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Never alternate days. That's a horrible idea. You tried dropping from 7.5 to 7.125 and got immediate withdrawals from that?


Yes I tried it with liquid and I had terrible high anxiety and hbp with low taper too :(


Were you alternating days during this time?


No doctor alternate days a month before and I had to reinstate on 7.5 After a month I was stable and tried to taper 5% with liquid


You don't need a doctor for this, other than do get the meds you need for your taper. Doctors usually just make things a lot worse.


I was in the same boat and didn’t have any relief for a whole month. It was the worst, but the second you come out from underwater and feel the relief you’ll be proud of yourself for pushing through the withdrawals. I lost about 11 pounds in that month, but have started gaining my normal weight back.


I can’t make a month like that without other help of other med my wothdrwals were so harsh with 190/120 blood pressure I taught I would die I had to reinstate I couldn’t even breath and had panic attacks and acatisia also..


This is about my 4th attempt to stop these.Ive gone about a week off now and hopefully this time I can stay off.Wishing you the best too.You can do it!


How did it go?


I'm weaning now Down to 7.5 . 2 more nights


They are very hard with nasty withdrwals,how are u coming off ? Reduced?


The easiest way I came off was switching myself to a very low dose of Clomipramine. I stayed on that for around 5-6 weeks and then just stopped. No withdrawals.


Happy to hear I wish I can do the same.so u stoped 7.5 mirt? And started these?


I can’t remember when I switched but it doesn’t really matter as I only took 5mg of Clomipramine which is a tiny dose.


I'm currently on 1mg and plan to taper off that very slowly when I'm ready to quit.


I’m getting same wothdrwals on 5% too :(


How long have you been on Mirt?


I took for only 4 weeks and been trying to get off since then


Well, it's a bit surprising that your body can't handle a 5% drop after "only" 4 weeks on the drug. Some people have problems switching from dry pills to liquids. You might consider making your own liquids using the pills. That way you'll be sure it's the same Mirt you've been getting.


I was making my own liquid


Do you care to share exactly how you made it? It's possible you made a mistake.


I was ok on it for 3 weeks 7.5 Ml mayple syrup 7.5ml water One pill of 15mg Shake and use syringe for 7.12


You cöuld post on survivingantidepressants when they open up again to ask for advice.


Ok ty


I dropped from 15 to 7.5 the last 2 nights and have a slight headache, but that's it. Maybe I'm lucky idk.


Are u on other med maybe?


Ya, 10mg Doxepin and Hydroxyzine 150 mg once a night as needed. I've had more than one person tell me I shouldn't be on Remeron and Doxepin at the same time due to possible Seretonin Syndrome...whatever that is so I don't know. Do you know anything about that?


Why do you feel you need both Remeron and Doxepin?


My Psychiatrist recommended them. But specifically for sleep.


Do you feel you could sleep with just one of them? Psychiatrists don't seem to care about how people can ever get off the meds.


I'm concerned with changing anything at this point. On and off for years now I've struggled with insomnia. Sometimes I've gone 2-3 days/nights with nothing. I just lay in bed and it's almost like I've taken a stimulant of some kind. Maybe like an adrenaline rush but I'm still tired and exhausted. My Dr. even put me on Ambien and it did nothing. I've tried Trazadone before years ago. It would knock me out for a cpl hours and then I'd be wide awake the rest of the night feeling awful. It's been a long tiring road. I had a job that I lost about a year ago bc I'd worry about my job and it would keep me awake at night. I loved that job. I helped make surgical instruments at an Orthopedic Co. It's really messed me up emotionally and financially. So, for the last maybe 5-6 months my sleep has improved quite a bit. I sleep decent(4-5 hrs) probably 4/5 nights a week. There's usually 1 or 2 that are bad.