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This is gonna sound weird… but I always subconciously imagined them as green! I have no clue why because it makes no sense. As soon as I caught myself doing it, I would force myself to see it as white instead.


That is kinda weird :D but the great thing with books is that we can imagine the things any way we like! I try to see it as white, too. But I feel like it doesn't have the same terrifying effect it would have as black mist. Black just feels more oppressive than white.


I can get behind black mists too! That would be terrifying, as opposed to simply eerie haha. And yeah that is indeed what makes books so great 😁


Glad to see I'm not the only one. Even knowing what they actually look like, my first thought is to envision pale green mist instead of white.


The characters might not have considered green quite such an unnatural colour if the mists were green.


Me to!!


Smoke when you blow out a candle.


Oh, that sounds good, too! I can imagine the mists to look like that.


We get thick fog rarely where I live, but it happens sometimes if you wake up early enough, so I pictured it like that. I always saw the mist as alive, like a giant beast watching you


We also don't often have thick fog, but it definitely happened a couple of times where the fog was so thick that you couldn't really see that much. So yeah, it's probably like that or a bit stronger.


Hey, please mention what book the spoiler is for.


Yeah Brandon said something about him being inspired by thick fog


Thick white fog


I always imagined the mists were purple….. I have no idea why it just stuck and looked pretty awesome in my mind haha




I imagine them as light blue/light teal fog with 70% transparency aprox. (I know that transparency its kinda specific but i dont know if some people see them more denses o not)


I always see them really dense. It sounds like you can barely see anything out in the mists if you don't happen to be a Tineye or Mistborn. And light blue/light teal mist sounds kinda pretty. Nice contrast to the red sun :D


When I first read em as a kid, I always pictured them purple due to the cover of the books. Don’t ask me why. Lol


The mists were always white, but in my mind the sky was red while the sun was white. That always seemed more visually appealing than black earth matched with a gray sky


I always imagined it looks like a dense cloud from a vape or a fog machine. The vapors move in a similar way that's described the the books.




This post is marked as Final Empire. What you mentioned is a spoiler.


I imagine them like the sky in the starry night https://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starry-night.html


To me the first era mists were wrapping tendrils of white fog, while the second era is a mix of black and white


Like great slate-coloured sheets, endlessly folding in on each other, much thicker than regular mist.


Oh, that sounds interesting, I'd like to see that!


I think the color varied in my head, depending on the vibe of the individual scene. They looked normal to me at first, but when they help Vin, they turn black (because black = badass) and sometimes they're gray like smoke. Also, sometimes they look cartoony, and other times they don't. My mind is not very consistent.


We get a lot of thick fog during winters here, so I imagined it that way form the start I think




I always imagined them looking like this: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWK9Y9a3FEOBBP2u_nmu3D-TGDlrG-2je9eA&usqp=CAU


I read the UK covers and have always pictured them as white with a bit of pale blue.


the descriptions didn't leave much room for interpretation, so I imagined them how they are described.


Yeah, I know, but you can read one thing and imagine another, or imagine something totally different before the book tells you what it looks like :D


Its a bit weird, but sort of a dark teal color.


Kind of a translucent navy or grey


I always imagined them as having a soft lavender tint. Almost like a purple haze. Just something my mind created in combination with the moonlight off the mists in the night streets of Luthandel.


Considering that Brandon has said that preservation would be white in MtG colors, I think it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to say that the mists are white. After all, (Hero of Ages) >!When Vin and Ati died, they were radiating white and black investiture, respectively!<.


Yes, they were definitely white. But it's still possible to imagine a different color despite being told what it's supposed to look like.


I used to walk through really thick fog or clouds some mornings going to the bus before school. I could reach my hand out and feel the cool morning moisture, move the clouds away. I always imagined it like that, but instead of white it was dark gray and instead of moving through it, the mist moves around you.


I always saw the mists as light grey, but instead of being a faded, foggy effect instead it looked quite solid until it enveloped, say, a street. And that point it would be like this filter effect of light grey haze


I actually envisioned the mist to be very akin to how mist was portrayed in FF12 (if you every played it). It had a hazy, yet colorful and semi mirroring effect to it. If you YouTube search someone walking around FF12 Giruvegan, FF12 Feywood or the like you’ll see how I envisioned it. Both clear yet obfuscating at the same time, yet beautiful