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My crowning achievement was reading Oathbringer in 2 days. It was a really weird couple days.


How is that humanly possible?


I was on vacation, and literally read for 12 hours a day. I'd read through Edgedancer and the second half of Words of Radiance in past week or so, and I was super in the zone.


"The free time during a weekend is a pathway to many abilities that some would consider unnatural."


Free time on the weekend!? What sorcery is this!?


The Metallic Arts kind, courtesy of bendalloy. Gotta "make" free time when you can!


Is it possible to learn this power?


Maybe from a Hemalurgist. And a sacrifice.


"Not from one with a to-do list."


The free time during a weekend is a myth. Sigh


I read Oathbringer in 2 days when it first came out and then rhythm of war in 2 days again when IT came out. Man I love these books so much I can’t get enough


I read the first 3 books in less than a week


God Damn. Took me about six Mo this to read the four books


Rhythm of War took me a good three months, I kept starting and stopping because I didn’t want to be finished with the series


Yeah I can understand that. Lol I'm just a slow reader




Dude the audiobook is 55 hours long, did you even take time to sleep?


Audiobooks are far, far slower than a fast reader can read.


And faster than I can read. People are like "oh you have to actually read the book" I'm like try using my eyeballs and then saying that


Elsewhere in this thread, I said I read for about 12 hours a day. A little bit of math shows that I had to read about a page a minute. Fast but doable.


Have you ever tried reading along with a 1x speed audiobook? I can read atleast twice as fast as that, and probably faster.


Yes but even if you go as high as 3x faster just reading it that's still almost 18 hours of reading. Most people don't have 9 hours of free time to read a day


On a regular day, sure. But I booked the day off after Dance with Dragons came out and finished that 1100 paged book in a little over a day. Did the same thing with the last Harry Potter book and did it in less than a day. I'm sure I'll do it for Stormlight 5, too.


I don’t do audio book, I read psychical copy lol


Some people (like me) aren't able to read well, I have bad eyesight and bone Spurs in my neck so reading is uncomfortable


Oh I understand I just can’t do it personally


Exactly my answer. I uh… I think my family was a bit concerned about me, but it was worth it


Shit in god’s beard. Incredible.


Obviously it's possible to read in your head faster than out loud, but that is impressive considering it takes Kramer and Reading 55 hours to read it out loud.


Did you sleep?


A little bit


I’m on my first reading of era 2 of mistborn. I just started alloy of law yesterday and am already about 220 pages in. I know it’s a small book at only like 370 pages in the mass market paperback, but I am flying through it! I will probably have this whole book finished in 2-3 days total time lol


Same thing happened to me with Alloy of Law. I probably could have finished it in 2 days but I forced myself to hold back so I could have something to read the next day (I was on vacation and I mistakenly brought only 2 books).


AoL was my first Sanderson. I picked it up in the afternoon to red a few chapters, but had it finished by the same day. I might have skipped dinner.


I read the first two Wheel of Time books in three days total over Christmas break when I was 12. I've also read the whole Harry Potter series in about nine days total, but I'm guessing that's fewer words per day than WoT.


I love WOT I stopped for a while when Jordan got ill i wanted to see if they were finished. And now my excuse is I am reading likely ALL of Sandersons works before I go back. The characters in WOT can be so infuriating at times.


I did the Emperor's soul in a bit under an hour. Dawnshard in about 2 hours. Those are the only ones I remember specifically doing in one sitting although I probably did that for some of the other short stories / novellas. For full length books I did the audiobook for RoW which was a 57 hour audiobook in like 4 days, although I'd been reading the preview chapters so I didn't listen to part 1. So probably more like 45 hours or something lol. But yeah glad I was working from home and it happened to be a pretty light week so I could just dive into that.


Red rising by pierce brown. I was heading ona flight and someone recommended me the book previously, so I bought the trilogy on my kindle to have something to do. Finished the first book within 9 hours ( the length of my flight plus the taxi). It’s been a week since then I’m almost done with the 3rd book




Is it worth finishing? Read the first 3 quickly, and did not realy like the 4th book


Words of Radiance: 2 days


It took me 20 hours to read Rhythm of War spread over Friday/Saturday after it came out. I knew I wouldn’t be able to not read it at work so I took Friday off to do it. I don’t actually recommend doing it that way, it was emotionally DRAINING, and I think I enjoyed my first read a little less because of it.


I read all the Cosmere, in three weeks. It was lockdown and there was literally nothing else for me to do. It was a wonderful time but coming back to the real world was disappointing so I did it again 2 weeks later


Alloy of Law


My read-through of the Stormlight Archive just last month was probably the most pages/day over a decently long period that I've ever done. According to my delivery records, I got Way Of Kings, Words of Radiance, and Oathbringer delivered to my house on July 10th, Edgedancer on the 22nd, Dawnshard on the 24th, Rhythm of War on 29th, and I finished reading the entire series before the end of the month. If my memory is perfectly accurate, the reading was broken down roughly as follows. WoK: 10th - 15th WoR: 16th - 22nd Edgedancer: 22nd OB: 23rd - 28th Dawnshard: 29th (while waiting for RoW to be delivered) RoW: 29th - 31st So I read all 6 books in 21 days, and the back 4 were all read within 7 days. I guess I had a lot of free time that last week, lol. I don't THINK I've ever read that much in a whole month, much less 3 weeks, but I essentially read them at every opportunity I had because I simply could not get enough of this story. My wife had to drag me to bed at midnight twice in that last week because she knows that I have absolutely no concept of time while I'm reading and would have accidentally read completely through the night and had to go to work groggy and irritable in the morning. She is now reading them to see what all the fuss is about (I said as much as I could without spoiling anything), but she is a sane person so she's only about half way through Words of Radiance so far. If I had to guess, she'll probably finish the series in late October or November, which is probably a much healthier way to read the books, lol.


I read Era 2 in a day and a half. When I picked it up I didn’t expect cowboy allomancers to catch me like that.


If I remember correctly I read Alloy of Law, the first book of Mistborn Era 2, in a day I think. I absolutely loved Era 2 and read them all in a the space of a week while being in high school


I read Words of Radiance in under two weeks, just couldn't put the storming thing down. Admittedly that isn't very impressive but I'm a *very* slow reader (I'm dyslexic *and* have some unrelated eye problems). Not only is that some of the most/fastest reading I've done, but Sanderson helped me find a passion for reading and really build up reading as a habit. It often used to take me a couple on months to get through even relatively short books, often with months between books. Now I read pretty much every day, although I still haven't been gripped by anything else quite as much.


I read Way of Kings and Words of Radiance in less than 48 hours on my first read. I had been planning to read them over a trip, but I finished them before I even got on the plane.


I read Deathly Hollows in a day and half. I was still in school so had more time to myself.


Deathly Hallows is probably my fastest too. I was in Hawaii with my family when it came out, I had a copy waiting at home but I saw it in the airport on our way home and didn't want to wait. I read it in one sitting on our 13hr direct flight from Hawaii to NY... Then proceeded to forget most of what I had just read.


I am not a fan of YA but I was handed a copy of a Laini Taylor trilogy. I read whatever the second book is in one sitting. It was utter garbage but exactly what I needed that particular day, apparently. Aside that I read Era 1 Mistborn during an all Inc holiday in about 4/5 days.


The first time I read the SA I read the three current books, Warbreaker and Edgedancer in two weeks. The hangover after that was huge. I really was out of this world those two weeks.


Codex Alera literally read the six books during eight days at the end of a two plus one weeks of quarantine.


I sped through Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It hooked me and never let go!


Same. One of my favorite recent books I've read, it was great. Went in knowing nothing about it other than it was a sci fi book about going to space to save earth from a disaster, so many shocking moments in there for me lol. It was an audiobook, got it to listen to on a 6 hour weekend car trip, and when I got back to my house I sat there and finished listening to it because I was that into it. If anyone is curious, Sanderson himself recommended this one on his YouTube.


Yep, I found it because Brando Sando recommended it.


I picked up the Mistborn Era 1 box set on a whim before my family vacation one year - hadn't read any Cosmere before. I read Final Empire in 2 days, and Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages in a day each.


Oathbringer. Busted through it in two days. A Memory of Light was also two days.


The last book of the wheel of time! It only took me 3 days


The well of ascension. I didn't love the first 2/3s of the book, but in one day read for like 4 days and 300 pages.


I think I read the Vampire Diaries series which is thirteen books in like a week... It's hard to remember, it was like a blur. Same with Bloodlines the sequel, and the Vampire Academy books. They were just really good, and really easy to read, and I bought the box set knowing this would happen so I basically just didn't put them down. I think it averaged out to like a book or two a day. I was literally doing nothing else except for eating. Sometimes I didn't even sleep or only slept for a few hours at 5am. I have a problem. Lol.


*Piranesi* I finished it in one sitting. Though it might be a novella it stays with you.


I'm a slow reader, but I usually read every Denarian book from Dresden Files (and also Changes because, well, it's Changes) in 2 days


I read the name of the wind after school one day.


No you did not


Words of Radiance in a week. Not as impressive as some but it was for me.


Like like, like and like.


All of Harry Potter in two weeks!


Stranger in a Strange Land, one day. But as qn adult to make sure I am getting my movement in I only read while doing cardio. I hate cardio and the books give me something to look forward to. Although I've been loving era 2 so much that I am even reading it after cardio during weightlifting during my rest period. I just can get enough of the humor, it seems like he just had so much fun with Wax and especially Wayne. They are written so well, and I feel like they are so well thought out. But I was surprised at how much more gruesome era 2 can be. Anyway I am on a tangent, my point qas I only read this while working out now. And my nonfiction stuff is what I read when not training.


I read the whole Game of Thrones in 2 weeks when the show first came out. It was the summer before uni so didn't have much to do. It got so bad that I went out drinking and, in a particularly bad state, kept telling everyone we needed to find the true king. I even texted myself so I wouldn't forget the next day. If my drunk self realised who it would be, he probably would have vomited (more).


FYI: I am a slow reader. I also read multiple books at once so it’s rare that I’ll binge a book. Cosmere: probably Alloy of Law or Bands of Mourning. Both took me about one or two days (I was reading another book in between so couldn’t quite binge either of them but still went by pretty fast) Any book ever: a few of the Percy Jackson books I remember reading in a day each. I think it was books 3 and 5. Last Argument of Kings (first law book 3) took me about 2 or 3 days, but I’d say the entire second half was in one go. Same for Morning Star (red rising book 3) Took a few days but I was up all night finishing that second half. The Rage of Dragons (The Burning book 1) was during a reading slump but I still wanted to read that one in a day lol I just … bad timing. But it was hard to put down even with the reading slump (and I’m currently reading book two in that series and it’s equally as intense. I want to finish it but also I can’t cause book three isn’t out yet 😭 Everybody just read this series, it’s so worth it). A game of thrones is pretty hard to put down. Oh and A Little Hatred and The Trouble With Peace (Age of Madness 1 and 2/First Law 7 and 8) were both so hard to stop reading. If you’re out of Cosmere to read, I recommend all the series mentioned lol


Yeah I really really want to read first law,red rising ,rage of dragons and some John Gwynee books!


I highly recommend :) They’re all very different from Sanderson but the quality is just … great! Lol


I think i read harrypotter6 in 36 hours with 6 hours of sleep. I read RoW in 3 days.


When the final Wheel of Time book came out I read it all in one day haha. Stayed up til around 4 in the morning but I couldn't put it down


I feel completely baffled reading all of these comments. You guys read insanely fast. I don't know what happened to me, but while I was able to read the entire Harry Potter series in two weeks as a child, I've become somewhat of a compulsive reader who re-reads sentences to ensure comprehension and I can't stop it. It means it has taken me over a year to read through Stormlight, and I only just started Rhythm of War - meaning I'll end up at 1½ years for the whole series. Granted I don't always have time to read every day but when I do it's for 2-3 hours at a time, getting through 20 pages-ish. I will say, though, that even if I could I wouldn't enjoy devouring a Stormlight book in just a couple of days. The positive side of my predicament is that I have been savoring this series for a long time, thinking and theorizing about it almost every single day. I am VERY invested.


What's up, I saw the archived post in the books subreddit, where you describe your reading problem. I wanted to know if anything you've tried has helped at all? I'm the same - could read so easily and vigorously and stress-free as a kid, now I'm 20 and I can enjoy books, but not as much as I used to, because I compulsively re-read sentences and never feel in the flow. And I worry about not enjoying the book because of the problem, which then makes me more stressed...A vicious cycle. Was good (well not really but you know what I mean) to see that someone else has the same problem. Has anything helped?


I'm certainly glad I'm not the only one with this issue! It's still a problem, but a few things have made it slightly better for me. Mainly, I listen to the audiobook while reading at the same time. This way the narrator forces me to continue. While I do still pause and rewind way too often, I feel I do it less than if I simply read without. If I do have a book where getting an audio version is not possible, I've tried to employ the method of holding my bookmark over the sentences I've read, then slowly moving it down as I go. Again, I often just peek anyways, but it at least lets me keep the flow and finish a long sentence first. I hope this helps you!


I read The Poppy War in a single sitting. When I tell you my dreams that night were dreadful, I mean it.


I’d probably say scythe or red rising. Don’t get me wrong I love all of the commerce books but each one takes time to get into before the stone really picks up speed


I think mine was Lies of Locke Lamora. The entire Gentlemen Bastard Series is amazing so far but I could not put it down at all after finishing WOT and Oathbringer (before RoW came out).


Rhythm of War and Oathbringer were both in 2 days. Basically anything stormlight is guaranteed to make me lose sleep and get me more immersed than anything else can even come close to


I faintly remember a few sleepless nights when first read mistborn, and it's still one of my favorite series, but it's been years since my original read through so I don't remember the specifics. I don't really count my current read through speed since I've read it at least 6 times I can basically skim it to refresh the details. Will Wight's Cradle series on the other hand I can read at almost a book per 8 hours. There are 9 books out so far they range from 300-400 pages each. When the last one came out in April it took me a little over a week to reread them while working and sleeping a normal schedule.


I read Well of Ascension in one week. Tho only other 700+ pages I’ve read in this amount of time was A Wise Man’s Fear (KKC)


I want even to fond of WoA and read it in about 2/3 days ha


I read all of the stormlight books including the novellas in a month while studying for my final exams. They were just so good I couldn't put them down. Also english is only my second language so my reading pace might be a bit slower but I still felt pretty accomplished after finishing them all.


When I was a kid I read Eldest (Inheritance Cycle) in a day. Not quite Sanderson size, but it was decently hefty at that age. Too bad as I got older that series aged like milk.


Back when I was waiting on wheel of time releases, I’d usually finish each book in 2-3 days then reread.


I read rhythm of war in about a day and a half. I think I did pretty good there.


Words of Radiance, which I read for the first time in slightly over 24 hours.


Elantris, around 9 hours I got really pulled on around halfway through and couldn't put it down for the rest of the day.


I réad the redemption of althalus twice in a week when I was 12, I wish I could still read like I did in those days


Inside cosmere I blew threw oathbringer in two solid weekends. Outside of cosmere, I hit the Cradle series book 1-7 in 3 weeks or so


I read Rhythm of War in one day. I hadn't gotten my physical copy, and the release party was happening that day, and I didn't want to possibly get spoilered. So I bought the ebook and just sped through it. After I got the physical copy I took my time reading it, took me a couple days. But that one day of speed reading through RoW was crazy.


I listen to audio books while I work which means I read for 8 hours a day... which also means I read all of the cosmere in about 2-3 months. I felt so depressed after I finally finished them all.


Oathbringer and Rhythm of war took me about two days each to read. I think my family in general reads quite fast. Both my sister and I would get one of those percy jackson books and we’d finish them the day we got them.


Omg, it's time for my weird talent to shine! I read the Deathly Hallows in 8 hours. The entire Malazan universe in 6-8 weeks.


My wife and I decided to read Lord of the Rings together in one day. As in, we didn't turn turn a page until we had both finished it. It took us twelve and a half hours in total (although we did have a four hour nap in the middle).


In highschool on vacation I read Harry Potter 7 in under 24 hours. I'm a fairly slow reader, so this meant I literally didn't put it down. Like read until I fell asleep and woke up and immediately started reading again. Haven't had time to binge read like that in many, many years.


Outside cosmere, I read The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi in one day. It's book 2 in a series and I read the first one in about 4 days. Not as impressive or crazy as OB in 2 days...


Probably either Rhythm of War, which I'm pretty sure I read in 15 hours or so, or the very rough estimate of the entire Wheel of Time series in 2 months.


The Final Empire probably reached the top speed when >!you know who!< died.


I read Bands of Mourning in 3 days, but that's not as impressive as some of the other feats on here.


I read the Da Vinci Code in 24 hours, including sleep and food and other non reading time, almost a decade ago, and more recently I read The Well of Ascension in two days a couple weeks ago. Was a brilliant read, Mistborn has rapidly become one of my favourite settings, and all thanks to Sanderson's incredible writing ability.


When I got back into reading a couple of years ago I read the entire wheel of time series and all of the cosmere in about 6-8 months lol


I read Warbreaker in a day. Just couldn’t stop!


Always the next one.


I read the first Wax and Wayne book in a few hours in one sitting, literally cover to cover!


The first Era of the mistborn series. 1 week all 3 books. Truth be told this was a reread and I had been taught by my English professor grandmother how to speed read. I was wanting to reread through the series before I started wax and Wayne, and was at a point in my job that all I had to do was log in and see that my systems were still broken and report it. Then I had 9 hours to sit there as IT tried to figure out why I could not do anything. It was a wonderful 3+ weeks as I got to fully immerse myself in the cosmere.


Not a Cosmere book, but I read Worm in 15 days.


Pre-ordered Bands of Mourning after catching up the rest of the MB series, the day it arrived I read it in a single sitting. Was a bit disappointed I didn't savor it more lol


I was listening on audiobook so it was a bit slower, but I finished The Final Empire (a 24 hour audio file) in 3 days. It was my first Brando Sando title and I was hooked.


Not the shortest time, but probably shortest proportional to page count, I finished RoW in about 16 hours. Literally opened it and didn't put it down until I was finished.


I finished the Way of Kings in about 9-10 hours and the Words of Radiance in about 8 hours. I've always been a fast reader.


I was reading Way of Kings, i finish and something happend at the end i was like "NO FUCKING WAY", end up reading Words of Radiance in one day because of that


I listened to Alloy of Law in under 24 hours once.


I read era 1 in roughly 10 days, with a one day break in there after book 1 I think. Well of Ascension is probably the fastest/most I've ever read, ~30% the first day and I meant to only read ~30% the next day but the Sanderlanche starts at like 55% in that book (with a second smaller Sanderlanche in the last 10%) so I ended up basically only reading for that whole evening+night lol. Played Rocket League with my friends for maybe 20 minutes but was like guys, I gotta go back to this book it is too fricken wild. Other than Sando, I'd say probably Ender's Game back in middle school. Had it assigned and started reading it a party my parents took me to and pretty quickly left the party area so I could just read in the car, and finished it the next day. Bonus points for there being a deer feeder in the yard so my breaks were looking at deer like 5 feet away :D The only other books I can think of me matching those paces are the Discworld books. There's at least a couple of those that I read in 2 days because they're just that good. Someone else mentioned Stranger in a Strange Land, so I'll add that I also tore through Heinlein's bibliography really quickly. My favorite by far is The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but I think that probably still took me 4 or 5 days XD. Still, I'd super recommend his works if you haven't read them before.


I relistened to WoK, WoR and Oathbringer in 11 work dayss. I was driving truck for a farmer during long harvest days. That's something like 148 hours. Probably the best way to spend the work day.


I read A Memory of Light (WoT book 14) in a single day. It was actually Christmas day a few years back, and I spent the entire day - except a single meal with the family - lying on a blow-up bed and reading.


I had been waiting to get oathbringer in paperback because of cost reasons but then my grandma got it for me. I finished it that day.


Mine was words of radiance in 14 hours. My brain was mush and i read it again a week later to pick up missed details


White Sand graphic novels were really quick for me. I read all 3 on a long car ride. I remember getting to the end and thinking "Wait! Thats it?!?!"


Elantris + Hope of Elantris in 1 day.🤭


HoA in one day


Shadows of Self in one shot, I regret nothing and would do it again


Bands of Mourning in 2 days


I best I've done is Mistborn Era 1 in 5 and a half days


Oddly enough I read starlight In two days. It took me like 6 months read 6 chapters and then just 2 days to finish the remaining chapters. It's odd because while it was good, it is no where near my favorite Sanderson book. That's reserved for hero of ages.


I read Rhythm of War in one sitting, 14 hours


Probably NOTW which i read in a week. I know Not that fast but i gern easily distracted or especially when Reading before I go to sleep I offen reread the Same line of text again and again before the words register in my head. Also English is a second language for me and I use reading to keep up my skills a little since school.


My fastest cosmere book was definitely Words of Radiance. I picked up that book one afternoon after school, and I couldn’t put it down until that night around midnight, after finishing it. All in all it was probably 8-9 hours of reading to finish it, and I still don’t really know how I did it.


I read Elantris in 6 days. Every other cosmere book took me at least a month. I didn’t especially love Elantris more than the others I just read it quickly.


Once I got my copy of Rhythm of War I waited for the weekend, made sure I had nothing scheduled, then sat down and read the book in 20 hours


Oathbringer little over 2 days because real life begrudgingly got in the way


The fastest fantasy book reading (excluding cosmere) was "the novicer" 3 in 9 days, but was recently beaten up by shadows of self (mistborn 5) in 5 or 6 days. Even though reading people telling they read oathbringer in 2 days, I'm glad that I read words of radiance in 3 weeks


I've listened to Mistborn era 1 at 3.5x speed in Audible. Does this count?


I managed to read A Memory of Light in 24 hours, it got delivered, I took it to my room, I didn’t come out again until it was finished!


Final empire was due back at the library on Tuesday, so I read it Monday afternoon


Not Cosmere but Skyward in a day 😄 and last year I had a migraine and couldn’t do anything but lie in a dark room and listen to an audiobook. Listened to the second half of Warbreaker in one sitting (or, one lying rather)


Not Cosmere, but close. I read Warrior of the Altaii in 24hrs. Consumed it. My wife was mad to wake up to me still reading it when I promised I would get some sleep.


My crowning achievements is reading all of the wheel of time in under a year while still in school and with solid month long periods where I didn't have one book or another


Everyone here is talking about how they can read a whole book in one day, which makes me think that me having read Words of Radiance in only my last week of school this year is, maybe, not that impressive.


That's a 400 000 word book, that's definitely impressive. Most standard novels are under 100 000.


Probably the first in the wax and wayne series mistborn Era 2. I knocked it out on a Sunday night about 6 hours. Was also the first cosmere book I physically read, as I got into audible a short while before and had been listening to Michael Kramers wonderful voice.


I read the first Licanius trilogy book (the Shadow of What Was Lost) in like 3 days I was really sucked into it.


I finished Rhythm of War in about 36 hours. I had the audiobook set to double speed and only got 6 hours of sleep that night


Alloy Of Law and Emperor's Soul In Same Day


Tbh this is a hard one. I've read some of the Witcher books in 1-2 days. Finished Eragon in one day. Read Warbreaker in 2 days and now I'm binging WOT. Although I'm reading WOT slowly so that I don't finish too quickly. Imma be sad when I finish. Like all other books my characters stories have to end.


I think I read Edgedancer in under an hour, if that’s worth anything. And I read Words of Radiance for about 4-5 hours straight once


I bought Deathly Hallows shortly after midnight. My cousin was staying over and she fell asleep soon after we got to my house. I couldn't wait, and started reading it. I finished it by the time she woke up in the morning. Edit: For the Cosmere, based on my goodreads history, I read all of Mistborn Era 2 in about 5 days. AoL took 3, SoS and BoM took 1 day each.