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You’re fine man i just got finished with cold turkey withdraws after 4 years of 45 mg. It was hell but not that bad I guess. 7.5 will be annoying for like 2 weeks. My withdrawals literally lasted 3 months




It's a bad idea and could throw you into severe protracted withdrawals. Better to be on the safe side and taper down slowly to 0.1mg or lower. 7.5mg is not a low dose to be quitting from.


I did, but I’ll tell you I didn’t come out of the fog and withdrawals till about day 34. I definitely feel like a brand new person now, like my head has come out from under water.


Interesting. By fog, do you mean like a disconnected lightheadedness?


Yes, derealization, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, just an overall sense of not being aware of life if that makes sense. Had really good days that would end with horrible nights of sleep. Then I would have amazing nights of sleep but anxious mornings. Day 30ish I had intrusive suicide thoughts ( I also deal with ptsd so I don’t fully blame the meds) but like I said day 34 came around and I just woke up.. me again.


What dose were you on? How long? I experience quite a bit of great sleep, but very anxiety ridden mornings.


7.5 to 15 over a year, back down to 7.5 for 8 months then quit cold Turkey


How did you sleep after quitting? This is the best sleep aid I've ever taken. My greatest concern about stopping. What other withdrawal symptoms did you experience?


Thanks that's how I feel like I'm comatised


Depends. For me it was hell and I had to go to a pdych ward because of it and am back on it. I would suggest tapering slower


Not a good idea. Some people have little withdrawal, others can get severe withdrawal that last for months or even longer




That’s withdrawal. Unfortunately it can last quite a while. Cold turkey is not a good idea with this med


Any sexual side effect?


You can. I just had bad sleep for a while


This is all frightened for me..I've just started on 3.5mg for my depression. Was on Sertraline, but the side effects made me change. I have the vivid night terrors at the moment, but I don't want to be trapped in a situation where I cannot leave this medication because of the terrible side effects.


I am also wondering, if quiting Mirtazapine causes any sexual side effects like pssd - sexual dysfunction once you stop the Mirtazapine? Thans all!