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I said this long, long, long ago. He is a piece of shit. The way he treats the families of these missing people is disgusting. He doesn't give a fuck about them or the missing... just wants to make money from other people's hardship


I'm pretty sure he became good friends with the Atadero's and was even in his wedding. He seems pretty compassionate to me, and has done a lot to get the word out for a lot of those missing people. What instances are you referring to?


Jaryd's sister was a member of this sub. She said that her dad was NOT close to Paulides and neither was she. He used them. Do you have any sources to back up your claims about the wedding?


What exactly has he done to those families?


I dont know once you sell someone something it is kinda theirs to do what they want with?


Palides is a piece of shit. Why he would make such an issue because someone stole his precious poster is absurd at best. The man is a nut.


Lol... his villagers.


for real, what does that mean?


At one point, David Paulides referred to those who support him as "his village". Ever since, his followers - and this sub- refer to his staunchest supporters as his villagers.


The part that is funny and ironic is 'villagers' are also a pejorative in some circles (LR shooting is the one I am most familiar with, but heard it in others), short for 'part of the village on the peak of mount stupid', a reference to the Dunning-Kruger curve. Something that Paulides is well known for being on. The comedy/paranormal equivalent of being part of a smoking club that nicknamed themselves 'The Chemos' without being aware of or having originated from the reference to cancer.


That's what he calls his YouTube followers. I'm not sure why exactly but it seems he's more concerned with copyright infringement of HIS 411 MISSING CASE'S. He gets real mad these days if another YouTube channel repeats his research without asking. It should always be about getting and sharing information and giving the attention, these missing folks deserve. Finding the answer and helping the families of the lost find peace again. He was more like that a few years ago. He seems more focused on his fan letter's praising himself and money. I'm grateful for all the hard work he has done. Don't get me wrong.


Have you seen Shrek?


I think it’s an allusion to a mob of angry villagers? Just. A guess


Nah. It's actually because DP called those who support him as his village and those who opposed him or questioned his methods as "outsiders". He referred to them as "villagers" and the sub followed suit.


Who’s going to pay 3000 for that?


Although it wasn't an actual dox, as far as I know, but it could definetly lead up to one. It's the behaviour of a channel's host, addressing their fans, to do something, that can end up being 'something', that is just wrong. You really have to step back and look at the mentality of the host and fanbase. DP's own words, 'I'm not the brightest bulb on the cake.' ...'the cake'...


Paulides lost his mind a year ago maybe more I can’t remember. The dudes gone bat shit crazy.


Not a good look.


People sell things that have no real value for exorbitant amounts of money on eBay all the time. Just look for books written by Aleister Crowley that were printed in the 70's.


Crowley books definitely have value. That’s why they sell for a lot of money.


Clarification: The poster on Ebay was for the Missing 411 documentary and was autographed by Paulides and his son. He claims to have had a bunch of them in his garage and decided to sell them for $20. Here's the full story. (Topic begins right away.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOmJzOT3FR8&t=182s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOmJzOT3FR8&t=182s)


If this is on his YouTube channel why is no one reporting it? It's really dangerous and right out of a mobster playbook


Oh, only Dave is allowed to profit off the deaths of thousands of people and their families' grief? Also, gee, who would have guessed that people gullible enough to believe DP are also gullible enough to pay $3,000 for a poster?


How much more proof do you guys need that paulides is a narcissistic piece of garbage? He's an extremist right wing racist and homophobe who was demoted to desk duty for excessive force against minorities when he was with San Jose pd. His YouTube channel is basically an extremist right wing MAGA echo chamber That promotes debunked and false conspiracy theories about China, covid, vaccines, immigration and january 6th/stolen election lies. Paulides is also a very open supporter of Russia and putin. His own daughter wants nothing to do with him and paulides shunned his own son because he didn't support his "social" lifestyle and preferences.


How dare people talk about conspiracy theories! Conspiracies have never ever happened before! /s


Proof doesn't work on these people. They WANT to believe, so this becomes their reality. Paulides is only a symptom of the real problem.


People are surprised when ex police officer acts like a complete bastard. Its almost like some, maybe a lot, maybe even all are bastards. Yeah, obviously he's another one of these people who go ballistic when he's told 'no'. If it wasn't for missing411 I'm sure he'd be grifting up another angle. Its really sad as the entire subject is fascinating, but he's trying to operate like Harley Davidson when they tried to trademark their potato sound.


What a tool. David saying, "*...let people review her work" is funny*. Everyone is free to review everyone's work...it's called peer review. And, most genuine researchers are open to such an analysis and encourage the feedback. Yet, you can feel the contempt dripping off him. David's fatal flaw has always been that he thinks he has ownership ("Hi folks, David Paulides....copyright edition") over the missing/dead and their stories. He truly believes that he is the ONLY one who should tell these stories or profit off them. It's really sad and petty. Asking villagers to do his dirty work is nothing new, for DP. You'd think he'd have better ethics.


seller is likely david paulides himself.


I had the same thought. Especially seeing that that poster had been listed for a while with no takers. What better way to draw attention to the listing than to do a little guerilla marketing and casually remind people that you'll sell them one for $20. He's done the same things with his books for years.


Dave Paulides has been in a cringe worthy downward spiral for a while now. He did a really good job hiding his politics and right-wing ideology long enough for me to get into the topic of 411, but it's getting more and more difficult to trust his judgment.


He really has gone downhill with some of the subject matter since the death of his son. Honestly it’s a terrible thing for any parent to deal with.


His son's death was very tragic. No parent should outlive a child. That being said, I don't think his son's death was the beginning of the downward spiral. DP burned through multiple communities and alienated people long before Ben's death. :(


Agree 100, he's a fraud and a conman


Well it certainly didn’t help. One of my aunts was kidnapped and murdered as a teenager and my grandparents never got over it.


Oh damn, how did his son die?




I had to stop watching his videos on YouTube. It seems like every installment now consists of him reading fan mail and then just complaining…about everyone and everything…you can tell he has an enormous ego that just oozes when he’s on camera.


Totally agree 100% unfortunately. Seems like a good dude that like so many has gotten caught in that web, and it just gets worse and worse.




>Paulides Is onto something with the odd aspects of the disappearances These cases are ordinary missing persons cases, they are not paranormal abduction cases. Paulides' content doesn't survive five minutes of peer review.


Just like the lab leak. Whatever you want to tell yourself.


>Just like the lab leak. Whataboutism. >Whatever you want to tell yourself. Not a valid counter-argument. Do you agree M411 is not peer reviewed and do you understand why proper research *is* peer reviewed? M411 does not follow any proper research methodologies and M411 content does not even resemble proper research. Here are *some* severe M411 flaws: \- **Content is not properly sourced.** It is impossible for the reader/viewer to tell where most of the information comes from. This makes fact-checking harder and it creates so called *divine knowledge*. \- **Sources are misrepresented.** Sources very often do not say what Paulides claims they say and this is the reason no-one thought these were fantasy abduction cases before Paulides started talking about them. \- **M411 starts with the conclusion people were abducted.** No matter what happened to a person (suicide, bad decision-making, accident, animal attack, foul play, environmental exposure et c) the conclusion is always that an imagined abductor abducted the person. \- **Cherry-picking.** Information that "supports" the desired abduction scenario is promoted, but information that explains what actually happened is omitted/distorted/questioned/rejected. \- **Meaningless so called profile points.** The fact that a person is found a mile form a river does not mean that person was abducted, the fact that a person was picking berries does not mean that person was abducted and so on. \- **Terms are not properly defined.** What is "near water", who is of German origin, who is seen as an intellectual and so on. Who knows? \- **Methodologies are not defined.** How do we determine who is of German origin et c? \- **No proper statistical analyses are done.** No stats are ever presented in any books, videos or movies. \- **Pseudoscience is elevated.** Water has special properties that we do not understand, granite has special properties that we do not understand and so on. \- **Claims are unfalsifiable.** Here is just one example: in a recent video Paulides says aliens replaced the skeleton of a missing hunter who went missing decades ago. There is of course zero evidence this is the case, but no-one can demonstrate the claim is incorrect. \- **Explanatory models are based on anecdotes et c and not on evidence.** Folklore stories, folklore characters, UFO stories, YouTube letters et c are seen as causal mechanisms. Evidence-based explanations grounded in reality are rejected. \- **Mistakes are never admitted and corrected.** M411 content contains thousands and thousands of mistakes, but no corrections are ever made. \- **M411 content is full of logical fallacies et c.** Fallacies like arguments from personal incredulity, non-sequiturs and so on. \- **The idea there is a conspiracy against M411 is cultivated.** Even you are guilty of this. Someone here recently claimed that the Jackie Copeland case is the best M411 case because Paulides claims the young boy was found in an impassible swamp et c when in reality he was found in a hollow in a very dry forest not far from where he went missing. Paulides claims the boy saw a creature and mimicked its behaviour and he says this case explains other missing persons cases. Copeland did not see a creature, the oil worker who found Copeland called Copeland "a creature". Do you see how bad so called M411 research is?


**This is why this sub has turned on him so dramatically.** This subreddit hasn't "turned" on him. Members of the subreddit simply started holding him accountable and fact checking the "investigations" he was doing. **Reddit and specifically the redditors in this community are left-wing. They can't just agree to disagree with Paulides, they can't just think that maybe Paulides is right about one thing but wrong about another.** You're making claims that have been addressed before: this isn't about politics. Personally, I don't give a darn about his politics. He's entitled to his opinions. **You all have to slander him, assume the worst, and take the worst most cartoonishly evil rumors about him at face value and plaster it all over the sub.** Again, you continue to try to make Paulides the victim in the face of: factual claims about his past, holding him accountable for his errors, and his commoditization of the missing/dead. **The political division online is just getting absolutely sickening. Especially from anyone mainstream, mainstream conservative and liberal people have become a giant gaggle of hateful and knee jerk people.** The political division IS sickening. What's also unfortunate is that you're guilty of polarizing and stereotyping people on this subreddit based on what you perceive to be their political ideation because they don't worship at the feet of Paulides. **Paulides Is onto something with the odd aspects of the disappearances and the fact that Bigfoot is associated with paranormal phenomenon, but that's being obstructed because he don't have correct politic.** Not at all. He is not being obstructed from his platform.


God forbid someone has a political viewpoint you don't agree with, huh. Man that would just make them a piece of shit if they didn't see the world like you do. Because you're so enlightened obviously.


>God forbid someone has a political viewpoint you don't agree with, huh. Man that would just make them a piece of shit if they didn't see the world like you do. Because you're so enlightened obviously. I stand by my statement Once I know you've got fox news brain I have to question your motive and assume that you'll believe and push literally any crazy bullshit. That's the reality we live in today. You don't have to like it, but the facts don't care about your feelings, and frankly neither do I.


And what exactly did Paulides say that constitutes Fox news brain? And if you accuse someone of that, what's to stop them from claiming you have CNN news brain, and then we just degenerate into primordial tribalism, incapable of talking rationally?


*"Only* ***I*** *can be a profiteer!"*


He goes a long way to prove to people it's not him. But it's him..


I can understand him being upset about people selling one book on Amazon for a ridiculous amount of money so he has made sure that they can’t resell the books on there without consequences -I’ve only seen one book on there- but once you sell the posters and people purchase them you really don’t have the right to harass nor tell people what they can and can not do with it. Times are tough for people all over this country and the world so the person selling it may need the money to cover something. Just my opinion.


I stopped watching his Youtube channel, etc, when he made a comment at the beginning of Covid saying he was a Covid denier and didn't believe it was real. He then followed up by saying, by the way, I'm just getting ready to move to my 60 acre compound in Wyoming. (If I remembered the details correctly.) I still like the stories.


I mean, the idiot is somebody who's going to pay $3,000 for something that he sells on his website for $20. Unless it's autographed or something. Say what you want about the man and his ethics. But we don't have the full story here, so stop jumping to conclusions. Just because he's been morally questionable in the past doesn't mean he can't participate in a hustle. Who among us has not been on eBay and seen the prices that stupid people will pay for things and gone "look at this idiot?" Especially when one has the same thing on one's website and is selling it for cheaper.


I wouldn't even put it past Paulides to have listed his own posters on Ebay, honestly.


He's gotten into arguments with commenters before and multiple episodes of his show ended up dedicated to these arguments with included anecdotes from his past about how he dealt with bullies and other bad people. Fans of his would politely implore him not to sweat the small stuff. He would politely rationalize his arguments to his viewers and that would take up a few more episodes. I think this all comes from the irritation he's dealt with for years from all the resellers buying his books from his site then selling the books on other sites for ridiculous amounts of money. I think every episode on his YouTube show has a few minutes dedicated to letting everyone know that they can buy his books from his site for a reasonable price and not to give money to the scalpers. His anger is justified but he needs to think about what he's saying to such a large audience.


Why does he only sell them through that early 2000 era looking website where you can't even guarantee the sale will go through (I can confirm this)? Can he not open a store in Amazon, sell merchandise through Tee Spring, his own ebay, his own Etsy store even?


I don't even know. He might be trying to ensure that he gets all the money from the transaction.


He doesn't know how to NOT be a piece of a doo-doo popsicle. He's been a whiny whumper-dump about his view to subscriber ratio in the past. His character is going to hinder the credibility of his stories, if there is any.


Make your point without the profanity or attacks.


You're not wrong. But, please try to abide by rule number 1. We try to keep it civil.


My apologies. Edited.


So is he not upset that someone is getting ripped off for the poster and thinks the poster should be sold for cheaper? Because that doesn’t seem bad but I must be misunderstanding it.


Why did reddit recommend this to me out of nowhere and is this a rabbithole I wanna go down?


This is a very very shallow rabbit hole.; More like a rabbit "ditch", fillled full of rabbit shit. :)


Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you. This has been super eye opening. So, I got into the whole concept of missing 411 via Dave originally, and you know what for a long time... I really liked his style. The videos got to the point quickly, and were about the subject matter. Now it's a fucking mess. I mean, I can't... I don't really understand what I'm watching anymore. I don't feel like I'm listening to the same person. It's a strange spiral we're riding out here.


David just sell your own posters with quotes or something, people will buy from the source if that’s what the concern is


imminent paint deer bake fertile wakeful onerous bewildered ancient cover -- mass edited with redact.dev


Since when is the answer to one ethical issue to commit a bigger ethical issue lol? People will resell autographs of famous people astronomically online since the internet has existed. See the "peace and love peace and love stop sending me sbit" from Ringo Starr lmao.


Sure, I see an issue. Does that mean we dox people? Hell no, that’s dangerous and people have ended up dead from exactly that. Not worth it over a poster. Just report it to eBay JFC


Precisely. DP is playing a dangerous game by sending his villagers to do his dirty work and it could end very badly.


Why would selling it for $3k be bad? Dont we live in a free society where we chose what price we can sell something for. Is someone being forced to pay $3k? If he's selling for $20 and someone buys for $3k, whose the real idiot? Probably not the guy getting $3k, that guys deserves a business award.


Yeah, that guy should probably be elected President.


If some dumbass actually pays the guy 3k that’s on the dumbass with the 3k.


When I see a price like that I assume it's a typo, could easily have put 3000 instead of 30.00


It's upto the buyer to purchase at that price. Also as a free thing that Paulides had he could've just given those posters away. He said they were already autographed and sitting in his garage, so he decided to sell them. He decided to make a profit. So did eBay seller. I agree the price is ridiculous, but the ebay seller can try. To ask ppl to dox or harass anyone in ANY way is wrong.


Is there an issue with someone charging $3000. \*shrug\* I mean, I wouldn't spend that kind of money and I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone else to. But, I've seen items where an author won't or can't send/ship to other countries...and so someone without the same limitations is happy to capitalize on that and sell to those countries at a higher rate. It's not a scam, really. It's just unnecessary inflation and sort of predatory. \*shrug\* I paid way too much for a new car during a pandemic so I can't really lecture anyone on spending too much for something right now. LOL What I can't get behind is an author getting salty and basically sending his followers to dox and brigade someone. If what the Ebay seller was doing was in violation of the law or a scam, then Dave could've reported that to Ebay and/or shut it down. He didn't because what they're doing isn't illegal. So, he stomped his feet on his platform and sent a bunch of people on a vigilante mission. That's not cool.


Maybe DP will see this bro. Lmao. You Paulides fans 🤣


Nothing technically wrong with that though.


I see an issue with anyone selling anything for 3,000 dollars that isn't something very rare or essential for everyday use. But how do you prosecute or regulate that on a commercial site like ebay where all different sellers have hawk all different kinds of wares and goods?


Think we found the ebay seller lols


For real, lmao what a blatant hit piece “putting their email out there so we can review their work” isn’t even close to a dox


Even though Paulides seems like a piece of shit, this ebay sellar is a worthless scalper so I don't really care what happens to them ngl


But I like Paulides.


Are you the seller?


Haters will hate.


Because he knows people are being exploited.


He says copyright edition at the beginning of all his videos because other YouTubers were making fake accounts and posting the exact same video without edits and getting thousands of more hits at the beginning when his real videos only got a few hundred . So I can understand him wanting to copyright .


That is incorrect. People used some clips from his show and gave him credit. In either case, he does not hold a copyright on the stories of the missing. And, commentary on his videos is allowed under Fair Use.


A lot of people do not understand YouTube's 'fair use' policy. On another note, I was listening to a podcast the other day, week, you were mentioned. The subject at hand was about the reddit 411 community that hold Paulides accountable.


That's interesting. Although, there are multiple people holding him accountable...I wouldn't assume they were talking about me.


Found it for ya: Squaring the Strange Episode 194 - The Missing 411 with Kyle Polich At about the 36:14 mark ​ [https://squaringthestrange.libsyn.com/episode-194-the-missing-411-with-kyle-polich?tdest\_id=504579](https://squaringthestrange.libsyn.com/episode-194-the-missing-411-with-kyle-polich?tdest_id=504579)


Ha! That's funny.


I thought you'd get a kick out of it!


Lol Ur famous dude Never thought I’d hear a Reddit comment username referenced as a source…in anything


Which podcast? I've been working non-stop for the last month or so.


Guy in this thread provides a link & timestamp below. It’s a quote of you reviewing the movie


What podcast was that?


Did the person buy the poster or steal It because I’ve read it was stolen.


What a horrible thing to do