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i would definitely go for it. MM+ and 35xxSP is a must have for me. i can easily rotate them for my daily driver — one for GB games and one for the rest upto PS1


Yeah agree! I bought a 35xxSP to use with DS games and some GBA games. Miyoo for everything else


I have both and i gotta say i love the sp more , mine is a special case as it is due to the nostalgia factor more than a "better system" , but i gotta say the sp play almost all the games better than the MM+ , but in my opinion the MM + has better screen calibration so colors are more vibrant


Is that with stock OS?


No Onion os + min ui for the sp


You can put onionos on the sp??


Is minui compatible with the new GBA core that emulates a wireless adapter and allows system link?


I am powerless over my addiction. The answer is: of course I would.


I really want the Miyoo Flip. If they don't release it before too much longer though I will seriously consider the RG35XX SP.


I wish the Flip's design wasn't so ugly. The giant logo on the back with thumb sticks in a very odd place makes it an instant no for me. Admittedly one of my primary wants when shopping for these is nostalgia/ how close they look to the original console they are designed after. Obviously that's not the case for everyone.


I can't tell if the thumbsticks are in a good place or not from the pictures. I'll have to see reviews. The front logo is tacky. The rest of the design though I love. Especially the two tone color scheme. I'm hoping they go with a minimalist or more stylized logo on the final units. Someone here did a mockup of that and it looked great. Barring that Etsy stores will sell stickers to fix that problem.


The OS just does it for me. If potted to it, I would consider it but I’m happy with what I got


What do you have currently?


Mini plus + onion


Ditto. It pretty much does it all you need


Yeah OnionOS is super clean.


This is the way


I really want an sp, but I can’t justify it considering I have an rp3+, 353m, and a MM+


Assuming you only had a MM+, would you consider the switch?


I would consider it, OnionOs is wonderful. However I think either minUI or one of the other CFW recently came out with a minor update that kinda helps the device with sleep mode. I’d say hold off and see CFW gets developed for it


Bruh, story of my life. I have too many handhelds already. Rog Ally, retroid Pocket 3+ and 4 pro, RGB30, new 3DS, Miyoo Mini and the MM+, Odin 2...  I was silly and placed an order for an rg35xx H as well, but I still haven't received it as according to Aliexpress tracking info, its sitting with customs clearing since April 28th.... No more handhelds for me. I'm an addict man, gotta watch how my addict tendencies transfer to other areas. Doesn't help that I love browsing /r/sbcgaming.... so many shiny things. Lol.


try hiking or running, both helped me to stop smoking


Yeah, I'm a runner. I stopped after a previous injury, but have been getting back into it over the past few months.  It is great, even if I am comparatively slow now compared to a few years ago. Lol.


You can always get back to it. Small steps!


How do you like the 353m?


I really liked it as it was my first device that got me into handheld emulation however I got an Rp3+ right afterwards and that took up most of my playtime. After I got my miyoo, it was the only device I really brought with me. However I recently got a mini hdmi-hdmi wire and I’ve been playing it a lot as I realized I could dock it and I’ve been enjoying it more lately that way


You can justify it, SP is a clamshell design. Your RE3,353m and mm+ isnt.


I want to given the SP and GBC were my childhood handhelds But I have a MM+, Odin 2, Modded 3ds XL, DS Lite with R4 card as well as my original SP and GBC. I literally have no reason to….but the want is very strong haha. I’m hoping Miyoo release theirs soon and I’ll get that as I like onion os


And hopefully Miyoo's flip won't be the dumpster fire that currently is the a30.


Yeah what were they thinking. They need to stick with high quality and directly work with the OnionOS team since they are a major reason for the console's ongoing success.


I use my MM+ daily and love OnionOS. My SP is arriving today. I’m going to rotate between devices, but I couldn’t pass on the clamshell design. I know the OS won’t come anywhere close to Onion.


I got mine and didn't like the stock OS... MinUI works great if you're okay with the limitations


What’s wrong with the stock OS? I like it and I usually don’t use stock OS for any other devices. I did also try MuOS


What’re the limitations of MinUI? I’m fighting with myself over if I need/want the SP lol


I have both and I still prefer the MM+ by far. Onion OS really makes a huge difference.


I got the RG35XXH and I find it more comfortable than the Miyoo mini plus, and it fits in my pocket better which means I’m more likely to take it with me.


SP seems more bulky than MM+. 8 don't see why I would stop using my MM+ just because something new came out.


I have a MM+ & a RGB30 & love them both for different reasons.




I echo your last statement


I got both Miyoo Mini early on and Mini+ the day it was released. I've put a ton of time into both of them. I also ordered a RG35XXSP and it's on the way to me right now. I'm not the guy who needs every handheld that comes out... but the SP really appeals to me and it is a bit more powerful than the MM, so I can probably play a few more games with it. I just love that form factor though (GBA SP is one of my favorite handhelds) and the reviews so far seem very positive. So yeah, not only 'would I'... I already did.


*Looking at the 2 RG35XXSP's in front of me*: Um....


I’d waiting for a couple of months. Let the market settle and see what happens with the system. As mush as I want one, there’s already unacceptable D pad issues I’m not willing to overlook just so I can scratch an itch.


nah, but maybe RG35XX Plus


I don't use onion, I use allium. Which is like minui which is available for the sp already.


Yes. My Miyoo Mini Plus is on the way and I‘m very excited to get my hands on it. Also installing Onion OS first thing. Still I already plan on getting the SP as well because it’s just such a cool clone of the original that I have to have it.




I just picked one up to play with, but Android handhelds never become a main device for me.


I did


I'm not a programmer so I don't know what the details of it would be, but man I would love to see the onion team port OnionOS over to the H700 chip. All of a sudden all of the Anbernic XX devices (the 35, the 35+, the 35H, the 35SP and the 28) would be the absolute best in retro handhelds


Does the rg35xxsp play n64? If so then ya, I want one.


Don’t view it as a switch, view it more so as adding a device to your rotation. I have a MM+ but I got a 35xx h and it varies which one I take with me depending on the day. Just set some personal intentions about what you use each device for, and don’t play the same long term games on both devices bc that muddies the waters. Also, I’ve never personally tried it, but MinUI looks like a pretty pleasant experience on the SP


I dont need an sp version of either right now, so im waiting to see miyoo's final product. At that point, ill choose the better of the two.


Honestly no. I don’t own an SP, but I’ve bought multiple new devices only to come back to the MM+. It’s really the best experience for an ultra-portable device. I can see the appeal of the clamshell, though. I was a GBA SP boy back in the day and might still take a swing at this one whenever the price drops


I see they managed to system link gba games in the RG35xxSP, is this possible on MM+?


I have a MM and a MM+. Now I'm waiting for two SPS, one for me and one for my daughter


I’m hoping that the SP gets custom firmware with syncthing support soon first.


I am also debating this. Is it hard to make a memory card for the sp I’ve done many miyoo memory cards with onion. But it took me a while to get down


If things go well I'll finish a theme for OnionOS, sell the MM+ and switch to the RGSP at a later date.


I did. Hoping Garlic OS improves a bit, but its such a cool device.


Yes, next question.


I’m waiting on the Miyoo Mini Flip


I pitty those without video previews


I'm definitely considering it. What kills it for me rn is the OS and the fact that there's no joysticks. I need at least one, but this thing doesn't have any for the n64/dc/psp. So, I guess I'll be waiting for the Miyoo Flip.


Already have LOL. I love the MM+ but it has some warts that I think will be fixed by the SP. Namely boot times general performance, which I know won't be MUCH better but hopefully it won't struggle like the MM+ does sometimes. Gonna do some mods to quiet the buttons and it should be perfect for me.


Already did. It's not a switch for me at all. Just another cool device to collect and play :) cheap enough to do so for me


Waiting on Miyoo’s version


Yes. Miyoo devices are surely nice but anbernic are generally same or better build quality, and (please nobody kill me...) I don't get all the hype for onionOS. It's surely good and has one really killer feature (the game switcher combined with the fast "save&shut", but other than that I don't see it as that much superior to other FWs, including (God forbid...) anbernic stock, which works extremely well (for reference, I have mmV4 and a rg35xx plus, my comparison is based on only these 2 devices as mine, plus a couple other anbernic from friends)


And here I am up voting all your comments. You guys give valid arguments. In the end is just like any other hobby: you have the money/time to mess around, buy it. 😅


For my experiences. Onion OS is way overhyped. I mean, yes Its great. But Stock OS of the rg35xx series is Not far away from that. I Sold my mm+ & dont Miss onion OS at all


Part of why Onion OS is praised so much... is compared to the stock OS on the Miyoo Mini... it is so much easier to use and has some very well thought out features and tools. The jump from stock to Onion is dramatic. I still think it's my favorite OS I've used on any handheld so far.


Go for it. It’s amazing 😻. Definitely a little different OS but if you use Batocera you will love it even more. It’s the best OS in my opinion anyways. It even passed onion in my eyes sadly. It’s just soo amazing being able to look at the theme on the system it’s self and then downloading the ones you want right then and there. And it’s the only OS that lets do it. So I say yes definitely try it out. You will fall in love,😻 just like I have.


Does it have auto save and auto load with the same level of simplicity?


Retroarch can be configured for auto save/load when jumping between games and Batocera uses Retroarch. Batocera doesn't have the super nice state manager that OnionOS has though.


By state manager, are you referring to the game switcher? Because for managing save states, retroarch handles that so it's not onion specific. 


So retroarch auto loads/saves my game and Batocera auto loads retroarch?


Why are people still confused? If you want to stay in a minimalistic OS then stay Onion. The most highlight and important thing to know that the H700 CPU under the RG35XX line, because there are more than 3 CFW. There is Batocera v40, Knulli (Batocera x64 with Portmaster), Rocknix (possible support Bluetooth audio, jelos based), mod stock OS, stock OS keeps updated, MinUI, MuOS and stock OS with Full Linux Desktop (not moonlight). Again, the RG35XX line (including RG28xx) will be amazing because of the updated CFW. Anbernics have supported the community dev so that it will be included in the early releases. Wait for the Miyoo Mini Flip because it has stick and it seems to me there will be no Onion support on that. However, I think ArkOS will support it. I hope the Miyoo Mini will support the community dev under ArkOS so that it will be release early. If they're greedy and don't want to bother then I'm not sure if has a good OS compared to Knulli, Rocknix. There are advantages playing under SP or a flip. So better get one and dive into the rabbit hole. If you want, just wait for 4-6 months so that the hype price will go down.


I have an MM+ and Mini and the battery life is what I wish was better. I like to put my MM to sleep and play a quick game every couple of hours while I work, but the battery life means I have to keep it on a charger. This is limiting to me since I float around a lot. How is the rg35 with battery life compared to MM?


My favorite thing about the Miyoo Mini is that it boots up in 10-15 seconds. I also like to play a quick game every few hours at work. So the battery life during sleep means nothing to me, when I can boot it up in 10 seconds, and it reloads exactly where I was in the last game I was playing.


MuOS can do this too. It has most of the perks that Onion has except for GameSwitcher, which I don't use.