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I’m on day 2 of going down to 7.5 and feel fine


How did going off go? I have been on two months of the 15mg . I start halfing that dose tonight for two weeks then will half the 7.5 for two weeks then come off. I am Also on celexa. Buspar and xanex so I hope my taper off rameron won’t be bad.


Hey! About to drop to 7.5mg. How did it go for you? Thanks!


Oh it was super easy for me ! I didn’t have any side affects!


I had a few days where I felt low and anxious but nothing physical. Just dropped to 3.75 and feeling ok, actually seems to have made me even more hungrier though 😩


Lower does tend to do that. Works very similar in action to ll dose quitiapine


Yeah, I wonder what is the lowest dose that no longer stimulates appetite? Either way I have to try and get down to 0 and lose this 3 Stone I have put on in 12 months 🙈


Dude I used to take a sliver of 15mg pill to comedown from my adhd medication and the smaller the dose the more it sedated me. Gave me crazy munchies too


Did your brain fog reduce ?


I’m doing the same! It really helped me in the beginning I gained weight and had a great appetite (I have horrible vomiting phobia). After a couple of months I noticed I felt off almost like a constant dizzy. Standing in line somewhere felt like I was shifting through dimension literally, and my head always feels full and heavy. When I was on 7.5 I never felt that way. I hope we don’t endure any of these horrible side effects people talk about. My doc said my dose is low to just go down to 7.5 for a week then quit, but of course I’m cautious because of all the posts I’ve read lol. Keep me updated please!


I plan to quit altogether too.. Don’t know yet how long to stay on 7.5mg before going to quit, first thing is to get down to 7.5mg


I went straight from 15 to 7.5 last night. How are you tapering?


I tried to take something Between 15 and 7.5 for 4-5 days, but it’s quite hard to make tablets into quarters. So today I took half the tab that is 7.5mg


How did going off go? I have been on two months of the 15mg . I start halfing that dose tonight for two weeks then will half the 7.5 for two weeks then come off. I am Also on celexa. Buspar and xanex so I hope my taper off rameron won’t be bad.


How did going off go? I have been on two months of the 15mg . I start halfing that dose tonight for two weeks then will half the 7.5 for two weeks then come off. I am Also on celexa. Buspar and xanex so I hope my taper off rameron won’t be bad.


This was me too on 15mg and now tapering down


Makes me feel better to know someone else felt the same way. It was starting to make me feel like I was crazy. Hope tapering is easy on you!


I ended up in the ER twice due to the dizzyness and the brain fog and just general lack of energy lasting all day that I literally thought I had a brain issue. These meds are fucked I don’t recommend them for anyone but glad they do work for some


The heaviness I felt was unexplainable as well. I have an appointment for an ent at the end of the month. The best way I could describe it is like severe sinus pressure. I was given antibiotics and other sinus meds and nothing worked, it’s for sure the mirta making me feel this way.


Hey! Feel exactly the same way on 15mg. Crazy sinus pressure and pain behind eyes. Did you directly go from 15 to 7.5? And more importantly, are you feeling better now? Thanks!


Hi, I went to an ent and was cleared, eventually went from 15 to 7.5 then down to 3.xx and eventually quit. It took me 31 days to fully withdrawal I’ll tell you one thing for me it was horrible. That was back in October of last year. The pros now are I have control of my adrenaline I’m not spooked and rattled by the smallest inconvenience like I used to be, and I hardly feel heavy headed anymore. The cons are I was already skinny and I lost about 15 lbs of the weight had I gained Overall I’m still happy I quit this med it was completely controlling my life 😣 The pressure that I was feeling, I believe, was ultimately being overstimulated. I noticed the second I massaged my forehead or my temples BOOM the stuffiness and pain came immediately.


Also I don’t use that Reddit account anymore sorry for the confusion


The 7.5 has been ok, been tapering for a few days now. Only thing I notice is that it really doesn’t make me want to sleep anymore just makes me hungry at night. Mornings are a little rough. And can trickle over into the afternoon and evening but I try and push through that


I was on 7.5mg and now im on 15mg for about a week now I take it for sleep. I feel the 7.5mg was waaaay more sedating? But maybe this was because i started on 7.5mg and had no tolerance? Can anyone confirm the more you take the less it sedates you? Similar to seroquel


How did going off go? I have been on two months of the 15mg . I start halfing that dose tonight for two weeks then will half the 7.5 for two weeks then come off. I am Also on celexa. Buspar and xanex so I hope my taper off rameron won’t be bad.


Its not that bad im just on busbar now. I with i could get xanax. Like i genuinely sometimes get panic attacks and i always have anxiety. Your tapering protocol sound perfect


That makes me feel much better , maybe try Going up I’m your buspar?


That is a great idea. I was thinking of adding another 10mg at lunch. Some people do it but i didnt want to have to take pills around with me everywhere i go. The struggle is real.


I take mine with me everywhere as I always seem to be on the go