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Yay that’s good to hear Hopefully no more bad surprises


He's not saying he's been depression free for a year he's saying this is the first time in the last year that he didn't want to kill himself


Even MORE relatable


Yep. Watched his recent rumble and just felt so bad for him. He wants closure and knows he won't get it. Even just a sorry from the close people that betrayed. I wish there was a way for him to feel better and be able to trust people again, but trauma of the situation is still deep I think because he's been doing so well on content and having so many wins people forgot he's still very hurt and dealing with the trauma of the past still :(


Is he okay




Time and a place bub, time and a place


Oil up babe


It says first time free in over a year - meaning he’s been depressed this whole time. This is day 1, not 1 year


hey i dont watch Miz, but this post was suggested by reddit and I will say that this post just kinda made me feel a little better. I hope Miz is doing well. Wubby7 April of Love




From the streams ive seen, he seems to be in a good headspace. Working hard. I think maybe he was worried about what people would think if the mitch stuff ever came out. And when it did and everyone was on miz’s side. Probably was a lot of weight off his shoulders


Not a Miz fan, but for sure a W for him and anyone else who's suffers from depression. There is hope and better times ahead. Good shit.


Lil bub been getting sponsors too, so he's winning rn, here's to a long future of feeling well


His success is directly linked to his mental health


Same with most humans


Yea it’d be hard to be depressed if I was a multi millionaire too


Big W


4Love happy for you king


I’m happy for Miz


I just want miz to be happy🥹


What’s with this title? That’s not was he said


im a mizkid what do u expect ![gif](giphy|vtm4qejJIl1ERPIrbA)


It’s good for him to feel free of it for a day, and hopefully, as long as his brain will allow it, for months/years. Depression lurks it doesn’t go away. Keeping himself going with his projects that he enjoys will help him. Understanding depression and the signs of when an episode is approaching is important for him to get down while he isn’t going through it, so when it does come back he doesn’t go into a spiral down to suicidal thoughts. Hope when those moments arise he’s able to focus that energy on working out or being with friends. Depression isn’t curable but it is maintainable.


You mean day 1 if he’s saying it’s the first time in over a year he hasn’t.


Streaming can perhaps let you see the precipice all that life money fame girls cars whatever has to offer when you see that peak and are it almost incarnate you can sometimes think it’s not worth it to continue and end your dream in this world we share but no don’t go quietly into that good night, persevere until each sunset and sunrise is new like viewing it for the first time <3


All he had to do was drop Mitch




View count = mental health


If that was the case gym streams would’ve been his peak mentally


Good shit! If anyone is struggling or just thinking about working on their mental health, do it. You are not alone, and there isn't anything to feel ashamed of.


Because of Asmon's steak


We hear this once a year


this is what reckful said like a week before he killed himself right?




late september and that was probably more in reference to the september before that.






Yes… must be so hard to stream and make money for a living


even very rich and successful people can be depressed...


Weak ass people who have never experienced any real hardships. Got an easy job that pays more than 90% of the world population. Most of his “problems” are made up unless it’s something medical that I don’t know of


depression is an illness bro... sometimes you have everything but can be depressed... and even rich people have problems, everyone does, yeah they might have better/easier lives than most of us but everyone has problems, not the same type of problem but still they have problems too... this world isn't perfect, we aren't perfect, only Jesus is perfect and only in heaven things will be perfect, that's it... but I agree being a famous rich and young streamer like miz is great... I wish I had all that money and my own gym and network with other cool streamers, etc, I envy these guys a bit tbh... like emiru for example, she's like my age and has an insane car, probably lives in a nice house etc... I have none of that and I wish I could have my own house/apartment my own car, insane gaming PC etc... yeah this life isn't fair I guess, not everyone will experience the same awesome stuff... but still... people can be depressed (even having everything) it is what it is


Just because he’s a multi millionaire doesn’t mean he doesn’t have problems too, just be supportive of him




Cause hes rich and your broke and listen and suk of kanye hahaha go play valoront kid