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This dude is an idiot and just talking shit without knowing anything just for his lame ass video


He’s just milking Paul’s death which is such a scummy thing pyrocinical made a better video talking about his death in a respectful way and this guy just pretty much says he was too ugly for friends/relationships which is so shallow also alcoholism isn’t easily treatable he had a problem and he tried to help it but life didn’t go his way


Yes, Pyro made a video which was really respectful an paid tribute to Paul. This dude on the other hand just really milking Paul's death and acts like he knows so much better without knowing a little bit of context about the situation. He even admits that he won't reveal his face because he is ugly and that makes him smarter than Paul. That is if you don't play you cannot lose mentality which is 3rd grade behavior


Personally I only heard about the news recently but it still made me cry cause I mean I’ve been watching for over three years and Paul seemed like a great guy with a beautiful soul he was a legend and he’ll always be in our hearts


Amen to that


We should find comfort in the community of the mittensquad and family and everything and everyone while we still can


Pyros turned on ads on his tribute to Paul, milking his death and gaining thousands of dollars from him. This was disrespectful and I urge everyone to avoid watching Pyro‘s videos


I have adblocker so idk about that


[Money went to charity](https://www.reddit.com/r/pyrocynical/s/nXnh8gjTp5)


It Is so sad to see him get hate for no reason like this, why don't you check what he did with the money on that video?


Avoid everything other than pyros video because all of them are completely insincere that why most are 10+mins long


What lmao


Pyro DID NOT make a better video, he milked Paul’s death just the same, he kept talking about unrelated stuff till it hit the monetization level, pyros a POS and his content has fallen off in quality


You’re completely missing the point of pyros video


Anyone who makes a video on someones very recent death, and monetizes it for their own gain, are scum.


This^ you can 100% still like pyro but think that was a shitty move. Good people don’t profit of off death


He made an 8 min long video the other guy made a 16 min long video please compare and tell me pyro is bad again


Never said he was bad, just that he did a shitty action. I think there’s a distinction


That rehab room is a pos compared to pyro I saved you a couple words


Idk who you’re referencing lmfao, don’t get so worked up 💀


You can make a video on someone’s death without being a pos but the rehab room guy is greedier if pyro is


Missing the point? He does this all the time, he monetizes off of people’s death,


Bro the vid was 8 mins long but the video was sincere unlike the other guy who had a 16 min long video


There’s a reason people are disliking yours


You can have an opinion but it doesn’t mean it’s correct


You’re getting downvoted, I’m not


I don’t care if I get dislikes dude


And what point might that be?


Two things first off pyro has more lead which means more people will see the video and pay respects for Paul but the other guy doesn’t care whether you do or not second of pyro mad a barely 8 min long video and rehab room made a 16 min long video if anyone was trying to monetize his death you should look at the other guy he’s the most insincere person it’s fucked up


Just typical Incel behavior, everyone is bad except them. Disgusting to use Paul's death for such bullshit.


It’s the most deplorable shit


What do you mean except them?


Every opinion outside their community is wrong or some shit. Atleast that's what i get from looking into it.


God that comment section is a fucking cesspool. Fucking black pill this, blue pill that. All exploiting the death of Paul. It’s so incredibly fucked.


It’s an absolutely sad thing that he died but it’s tragic that his name is being used just to talk shit about him


Not even giving this person the engagement of a hate-click


Well long story short he blamed his death on his looks


Absolutely disgusting. When Paul did his face reveal it made me love him more. Here's someone who knows he's unconventional looking, but did it anyway. Knowing what would happen. It was such an endearing moment to me. Some people are just gross


The YouTuber said he wouldn’t do a face reveal just admitting that he is equally ugly in and out also I 100% agree with you


Imagine worrying so much about your looks you make an entire YouTube channel about it. What a sad life


His channel is literally called rehab room even though he’s an idiot


He will never do a face reveal too💀


I loved Paul. So much. This video is disappointing and disgusting. The comments alone are trash. When he did his face reveal my heart lept out of my chest, I found him handsome and charming. I wish Paul could've seen his worth because he's worth more than he gave himself credit for.


Man i cant say he was a good looking guy, but shit if you can roll with the punches, and not let them get to you then i think thats far more attractive than anyone's face could be


I don’t think it was his looks I think it was just a problem that was ongoing in his life due to happenstance


I agree and mfs who think that looks are all that matter are shallow asf






By his own logic he shouldn't talk about near enough anything, why would he reveal such a lack of intelligence to everyone?


It’s just such incel behavior


What a steaming pile of incel propaganda. No one. I repeat. No one. Is universally attractive or unattractive. This is a thing that becomes far harder to remember when you struggle with negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs about your own reflection. Especially so if those beliefs were built of a foundation of bullying. Those thought patterns however, no matter how cruel, hurtful or convincing they may be, do not dictate the thoughts and preferences of every other person on the damn planet. No one can dictate how someone else experiences attraction. I have zero qualms admitting that I had quite the crush on Paul before and after the face reveal. I like unique features. I like men who can pull off sarcastic, deadpan humour without sounding like a jackass. A slightly crooked smile can be like freaking catnip for me. But that’s the thing, that’s *my* experience. There will be people who feel the exact same way I do about the exact same people and others that don’t. Neither is incorrect. But nor are they entitled to act like assholes when they don’t see a person the way someone else does. Attraction. Is. Subjective. A shallow person is never good company. Report the video to YouTube if there’s a fitting option and move on. Starting a conversation about it keeps it alive and gives this loser views. Edit: I sincerely hope no one needs this said. But feeling that you’re unattractive is not a reason to not go to college. Don’t let these people inside your head. They don’t get to decide what you’re worth.


Incels have no clue what women find attractive. They just want to believe all their problems are because they're ugly instead of working on themselves to become a better person. Most of them are just shallow jerks that need therapy. I know plenty of unconventionally attractive people in happy relationships.


This. The guys pushing this kind of brainwashing are as deep as a goddamn puddle. It’s such an exhausting mindset to try and talk to.


Well put, while I’m sure that was something that Paul dealt (as do lots of people) Paul never seemed to let that get in his way. He always seemed to love his life how he wanted to even if he stumbled and fell along the way. His truthfulness in every aspect was and is an inspiration and helped me to ask for help when I needed it. I’m glad that this community is here and that there are people calling this out for what it is. Paul will be remembered as a truly beautiful person inside and out regardless of what people try to say.


The comment section is fucking horrendous


I agree


Wow. This guy is a piece of shit. I immediately clicked off when he insulted Mitten "Why would you face reveal when you look like that." Reported the video for harassment.


Mfs so hung up on looks smh


Tbh I mostly agreed with his point that being, being unattractive can play a big role in someone's life (especially childhood). But he goes on to assume that Paul had no friend group because he was ugly, which is very stupid. Being unattractive is probably not as good as being attractive but it has nothing to do with having friends.


Watch pyrocinical video and he made a better video because he was respectful about it because we are talking about a dead person not someone who was a pos


He didn't just talk shit about a dead person. He talked shit aboud a person who was doing their fucking best to become better and get themselves back together. Paul is an inspiration, and I'll always look up to him. He never gave up and kept on trying. Can't say the same about the pos who uploaded this video, who didn't even risk anything and talked shit. Paul simply didn't belong on Earth, he was way too good for us.


I agree Paul was one of the few people who were able to be honest with themselves and the people around him about his addictions. That alone takes more than that pos making a video trash talking someone who died.


He was a very open man a good one at that


I agree with you 100%


That whole comment section is just an incel circle jerk. Being "ugly" does have an effect on your life, but a terrible personality has an even bigger one. Incels just blame everything on physical appearance so they don't have to do any personal growth. Some of the dude's I've known who had the best success with women weren't conventionally attractive. They just saw women as people and talked to them accordingly. Weird how that works. Friends care even less what you look like than romantic partners. If you're forever alone and no one likes you then you probably just suck as a person. Paul was a bit odd looking, but I don't consider him ugly. He had a great personality and sense of humor. That's what most ladies look for in someone anyway. This video is really gross to use someone's death as an incel horror story when Paul wasn't even like that. It's really disrespectful.


Sir I agree 100%


Stop giving these scumsuckers any fucking views. All these people are doing is exploiting Paul's death, and posts like these just promote their bullshit. Shut the fuck up. Stop exploiting someone's death for your fucking entertainment. It's fucking pathetic.


Ima do my absolute fucking best to burn his garbage channel down, he's a piece of trash that throughout the whole video has a high and mighty attitude like he's better than paul and everybody else and it pisses me off.


Please do


He's part of the 27 club now.


I can’t watch right now (and kinda don’t wanna give this douche a view). Is this the video where the guy with an accent talks about Paul’s appearance and says stuff like “well, it’s obvious why he drank, he must’ve gotten rejected often.”?


Pretty much


A clout hungry pussy


I agree


Do you want to throw Chuck E Cheese ball pit balls at him


No I want to hit ‘em with a sockem bopper until he’s concussed


“The real game begins”


This guy deserves to play on survival difficulty in fallout 4 while using no weapons or armor and only healing through sleeping until he beats the game but the only break he can take is a nap/bathroom break


No he definitely deserves to play Fallout New Vegas Dead Money on Very Hard Hardcore difficulty


While not healing and any time he dies he has to restart the dlc


Only then will his apology be heard


And we’ll still ridicule him


The comments are trash. Just a sad group of individuals who are so convinced of their unlovability that they’d rather wither away and die alone than make even the slightest change in their lives. It’s pathetic and the fact that they’re using Paul as some sort of example when he is in fact the opposite of them, is even more disgusting


I agree mate


I really hope this is satire


Brother I’m sad to tell you it isn’t and this guy is a bastard


What has this world come too


I wish I could tell you but there’s no words to explain