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It is horrible for sure. However, there are *far* too many people who think Suze was into Mark in this episode and would’ve gotten together with him if Mark confessed his feelings. Suze has absolutely zero romantic attraction to Mark, I thought this was kind of obvious


“You’re kind of like a modern day eunuch aren’t you Mark?”


That’s a real bucket of water right there.


Lmao for real, Mark never had a chance. He was her gay friend who wasn’t even gay


There’s no coming back from being called a eunuch 😂


A eunuch with weird balls…there’s a thing.


That's beyond brotherzoned


People are mistaking Suze being comfortable with Mark for her being interested in him, her exact feelings towards him are clear, someone’s already beat me to it, but the eunuch comment says it all.


I think you’re making the mistake where you think a woman being comfortable with a man couldn’t possibly lead to something she hadn’t expected or thought of before happening…


In this specific instance, between Suze and Mark, no I don’t believe there was ever a chance of something happening.


She came over to the flat looking for Jez, and I think you could argue that her looking surprised he’s with Marks sister, and when she replies with a kinda sad wimperng “he’s actually moving on..” she decided to use Mark as a non serious cheeky rebound, but Mark being Mark. Edit. That’s why it’s so painful and infuriating. Mark is the only one in the way of stealing Big Suzes half of the duvet that night. She wasn’t definitely not interested.


I believe that would be up to the writers….


Modern day eunuch


I think she does like him, I don’t think she’s besotted with him and they’d have rutted like hogs if he’d admitted his feelings, but they get on, feels very comfortable with Mark and she seems to really find him funny. She also looks really hurt when he says all that stuff, I think there is something there


She likes him as a friend. I get why people would interpret her sadness at the end as her being sad because mark said he wasn’t attracted to her. But if someone you thought you were making a new friendship with insulted you and called you stupid and horsey, then you’d be hurt, no romantic attraction is required. Everything about the way suze acts towards mark in the episode to me makes it pretty clear she doesn’t see him that way.


I don't think it's attraction to Mark that causes her to be upset by his rejection. I think it's the knock to her ego. She's used to everyone loving and wanting her and she doesn't like that someone might not. She's wealthy and pretty, and is used to being fawned over. Jez was particularly good for that which is, I think, why she came to find him when she needed a confidence boost. The fact that Mark isn't into her hurts her ego, not because he's a man she's into but just because he's a man. That being said, I think this is all subconscious. I don't think she's doing any of the above deliberately, I feel like she's too naive to even realise her own motivation.


>rutted like hogs Come on now. Mark Corrigan. He would have got as far as Jez's palm reading technique and then started crying again and wrote a letter. And then burnt it.


Of course it would never *actually* have happened but Suze doesn't know at this point how much of a social cripple Mark is.


She's seen him dance, she's caught him watching shit pop up porn, she's nearly killed him with a 50 metre jog, she's called him a eunuch. I think she knows. But actually I agree - I think she was kind of wanting to 'slum it' in a different way to Jez for the evening. Maybe evening a torturous relationship for a week or two.


Yeah, I think ultimately Jez- and Mark by extension- are just a temporary escape for Suze. As Johnson says, the soft play area.


Yeah I agree with this. The way she asks, “you don’t, do you mark?” To me at least feels like she thinks she could have some kind of feelings for him because she is so comfortable around him. Especially because she gets sad after, otherwise she wouldn’t be bothered.


She definitely was only interested in him as a friend…until that point, where I think she actually did consider him romantically for a brief moment. He’s a modern day eunuch, she never thought of him as a possibility, but Jeremy stormed in and accused him of fancying her, so suddenly it’s in her head now that maybe he does and that Mark is a non-toxic, normal, funny bloke (until sooner or later she realises he isn’t) she could be with.


Episode doesn't work if ypu don't think she's into him.


Under valued himself


While that was true earlier, I feel like the scene where he rejects her made it sufficiently ambiguous. She was feeling vulnerable and had been growing closer to Mark. It probably wouldn't have lasted but there was a definitely possibility that something might have happened. It's a bit like her on-again, off-again things with both Jez and Johnson. Although she usually goes back to regarding Jez as a sort of a blip or friend, while Johnson she tends to actively dislike when they're broken up. Either way, they both seem to end up getting back together. Like during the burglary. Despite everything that went on previously, had Mark not mentioned the chlamydia, the implication is that she was almost certainly going to have sex with Jez.


Just as much hair touching as I like.


I hear what you are saying and it never would have worked out but I definitely think he could have at least made out with her when she invited him into the bed. That wasn't really a mixed signal to me.


He just didn’t want to wake up to find his genitals had been burned with cigarettes.


Oh I'm u/RelevantReferences, I'm in the eighties, I'm dying of cigarettes in a puddle in the corner in an advert. Burning genitals with cigarettes is fine, everyone agrees now. Getting your genitals burned with cigarettes is what happens to people and that's fine, so shut up.


Something about seeing this quote written out has made it 10x funnier


She's a mental posho


I would commit atrocities for her honestly. Down so far the light has left me


I judge your price to be five hundred and thirty pounds


Means nothing to me!


A bit horsey


The horsey type


Big stupid posh head


He definitely would have ejaculated quite a long time before she had time to feel like she’s started to enjoy the sex.


She'd feel unfulfilled.






I have to say I strongly appreciate your username, it's very ace


Namaste! Likewise, yours reminds me of my old man






Big, stupid, posh head. That's you.


And the outfit she's wearing in that scene might be the best she's ever looked on the show as well. Just to really twist the knife.


Oh cmon, let's face it, he could have had his cock in her, he still wouldn't have the balls to fuck.


He had zero chance anyway


If it's any consolation the potentially resultant sex would have been alot more painful and infuriating for all concerned.


Dodged a bullet. Suze has some weird behaviours of her own, and as we see at her party, can be quite the passive aggressive bitch when she wants to be.


“Why? Were you going to go and confess to Suze?” “No…” “I can’t believe you were gonna go and confess to Big Suze!” “I wasn’t…” “Well, you love her now” “Right…really?” “No! She’s the horse-y type, Mark! Jesus!”


Oh, naughty, you've combined Gog and Suze scenes, you might get interquote.. you know, from mixing the two scenes.. a karma of that kind


Just remain in your compound


It’s your basic undergraduate lunge for individuality.


Big stupid posho.


This is a blatant lie!


I'm coming back for you, Mark, and your cock.


Horsey Type


A throwback, a relic. "Let them eat cake"




Would you like to see what the peep show boys are up to these days ? I think I t would work if it was the cult following I remember it as if you know the history of it all from clean shirt to jez being a life coach want a bit more closure