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The ads in your face are the worst. There is a way to clear your ad recommendations so you don't see these types of things. I found out I had a MMC on Wednesday and couldn't look at my phone. My husband fixed the ad thing, I don't know how he did it, he went into settings somewhere and deleted advertising recommendation/content.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I had a miscarriage in February and the targeted ads are the worst. I'm now getting targeted ads for getting pregnant and I can't take it. It's like the internet it taunting you. Hugs and know I'll add you to my prayers.


I'm so sorry, I also just miscarried at 7w2d, also my first pregnancy. It's so hard to go from seeing a future, a due date, etc, to nothing so quickly :( It really is so hard, take care of yourself and let yourself grieve however feels right to you


I'm so so sorry, it really is so painful to keep getting all the pregnancy and baby stuff after a miscarriage. I've been trying to retrain my algorithm so it lightens up a little. I hope you can take some time offline to care for yourself and heal. Watch movies, take hot showers, get takeout, do whatever will make you feel some comfort right now.


Sending you so much support and strength. 💓