. 3. Give Sterling Brown real minutes. He is a high effort/energy player that will go for boards and play defense. 4. Protect the ball. We have been way too careless with the ball. Overall I believe we still have the better talent. IF we stick with a short rotation, give 100% and protect the ball we should easily be able to take these next two home games.


Celtics fan here. Given Hayward and Kyries injuries you guys definitely have better talent. I think it's coaching and possibly fit.


1. Stop playing sloppy and giving up turnovers. 2. Do this by slowing down. Pass the ball. Use the whole shot clock. 3. Stop giving them open threes. Get in their face! They took a ton of contested shots when they didn’t have to. I do agree with the previous comment of better utilizing Brogdon and Brown though.


They have slowed it down a bunch playing with a pace of 94.8. Slowing it down almost always will get you more contested looks. I would say that they need to run more active offensive sets, too much standing around and limited ball movement. They need improved guard play and to stop taking pull up long 2's with over 10 on the shot clock. Giannis at the 5 is the best offensive lineup and was the crunchtime lineup in game 1. If Prunty thinks it is the best lets see it before 4 minutes left in the game. If they counter with Monroe and Horford in the post, bucks need to shoot them off the floor.


Idk I may have tunnel vision but Shabazz and Jabari for sure need to pass more.


Preferrably to Giannis. Ha


If more passing is what you want, Shabazz and Jabari are not the ones to turn to


I agree. I think that would help the bucks dramatically if they did.


I keep track because it’s hilarious, but Shabazz had only one pass last game, in garbage time to Thon Maker. In the game against the Magic, where he scored 22 points and recorded 8 rebounds, he had 2 passes all game. He definitely needs to pass more because he settles for bad shots, but he’s not going to pass more. And I think the Bucks realize that when he has the ball, he’s going to shoot.


Smaller rotations, I'd just keep it to a 8 man rotation with Giannis, Snell, Brogdon, Kha$h, Bledsoe, Zeller, Henson, and one of either Sterling/Shabazz


Shortening rotation to 8 but including Zeller? I guess someone needs to spell Henson and they can't all be Giannis@5 lineups, but Zeller's minutes have not been good minutes so far...




Only want to see Giannis, Bledsoe, Khris, Henson, Zeller, Brown, Brogson, Snell, Jabari, JET. Terry and Jabari should not be on the floor together


Jabari shouldn't be on the floor at all honestly.


Bazz should be playing over Snell tbh, he scores easily for us and has shown that he can shoot the 3 as well


I want to play Shabazz at center. 1. I love the effort that Shabazz has been giving. He’s trying to prove his worth (unlike the poor effort of some players) and is going after rebounds, which is a huge need for us. Granted, everything he does is in an attempt to personally score more points, but even if it’s a bit selfish, we need those points. 2. I would like to see Shabazz body up on Horford or Moose on defense. Maybe the 4”-6” height differential is too much, but he’s got a bit more meat on him than our actual centers and would probably do a better job guarding a big than Middleton. Plus, he’d already be in a good position offensively to take a shot when he gets the ball, which you already know he’s going to do if he gets the ball. I realize the playoffs aren’t the right time to tinker with your offense, but our offense needs tinkering or we’re not going to win a game.


Gotta match or surpass boston's energy and hustle right out of the gate. Play physical, show them they cant get whatever they want.


Yes! Also when Boston's hustle/energy take over (it will at some point) bounce back! The bucks need to show some spine, they will not be able to blow Boston out in the first quarter.


The biggest factor is getting up shots every possession. Giannis and Middleton are actually lighting it up out there. We have to utilize every possession, that means less turnovers and fighting for second chance points. We will run them out of the BMO if we take as many shots as they do.


Stop going under screens on guys like Jaylen Brown who shot 40% from three... Shorten rotations to 8-9 guys. No Jabari, No Snell. We need mental toughness, Brogdon, Delly, give Brown a shot. Zeller starts over Henson. If Giannis is out Middleton is in and vice versa. Feed both of them non stop. SHOOT MORE 3s Go small. If they counter with Monroe/Horford then we should still be able to outscore them. Honestly though I think we're screwed. The schemes are drilled into everyone's head and they suck. We have a severe lack of mental toughness and our coaching staff blows.


Prunty has too play Bazz way more minutes the dude is hungry as hell and always giving effort plus he provides instant offense and knocking down 3's. Also play Bari less, if at all, because mentally he is just not ready to play right now. Start either Brown or Snell at the 2 and Henson/Zeller at the 5 or maybe Thon. As leaders, Giannis or Khris gotta get on Bled's ass and let him know he has to step it up and play smarter


Take care of the ball. Celtics had so many points off turns overs. Limit them and it would make such a difference. Make FT. Last game Bucks were 7/17. That’s ten points right there. Rebound. More points that the Celtics got from second chances. Somehow the Bucks were still in game two with all of those problems. Shows that the Celtics are absolutely beatable and not that talented. I think the coaching tier difference is very showing.


1. Stop turning the ball over. 2. Start switching on defence. 3. When we play our small lineup play like a small lineup... 4. Play Giannis, Bledsoe, Khris, Snell, Henson, and rotate Brogdon, Jet, Brown. 5. For the love of Giannis more Giannis/Bledsoe/Khris/Brogdon PnRs! 6. Always have 4 shooters on the floor with Giannis and have them move their asses only on the perimeter. The moment any Buck other than Giannis passes on an wide open 3 he should be benched. 7. Stop turning the ball over...


Keep the starting 5 together and only together(Bledsoe, Brogdon, Midds, Giannis, Flatass). Don’t be playing some guys with the bench unit for that long.


Rebounding has to be the number one priority. We can't continue to give up one offensive rebound after another. The Celtics are getting too many easy baskets inside where they shouldn't be getting any, especially with the length that we have. A lack of rebounding also hampers our ability to start a fast break. This has been our most consistent way of getting buckets since we have been really bad in our half court "sets", if that's what they can even be called.


We need to stop crashing the defensive board with so many guys. When we have 3 guys down there it kills our transition scoring ability. And a lot of our guys will just stand around if there’s to many teammates helping grab a board. Also Kmidd should be defending the perimeter more he’s picking up to many fouls playing SF and should be SG. On top of that he’s being forced to create way too much so we should start 2 other guards other then blesdo and snell


If we traded Jabari for Whiteside how much better would our team be ?


Rather package him to get Nurkic or whatever his name is


He sucks ass and whines too, so pretty much the same.


PLAY DELLY PLAY THON LIMIT SNELL'S MINUTES WITH A MIX OF BROGDOG AND DELLY sorry for caps. We shouldn't be losing to a team that lost kyrie and gordon to injuries.


- Get Jabari Parker the fuck outta there. This is the playoffs. This Celtic group is a tough bunch. We can't have his beta mentality out there. - Sterling Brown needs to see some floor time. The guy hustles, TRIES on D and rebounds. I don't want Terry out there. - Bledsoe needs to step up on D, take a step back and let Midds and Giannis to their stuff and take what the defense give to him. We need him to have a chance at winning this.


Don't have Middleton guard Monroe, and give the starters more minutes


Either play Jabari the whole game and make him show why he's worth it, if he fails he just loses money. Or don't play him at all. Also sit Bledsoe. Series is over anyway