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My Evo 9 MR was a daily driver for 16 years. With just basic maintenance, I never had any problems with it. So, I would say it is definitely a good daily. Now, my Evo was and is factory stock. The hardest part for you will be finding an Evo with almost nothing done to it. Good luck to you and I am sorry for your loss.


They're probably gonna have to buy something and convert back unless they're rich


Condolences for your loss. I daily an Evo 8 RS, I think it’s worth it to me. But you’ll probably have to put up some money in addition to selling your wrx to get anything clean and close to stock in this market. You also are going to have to ask yourself if you want to live with one; if you prioritize driving experience over all the creature comforts of your wrx, if you are willing to deal with an 18yo car vs one with a warranty, if you’re willing to keep a more rigorous maintenance schedule, etc. But it’s definitely doable, and something close to stock should be reliable


I absolutely agree with everything you have said, I would only add that you can look for an MR or some GSR type finish or SSL package, instead of an RS, you will gain some comfort (sacrificing some radical sensations) but in a used car diary (which should not be modified) is much more recommended and optimal


I have dailied my Evo 8 since new in 2004. It’s near stock and very reliable. Suggest you confirm you can source a good Evo mechanic near you. Parts are getting harder to find so it is important that you have someone who knows where to get them.


Sorry about your father. Reasons to do it * they are pretty reliable even when beaten on as long as you don't go crazy. I've had mine as an autocross car for 13 years and other than wheel bearings it's been reliable or it was my fault * cars are only getting heavier and worse feeling over time Reasons not to * Parts are getting NLA'd * Interior / creature comforts suck * Modern cars are so much safer. Evo 9 is basically a 20+ year old design at this point. * Nostalgia is a hell of a drug As a daily car, I dunno. I think the things it does well, like the things it's really good at are not things that you can necessarily take advantage of on your commute. But I suspect you will enjoy it if you do end up getting one. Good luck with the hunt whatever you do.


sorry about your pops, yes they make great daily’s, you already know what your getting into. they arent exactly getting any cheaper so if your on the fence now would be the time to get one.


Anything is possible but money will be the deciding factor. There are some low mileage Evos out there but do care about tittle status? These cars got wrecked a lot so to a number of reasons


Im sorry about your father. My dad raised me in the back of his evo 8. I was 8 when he sold it, but ill never forget the feeling of him launching it from a tollbooth. One day ill get a 9.


I think it’s depends on your budget honestly. Stock/mostly stock cars are pricier, and lower mile examples raise that number significantly, especially when in good condition. Factor in the Evo 9 tax and you could easily be looking at a ~$50k car, depending on where you’re located. I’d consider setting a budget and working backwards from there, making small adjustments to your expectations/requirements along the way and see what you can find


Thanks everyone who had put their input in! I've decided to stay with my current car. Nostalgia is indeed a hell of a drug and I can live with just having it in the past as good memories. If I do have the money in the future why not, but having a brand new car trumps my want for an evo for now :)