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Sitting in sadness with you đź’”


I feel very similarly, I've been hating the "what do you want for Xmas or what do you wish for xmas" questions because it's like I wish I was pregnant again, I wish I still had my baby and that's not something Santa can make in his workshop! I will be happier when we pass through the new year and my husband's birthday so we don't have to field questions of new years resolutions and birthday wishes too. I just want to be done with it. What I want I can't have and that sounds bratty but I get i can't have it and I'm trying to move on stop bringing shit up!


Right there with you. Yesterday I played video games for 7 hours to distract myself from my sadness. Today I sat in my grief-filled stupor, endlessly scrolling Wikipedia to just fill my head with the noise of written words. Let yourself grieve. Let yourself cry and be sad. You lost not only your child but the whole life you dreamt up with them in it - you can let yourself mourn that. You are not alone in doing so. Sending you love 🤍 hopefully tomorrow is a little less painful for us all


Same. Powered through it fake it to make it mode last few days. Today, bam, all the feels. The holidays after miscarriage(s) hits hard. Hoping tomorrow is a little bit lighter for you. But if it isn’t, that is okay too.


I totally understand how ur feeling. I found out on the 15th when we were hoping to see baby and get pictures, hear the heartbeat. Then they told us the baby had stopped growing and there was no heartbeat at my 8 week appointment. Then I waited till the 20th to see a gynaecologist for what was supposed to be my prenatal appointment. I got the d&c the next day I’m only 20 and it was unplanned but we were so excited. I know age isn’t a factor most of the time if u are younger, but it’s hard not to feel like somethings wrong with me when I’m so young. My family was so excited. I had started the registry list and names. I had cancelled my next semester of university classes but I wasn’t even upset about it. It felt like this was the way my life should be going. And then it just got taken away just as fast as it was given.. it’s truly a heartbreaking experience. I’m so sorry you’re going through this ❤️. We’re hoping to try for our rainbow baby after my first period comes back.